Trust - Lucas Sinclair

By aholm2

53K 1.1K 283

Mind flayer is back The gate is reopened Russians in Hawkins?? This is going to be good! Lucas Sinclair x OC ... More

Authors Note/Disclaimer
Suzie, Do You Copy? (Part 1)
Suzie, Do You Copy? (Part 2)
Suzie, Do You Copy? (Part 3)
Suzie, Do You Copy? (Part 4)
Mall Rats (Part 1)
Mall Rats (Part 2)
Mall Rats (Part 3)
The Case of the Missing Lifeguard (Part 1)
The Case of the Missing Lifeguard (Part 2)
The Case of the Missing Lifeguard (Part 3)
The Case of the Missing Lifeguard (Part 4)
The Sauna Test (Part 1)
The Sauna Test (Part 2)
The Sauna Test (Part 3)
The Flayed (Part 1)
The Flayed (Part 2)
The Flayed (Part 3)
E Pluribus Unum (Part 1)
E Pluribus Unum (Part 2)
E Pluribus Unum (Part 3)
The Bite (Part 1)
The Bite (Part 2)
The Bite (Part 3)
The Bite (Part 4)
The Battle of Starcourt (Part 1)
The Battle of Starcourt (Part 2)
The Battle of Starcourt (Part 3)
The Battle of Starcourt (Part 5)
The Battle of Starcourt (Part 6)
The Battle of Starcourt (Part 7)
The Battle of Starcourt (Part 8)
Extra Chapter!!
Season 4 Teaser!!
Book 4!!

The Battle of Starcourt (Part 4)

934 26 0
By aholm2

Nikki got into the backseat in the car sitting next to Lucas as the rest of the gang hopped in. Max and Mike managed to get El in in the very back, though it looked like her ankle was starting to hurt again due to the little whimpers she made as she sat down.

Nikki watched as Nancy put the keys into the ignition and turned it. The engine sputtered, refusing to come to life as Nancy tried it again and got the same reaction.

"What's wrong?" Jonathon asked as Nancy tried it again, starting to become more frantic.

"I don't know," She tried it again as a look of anger flashed across her face. she held it so the engine sputtered for a long time without turning on. "You can't be serious. Come on!"

"Didn't your mom just buy this car?" Lucas asked quietly as Nikki felt a shiver run up her spine.

"Yes," Nancy answered clearly annoyed. Nikki looked back at the mall wondering if something was happening in there that she needed to help with. "I'm sure it's fine."

"Did you leave the lights on?" Will asked from Nikki's other side.


"Do we have gas?" Lucas asked, grabbing Nikki's hand, noticing her worried look.

"Yes!" Nancy yelled and tried it again with an angry hunch in her shoulders. Nikki knew it was best to keep quiet at that point. "Come on!'

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Jonathon reached over and grabbed Nancy's wrist, trying to get her to stop messing with the car. "Just stop, stop! Put the hood."

Nancy did as she was instructed and left the car to see what was going on with Jonathon leaving the kids in silence.

Nikki looked outside Will's window and noticed a lone car parked facing them. She knew that car.

"Guys," she broke the silence pointing to the car in the distance. As if on queue the engine to Billy's car revved up in warning. It seemed to tell them that they could not escape him, no matter how hard they tried. The lights of the car turned on, making Nikki's heart race so bad she could hear it in her ears.

I could end it here, Nikki thought. She could just kill him and they could drive to freedom. By the time the Mind Flayer would get here they would already be long gone. But of course, there was a flaw to her plan. Billy is still Max's stepbrother, and though Max doesn't really show it, she cared about him even to want him alive by the end of this.

A bang from Lucas' window them all the kids jump and Nikki make a blue orb for protection. Nancy stood at the window, getting the door opening yelling for them to get back in the mall.

They all followed her orders but Nikki knew that would give them any protection.

Billy saw them. The Mind Flayer knows where they are.


Nikki was starting to get a headache as she watched Mike pace the mall, speaking endlessly into his radio, trying to contact Dustin.

Nikki felt useless as she watched Nancy reload a gun that came from a dead Russian. Lucas had gotten out his wrist rocket, working on aiming as El and Nikki stood together, watching them all prepare for a battle.

"How are you doing?" Nikki asked El quietly so no one would hear. "Getting any energy back?"

El shook her head, sadly and looked to Nikki for guidance.

"Why don't we try this," Nikki offered her hand to which El shook her head to.

"You can't," El told the girl. "You're going to need your energy to fight, too."

"El, I don't tired as easily as you do. We need you, too, and at your best. Or else, this thing isn't going anywhere."

Nikki her hand out and was relieved when El finally grabbed hold of it. A blue hue added to the colors of the mall as Nikki passed some energy to the girl. When Nikki thought she gave enough, she let El's hand go.

"How do you feel?" Nikki asked, hoping her sister would have enough energy now to fight.

El nodded head, the dark circles under her eyes had become lighter as she looked less tired overall. "Better."

The girls smiled at each other before turning back to their friends and realizing they were no longer gathered in the food court like they were a few minutes ago. Instead, they were know gathered around the car El had flipped earlier, looking like they had an idea.

El and Nikki joined them and was quickly caught up with their plan. They were planning to flip the car over so they could grab the missing part they need in order to get their car working.

All of them gathered around the car, except for Will who stood with the girls, and started to put it, hoping would flip over. After a few seconds, Nikki realized that the car was probably heavier than they accepted it to be, since it barely budged. They all stopped trying to push it out of breath, trying to think of another way.

"Let me try," El tried to sound confident.

"El," Mike started to disagree, but El wouldn't hear of it.

"I can do it."

They group walked away from the car and stood behind her as she raised her hand towards the car. She stared it down and Nikki waited for the car to start to move, but nothing happened. El grunted in frustration as she strained herself to use her powers.

Nikki realized she was only going to waste her energy, so she grabbed El's wrist, forcing her to stop. El looked at her upset with not being able to help them.

Nikki gave her a reassuring smile. "It's okay, your just drained right now. I can do it, and then I'll see what I can do to help you, okay?"

El nodded and stepped away from the car as Nikki walked towards it. before the was completely in back of it, she turned to her group of friends, watching her with curiosity. She gave them a smile. "You guys may want to get out of the way."

They took the hint and quickly split up giving Nikki more area to do what she needed. She formed a blue orb in her hand and threw it at the car. On impact, the car flew back to the other side of the mall, summersaulting passed the stores before slowing on it side.

Just when Nikki thought they would have to get it at a weird angle, gravity and the weight of the car made it fall back on it's wheels.

Her friends turned back to her wide eyed as she walked back to them. She looked at them, not very uncomfortable with the silence that hung in the air after the loud crashing of the car a few seconds ago.

"Well," She pointed to the car that stood up right, but looked like at had been through many bad accidents, "grab what you need."

Authors note

Voting is now closed. Thanks to all who have voted, I am very much looking forward to what happens next!

Love ya!! ❤️❤️❤️

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