Transformers One Shots

By A-Cryptid-Runs-This

17.9K 181 26

From tfp to mtmte a collection of transformers one shots from my tumblr More

Bittersweet. Like Honey and Whiskey on your tongue.
If I'm to have you, what then?
Veni, vidi, cecidi ad vos
Jealousy, Jealousy.
I will cherish you. Until my last breath I will cherish you.
There's something about you. Like sadness is tied to your soul.
They fell. And so did I.
This is war, child.
Between two souls.
I will care for both of you.
Breathe y/n. Breathe.
If I am to have you. What then? Part 2
If I am to have you. What then? Part 3
Mars and Ares part 2
Rhapsody Mtmte Megatron x Human reader
A Taste Of The Divine Optimus x Reader
I Have Found My Peace In You Optimus x Reader
Hung On You Yandere Optimus Prime x mech Reader

Mars and Ares part 1

608 3 2
By A-Cryptid-Runs-This

Pairing: N/A

Song: Zombie- Cranberries.

Warnings: N/A

AN: I know its been a while since I've posted anything but I do hope you all enjoy! Let me know if you want part two!

There are time you forget that they are at war. When there is peace in the halls that they know call home. When it's laughter that rings through rather than the crack of action loading their guns and used casings dancing off the floor.

You can catch glimpses of old lives in games. In music. You stop noticing forced smiles and faked laughter. You just. Forget. And how could you? It's easy when you are not in war. When you don't have to wake up wondering if it will be your last. They don't judge you.


But, when you see it, it consumes you. The cheerful fall. Bright eyes dull and shoulders fall with the weight of fears and expectations. It's in their elders. In the way old and worn joints catch and body's move of their own accord. Having lived this life so long that they just move through the motions. Maybe they would welcome their end with open arms. Greeting death like an old friend. And perhaps he is. Having taken friends and family time and time again.

Or maybe they would shun him. Laugh death in the face as Ratchet brings then back from the brink. Taunt him as they dance on the battlefield.

"How can I help?" You will ask. Don't kid yourself. You will always ask. No matter how many times they tell you to sit still. To stay back. That you can help by being there when they hopefully return.

You have two options at this point. You can on fact 'stay back' Be that hopeful face they see when they get back. Your small hands going over theirs. Helping, mending, and grateful that they came back. To be that face that softens even the most harden of sparks. To see one who is untouched by their bloodshed. To be one of the few that truly cares.

Your second choice is to disregard thier wishes. To join them in thier to long war. To help fight back when you can. Go where they cannot. You will get mixed responses.

Some will love you. Cherish the thought that you will fight so the courageously along side them. Praise you for being such a small and powerful warrior. Proud with the thought of another family in arms.

Others will be disappointed. Upset. Afraid. So many others had been dragged into their war. Their fight and needlessly lost their lives. They will be mad with themselves as they watch that same battle torn appearance settle on your soft shoulders. They will bring thier pain inwards as you suffer losses alongside their own. And they will console you as they would one of their one.

There is one you must watch out for. He will neither tell you yes or no. He will not force you to stay back and he will never, not even on his dying day, force you to fight alongside them.

Optimus Prime.

He will welcome you and guide you. Give you words of wisdom you yourself will carry on to generations to come. But, no matter your choice do not look into his eyes.

Do not look into him. Not unless you mean to fall.

You will be greeted with unwavering love. A soft kind of sorrow. And a passion that burns so brightly it may blind you when you look.

He will take you in and you will know that he is tired. That he his ready, and he is ready for it all to end. He is the type of person who will guide you when he can. No matter the choice you make. He will give you everything and not expect anything in return.

You will fall for him. It doesn't have to be romantically. Its a love that you know will always be there. No matter where you go in life.

Follow him and you will see. A titan of the land. He will lament the loss of his carefully crafted image. The way you thought of him. And deep down you both knew that this is what lurked beneath.

His soft hands will maime.

His voice will thunder with righteous fury.

His eyes will harden.

You will no longer recognize.

Until the battle is over he will very much occupy the part of leader. He will treat you like a soldier if you choose to fight. He will lead where he knows you can go. It's up to you to come back.

And you do.

You always do.

Back into the arms of a leader. Of one you will so readily fight for. He will soften when it's over. Speak with you. With others. His eyes will always land on you. The lone human amongst a sea of Cybertronians.

Don't get it wrong. He will fight for you. He will do everything in his power to get you back if. When. You get caught.

Megatron will do anything for power.

And Optimus Prime will not let the one person go who dared to see him for who he was.

The only non-cybertronian to truly care for his kind.

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