The Bite (Part 4)

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The mall parking lot was almost empty by the time the group had arrived, except for a car or two in the parking lot that seemed to be from employees that work later than others. As they exited the car, everything seemed too quiet.

"You sure he's here?" Nikki turned to El, who could start putting her weight back into her injured ankle.

"He was here when I last looked," El shrugged, then looked at her confused. "Why? Do you think we shouldn't go in there?'

Nikki stepped back in shock before turning to everyone else, who was looking to her for an answer.

"Um," she tried to figure out what was going on or going to happen. The pit in her stomach never left since the cabin, but something told her that they needed to go in to at least see what was going on. "We should go in."

El and the group nodded before rushing into the building where they could hear voice talking lowly. The problem was that they were speaking words Nikki had never heard before, and she knew the voices weren't at all Dustin's.

El must have realized that too, because she put an arm over Nikki's shoulder for her to stand. "Come on, let's going see what's going on."

Nikki nodded and turned back to the rest of them. "Stay out of the sight," she instructed as she and El went to the railing to see who the voices were.

Out of all things she had seen that day, she should have not been surprised by the sight she was met with.

About men were walking around with guns in their hands, wearing all black and looking ready to kill.

One of them stopped and stared at a shop before whispering something into his radio and having the other's join him. Nikki managed to be able to see what they were looking at. She saw four heads hiding behind a counter and she realized that she knew those people.

"They're down there," Nikki pointed to where the men where slowly walking to. "Dustin's down there."

"Okay," El nodded as she stuck out her hand, ready to protect her friend. The sounded of the car alarm going off was enough to make the men jump and turn to a car that was on display. They looked at it weirdly until El threw it at them, killing all of them instantly.

The four heads poked up and looked at the mess of dead bodies laying around before turning to look at the girls.

"Good job," Nikki smiled proudly at her sister as the other joined them at the railing.

With all of the kids together, maybe they did have a chance to win after all.

Authors note

Hi again! Yes, I know I already posted once today, but this chapter was really short and I would've felt bad if I only posted this. So, you get an extra chapter today!

And now I'm moving on to the last episode, so, another reminder, if you have not voted and you care about the outcome of this book, please vote on whether Nikki survives or "dies".

Right now I only have nine votes, and one of them is winning by only one vote. And you still have a while to vote. I'm giving you all a few more days to do it.

If you voted already, it has been counted and I am looking back to make sure you can't vote twice and it's fair.

Also, to anyone who cares, I have made an Instagram account (amfanfic) where I give you guys updates about my books and upcoming projects. So, if you want to go follow me, feel free, if not, I won't take it personally.


Love ya!!❤️❤️❤️

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