Returned and Lost: Season 2 o...

By xiaolumi78

4K 84 152

Star watching. That was Lumine's favorite thing that she did. So... I'll honor and do the same... the only th... More

Chapter 2: Hardy Escape
Chapter 3: The Lost Land
Chapter 4: Finally Out
Chapter 5: Deserted Moorlad of Terrors
Chapter 6: Secret
Chapter 7: Unveiled
Chapter 8: Goddess Warning
Chapter 9: Vermilion Wings of Gold
Chapter 10: Sick of This
Chapter 11: The Harbor of Screams
Chapter 12: Forced Accension

Chapter 1: Return and Plans

814 14 61
By xiaolumi78

Author's Note: The moment all have been waiting for! SEASON 2, and IT'S IN FACT, COME OUT EARLY! Due to early release, and lack of sleep and time for writing, I have not gotten very far with this series. The next chapter will not be posting not be able to be posted, until the 19 of February, since I have a concert coming up. As it's been a pleasure writing this series, but I suddenly realized... I'm kinda losing motivation here. So... I have a deal to strike with you. Currently, there are 4.1K views of season 1 of Rebirth. IF, we can get it to 6K....... I will make a season 3. 10K, and I will make all the seasons, going all the way up to six. The only reason why I ask of this, is because I've recently realized, I'm really tired. I just... it feels like I'm falling through a black hole. I... I've lost motivation. So... if you can show me how much love you give this series... I'll keep on going. I'll do my best, and good luck to anyone pulling for Zhongli/Ganyu; I've been successful, and currently have C4 Zhongli and C5 Ganyu. I plan to keep pulling for the geo daddy, and try to get C6 Ganyu, before the 2.5 update. Of course, like of those chubby Yae Miko lovers, I'm excited, and getting my primos ready to pull for her! I already have C3 Raiden, and C2 Kokomi, so I'm not going to be pulling for them. Once again, good luck, and I'll see you on the 19th!


"This is absolutely annoying! Why can't we just walk into Mondstadt like normal people, for Celestia's sake!?"

"You know exactly why, Lumine! Word will spread like lightning and our chances of finding Xiao will lessen!" the male blonde replied.

"I know Aether... it's just... the truth hurts. I can feel his emotions, and they are always reading anger, fear, and sadness. It's got me worried sick..." Lumine replied back, fidgeting with the tails of her dress.

"If you're so worried, get your disguise on, and let's get going." Aether stated firmly; his strength in his words were only made due the thought of the damned fatui.

Lumine sighed. "For Xiao..."

The two 'traders' slowly made their way up to the gates.

"Halt! Who goes there?!" Lawrence, one of the Knights of Favonius, called out.

"O-oh! Hello there! W-were just visiting family, and we have a word for the Acting Grand Master! Nothing more!" Aether looked at his sister for support.

"Yes, yes! We are just visiting Je- I mean the Acting Grand Master!" Aether flashed his sister a warning look.

"I'm sorry, but if you want to talk to the Acting Grand Master, you'll have to be escorted by our Cavalry Captain, due the Acting Grand Masters orders."

"I understand. No worries!" Realizing her mistake, Lumine quickly corrected it. "But make sure he hurries up with it; uh, we've been traveling for quite some time now, and we're getting a bit cold."

"So sorry. He should be here by now." Swan the other guard replied just quickly to Lumine retort.

"Swan? We have visitors?" a blue-haired male came out from the entrance.


"Yes. Here they are, sir. They requested to meet with the Grand Master."

"Very well. Follow." Kayea took the lead and Lumine looked around in wonder. "Wow... really has changed..."

"Wow. You really must be living under a rock if you don't know what is going on these days... guards!" all the knights in the surrounding area looked at Kayea. "Capture them for investigation!"

"No! We can explain! Kayea, please, stop!" Lumine, forgetting everything that she had done, to just get herself into Mondstadt, lept up, her eyes almost fully shifting the color deep blue, suddenly stopped herself, hearing a telepathic message from Aether.

Don't Lumine... you're going to screw up our whole plan...

Lumine suddenly remembered, and admittedly snapped her eyes and voice back to her disguise appearance.

Lumine cleared her throat. "I-I mean y-you don't want to do t-that!"

Kayea frowned. "The fact that you address me without respect is quite disturbing, giving me an even larger reason for us to interrogate you. Knock them out!"

Lumine's eyes widened. "Wait, no! Ple-" her world blacked out.


Some time later


"Ngghh..." Lumine slowly woke back into the present and then snapped awake. "Shit! If I've been asleep-" she cut herself short, seeing the fact that she was tied up, and in the Acting Grand Masters office, which Jean was not in currently. Next to her, Aether was still knocked out, and tied up as well.

Crap... looks I've got no choice but to...

She furrowed her brow, spotting the candle holder, making the flame fly off, burning the rope that tied Lumine and Aether's hand and feet.

"That's better." she sighed. "How did I even get into this situation?! First, it's just a later visit, now it's saving the fucking Archon's and world again..."

Aether woke up. "Gah! I'm up! Don't kill me, Lumine!" Aether, releasing where he was, looked around. "Grand Master Jean's office? I thought we were going to get shoved into the prison again. Well, for me, again. Not counting you."

"...You're lucky that we're not at home, where I can happily kill you."

"Ahem." Lumine and Aether's heads spun around.


"Not exactly sure what that was all about, but I will certainly say this. I'm surprised. You managed to get the rope off with a flame. On top of that, you have no vision... so how did you exactly burn the rope?"

"About that...'' Lumine cleared her throat. "Next time, try not to tie up the Queen of the Gods will you? Especially knocking them out..." Lumine said, changing back into her regular clothing, eye color, and voice. Aether did the same.

