The Neverending Hangover

By EvelynRaineWhitmore

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*Second in the Fire Whiskey series* 'I had been amazed at the connection Brad and I had, and our connection w... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two

Chapter Thirty-One

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By EvelynRaineWhitmore

Sunday night I took the Gi shift overnight again.  Brad called Monday on his lunch break.

"Hey, baby".  His calm deep voice thrilled my soul and sent goosebumps up my arms.


"Can I see you tonight?", he asked.

"Sure. I'll come over after I make these guys supper. Or, actually, do you want to come here for supper?", I asked, making eye contact with Kendra, who gave me two thumbs up.

"I'd love to", he said.

When I hung up, Kendra said, "Honey, I know you're torn, and I understand you love them both, but do you think maybe Rev is more of a physical attraction?"

"Oh, it's definitely more physical than with Brad", I said. "It's all I want to do around him. It's all I think about. He's...incredible", I said, flushing.

"But could it maybe be more that kind of love than the deep kind?", she pressed. "I mean, I've seen you with both of them, and I'm not convinced Rev's your guy. I think it's different with Brad. You two connect on a different level".

"I would say I love Brad differently", I admitted, "but the problem is I can't say I love one or the other more or less. They're just different".

"Honey, I do not envy you", she said.


Brad followed Andy home from work. I was cooking, Gianna was crying, and Kendra was walking with her trying to get burps out.

Brad loped right over to me, snagged me around the waist, and planted a kiss on me like I belonged to him. When I looked in his eyes, I felt like I did. I couldn't help giving him a big smile in return.

"Hey, beautiful", he said, patting me on the butt. "What's for supper?"

"Basically spaghetti with chicken, but I'm calling it marinara so it sounds fancy".

He chuckled. "Can I help?"

"You could put the garlic bread in the oven for me".

"You got it, babe".

After supper, everyone had a drink other than Kendra. I got interrupted several times during eating by Gianna, because I insisted Kendra sit and eat. As soon as Brad was done, he held his hands out for Gi. At that point she was fussing but not crying. I handed her over to him, he put her on his chest, kicked back on the couch with his feet up, and she snuggled in and fell right asleep.

"Unbelievable", Kendra muttered.

"I didn't know you knew how to handle babies", I said, with some admiration.

"You know my mom had a heart for kids. She basically adopted all the kids in the neighborhood. I helped rock plenty of babies to sleep, but honestly that's about the extent of my expertise. She didn't trust me with anything other than holding them".

"Well, thank God for her", Andy said. "Next time I can't get Gi to sleep in the middle of the night, I'm calling you".

"Do it", Brad said. "I'll come right over".

My heart melted as he looked down at her and stroked the fuzzy little patch of brown hair.

I met Kendra's eyes. We were both near tears. How adorable was this man? How sweet?

He would have made an excellent father and an excellent step-father for Drew. Suddenly I felt an unexpected pang of regret. What if he really was meant to be a dad but I took that away from him by my choice not to adopt? Was he just going along with it to make me happy?

I looked at him with Gi again and nearly started bawling. I saw Andy watching me. He raised an eyebrow, questioning what my problem was now, and I just shook my head slightly. I wasn't going to discuss it.

After I was done doing dishes, I sat next to Brad, laid my head on his other shoulder, and rubbed Gi's little head, staring at her tiny perfect face. Kendra snapped a picture before I even realized it.

"Ohhhh, that is so adorable!", she squealed.

I looked up at Brad and he kissed my forehead.

"Why don't you two go talk or something?", Andy said, lifting Gi from Brad's chest and tucking her into the bassinet.

"Sure", Brad said, dropping a hand to my knee.

"Let's go down to the bar", I suggested.

"Sounds good to me", he smiled.

Brad and I sat and talked and drank whiskey for two hours before I realized what time it was.

"Shoot. I need to get upstairs so they can go to bed", I said.

"All right, baby", he said, moving my hair back behind my shoulder and leaning in to kiss me. I felt my heart flutter, and I could barely refrain from throwing myself at him, but it was better this way. I needed to be sure, and as Kendra had mentioned, it could just be the physical aspect messing me up...with both of them, for that matter.

"I can stay and help you", he said quietly as we moved upstairs.

"I don't know if that's in our best interest", I whispered back.

Andy was sitting on the couch, staring absentmindedly at his laptop when we came up.

"Go to bed", I told him.

"Set the alarm when he leaves", Andy said, standing. "Night, Brad", he said, as he left the room.

I peered at Gi sleeping and checked her monitor.

I felt Brad's arm around my shoulders as I straightened, and he pulled me into his side.

"She's adorable", he said, "and she looks just like you. I couldn't believe it when saw her for the first time".

