Halstead Sister One Shots

By oneChicago2000

840K 10.1K 1.5K

This is a bunch of one shots following the life of Gracie Halstead. She lives with her brothers Jay and Will... More

Forbidden Party Part 1
Forbidden party part 2
Thunder Storm
First Period
Not An Update! Requests!
AN help!
Skipping School
Bedtime Tantrum
A Bit About The Halsteads
The Friends Of Firemen Barbecue
Mothers Day
Pretending to be sick
Halstead Apartment
Gracies Seventh Birthday
The Car Incident
Gracie gets caught
A Regular Day In Lockdown
Gracie Gets Sick
Scared For Jay
Football Watch Party
AN Requests
A Date?!
A Date?! Part 2
The Bank Robbery
Gracie Needs Glasses
Jay Gets Shot
Gracie Makes a Run For It
Broken Bones
Jay and Hailey What?!
Fire Alarm
Grocery Store Tantrum
Smoking Again?!
I Hate Her!
The Zoo
Mothers Day Picnic
Ruined Homework
Supply Teacher
Not Fair!
Introducing The Boyfriend
Missing Money
A Not So Secret Admirer
Adam Babysits
The Audition
Running Away
Instagram Part 2
Instagram Part 3
Opening Night
Tooth Fairy
But What Does It Mean?
Gracies First Breakup
Trick Or Treat
Stella's Birthday
That Time Of The Month
Late Nights And Bad Attitudes
The Break In
Instagram Part 4
Instagram Part 5
Do You Love Me?
To Old For Spanking
Sneaking Out
The Dress
Christmas Eve
I Don't Wanna Go To School
Scraped Knees And Bandaids
Instagram Part 6
Expelled Part One
Expelled Part Two
Truth or Dare
Anxiety?! Part One
A Six Year Old In Lockdown
Car Theft
CPD Family Picnic
A Weekend Away and A Lost Bunny?
Instagram Part 7
Instagram Part 8
Hawaii Part One
Hawaii Part 2 (Final Part)
Aprils Birthday Surprise
Bad Advice
Hit By a Car?!
Nine Going On Nineteen
How It Started
Fathers Day
Hailey Puts Her Foot Down
Instagram Part 9
Instagram Part 10
Instagram Part 11
Fake ID
The Crayola Adventure
Trouble At The Diner
Instagram Part 12
Instagram Part 13
Allergic Reaction
Bathtime Tantrum
Chores = Allowance
A Day At 51
Instagram Part 14
Instagram Part 15
Instagram Part 16
Instagram Part 17 (Disney Edition)
Christmas Party Tantrum Part 1
Christmas Party Tantrum Part 2
Updated Halstead Apartment
Stage Fright
Skipping School 2
Christmas Day
Running In To The Road
Sick At School
The Evil Dance Teacher
The Ice Cream Fit
Wedding Reception Disaster
Instagram Part 18
Will Doesn't Spank
Push and Shove
Instagram Part 19
You Better Be Sick
Quality Time
Mood board/ AN

The Playground Mega Tantrum!

4.3K 63 19
By oneChicago2000

Hi everyone!Happy new year! I'm really sorry it''s been ages since a new update but here we are! I've been so busy with Christmas and my birthday that I haven't had time to do any writing! Just a reminder that requests remain open but I won't always do them if they don't inspire me! 

Gracies POV (5 Years Old)

"Gracie" I heard my name being called as I continued to climb to the top of the climbing frame. I looked down to see Will good at the bottom looking up at me "c'mon" he gestured "we need to get going" he informed and I groaned,

"Awe, just five more minutes?" I asked with my bottom lip poking out and he sighed,

"Fine, five minutes" he caved before going to sit back on the bench not to far away. I continued to climb and play for the next five minutes until Will came back over,

"Right, c'mon kiddo" he said once again "come down now" he added causing me to frown slightly,

"Just five more minutes" I pleaded again but this time he shook his head,

"You already had five more minutes" he reminded "my lunch break finishes in five minutes, I need to get back inside" he added causing me to huff,

"I wanna stay here" I complained, not particularly liking the idea of being cooped up in the doctors lounge for the next few hours.

"You can't stay on your own kiddo" he said shaking his head,

"Why?" I whined at my unfair treatment,

"Because I said so" my brother said firmly "now come down here please" he added. My frown deepened and I let out a defiant huff "Gracie" he warned but it did no use "c'mon let's not fall out" he urged,

"I don't wanna" I shouted and his stare hardened,

"One" he began to count "two" he continued making my squealing even louder "are you gonna let me get to three?" He asked as he stood bellow with his hands on his hips. I let out one last frustrated huff before calling defeat and climbing down the climbing frame. Once I was within arms reach I felt Will hook his hands under my arms and lift me to the floor "good girl" he said as he took my hand in his and we walked out of the playground and back in to med, all the while I had a determined frown on my brow.

