How You Know Your a Psych Fan

By SociopathInABox

6.2K 249 354


21- 30
37- 51
Shules (Contains Season 7 spoliers!!!!!)


769 43 26
By SociopathInABox

Hey guys! I know it took me forever to update this, but apparently coming up with reasons to love Psych is harder than it sounds! Oh and if there are any other lists that you would like me to do, just lemme know! I obviously have to know the show, but I have been thinking maybe a Monk or The Mentalist list? Maybe Castle... idk if you have any ideas tell me and I will think about it.

31. When you talk to a person and they say your a Psych-o. You have to explain that you love Psych and aren't a Ying/Yang.   This was given to me by MsCeCeStymidt, who was one of the  first people who is not one of my fans (I refuse to say follower) to comment on one of my stories!

32.  You speak of Shawn and Gus as if you know them.

33. You sing the theme song "I Know That You Know" in the locker room and don't care about the awkward stares.

34. You try to divine the number of hats in a room. With your eyes closed! 32, 33, and 34 were given to me by EllaWrites. Who is a friend of mine on this site! And also a fellow Psych fan! I think she might like it as much as me! She is also an amazing writer so go check out her stories like right now! I am getting a Psychic vibration that you will like them!

35. You know your a Psych fan when you start looking for Spanish treasure! This one I also cannot take credit for! It was given to me by Juliacovers who is another great reader of this list!

36.  You want to see a Psych and Monk crossover so bad that you are thinking of writing one to send to the USA Network.

Hey guys! So I know its not a full ten. But I really wanted to get this updated for you! And I actually had a few suggestions so most of these I didnt think of! Okay I only thought of one of these! But once again if you want to see updates for this I really need some suggestions! Its harder than it looks! Thanks for reading guys!


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