"I know", I whispered. "She looks more like me than Drew did".

"I'm so sorry, baby", he whispered against my hair.

I took his hand and pulled him over to the couch. He sat and looked at me.

"Seeing you holding her made me really sad about you not being a dad. You would be amazing at it".

His eyes flickered with worry. "You can still change your mind", he said. "We've got time".

"I don't think I will...but the point is, I don't want to take that from you".

"Paige, stop", he said. "Just because I can hold babies doesn't mean I should have them. There's so much more to parenting than that. Holding babies only works for like six months and then you gotta start teaching them stuff. You didn't take anything from me. If we would have had Drew, I was prepared to be his step-dad, but I'm perfectly happy with no kids. I haven't ever felt like it was something I needed. You know all this. Where is this coming from?"

"I just wanted to be sure. I saw...something special when you were holding her is all. Not everyone looks like that with a baby".

"I'll be a fun uncle", he insisted. "To Gi, and to Steve and Bre's child, and I will be happy doing it, but I'll also be happy going home alone with you to no kids".

I searched his face. He seemed pretty confident.

"Okay?", he asked.

I nodded.

"You should get some sleep, babe", he said, giving me another kiss. He was so sweet, so gentle, so intimate, so different from Rev.

I walked him out.

"Text me when you get home", I whispered.

"I will. Love you", he said.

"Love you back".


Tuesday morning Mike called me.

"Paige! Why didn't you tell me you were going to put yourself online?"

"Huh? I didn't. Tommy did. He's the band leader".

"Well, I've got four different people out of Nashville looking for you, contract offers written up already, and they haven't even met you yet!"


"The cover to 'Drunk' you did...girl, it's trending all over social media. It's got like thirty thousand likes!"

"Are you kidding me?!!", I screamed into the phone.

"I'm not", he laughed. "That boy, Tommy, you say? He's a genius. I should have posted it from when you did karaoke".

"Oh my gosh!"

"You gotta get to Nashville", he laughed. "I can leave this afternoon and be there tonight for meetings tomorrow, if that works for you?"

"I, yeah, that should work". I could hardly breathe.

"Okay, keep me posted if anything changes, otherwise let me know when you arrive".

"Thanks, Mike! See you soon!"

I hung up and screeched so badly, Kendra flew out of the bathroom with her pants still down, thinking something happened to Gianna!

"I'm sorry! I'm so, so sorry! Mike called and four people have offers written up for me in Nashville because Tommy put a video of us performing on TikTok and it's trending!"

Then Kendra screamed and flung her arms around me, and then Gi started bawling, which broke up our celebration.

"I've gotta make some calls, and..".

"Leave, Paige. You gotta do this. Go!", she said, grinning as she picked up Gi.

I left. I called Brad as I was driving to their work. I had to tell him in person.  If he didn't answer, I would call Andy direct.

"Babe?", he asked, sounding concerned.

"Can you and Andy meet me out front?  I have something to tell you!"

"Sure. When?"

"On my way right now. Ten minutes!"

"Okay, baby. See you in a bit".

I pulled up to the roundabout I had walked across before my uterus ripped. It was only a fleeting thought for a moment and it didn't hold me. I saw Andy and Brad waiting expectantly, both looking intrigued and amused.

I parked and leaped out, launching myself into Brad's arms.

"I have four offers from Nashville and they haven't even met me yet!", I squealed.

"What?", Brad asked as Andy said, "You're kidding!"

I explained about Tommy and the videos.

"Oh my gosh, I need to call Tommy!" I squealed. "But I need to get to Nashville today! I need to book a flight, a hotel, and pack!"

"I can help", Brad offered, looking at Andy, who chuckled.

"Go", he said, grinning. "I don't need you".

I gave Andy a hug and a kiss on the cheek, then jumped into the passenger seat of the Durango as Brad had automatically jumped into the driver's side.

I called Tommy, whose screams could be heard through the phone.

"Will you tell the others?", I asked. "I'll keep you updated when I know more!"

"You better!", he squealed. "Good luck, darlin'!"

I hung up and looked at Brad. He was smiling at me.

"I'm proud of you, baby. Can I come?"

I froze for a second. Being together in a hotel room wasn't going to help me stay celibate.

His face fell. "I'm sorry. No pressure", he quickly backtracked. "I thought we were doing well but if it's too soon...".

"It's not that", I said, flushing. "I was just thinking that sleeping in the same room wasn't going to keep us from having sex is all".

He gave me a half smile. "We can have two rooms", he said.

"That would be silly. Why would we do that?"

He chuckled. "Is that a no then, or a yes?"

"You can come".

