I'm His Little Nerd

By CLQuinn

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Ellie Ashbrook, your average 16 year old nerdy schoolgirl. Elliot Ryans, your above average 17 year old rugby... More

I'm His Little Nerd
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 2
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 3
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 4
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 5
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 6
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 7
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 8
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 9
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 10
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 11
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 12
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 13
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 14
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 15
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 16
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 17
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 18
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 19
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 20
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 21
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 22
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 23
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 25

I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 24

930 11 0
By CLQuinn


Chapter 24

I woke up on the deckchair and it took me a few moments before remembering where I was and what had happened. I put the letter back in my bra and got up and went indoors, mum was just arriving in and gave me a confused look

“why were you outside hunny?”

“err.. needed some early morning fresh air”

she nodded slowly then looked me up and down

“so why are you still in your yesterdays clothes?”

“ok so I went outside there last night and fell asleep looking at the stars... I was searching for dad”

she paused before coming over to me and wrapping her arms around me, I hugged her back tightly as I felt tears falling down my face and onto her dressing gown

“hes up there sweetie, watching down on the both of us, you know that”

I continued to cry and I could hear her voice break

“you know he wanted us to be happy so we need to remember him for the man he was, a pain at times but the man that I fell in love with and the perfect dad that he was yeah?”

I nodded slowly before we pulled away, she dried my eyes before dabbing hers and concentrating on making something to eat

“I'm just going for a quick shower”

she nodded and I rushed off up to my room, I got some clean clothes and headed into the bathroom. Within 10 minutes I was ready and heading downstairs where a full breakfast was waiting for me, I smiled at mum as she drank her coffee whilst I ate my breakfast.

When we were both done she went upstairs and got changed whilst I just flicked through the channels. She came down and we she got her keys before we went out and got in her car, we were soon driving off before she pulled up in a layby next to a row of shops.

We both got out and she offered me her hand, I accepted it as we both looked up, the funeral directors...

2 Weeks Later

“I wrote you a small poem Dad.

When God saw you getting tired,

and cure was not meant to be,

He put his arms around you,

and whispered come to me,

He didnt like the pain you went through,

and He gave you rest,

His garden must be beautiful,

He only takes the best,

And when we saw you sleeping,

so peaceful and free from pain,

We wouldn't wish you back,

To suffer through that again,

So today we say goodbye,

as you take your final rest,

and join the shining stars in the sky..”

My voice trailed off.

Everyone stood around in silence as David Jake Ashbrook was slowly lowered into the ground in a beautiful deep brown coffin, his name and birthday engraved onto a little silver plaque.

There was no noise, even the birds had stopped, almost like the whole world had just froze in respect.

“I love you dad.. The limit is the sky if we team up.. Team Ashbrook forever” I whispered as they began to bury him, gently shoveling the dirt over the coffin.

I felt a hand interwine with mine and I looked up and saw my mum, I smiled weakly and she smiled faintly back as we both turned and faced the coffin one last time before it was completely covered.

Everyone stood until it was completely covered before the vicar gave us his condolences one last time before disappearing off into the church and everyone went over to mum as I walked over to Leon, Lexi and Elliot.

I allowed Elliot to wrap his arms around my waist as I snuggled into him, a few other people came over to me and payed their respect and I thanked them before we all began walking down towards the exit.

Elliots arm was strongly around my shoulder and holding me close to him, he did look mighty fine in a suit though.

“can we go down the high street please?”

he looked down at me confused

“why the high street?”

“theres just something I need to do”

he kept his confused look before nodding slowly

“course princess”

I smiled and leant into him, he gave me a gentle squeeze before we got to his car, I climbed in and pulled out my phone from my bag that I left under the car seat, I opened up a new text to mum

Ellie – just going down the high street with Elliot, I got something to do, be home soon xxx

I sent that as we got ready to go before he pulled out and off we went.

About half an hour later and we were walking down the high street, occassionally getting a few strange looks, me being in a long black dress and him being in a suit. I arrived to a stop outside the only tattoo parlour around, Elliot glanced at it before back at me

“no, you'll get something you'll end up regretting and it will look bad when your older”

I grabbed onto his jacket and looked up at him, pleading him with his eyes

“please, trust me, I know what I want and I know I wont regret it, if I do I'll give you £50, deal?”

he sighed

“princess I'm not happy about this”

“please” I said again, dragging it out for as long as I could before he just sighed heavily and nodded

“fine, on one condition?”

I gave him a confused look before he smirked

“i pay”

I poked my tongue out before slowly nodding


he smiled and took my hand as he lead me inside. There were 2 small rooms seperating off the main one, and 2 people were sitting down in the waiting section. Me and Elliot went up to the desk and he looped his arm around my waist

“hey Shaz”

The lady behind the desk, that was literally covered in tattoos and piercings looked up,

“wh- oh hey Elliot, long time no see, how've you been?”

“yeah I know and not bad not bad, I'm here to get my girl a tattoo”

she looked at me and offered me her hand


I smiled and shook it


she laughed

“Ellie and Elliot, now thats clever, totally made to be”

we both laughed and nodded, people were beginning to really enjoy commenting on that now.

“so what you hoping to get?” she asked, I looked at Elliot before back at her

“well my dads just died and today was his funeral and we always had this saying we used to say to each other and I kinda want that done in his memory”

her face dropped slightly

“oh im so sorry but we can get that done perfectly for you” she said, with a small smile at the end. I smiled weakly back, she was actually so nice, I guess you should never judge a book by its cover.

“ok so if you two go sit down over there then Mike will call you in soon ok?”

we both nodded and Elliot guided me over to a seat, when we were both sitting down I turned to him

“how do you-”

“she grew up with my mum and they were really good mates, I've known her nearly all my life”

I nodded slowly and turned back to looking around the room. In all honesty I was absolutely scared stiff but when I felt Elliot gently place his hand on my knee I felt so much better. It was soon my turn and i got called in, Elliot kept a firm hold of my hand as we went into the mini room. He was greeted warmly by the man before he gestured to the seat and i slowly sat down looking up at him

"so what can i get you?"

"well theres a saying me and my dad used to have and i want it done in his memory"

the man slowly nodded before pulling out a book and offering it to me, i began flicking through and saw the alphabet written out in many different fonts

"pick your font and tell me what you want then sweetheart?"

Elliot leant over and we both looked through them before finally picking a nice flicky one. I showed the man who nodded

"ok, what was your saying then?"

"the limit is the sky if we team up"

he nodded and smiled

"beautiful love, any specific colours or place you want it done?"

i paused before looking up at Elliot, who shrugged

"your choice"

I looked back at the tattooist

"just black and on the back of my arm"

he nodded and began getting his equipment ready, i turned to Elliot who reached out and held my hand tightly

"squeeze as hard as you want princess"

i nodded slowly and felt the man finally get to work..

About half an hour later and it was finally done, i was so close to tears but i think i used them all up already, Elliot definately felt it as his hand was white and had a few nail indents on. Mike, the tattooist, gave me this cleaning fluid and told me all this information about keeping it clean and making sure it worked out ok before we finally left.

I smiled at Elliot as he payed and said goodbye to them all before we walked out onto the street, he lifted his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into him gently

"i love you gorgeous, you know that right?"

i nodded into him

"course i do, im sorry i caused you pain in there by the way"

he laughed

"its fine sweets, perfectly fine"

I laughed as we both walked along back towards his car...


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