(Glamrock Freddy x reader) A...

By luver1221

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Y/N is a 22 year old who just finally graduated college with a robotics engineering course and is now looking... More

Chapter 1 Finding a job
Chapter 2 the interview and first night
Chapter 3 what we are feeling
Chapter 4 The Party
Chapter 5 After Party/2 night
Chapter 6 Third Night
Chapter 7 The Incident
Chapter 8 Moving Procedure
Chapter 9 The Arrival
Chapter 10 Day 2
Chapter 11 The Park Part 1
Chapter 12 The Park Part 2
Chapter 13 The Park Final Part
Chapter 14 Time To Go
Chapter 15 Back to Work
Chapter 16 Meeting Moon
Valentine's Day Special
Chapter 17 Moon's Chip
Chapter 18 Meeting Eclipse
Chapter 19 You Good? Part 1
Chapter 21 Intruder Alert
Chapter 22 White Rabbit Man?
Chapter 23 The Projects Approval
Chapter 24 Bonnie Day 1
Chapter 25 Hey Mom, hey Dad
Chapter 26 Hey Rockstar
Chapter 27 Foxy
Chapter 28 Where am I?
Chpater 29 The Raceway
Chapter 30 William Afton
Chapter 31 Recovery
Chapter 32 Fixing the animatronic's
Chapter 33 Their explanations
Chapter 34 Were Bored
Chapter 35 Our Party
Chapter 36 You What!?
Chapter 37 Foxy's Problem
Chapter 38 Time To Go
Chapter 39 Grand Re-Re-Opening

Chapter 20 You Good? Part 2

116 9 2
By luver1221


"Hmm what time is it." I said getting up from the couch

"Hey its 1 in the afternoon isnt it almost time to go pick up Gregory." Vanessa said

"Oh yea it's almost time wait wheres Samantha?" I said stretching

"I believe she is showering but I think she's almost finished." Vanessa said

"Ah ok well imma go change be right back." I said and left upstairs. Once I was upstairs I knocked on Liam's door but there wasnt a respond so I just went to my room.

"Hey y/n you good?" Samantha said

"Huh yea uh do you know if Liam is in his room or no." I said

"Yea he is dont worry he's been sleeping." Samantha said

"Ah ok then that's good its almost time to pick up Isa and Gregory." I said while I started changing

"Yea it...is." Samantha said

"You good?" I questioned her

"Y/n I should be asking if your good...your changing in front of me for the first time." Samantha said all excited

I looked at her and then at the mirror in front of me viewing the stitches that are left on my stomach. "Samantha really just act normal its not a big deal." I said laughing

"What?! Not a big deal of course it is you've never done this before why so sudden oh ohhh wait I think I knowwww~." Samantha said in a singish tone

"Ha whatever its nothing and plus I gotta get these shits out I hate them." I said picking at the stitches

"Y/n stop picking at them come on we gotta go already cause if not we'll be stuck in traffic." Samantha said

"Oh fine Samantha let's go." I said pulling my shirt down and we both left the room and went downstairs

"Hey Vanessa were going to pick up the little ones want something to eat." Samantha said

"Ooo yes I dont mind what ok so whatever you guys get just get me whatever you think I'll like." Vanessa said with a smile and continued watching the TV

"Alright then...oh and also keep an eye on Liam please make sure he dont leave for any reason." I said and Vanessa gave me a thumbs up and we left

You and Samantha drove to the school and a lot of kids were there so it was hard to find both Isa and Gregory until Samantha caught Isa and waved her over and Gregory followed behind he also looked very happy yet tired.

"Hey guys how are you feeling?" Samantha said

"I feel hungry." Isa said while he tummy growled

"Haha alright we'll go eat in a bit." Samantha said

"What about you Gregory how was your first day huh?" I asked

"It was fun me and Isa have the same class and also I made 2 new friends." Gregory said with a smile

"That is great news buddy at least you enjoyed school." I said with a smile

"Yes I did now like Isa said I'm hungry I want and need food." Gregory said

"Haha ok then how does pizza sound we can go to the plex and eat over there." I said and then thought again. "Actually nevermind i forgot that we got two other people at home who aren't working and the boss might wanna know why they can work but they can go to eat." I said

"Yup what about we get McDonald's huh." Samantha said

"Oooo yes I want the happy meal." Gregory said

"I want a happy meal too." Isa said

"Alright then McDonald's it is now everyone buckle up." I laughed

~time skip by Freddy still trying to find Roxy's onlyfans password~

"Hey Vanessa were home and we bought McDonald's." I yelled

While on the other hand Vanessa came running downstairs like nothing.