I brought flights up on my phone. There was one for four o'clock, which I booked for us.

"Where am I going?", he asked.

"Oh, sorry. Back to my brother's so I can get some stuff. I have some clothes at your house, too, so there next".

I also had clothes at Rev's. I was like a drifter.

Shit. Rev.

I needed to call him but I couldn't with Brad next to me.


I packed quickly while Brad walked around with Gi so Kendra could take a quick shower before I left. I heard him chuckling from the bedroom I was staying in as I was gathering my bathroom supplies.

I stuck my head out. "What?"

"She smiled!", he said, a giant grin on his face. His icy blue eyes were sparkling. God, he was gorgeous. How could I ever prefer anyone else to him???

"No fair!", I said, dashing over to look, but her innocent little face was as stoic as ever, her eyes glued to Brad's.

"Gi...", I cooed, tickling her belly. She kept staring at Brad.

He chuckled again. "Sorry, babe", he said.

"The fuck you are", I grumbled.

He started laughing pretty hard. I finished packing and he handed me Gi so he could carry everything out to the Durango. Kendra popped downstairs with her hair still wet.

"Gi smiled at Brad", I told her, grumpily.

"What? Really? I'm so jealous!", she said.

"Yeah. Apparently she adores him".

Kendra laughed. "Always trust the judgment of babies and dogs", she said.

"Brad's coming with me", I told her as I handed Gi back.

"Does that mean...?"

"I am leaning toward Brad, but here's the thing. When I'm with him, I don't understand how I could have not been, but when I'm with Rev, I never want to leave him, either. I don't understand what's wrong with me. And I vowed not to have sex with either man until I was sure, but I guarantee I can't stick with it if he comes with me to Tennessee".

"Maybe that needs to happen again, with him", she reasoned, "so you can remember how you feel about him".


"I really don't think Brad is the one you're confused about. I think it's Rev. Stop having sex with Rev and see what happens", she advised.

"That's going to be even harder", I admitted. "Here's the other thing, though. If I want to stay with Brad, I've decided it needs to be with complete honesty, so there's a chance he might leave me anyway".

"I agree with that decision", she said, "and I think he will forgive you, but it might take some time".

I nodded as Brad loped back in.

"I'm so jealous my baby prefers you!", Kendra said.

Brad smiled softly and gently rubbed Gi's little head as it lay on her momma's shoulder. "See ya, baby", he said, stooping and kissing her forehead.

I felt tears come to my eyes. He was so adorable I could literally melt into a puddle of goo. I met Kendra's eyes. She felt the same.

I carefully hugged her with Gi between us. "I'll keep you updated, and I'll come help again as soon as I'm back", I promised.

On our way to the airport, I booked a cute little two bedroom cottage with a kitchen, living room, and yard. We would need to figure out transportation when we landed. Then I called my brother.

"I'm taking Brad with me. I hope that's okay", I said.

Andy laughed loudly. "Oh, baby sister, nothing could make me happier!  Keep him as long as you want, and don't come back until you're a couple again!"

"Yeah, okay", I said, smiling. "I don't know how long we'll be there but why don't you put him in for three PTO days. He could use some time off".

"You don't work here anymore!", he scolded me.

"I'll call later", I said.

"Sounds great, sis. Be safe".

Brad glanced at me with a smirk. "So I'm taking the rest of the week of?", he asked smugly.

"Yep", I said with a smile.

I texted Bre, Steve, and Kate my news, so all my people knew...except Rev.

Once Brad and I were settled in the airport, he went to get us some food. Neither of us had eaten lunch, and we didn't want to stop on the way because airport security sometimes took a long time.

Now was probably my only opportunity to call Rev.


The trackers showed Rev that Paige hadn't left Andy's at all on Monday, but he checked where she was on Tuesday before he called her. When he saw Brad's again, his heart sank and he didn't call.

A few hours later, his phone rang. He met Clint's eyes. "Gotta take it", he said, and left the room.

"Hello, love".

"Hi. How are you?"

"I'm all right. Busy here but it's going well. Listen, Jay's bail hearing is tomorrow. We gotta prove he's a flight risk, so we're working hard on that".

There was a pause. "You mean, he could be let out again?"

"Only until the trial, love. If that happens, we'll watch him, same as before. It will be all right".

"Okay", she said quietly. She sounded disappointed.

"How are you, love?"

"Good", she said, her tone changing. "I'm in the airport.  I'm heading to Nashville!  Mike has four offers for me to consider, all because of the videos Tommy posted!"

"You're kidding?!?", he chuckled. "Well, I'm real proud of you, love, and that's probably a great spot for you to be right now. As far away from here as possible".

And from Brad, he thought.