"Right" Will declared once we reached the doctors lounge "you've got your colouring, your books and your iPad" he explained "anything else?" He questioned and I shook my head with a scowl and a huff causing him to sigh softly "c'mon change the face. You know I can't do anything about it" he explained "how about I ask Jay to stop by the store and get the ice cream you like" he suggested and my eyes flicked up to him,

"Can I have cookie dough?" I asked and he smiled a crooked smile,

"Done" he agreed as he leant down and planted a kiss on the top of my head "I'll check on you soon. Don't leave this room unless it's an emergency" he reminded and I nodded.

I sat at the table for the next hour trying to busy myself with colouring and drawing different pictures but it was no good. It's so boring here. I much prefer going to work with Jay but apparently he's working on something serious and can't have me there at the moment. That's why I'm stuck here at med. I huffed annoyed at the lack of entertainment in the room around me and decided I was going to do something about it. The playground's just outside so what's the harm in playing out on my own? Will probably won't even notice that I'm gone. I grabbed my denim jacket and slipped it on before sneaking over to the door and slipping out. I stuck to the wall and ducked behind a pillar when I saw Will talking with Ethan not to far away. I waited until I was sure he'd gone before bolting out of the main doors and over to the playground. Score! I hopped up on to the swing but wasn't there very long before someone noticed me,

"Gracie?" Conor asked me with a confused frown "where's your brother?" He asked looking around and noticing my lack of supervision,

"He's inside" I replied sheepishly and he quirked a suspecting eyebrow,

"Does he know where you are?" He continued his questioning,

"Y-yes?" I attempted to say certainly but, I have to admit, it came out more like a question,

"Gracie" he said sternly making me shuffle on the swing I was still sitting on,

"No" I admitted and he shook his head slightly,

"C'mon" he instructed "let's get you back to your brother" he added making me a bit nervous. I never intend for Will to even find out!

"Do we have to?" I asked with a note of dread seeping through my tone,

"Yes we do" he insisted "you can't stay out here without an adult kiddo, it's not safe" he explained "anyway, I'm sure Will must be worried sick" he added as I jumped off the swing and took his outstretched hand. He led me in to the entrance and we had only just turned the corner in to Med when someone spotted us,

"Dr Halstead" Maggie shouted and I saw my brothers head snap over to us and breathing a sigh of relief. He was on the phone and was quick to hang up the call and tuck his phone in to his coat before walking over to us. He looked mad. The maddest I've ever seen him! I moved slightly behind Conor in a bid to shield myself from any impending punishments,

"Where have you been Gracelyn?" He demanded "no one could find you" he added making me feel a bit guilty and shuffle my converse clad shoes uncomfortably,

"I found her out on the playground" Conor informed my brother who's stare hardened even more, if that's even possible.

"Really Gracie?" He asked furiously "go back to the break room" he ordered and I hesitated "now" he said in a deathly stern voice. I didn't have to be told a third time. I was quick to drop Conor's hand and run off to the doctors lounge and Will followed not too far behind once he had called back whoever he was speaking to before."Put your things in your bag" he ordered causing me to frown,

"Why?" I asked confused but still did as I was told,

"Because Jay's coming to pick you up" he informed and my heart sank to my feet,

"I don't wanna go with Jay" I whined with tears stinging my eyes,

"Well I clearly can't trust you to stay in here by yourself and I don't have the ability to watch you twenty four seven whilst I'm working so you're gonna have to go with him" he lectured "now grab your bag and let's go" he ordered once again "do you have any idea how dangerous that was Gracie?"he asked seriously as we walked out of Med and waited for our brother to pull up in his truck,

"I just wanted to play" I mumbled and he shook his head angrily,

"You're lucky it was Conor who found you" he said making me shuffle uncomfortably. Just then Jays truck came round the corner and pulled to a stop in front of us before a stressed and unimpressed looking brother got out,

"I'm not happy Gracelyn" Jay said as he gave me a glare that I was often on the receiving end of,

"I'm sorry" I cried lightly,

"We'll deal with it at home" Will said making me whine but not reply.

"Get in the car" Jay instructed as he opened the back door for me to climb in to, not before delivering a heft swat to my dress covered behind. Jay closed the car door and talked with Will for a couple more minutes before Will walked back inside and Jay climbed in to the drivers side "what possessed you to do something so stupid?" Jay asked me as I fiddled nervously with my fingers and shrugged,

"I was bored" I admitted and he scoffed,

"Well, you're about to be a whole lot border by the end of the day" he declared as he began to drive back to the district.