"Did someone say McDonald's." Vanessa said

"Yes I did now here I got you 20 chiken nuggets and some fries and here is your coke." I said handing her the food

"Thank you y/n and Samantha." Vanessa said

"Yea no problem but where is Liam at?" I questioned grabbing his food

"Oh he hasn't came out of his room." Vanessa said

"Oh um ok I'll be right back then imma take him his food so no one touch my nuggets got it." I said and went upstairs *knock* *knock* "Hey Liam buddy you awake." I said

No answer.

"Hey Liam may I come in please I brought food." I said knocking on his door again

No answer.

"Ughh I brought you fucking McDonald's and to be exact its nuggies." I said

No answer.

"Oh my fucking god you know what I'm coming in whether your naked or doing something bad I dont give a shit." I said and opened his door. When I looked inside it was dark curtains closed lights off. "Hey buddy it's too dark in here let some light in." I said and turned his light on. "Oh hell nah." I said and ran downstairs

"Hey hey y/n what's wrong?" Samantha said

"Liam h-he isnt in his room." I said and that's when both Vanessa and Samantha started freaking out with me

"Uh ok ok um well where do you think he can be at cause-." Vanessa said and then looked at you. "Are you eating your nuggets right now really." Vanessa questioned you

"Uh yes I'm stress eating leave me alone." I said and continued eating

"Ok that doesn't matter. Vanessa did you see him leave his room or anything at all." Samantha said

"No I didnt see him leave and I didnt hear anything weird too." Vanessa said

"Ugh that means pendejo over here left while we were asleep" I said

"I mean you can all the boss and find out if he's out at the plex." Vanessa suggested

"Oh yes I'll call right now then." I said and left upstairs to called my boss.

~time skip~

You went downstairs and everyone waited for your answer.

"So what did the boss say?" Vanessa said

"He isn't at the plex." I said plopping myself on the couch

"Oh no so is he missing now?" Samantha asked

I looked at the ceiling and my mind started running wild. "Is he missing? Do we file a missing person report? What if he isnt found at all? What do we do then? What if he's out there walking around aimlessly? What if h-he is dea- no Liam is strong he can't be...."

"Y/n, y/n hey you ok?" Samantha said while they both looked at you confused and concerned

"Huh oh uh yes what happend?" I said

"Vanessa said we should go to the police and file a missing person report." Samantha said

"What about we look for him ourselves and then if we cant find him we file one." I said

"Y/n i think the best right now is to file a report cause he could be in trouble maybe even in danger." Vanessa said

"I know I know." I said

After a while you and Samantha went to the station and filed the report and it took you a good couple hours to file it give information and all and then to upload it on the internet too and all they said was to now wait and that you and your friends need to help out with it and that they will give you info on what happens. So after that you and Samantha drove back home.

"Hey how'd it go?" Vanessa said

"Oh nothing really we just had to give information to them and all you know and we uploaded it to the internet too just in case." I said and sat on the couch next to her

"Wow...so we also have to help out right?" Vanessa said

"Yea everyone that knows him has to help out." I said

"Well it's already 8 go shower and sleep I'll go home already since tomorrow I work again." Vanessa said

"Yea yea sure go ahead." I said and Vanessa said her byes and left

"I'm staying here tonight with Gregory and Isa ok." Samantha said

"No it's ok I'll take him with me to work I'll just drop him off at the daycare or I'll tell one of the animatronic's to take care of him." I said

"Ha no...actually you know what I'm not leaving until Liam is found so you wont stay alone." Samantha said

"What about Isa your parents aren't going to want her here to long." I said

"I'll call them and let them know what going on and I'll just say imma take good care of her." Samantha said

"Ugh fine but I'll do something in return ok anything you want cause Gregory is my responsibility and not yours." I said

"Yea whatever go shower you gotta work soon." Samantha said and you nodded and left upstairs

After a good shower you checked Liam's room one more time and nothing just empty so you went to your room and slept until it hit 11:40.