"What else have you been doing?", he asked.

"Taking care of Gi and helping around the house", she said.

He waited.

"Anything else?", he asked.

"No. Why?"

Ah. She lied. To him. That thought pierced his gut like a knife.

"Remember I told you I never wanted you lying to me, love?", he asked quietly.

"What are you getting at?", she asked, her voice wavering slightly.

"When's the last time you saw Brad?", he asked.

There was silence on the other end. He could hear airport noises in the background.

"Five minutes ago", she whispered.

So, he was traveling to Nashville with her. Fuck.

Rev clenched his teeth and focused on remaining calm. "He's going with you?"

"Yeah", she said quietly.

"Suddenly he's on board with you traveling for singing? That seems fake. He's just doing it to try to get you back. I don't want you alone with him".

"He's fine, Rev. He's excited about this and he's been acting like himself again. I'm not worried".

"When's the last time you had sex with him?", he asked.

There was a pause. He pictured her face turning red.

"The day after the wedding".

"Are you-?"

"I'm not fucking lying!", she snapped.

He believed her.

"What is this, Paige?  Have you chosen to go back to him?  Were you gonna tell me, or were you waiting for me to find out?"

"I haven't decided anything yet, but when I do, yes, I will tell you".

"You're traveling as friends then?  Separate hotel rooms, yeah?"

"No and no".

He gripped his phone so tightly he was surprised it didn't crumple.  "A few days ago you told me you preferred me and were convinced you wanted to stay with me. Two weeks ago you said you would run away with me if I asked you to. Now you're back with him? I can respect honesty, love.  I can respect being your backup. I cannot respect being yanked around or lied to".

"I understand", she said. "I'm sorry I'm so messed up. When I'm with you, I never want to be without you, but when I'm with him, I can't understand why I left. It doesn't make sense to me so I can't imagine it would to either of you. I do know that if I choose Brad, I'm going to tell him about us.  I'm not going to lie to him anymore".

"Paige, no. I think that's a bad idea, love. Don't tell him on this trip, yeah? Please. I need to be there if you tell him, but I think you shouldn't at all. It would be kinder to keep it from him. You only want to relieve your own guilt is all".  He felt terrified about the thought of her telling him.

"That's not it", she insisted. "He has a right to make an informed decision. You and I both had the knowledge of what we were getting into. He doesn't know who I really am".

"Yeah, he does, love. He knows you. It's not necessary to tell him about this mistake".

Rev's heart was aching.

"You're not a mistake", she said, quietly. "And it is who I am. I'm a cheater. I said I'd never do that to anyone but I did it to Steve with Brad, caused Steve to cheat on Bre, and then cheated on Brad with you. I must take after my father".

"You loved each of the people you did it with", he pointed out. "That makes a difference. It's not just sex with you".

"The right thing would have been to break it off completely with Steve and with Brad before doing what I did. I was selfish and irresponsible. I am selfish and irresponsible, so, I don't know what to tell you. I know I'm hurting you right now, and I'm sorry, but I am going to spend some time with Brad and see what happens. I love you. I know that's messed up to say in the same conversation but I love you and I'm so thankful for you".

He felt his heart squeeze painfully in his chest.

"I love you", he said. "Do not tell him on this trip, yes? That makes me terrified for you, love".

"I won't", she said, "but he's safe. He's acting normal again. I'll let you know when we're heading back".

"All right then", he said, and hung up. He walked back into the conference room and met Clint's eyes.

Clint studied him a moment then looked sympathetic.  Rev shook his head slightly and took his seat.


I hung up with Rev feeling emotionally exhausted. I was a terrible person.

Wait a second. Why did he caution me not to lie before asking about Brad?

The earrings. He was SPYING ON ME! 

How dare he!

I stopped feeling guilty and started feeling mad. I actually removed one of the earrings before reconsidering. If Jay was possibly getting turned loose, that probably wasn't the best idea at this time. Brad returned with sandwiches and coffee.

"Oh, you wonderful, wonderful man!", I said, snagging one of the coffees and grabbing a fistful of his shirt to pull him in for a kiss. I hadn't even asked for coffee but that was exactly what I needed right now.

He chuckled.

"How did you know I needed coffee?!?"

"I didn't, but I felt like I did, and I didn't want to risk you drinking mine".

I laughed and kissed his dark whiskered cheek.

"Show me this famous video then", he said, eyes twinkling.


On the plane, I rested my head on Brad's shoulder, even though I was no longer tired, and linked my fingers through his. I felt really lucky to be taking this trip with him...and I probably would have felt the same about Rev sitting next to me, too.

What do I do?