The drive was filled with silence, I was too nervous to speak and Jay was simply too mad. He soon pulled in to the carpark and got out before walking round and opening my door. He didn't bother waiting for me to unclip my seatbelt and simply leant over and did it himself before lifting me out and putting my on the floor.

"Jay" I pleaded not really knowing what I wanted from him, but I received no reaction. He simply took my hand firmly in his and pulled me along next to him, walking slightly too fast for my little legs to follow so I ended up doing a slight run "stop" I sobbed trying to wriggle my hand out of his grip "Jayyyy" I screeched but still received no reaction. Well, not from Jay anyway. Other cops had looked over to see what was going on but recognised my brother so didn't get involved. We made it to the steps that led up to the main entrance and I dug my feet in to the floor "NO" I screamed once Jay had one foot on the first step,

"Are you gonna move?" He asked me calmly and I shook my head, furious by his silence. Jay just shrugged and hooked both of his hands under my arms and lifted me until I was resting on his hip and began to carry me up the steps.

"GET OFF MEEE!" I screamed and I attempted to wiggle myself out of my brothers hold as we entered the reception. I brought my hand up in a tiny fist, fully intending on whacking Jay straight in the face, but he obviously saw my plan because as soon as I raised my fist he grabbed it with his other hand,

"Don't even think about it" he threatened causing even more tears to spring to my eyes,

"Need me to fetch you a straight jacket there Halstead?" I head Trudy ask from her place behind the front desk,

"Don't tempt me" Jay replied as he walked us over to the gate and pulled it open. He walked us up the steps and in to the intelligence unit "hey sarge" Jay spoke to Voight "do you mind if I borrow your office?" He asked and Voight shook his head,

"Go ahead" he shrugged and Jay carried me in to the office and shut the door behind us.

"Gracelyn. Stop screaming" he ordered as he sat me down on the desk and placed his hands at either side of me. I ignored him and carried on my pointless screams of frustration "Gracelyn" my brother warned. I tried to push myself off the desk but found myself trapped by Jay who remained stood in front of me,

"Let me go" I sobbed as I tried to push him away from me, but he didn't move a muscle "LET ME GOOO" I screamed,

"Do not shout at me" he warned firmly,

"I only wanted to play outside and Will got mad" I bawled,

"Because he didn't know where you where Gracelyn" Jay explained but I shook my head determinedly "I'm not gonna have a conversation with you whilst your screaming at me" he added with one raised eyebrow,

"I DON'T WANNA TALK TO YOU" I screamed as I brought my hand up and hit Jay in the shoulder. He didn't flitch from the contact; instead he grabbed my hand and smacked it slightly, but still enough to leave a prominent sting. My screams stopped and turned in to sobs as Jay lifted me off the desk and walked me over to the corner of the room "nooo" I whined, already knowing what he intended to do. I turned around but couldn't really mover far as Jay had a firm hold on my hand,

"Yes Gracelyn" Jay insisted as he turned me back around and stood me in the corner,

"I DON"T WANNA TIMOUT" I screamed,

"You better not move Gracelyn" Jay warned as he turned me so I was facing the corner the leaving the room.

I continued my screaming but got no reaction from anyone so I was forced to serve my time,

"Gracie" a gruff voice said from behind me and I turned around to see Voight "I've had enough of hearing your screaming. Now you either stop this now and go sit at your brothers desk or I send him back in here to deal with you" he threatened "and both you and I know that you're not gonna like the outcome of that one" he added as I sniffled "which is it gonna be?" He asked folding his arms across his chest,

"I'll stop" I huffed as my bottom lip wobbled,

"Good choice" he said "best behaviour from now on. I'm keeping my eye on you" he warned and I nodded nervously. Don't get me wrong. I know Voight would never hurt me, but right now Jay was looking like a safer option, no matter how mad he is. "Go" he instructed as he gestured to the door which I wasted no time in heading towards,

"Gracelyn Halstead" Jay said in a raised voice from his desk "did I tell you that you could leave time out?" He asked raising an eyebrow at me,

"I told her she could" Voight spoke from behind me "she's gonna come sit with you. Silently" he added and Jay sent Voight a slightly annoyed look before motioning me over to him. I was quick to move away from the older man and shuffled over to my brother,

"Sit down and don't talk, ok?" He asked as he pulled a chair over for me to sit on and I nodded silently doing as I was told.