I turned off my alarm and groaned as I got up. I looked around my room and went back down not wanting to go to work but I had to and also cause I needed to tell Monty and the others what happened today. As I got up I got my things and got ready, after changing I went to check Liam's room again and nothing. So I went downstairs and grabbed everything I need and left to the plex.

~time skip~

I got to the plex and walked straight to the security office and watched the camera since that was my task for most of the night. Watching the cams was boring so most of the time I was just spinning on the chair.

*knock* *knock*

"Huh, oh um come in." I said as I continued to spin myself

"Hello sugarplum, what are you doing?" Freddy said tilting his head and looking at you

"Huh, oh um I'm bored heh and I'm trying to keep my mind from overthinking I guess." I said while I slowed down the spins

"And what exactly are you overthinking about?" Freddy said while he sat on the table

"Boi get your fat ass off there your going to break the things." I said getting up from my seat. "Here sit on the chair." I said pointing at it

"But then you won't have somewhere to sit." Freddy said while he sat on the chair

"Yea I do I have you." I said with a smile and sat on top of him

"O-oh yea sure." He said and held on to you. "You still havent answers my question." Freddy said

I looked up at him and looked back at the cameras. I felt his gaze on me and it made me more tense cause of what happened earlier today with Liam.

"Sugarplum are you ok? I can feel that you've tended up a bit." Freddy said

"Huh yea yea um sorry it's just that I'm worried." I said and took a deep breath in and out

"You can tell me you know that right." Freddy said while he rubbed your back

When be started rubbing my back I fell onto his touch and relaxed and he seemed to notice and continued and just waited for me to relax and tell him what was on my mind.

*sigh* "Well you know yesterday with the whole Liam situation and all." I said and he nodded. "Ok well um he managed to leave his room while we all slept at the time and well we cant find him. I called my boss he said no his room was empty, we also went looking for him anywhere we thought of and nothing so me and Samantha went to file a missing person report." I said

"So Liam managed to leave his room, he isnt in the plex and home or anywhere else so you guys filed a report." He said and you nodded. "So your overthinking on what could go wrong with him being missing and that's it right."

"Yea and also with the whole I have to tell Monty too." I said

"Well I can be there with you when you tell him if you want sugarplum just in case if he throws a fit." Freddy chuckled lightly

"Yea I think that would ease me a bit." I said

"Do you want to go now or you wanna stay here for a bit." Freddy said

"Let's just tell him now and if it goes bad I'll try my best to explain to him and is it doesnt work can we just cuddle in your room." I said and he just nodded

You both walked out of the office and headed over to rockstar row where most of them were. Roxy and Chica seemed to be having a girls night and Monty was in his room but since the whole Liam thing he tends to throw a fit and well they have his room covered up so you couldn't see inside.

"You ready sugarplum." Freddy said

I looked up at him and looked back at Monty's door. "Y-yea I'm ready." I said and knocked on the door

"Come in." Monty said

I hesitated to open the door but I managed at walked in with Freddy. "H-hey Monty how are you feeling." I said

"Oh hey sweet thang and Fredster. I'm feeling eh I guess." Monty said

"I see you've made your room into those wreck rooms." I said to lighten the mood

"Ha i guess so, so what's brings you two love birds here huh." Monty said

"I um have some news not good news though." I said and he just looked at me

"Fredster can you lave us alone I wont do anything I promise." Monty said getting up

"Monty I cant do that I have to make sure you dont hurt them." Freddy said grabbing you

"Look I wont do anything just please leave us, and if you want if I lay a finger on her while mad you can beat the shit out of me ok." Monty said and Freddy just looked at you

"Its ok Freddy I trust him and his words." I said holding him

"But-." Freddy said but I shushed him

"Its ok go it'll be quick." I said and nodded and left leaving you and Monty alone

"Here sit on the couch its not completely comfortable but its something." Monty said

"Ah thank you Monty." I said and sat on the ripped apart couch

"So what's the bad news you wanted to tell me." Monty said leaning against the wall

"Um ok well Liam he... he's missing Monty." I said

"What?" Monty said

"Y-yea um he isnt at home or he wasnt in his room when I checked he left the house and I called my boss and he said he didnt see him go in or in the plex and he or we didnt see or find him anywhere else." I said and Monty just looked at me. "Uh so um me and Samantha went to file a missing person report to the police earlier today so yea I um wanted to let you know." I said

"Y/n haha sweet thang he isnt missing, so what are you talking about?" Monty said

"Huh? B-but the he wasnt at home Vanessa didn't see him leave the boss said he wasnt here." I said

"He was here today thought whether the boss saw him or not is another thing." Monty said

"But he didn't answer his phone when I called him." I said

"Swewt thang there's no need to freak out ok Liam's fine or he looked fine I saw him leave after a while so call and see if he's at home." Monty said and I nodded

You called Samantha and she answered but no he wasn't home or anything.