After we landed and Brad was renting a car, I tried calling Mike. He answered and had just checked into his hotel. He gave me the time and location for meeting tomorrow.

"Nine tomorrow morning", I told Brad as he walked over.

"Can I come?"

"I don't see why not", I said.

We stopped to eat on our way to the cottage, which Brad knew nothing about. It was in a residential neighborhood and he looked doubtful.

"Babe, I think the address might be wrong".

I told him to turn into the driveway.

"Surprise!", I said. His mouth dropped open.

"Babe, you rented a house?"

"Cottage actually, and it was close to the same price per night as a hotel room".

"This looks fantastic!", he said, climbing out.

It was small and yellow, with a side porch and a porch swing. The porch lights were on, and I followed the instructions to unlock the door and get us inside. It did not disappoint. It was old, but refinished and updated, thoughtfully decorated, and incredibly cozy.

"This is incredible, babe!", Brad exclaimed. "I don't know how you found this place but I never want to stay anywhere else!"

I laughed. "Me, either. I adore it! I want to buy it".

He got a strange look on his face.

"What?", I asked, laughing. "If I need to travel here frequently enough, it would be worth it. Once I start bringing in money, that is".

He kissed my forehead.

"Did you get a two bedroom place so we could stick with the plan?", he asked.

"No. I got this place because I loved it, and it just happened to have two bedrooms".

He put his hands on my waist and pulled me against him.

"Can I invite you to shower with me then?", he asked, his face close to mine and his eyes serious.

I looked into those icy blue eyes and felt my heart start pounding.

"I'd be offended if you didn't", I answered.

He leaned in and kissed me, slowly, gently, sweetly, then took my hand to lead me into the bathroom, which was tiny. We actually had a relatively difficult time standing in the bathroom at the same time. The shower consisted of a claw foot tub mounted against the tile wall.

It was hot, steamy, and relaxing, and so was Brad. He moved slowly, taking his time, touching every part of me, kissing every part of me. He was definitely not in a hurry, and I was enjoying every second, my desire for him increasing by the minute.

He tried to prop me up against the wall but there were no handholds and it was too slippery. I was too short for any other position to work, so we laughed about that, and he sat down instead with me in his lap.

I felt my thoughts wandering to Rev and how he handled me, and I pulled my mouth away from Brad's, grabbing his face with both hands and looking him in the eyes. I used the trick Rev had taught me to turn my thoughts away from Rev. I stared into Brad's eyes, focusing on him. Brad's fingertips were digging into my hips, and he took over moving me. We finished at the same time, as was typical for us, more often than not. That had to say something about our level of connection, didn't it?  Maybe that was a sign that I did belong with him?

"What was that?", he asked as we were drying off. I knew what he was referring to as I had asked Rev the same thing.

"I wanted to make sure I was focusing on you", I simply said.

He kissed my forehead. "Did it work?"

I threw my arms around him. He had no idea.


Brad's heart was full, his body satisfied, and his soul at peace. Jay was in prison, Paige was back in his arms, and they were on an exciting adventure for what looked like the start of her singing career.

He had fallen asleep quickly with her head on his chest, and slept soundly through the night, better than he had for months. He woke to her kissing him lightly on the lips, and before he was even fully awake, he was tangled up in her again. She was irresistible to him, and he could never get enough. She blew his mind literally every time.

"We have to get going", she said breathlessly, laying on his chest.

"I prefer to stay like this", he said, stroking her hair, "but yeah. Start getting ready. We can pick this back up tonight".

She lifted her head and smiled at him, the morning light clearly showing every tiny freckle on her nose, her skin lighter now that the summer tan had faded, and every color visible in her hazel eyes. Emerald, gold, and golden brown framed by dark, long lashes. He held his hand against her cheek.

"You are so beautiful it hurts me sometimes", he murmured. "I am so in love with you I can hardly function because I'm so happy. You're my whole world, baby".

He watched tears spring into her amazing eyes and she leaned forward and kissed him.

"You got some singing to do, babe", he whispered, and they finally got up.


Brad was never not impressed with Paige's singing, but hearing her in a sound booth was a much different experience. He was blown away and he could tell the songwriter was, also.

Mike had greeted him enthusiastically.

"Brad, my man! Great to see you again! Glad you could join us!"

Mike had arranged for them to stay in the same room and have the songwriters cycle through with their managers. Three hours later, the three of them left the studio and headed downtown for lunch. It seemed like every bar and restaurant had live bands scheduled every night. Mike was familiar with the area, so they simply rode with him and he pointed some things out. They chose a place known for authentic southern barbecue and poured over the contract offers.

Brad had a rough idea of what he was looking at, and Paige asked some good questions of Mike. All of the offers were really about the same and seemed legit.

