The Sauna Test (Part 3)

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Hey! Just a little warning to anyone who might be sensitive to blood. It is in this chapter towards the end so if you're uncomfortable with that kind of stuff, just don't read in between the two bolded lines. Enjoy the chapter!

After a hurried explanation from Mike about his plan, they returned to the girls before separating to get the things they need.

Nikki and Lucas went to a storage shed with Will just outside the pool.

They went it in without any trouble and started to raid through everything the pool had that could help them with Billy.

"Uh, Will," Lucas broke the silence between them, looking over his shoulder tentatively. "Um, you know, about yesterday.."

"It's fine, Lucas," Will sighed. "You don't have to say anything."

"I know, but it's was a really cool campaign. And Mike and I, we should've never-"

"I don't care anymore, Lucas," Will cut him off as he grabbed a handful of supplies. "I really don't. We have bigger things to worry about now."

He grabbed a box of chains to lock Billy in the sauna and left the couple by themselves.

"What happened yesterday?" Nikki asked as she looked for locks that could fit the chain.

Lucas sighed as he helped her look. "Mike and I were being jerks to him. We feel bad though."

"Well," Nikki trailed off trying to think of a way to help her boyfriend, "just try to make it up to him somehow. Like, uh, like a guys night or something. No girls. No worries of the problems of the real world or our world."

Lucas smiled as he looked at her. She really did amaze him a lot of the times.

"What's wrong?" Lucas asked her, seeing the look of worry flash across her face before calm settled on it.

"I don't have a good feeling about this," Nikki shook her head, trying to figure out how stop what they were about to be doing. "I tried to talk to El and Max about it before we split up but Max was busy trying not to worry about Billy and El... Well, let's just say it's hard for either of us to talk to each other right now."

"That bad?"

"Yeah," Nikki said, finally finding some larger locks to use. "I got mad. She got mad. Let's just say Hopper should be happy his cabin is still in one piece."

Lucas grabbed the box from her as they walked out of the shed, closing the doors behind them.

"Is there anyway we can change their minds about this?" Nikki asked as they started to slowly walk to the pool.

"How bad is it going to end?" Lucas asked, seeing his girlfriend tense.

"Bad," Nikki whispered, trying to understand more of the warnings her mind and gut were giving her. She stopped walking to face Lucas. "We can't do this. Something will go wrong. And someone is going to end up seriously hurt. Or worse."

Lucas heard the fear on her voice and nodded his head. "Okay, I'll try to convince them. No promises that they'll change their minds though."


"Pools closed," Billy's voice echo throughout the locker room as Mike and Lucas opened and closed doors. "Hey! Did you hear me? Pool is closed!"

Nikki heard bangs on the door as Mike and Lucas settled back into their spots for safety.

Mike grabbed his radio and pressed the button. "Billy."

"Who's there?" Billy's voice echoed again.

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