"So what she say." Monty said

"He isn't at home." I said and he just looked at me and looked lost in his thoughts .I went up to him and shook his shoulder. "Monty you ok?" I said

"Huh yea um... actually I was lieing." Monty said

"Huh what do you mean Monty?" I said

"Um I never saw him here i just said that so I would think that he isnt missing and that he is ok and not gone or I dont know." Monty said while on the verge of crying

"Monty its ok." I said and hugged him

"Its just that why is he acting different he was fine for a good while and now he's different. Did I do something wrong did he lose feelings for me or what." Monty said

"Hey no everything's fine we'll find him ok you didnt do anything wrong ok, and Monty I dont know why he is acting like that either ok everyone is concerned about him." I said and he just looked at me and smiled

"Yea your right Liam has good friends and a fine as boyfriend hah, but tell anyone I cried and I wont tell you things like this again got it." Monty said

"Ppfftt really Monty I'm surprised you even managed to not get mad at me ok and dont worry I wont say a word to anyone." I said and hugged him one last time

You both walked out of his room where Freddy was waiting patiently yet anxiously.

"Hey papa bear." I said poking him

"Oh sugarplum hello Monty." Freddy said

"Dont worry he didnt do anything and he's fine ok." I said patting his chest

"Yea Fredster listen to sweet thang." Monty said

"Hey no go back and clean your room boi that shits a mess were gonna have to order a new vanity, couch, lights, and paint for that room." I said and pointed to his room

"Ughhh fine fine I'll clean my roommm." Monty said and left back to his room

"Haha wow first time he's ever listened." Freddy said

"Well he's gunna have to get used to it then." I said

You and Freddy walked to his room so you can relax and cool off from stressing over to much about everything.

"If you want sugarplum you can lay down on the couch and sleep it is 3:25 you have 3 more hours left to relax." Freddy said

I walked over to his couch and layed for a bit before remembering that Freddy got new updates recently.

"You know Freddy I'm not feeling tired and I think sleeping wont really help me relax." I said

"Oh uh well I do have this option to massage, so would you like one?" Freddy said

"Hmm.." I said

You know I can always try those recent updates some other day ;)

"Yes I would love a massage Freddy." I said with a smile

"Awesome I hope you will enjoy then." He said and got closer. "Ok you can lay on your back then also would you like me to use my heating system." Freddy said

"Oh yes please I need to relax honestly." I said laying on my front

Freddy massaged you for a good while and you loved it you could've slept honestly but you couldn't since where he was giving you a massage he had his hands or paws on certain places, like you didnt mind cause you were pretty much lonely for a good while and you wanted his touch but for now what he was doing was enough for you.

"Sugarplum you can fall asleep you know." Freddy said massaging down your back

"Hmnn...no I cant it feels to good and I dont wanna sleep." I said

"Ha the whole point of relaxing when getting a massage is to also sleep you know." Freddy said

"Hmmmm... eh I dont care talk to me so i wont sleep." I said

That's when Freddy stopped his massage.

I got up and looked at him confused on why he stopped it was as he was frozen. "Hey Freddy you ok there buddy?" I said

"Y/n stay in here, I just got an alert saying that an intruder was spotted near by." Freddy said going to his door

I got up quick and ran to him. "No I'm not staying I'm the security guard your staying." I said and ran out of his room to where the alert was sent from

"No! Y/n come back you dont know of its dangerous or not!" Freddy yelled

(A/n hello cliffhanger again hehe but this chapter is done yay and the next should be coming soon I hope this chapter wasnt boring also I accidentally published this one when I wasnt done so I'm sorry for those you read it and was maybe confused lol but oh well see you in the next one goodnight/morning to you all!!)

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