"Whose songs did you like best?", Brad asked her, watching her face carefully.

"The second girl we met with, Ashley. You know I have to feel the songs to perform them well, and feeling is what's important to me about singing in general. I felt her songs the deepest, connected to them".

Brad nodded. "I knew you were going to say that", he agreed. "I could feel the difference in those. I knew you felt them the most". Those songs were a little edgy, a little angry, a little grievous, and focused on relationships. One, which was about revenge for getting cheated on, he knew she felt every word of that song because her voice pierced right through his heart.

"Can we have her brother's lawyer look through this contract before we make a decision?", Brad asked Mike. "We have till tomorrow, right?"

"Right on", Mike said. "Do whatever you need to".

"Want me to take care of that, baby, or do you want to?", Brad asked carefully.

"Can you call Andy?", she asked. "I've got some more questions for Mike".

"Yep". Brad scanned the document into his phone, emailed it to Andy, and then made the call, stepping away from the table to do so.

"B-Rad! What's up? My sister back in love with you yet or what?"

Brad chuckled. "I think so".

"If you're not a hundred and fifty percent sure, you need to try harder", Andy said. "Do something unexpected and romantic. Take her out dancing. You know how she loves to dance".

"I don't dance", Brad grumbled.

"Which is why it's going to touch her fucking heart! Get with it, man!"

Brad chuckled. "Yeah, yeah, okay. Anyway, she found someone she wants to work with but I need you to have Scott look over the document and make sure we're not walking into anything we're not aware of".

"Email it to me and I'll call him right away. When do you need it by?"

"Already done and tomorrow".

"Sounds great. Have fun!"

"Will do. Thanks, Andy. I sure appreciate it".

"You can pay me back by winning my sister's heart over again", he said. "Gotta go!"


I was wondering about the rest of a band. The contract was written for me specifically to have use of her songs, and for her to get a commission off my earnings from them...but who would I sing with and where?

Mike's eyes sparkled when I brought it up.

"I was hoping you'd ask that. How would your boys feel about taking the band on the road?"

"I'm not sure", I admitted. "I think they'd love to but I don't know if they can all drop their full time jobs to travel".

"Can you find out?", he asked.

"If I've got the songs and the band, then what? Do I need to find a manager, or do I keep working with you?"

"I'd love to work with you, kiddo, but this isn't my town. I've got loads of connections here, though, and I can introduce you to some people that could get you gigs. You can decide who you'd want to work with. You want to call the guys, and I'll start calling some of the managers I know?"

A wide grin spread across my face. I was ecstatic. This was all coming together nicely. I said a quick prayer and called Tommy.


All four guys would be flying in by the end of the night and staying in the same hotel. Jake was arriving the soonest and would let me know when he got in. Brad and I would pick him up from the airport around eight. The other three were on the same flight and Clay said he'd rent a car for them. They weren't landing until eleven.

I had talked to Tommy first, who was all in. He was a fairly successful graphic designer for his day job, but he was self employed which gave him enough flexibility to do whatever he wanted with the band. Sam was also completely on board. His wife had a steady, full-time day job as a RN which paid most of the bills, and he said if he was going to do anything more with the band, it was now or never before they started having kids. His day job was at a grocery store and was easily replaceable. He had no idea what else he would do for a career if it wasn't music.

Jake was enamored by the idea of being famous, and would do anything to make it happen, but his financial situation was precarious. He had a full-time day job working for a large health insurance company, but he spent money as fast as he made it. He simply lied and called in sick for the rest of the week. What would happen from there, he didn't know. I worried what would happen to him if we didn't make a lot of money fast.

Clay was on the fence. He was a single guy, responsible with his money, and worked full time in a factory. Similar work to what Brad had done before working for Andy. He was honest with his boss about what he was going to do and used his PTO. He said it was worth at least coming to explore the possibilities but he wasn't sure what he would do from there. I had a little inclination at the back of my mind that if he ended up losing his job and this didn't pan out for him, I could probably get him employed working with Brad.

I also warned every single one of them that Brad was here with me, that I had not made a full decision about which man I was going to choose, and that Brad had no idea about the level of involvement I had with Rev.

"I know it's a lot to ask, but please don't say a single word about Rev, and please be nice to Brad", I begged each of them as I had made the calls away from the table.

They all teased me and said not to worry. They were sworn to secrecy.

Mike dropped us back at our rental car after lunch and said he was going to get a nap in, but he would love to see us at supper.

Brad had a gleam in his eye and said, "Would you prefer to explore the town, or can I explore your body some more?"

I felt my face flushing.

"That's a hard decision", I admitted. "Why'd you need to put it like that!?"

