37- 51

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A/N I know! I know! I am such a bad person for not updating this! But I figured in honor of the season 7 premier of Psych the other night! Wooo Hoooooo loved that episode who didn't? Anyone, Anyone...Buehler? Haha anyway here are some more! And a few were suggestions sent in by Psych-o's on wattpad and others I have been forced to look for on the internet! Sorry I am quickly running out of things to put guys..... so sad but I have some more for now! So here goes!!!!!


37. You and your friends/family punch each other in the shoulder when you see a pineapple. Kinda like punch-buggy but with fruit! This was given to me by @flibbertyGidget Thanks so much!

38. You know your a Psych-o when you have Psych parties for every new episode! Given to me by bethanyhope00 and Bethany if you do have Psych parties at your house every new episode I expect an invite in my mailbox soon! Just kidding! ;)

39. When you heard about the Psych sleepover you immediately said "Snacks We'll need snacks!"

40. You would really run around and scream like a little Gus if James Roday and Dule Hill ever call you again. 39 and 40 were given to me by MsCeCeStymidt. I sadly did not get a phone call from James and Dule because I valued my sleep to much to sign up for the sleepover!

41. When you spend too much time and effort reading/writing Psych fanfic.

42. When you're watching a movie with a bunch of people and then realise Psych is on, so you force them to pause the movie.

43. When you convert all of the aforementioned people to Psych fans because you forced them to watch it with you.

44. You laugh out loud randomly when you remember a scene from a past episode.

45. When your friends get annoyed because you talk about the show a lot and eventually get them addicted.  I actually did this once, well my siblings helped. They made a friend of mine watch YouTube clips of the show and she started watching the full episodes and she is now hooked!

46. when you have a lunch box with the picture of psych cast on it.

47.Since you couldn't buy a Psych lunchbox you had to duct tape a picture of Shawn to the side of an old one.

48. You know that Timothy Omundson played a psychic in Starship Troopers.

49. You know that Dule Hill was in the movie 'Holes' and as you were watching that movie you also realized where all of the Shia LeaBouf references on the show came from!

50. When your college advisor asks you what you want to do with your life and you reply with "be a fake psychic" without a second thought.

51. When gus got a rental car identical to the Blueberry but red in SantaBarbraTown part 2 and he called it the Cranberry you laughed so hard you cried!

A/N Holy Bananas guys! I got 15 in this one!!!!!!!! So awesome! Hope you all enjoyed! More to come soon I hope! And be looking out for some of my new lists! I hope to start some more as soon as I finish at least one of my stories!

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