Jean's eyes widened at the familiar voice. "Lumine! I'm so sorry! Please forgive the Knights, your majesty!" Jean said, dropping to her knees.

Lumine turned into a face with pity. "Please! Do not bow before me! Stand. What's the current situation right now, and I also need to know your plans."

"Yes! Of course. Well, the plan was to have all the Archons in hiding, in Mondstadt, due to the high security measures. All the other nations' army forces agreed, and now are helping us. The reason why we had to trick you, was because we've already had a couple incidents where we had fatui, dressed up as normal civilians, sneaking in."

"Jean. Please do not tell me this is the case, but are some of the other Archons hiding in their own nations?"

"No. We have them all here in Mondstadt. The fatui is currently confused if the Archons are hiding in Liyue, or Mondstadt."

"And Childe?"

"He was wise, and chose to fight for his Archon, unlike many others."

Lumine breathed out a sigh of relief. "The Adepti of Liyue?"

Jean nodded her head. "They are also in hiding, the same exact place as the Archons. But... Xiao... was not so fortunate. He was the first to be caught. He was caught off guard while stargazing."

"I know." Lumine said with a threatening growl. "Tell me. Where are the Archons?"

"In the city. By the way you entered Mondstadt... you don't want anyone knowing that you've returned?"

"Indeed. Word gets the fatui, we're fucked." Aether replied in a short growl.

"Very well. Is it alright that only the visioned who fought the war know that you've returned?"

"Not a problem. Try to send the message to the other nations as well. I suggest no messenger. Send the message with a pigeon." Lumine suggested.

"Very well. Kayea, Albedo, Eula, Amber, Noelle, Lisa, Sucrose, Klee, Barbara, Aloy, Itto, Bennett, Chongyun, Diluc, Diona, Fishcl, Gorou, Hu Tao, Kazuha, Ayaka, Kojou Sara, Mona, Kokomi, Sayu, Childe, Thoma, Xingqui, Yanfei, Xingyan, Yoymiya, Yun Jin! Please join me in my office!"

"Shit! Aether! Transform back! The surprise!"

"What surprise?"

"You know! The surprise to lift their spirits during these harsh times?"

"OH! That one!" the twins turned into their disguises, just as everyone entered the room.

"Anything you need, Grand Master Jean?" Albedo said in a cool collected voice, also trying to avoid getting even close to the twins, not even knowing that it was them.

"And why are they untied?" Kayea said, suspiciously.

"Kayea, are you saying that you want to tie up the Queen of the Gods? How offensive." Lumine said, turning back to her original form.

"Queen Lumine of the Gods! I had no idea! Please forgive our rudeness!" Ayaka said, bowing with the others.

"Stand. No such formality is allowed in this room!"

"Uhhh... Paimon doesn't know if this is a good time to interrupt Lumine..." a high pitched voice said.

"PAIMON!" Lumine cried, jumping to hug her pixy friend. "It's been awhile!"

"Hey Lumine... sorry I could take care of Xiao for you... please don't kill Paimon! Paimon really tried!"

Lumine smiled gently, yet inside, she wanted to yell and scream at everyone, on the failure of protecting her beloved, Xiao. "I-it's alright, Paimon! No worries!"

"Oh thank Celestia... Paimon thought Lumine was going to turn Paimon into Sticky Honey Roast!"

Lumine glared at her. "Paimon, if you don't shut up now, I will make you into Sticky Honey Roast, for I'm in a very bad mood, and that started from the fact when Kayea decided to tie my and Aether up."

Kayea backed up. "S-sorry... just following orders."

Lumine turned her glare at him. "Don't make me."

Kayea, cleared his throat. "Ummm, Jean, w-why don't you explain what you want to do in the current situation?"

"Already did. I had planned to take her to show where the Archons are being kept for now."

"Yes, I would like to see where they're being kept... and also beat the hell out of Zhongli..." Lumine growled. "That bastard is getting my way of imprinting in his face what it means to get an electro meteor in his face.

Jean hesitated. "If afraid you might not be able to, that is, if you would like to end Mondstadt... which wouldn't exactly be very good... especially for me..."

Lumine looked at her. "Don't take that literally..."

"Very well then. Show use the way then, Grand Master Jean." Aether nodded his head.

"Follow me." Jean led them out of the walls of Mondstadt, telling the guards there that she would be back shortly. Then, lead them to a cave in Stormbarren Mountains.

"Hey! I'm going first!" Lumine heard a very familiar voice call out from the cave."


"Sure, whatever you say, you stupid bard."

Lesser Lord Kusanali!

"Let us stop arguing. We must sound-like bickering children, but instead hear from miles away."


"Ah... Osmanthus wine tastes the same as I remem-"

Zhongli... wait... ZHONGLI!

"How has your life been, assholes?!" Lumine snarled, popping out from in front of the gate, and teleported inside past the iron gates that prevented mortals from getting in.

"Y-your majesty?!" Ei exclaimed. "E-excuse our rudeness."

"It's not a problem Ei... except the fact that no one even bothered to go searching for Xiao!" Lumine's eye color turned red with anger. "And this man," Lumine said, glaring at Zhongli, "decides it's a good idea to keep a bunch of visioned mortals protecting them, so that they're 'safe and sound'." Lumine growled. "In fact, NOWHERE IS SAFE!" Lumine then turned her attention to the Tsaritsa. "AND I DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND WHY YOU DIDN'T TAKE AWAY THEIR DELUSIONS AWAY FROM THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE! HOW DO YOU EVEN LOSE CONTROL OVER YOUR OWN PEOPLE?!" Lumine sighed. "Nevermind that. Now... have you even thought about what you will do to save yourself?"

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