He laughed. "I'm teasing, baby. I think we should explore the town. Who knows if we'll have another chance? I could easily be talked out of it, though", he said, raising one eyebrow.

I leaned over and kissed him.

"How about we spend two hours exploring and then head back to the cottage until supper?"

"Deal, babe".

Tennessee was beautiful. It had similar landscapes to back home but was ten to twenty degrees warmer. We saw the Country Music Hall of Fame and the Lane Motor Museum. We were back at the cottage in a little over two hours, then spent the rest of the late afternoon and early evening naked.

At five we got ready for supper.

"Should we ask Mike where to go?", I asked.

"I already know", Brad said, a twinkle in his eye.

"What? What's that mean?"

"That means that we discussed it when you were on the phone and I hopefully picked a place you will enjoy".

"Really?", I asked. "What do I wear?"

"It's not fancy but it's country...apparently like every other place in this town", he chuckled. "Anything you have will work".

As I was touching up my hair, Brad stepped into the bathroom and held his phone up to my face. I read a text from Rev- Have her call ASAP. It's important.

"What the hell?", I grumbled, taking his phone.  Brad's face was carefully stoic but I could tell he was upset.

I called.

"Hello?", Rev answered gruffly.

"It's Paige".

"Took you bloody long enough, didn't it?", he snarled.

"I...we weren't by our phones. What's going on?"

"Jay's bail was posted at a crazy high amount, but his family came up with it. He's out, love. I'm staying close to him for now, staying put where I am. You're safer the further away you are. I'll let you know if he makes any moves. His bank accounts are frozen but obviously his family has money. He's still a flight risk, yeah?"

"Shit", I breathed. "He cannot evade this trial".

"We know, love. We're on him".

Brad was hovering at the doorway. His scowl had deepened.

"Jay's family posted bail", I whispered to him. He nodded.

"How are things there?", Rev asked.

"Really great!  I found a songwriter I want to work with!  Andy's lawyer is reviewing the contract and Mike is working on finding us a manager here. The rest of the band is on their way down tonight!"

"Woah, the guys?"

"Yes!  I'm so excited for this opportunity for all of us! I really hope it works out!"

"Me, too, love. I don't like being away from you but I need to be here anyway, so you may as well stay where you're at".


"How are things with Brad?"  He sounded sad.


"He's standing right there, yes?"


"Things are going well, though?"

"They are".

"All right, love. I can't say that makes me happy, but I am happy for you, if that's what you want. Is he what you want?"

"I'm not sure".

Rev sighed. "I'll call you later then. Next time I call, answer, yeah?  It could be urgent".

"Sorry. I'll try".

"Bye, love".


I hung up and handed Brad his phone.

"I'm guessing he tried to call me?", I asked.

Brad disappeared and returned with my phone, which had a bunch of missed calls from him over the past three hours. Apparently I had my phone on silent from the auditions and forgot about it.

"Oops", I said, turning the ringer back on. "He's watching Jay and will let us know if he moves. He says the further away I am, the better".

"I agree", Brad says. "He would have no inclination to come look for you here". He reached over and touched my face. "I'm real sorry they let him out, babe. It would be better if he simply died".

I checked his face sharply. He looked contemplative, sounding hopeful, staring off into the distance.


We swung past Mike's hotel and picked him up, then arrived at the restaurant, which looked busy even though it was a Wednesday. It was owned by one of my favorite male country singers, and even had a rooftop bar with a stage and a live band starting at seven. I was excited!  The atmosphere was awesome, the food was incredible, and the drinks were strong. We went to the rooftop when we were done eating, being sure to keep an eye on the time.

The band was good, but I was a little surprised when Brad took my hand at the first slow song and led me onto the dance floor. Looking up at him in the moonlight, on top of that roof, while he held me and danced, even though I knew he preferred not to...I felt like I fell in love with him all over again. The click I had always felt between us felt more like the last puzzle piece being placed, and the picture was finally complete.

Brad and I fit. Our lives fit. It wasn't complicated. We didn't need to try to make it work. It simply did, in spite of our arguments, in spite of what had transpired over the last couple months, and despite the uncertain aspects of my upcoming career. Every person who was close to me said he was right for me. Why had I ever thought he wasn't?

I stared up at him and realized something else.

"Holy shit, Brad".

"What?" He leaned down to hear me.

"I just realized...I literally would not be standing here right now, would not be in the position I'm in, if you hadn't gotten me singing again. You".

I stopped dancing and grabbed his face with my hands.

"I never thought I would perform again. Didn't think it could be possible. You gave me support, pushed me out of my comfort zone, and talked me into not giving up on something I loved. You got me here, you wonderful, incredible man".