I sat there for what felt like hours when the boredom began to get too much again,

"Jay" I said as I threw my head back and kicked my legs haphazardly,

"What?" He asked not looking up from his computer screen,

"Can I have my iPad?" I asked hopefully and Jay was quick to shake his head,

"Absolutely not" he said firmly,

"But I'm really bored" I complained,

"Tuff luck" he shrugged,

"Please" I sobbed without the presence of tears and Jay shot me a warning look,

"Don't even think about staring again kid" he warned,

"But I'm bored" I whined,

"What's gotten in to you today?" My brother frowned at my behaviour "we're going home in thirty minutes and Will is already there so if I where you I'd be thinking about changing that attitude" he suggested with a pointed look. I huffed with a frown and crossed my arms over my chest.

I spent the next thirty minutes staring daggers in to the floor until Jay turned his computer off and instructed me to get my jacket on. I grabbed my bag from where Jay had dumped it in the break room and we both walked down the stairs and out of the district. The drive back home was silent and replicated our earlier drive to the district from Med.

"My throat hurts" I said absentmindedly as Jay parked up outside of our apartment building,

"I'm not surprised after all that screaming you where doing" Jay replied unimpressed. We walked up to our apartment and Jay unlocked the door, ushering me inside"we're home"Jay announced as he shut the door behind us "go and wait in your room for Will" Jay instructed,

"Plea-" I began to plead,

"Now" he cut me off "I'm sick and tired of arguing with you today Gracelyn. Please just do as you're told" he ordered.

I sat on my bed with my stuffed bunny on my knee playing absentmindedly with with the ears until a freshly showered determined looking Will walked in to my room and closed the door behind him,

"C'mere Gracelyn" he instructed me to stand up as he sat down to the edge of my bed "do you know why you're in trouble?" My brother asked and I shook my head "really?" He asked, clearly not believing that I was oblivious to my mistake,

"I only wanted to play outside" I tried to plead,

"I know you did" he replied "but do you think it was a good idea to go outside without a grown up?" He asked me and I shrugged nervously "I know you know you shouldn't have been doing that Gracie" he informed "we've had the same conversation before about you wandering off from people. Don't you get fed up of people telling off all the time? Because I know we get fed up of having to do it" he explained "it's ok to make mistakes Gracie, but you need to learn from them" he finished and I gave a teary nod,

"M'sorry" I mumbled and he brushed a stray tear off my cheek,

"That's good" he said "but you still need to face the consequences kiddo" he said softly "now let's get it over with and put this behind us" he said as he turned me to the side before bending me over his knee and using his other leg to hold my legs down and stop them from kicking too much. He lifted my dress up and laid it on my back making me wriggle in protest,

"Noooo" I cried "please Will" I exclaimed hoping that he'd at least pull my dress back down,

"Gracie, stop struggling or this is gonna take longer than it needs to" he said calmly but it did nothing to stop my struggles "Gracelyn Halstead, if you don't stop right now I'm gonna get the hairbrush" he threatened causing my movements to cease "do you want that?" He asked and I shook my head,

"No" I said with a light frown,

"Then stop struggling and stay still" he warned. He only waited a couple of seconds before he began to swat my upturned bottom that was sure to be a bright pink colour soon. He soon found a rhythm of his assault and it didn't take me long before I was sobbing. I felt him tip me forward slightly and lay a handful of especially sharp smacks to the top of my thighs and my sit spots. After a few more smacks, to drive his point home, he stopped my punishment and lifted me to my feet. I wasted no time in wrapping my arms around his neck and crying in to his shirt seeking some much needed comfort. He rubbed my back in soothing circles as he swayed me side to side slightly in a bid to calm me down. We stayed that way until my sobs turned to hiccups and my hiccups turned to sniffles when he pulled me away from him to look at my face "have you got anything you wanna say?" He asked softly,

"M'sorry I went to the playground on my own and without asking" I apologised and he nodded with a light smile as he wiped away my tears with his thumb,

"Good girl" he praised "just remember what I said Gracie. It's ok to make mistakes, just as long as you learn from them, ok?" He asked and I nodded with a sniffle "do you wanna go see Jay?" He asked and I nodded. He gave me one last kiss on the temple before he placed me on the floor and we walked out to the living room.

"Jay Jay" I said when I saw him sat on the sofa and he looked over at me "sorry I was bad, I won't do it again" I said causing him to smile,

"I'll believe that when I see it" he said shaking his head "c'mere" he said opening his arms for me to climb in to. I was by him in an instant and rested my head on his chest feeling him kiss the top of my hair "early night for you I think missy" he said and he certainly found no complaints from me.  

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