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A/N Okay so this is my little list of things that make you a Psych fan. Most of this is based off of what me and my family does, because we are die hard Psych fans! But if you are a Psych fan, and you do something that is not on this list, or know someone who does, please let me know what it is and I will put it in and dedicate it to you! Hope you enjoy my list!


1. Whenever you see a pineapple, you immediately scream "PINEAPPLE!" Before anyone else can get a chance to.

2. You use obscure eighties references all the time, just to annoy people and rub it in their noses that you know more about the most awesome era ever, than they do!

3. If you see something cool when out with a friend, you never high five. You do a fistbump and say "What?" Just like Gus.

4. You come up with horrendous nicknames for your friends when introducing them, just to drive them nuts.

5. If someone you know is grumpy you say "Don't be a Lassie to my Shawn." and then fistbump the ungrumpy friend next to you if they are there.

6. If you are watching a Psych episode, and they use a reference you do not understand, you rent the tv show or movie that the reference is from just so you can understand.

7. You know that James Roday and Maggie Lawson are dating in real life.

8. Whenever Gus is flirting with a girl you sigh and yell at your tv "Please get Gus a girlfriend already! He's getting pathetic!"

9. You order Hawaiin pizza just because Shawn and Gus love it.

10. You wish there was a restaurant where you could try Fries Quatros Quesos Dos Fritos, because you really wanna taste those fries!

11. If you have a crush on someone you put on an Apple Jacks t-shirt and have your friend go up to them and say, "Your true love will be wearing an Apple Jacks t-shirt, trust me I'm Psychic." And then you walk past.

12. When you know something that your not supposed to, and you tell someone, you put your fingers to your temples for effect.

13. When you see a little blue car, you start hopping up and down in your seat and yell "Blueberry Blueberry, I saw the Blueberry!"

14. When you meet a Psych virgin, you don't have them watch the pilot episode first, you have them watch Scary Sherry, Bianca's toast." Just so they can hear the most epic girl scream ever!

15. If you are a girl, when you hear Shawn and Gus scream like one, you wish that you could scream like a girl as well as they can.

16. When you see a smoothie store, you run in and order something with pineapple even though you don't feel like pineapple.

17. You wish there was an episode where Shawns Mom and Dad get back together just so you can see Shawns reaction.

18. When you first heard the screem in Scary Sherry, Bianca's toast. You laughed so hard no noise came out so you just sat there clapping like a retarded seal, and then passed out from oxygen deprivation you were lauging so hard.

19. When Lassie got a girlfriend, and then it turned out she was a criminal, you laughed like a crazy man possessed. And you laughed even harder when he stayed with her, and went to crying when he told her he loved her because it was so non Lassie behavior.

20. You try to be just as annoying as Shawn, because you figure that if you are one of two things will happen: You will either be more popular, or be just as unpopular as you were before, its just that now you can annoy the popular people.

A/N Okay so if I think of any more I will add them, but that is all I have for now! What did you think? I hope you liked it, and if you have any ideas please let me know and I will add them. Thanks for reading all!


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