Tears started dripping from my face as I stared into his icy blue eyes. I saw so much love there.

"How could I ever believe you weren't supportive?", I wondered out loud, my heart twisting painfully with guilt. "You said if I did what I enjoyed, you had a feeling I'd end up making money at it anyway, but all I saw was you not wanting me to work. You just wanted me to hold out for the right thing. For this".

He gave me a half smile. "Baby, it's okay".

"No, it's not! All you wanted was to be included in my decisions, but I didn't believe that. I thought you wanted to hold me back so I'd stay home, but you're the one who started me on this path. You're standing here with me now. I'm a fucking idiot, darling, and you have every right to be angry".

"It's okay, babe", he repeated. "We both made mistakes and I'm sure we'll make more. You're still imperfectly perfect for me, and I'm not going anywhere. You is where I belong".

I felt some more tears slip out. I was still holding his face.

"I love you, Brad Davis", I said, my voice shaking.

He smiled. "I love you, more than words".

I pulled his face down to mine and kissed him then rested my head on his chest as he held me.

Andy had told me my thinking was all messed up. I didn't believe him. I had believed Rev. I didn't think Rev had been purposely manipulating me, though I did think he had an unrealistically negative perception of Brad, which clouded his opinions. Why had I allowed myself to be so influenced by him? Maybe Steve was right. Maybe it was infatuation. He would know. That's how he had been with me. He was infatuated with me but Bre was his soul mate.

Why couldn't I trust my feelings about men? Those feelings were always leading me into bad decisions.

As the song ended, and Brad and I walked off the dance floor, I had clearly made my choice. I was choosing Brad, if he would have me, but I needed to tell him about Rev, and I wouldn't do that until we were back home.


The three of us picked Jake up at eight and headed right back to the rooftop bar we were at to talk shop and have some fun. I stuck with water after that first drink because I wanted to be sharp for tomorrow. Mike had two managers he wanted us to meet, and was hoping to get a couple more lined up for the same evening so he could get back to L.A. faster.

I had given Brad a rundown of all the band members, so he knew Jake was somewhat of a diva. When I spotted Jake walking out of the airport with way too much luggage, Brad chuckled and jumped out of the car, striding to his rescue.

That was absolutely the best first impression he could have made with Jake, who was staring at him doe-eyed and grateful as my knight in shining armor literally took every bag he had and strode off toward the car like it was nothing.

"Oh, thank you, you sweet, sweet man!", Jake exclaimed, trotting along beside him. "I already know you're Brad because I've seen pictures. I'm Jake".

I heard Brad's calm deep voice reply, "Nice to meet you".

Mike opened the back passenger door for him as they approached. "Hey, Jake. I'm Mike".

Jake slid in. "It's a real pleasure", he said, shaking his hand.

Then he leaned forward as I had turned around in my seat to greet him, and grabbed my face with both hands, planting a giant kiss right on my mouth! It was totally unexpected and I started laughing.

"And this girl!", he exclaimed. "I fucking love this girl! Her voice is going to carry the rest of us through to fame and fortune. Baby girl, I am almost straight right now I'm so in love with you".

Brad sat in his seat and closed his door at the tail end of that sentence. "Seatbelts!", he said, and simply started driving, but he had a smirk on his face and purposely did not meet my eyes.


Back at the rooftop bar, Mike and Brad went for drinks, and Jake took that opportunity to pump me for information.

"Girl, what the fuck is going on? What happened with Rev? Are you back with this one now? Talk to me!"

I rapidly got Jake up to speed but there were still a lot of holes that needed to be filled in. Jay, for one.

"I promise I'll tell you the whole story soon but not when Brad's present. There's a lot more, unfortunately".

"Ooooh, I cannot wait", he exclaimed, clapping. "I adore Brad...but girl, I don't know that you need to tell him about Rev. It's only going to hurt him".

"He has a right to know, and then the choice lies with him", I insisted, "but don't worry, I won't tell him until we're back home".


The four of us made plans to meet up mid morning, which I texted to Tommy, then we dropped Mike and Jake off at their hotel, and drove back to the cottage.

I seriously loved that place, and I loved Brad in it. It spoke to my heart and soul as much as Rev's cabin had.


My heart twisted uncomfortably. I was gouging him and I was going to hurt him even more. I knew he knew the risk, and I knew he was willing to stay as my backup, but I wasn't going to ever have sex with him again if Brad wanted me after he heard everything. If I was going to stay with Brad, I was cutting myself off of Rev.

Just because I had decided I belonged with Brad didn't mean I didn't still love and want Rev, and it certainly didn't mean it didn't break my heart to lose him.


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