The General ✔️ (Zolan Book 1)

By Ancientt

19.2M 643K 184K

Sex makes them stronger. We're at war, and the Zolano warriors need women in their furs to enhance their figh... More

BOOK 2: The Captain (complete!)
BOOK 3: The King (now on Wattpad!)
BOOK 4: MALIK'S STORY: The Captain's Slave
More Sexy Aliens 😩👌


348K 11.8K 2.7K
By Ancientt

"Good day, Joan."

I don't like the way Vrint says my name. It sounds too perfect. Usually, Zolanos say my name with an accent. War, for instance, could never pronounce my name correctly.

I see him smile at me, but the curves at the end of his mouth don't soften his face. I'm afraid his nature is too vile and unpleasant to be masked as something else.

'Don't assume, Joan,' I tell myself.

Zolanos have been assuming things about me since I landed on the planet— cruel, insulting, embarrassing things. I shouldn't become a hypocrite by doing the same to this man. His interest in me is obscure enough to keep him at arms length, but I know better than to assume he's mean.

"How may I help you, Lieutenant? Did the General send a message?"

I throw War's name in there just to remind him he's not the only male interested in me. War let me go, but he's the jealous type. I don't think he'd be a fan of Vrint visiting me secretly.

"There is no message from The General. I came here for personal matters. On my own terms."

My stomach clenches.

"Why are you no longer in your Master's camp?" he asks, his hand coming to rest atop the grip of his sword as if a subtle reminder of his power.

He has no business asking me these things. I've never been under his command, or even stepped a foot in his camp. He has little authority over me. I don't want to talk about this, either. It feels like my reasons for leaving War are personal.

Am I within the right to refuse answering Vrint? After all, he out-ranks me.

"Uh... I..."

My body temperature spikes as hot pulses thump in me. I should be used to being in the spotlight of powerful men after all my encounters with The General, but this feels different. War has always had this sex appeal to him; one that makes me feel so wet that some of my fear is exhausted.

There is none of that with Vrint. There's no edge to our chemistry that brings a thrilling accent to the negative feelings he makes me feel. With him, there is just intimidation.

There is so much more with War, but he's gone.

"Forget that. It is of little consequence. I wanted to ask you to join my camp. You will be comfortable and only have to Entertain me."

I knew it. He wants to fuck me. Does he think the job sounds more appealing if I only have to sleep with him?

That doesn't matter. The important thing here is that I have to softly reject him. I need to get this man off my back. If he tracked me down once, he can do it again.

"I cannot leave with you. I'm sorry, but The General assigned me to this orphanage and I need to fulfil my duties here. Perhaps—"

"Female," he chuckles. "There seems to be some confusion. I am willing to pay you for your services. How much did The General pay you to be his personal bed warmer?"

I shake my head. "You're mistaken. I was his servant, not his... bed warmer." The title tastes disgusting because I was never War's whore. We were much more than that.

"Right, well, how much must I pay for you to become my servant?" There's a mockery in his tone. A cruelty.

"I cannot join any positions in your camp, Lieutenant. Perhaps if you speak to The General and ask for his permission, then he would allow me to enlist."

"Are you trying to intimidate me by mentioning his name?"

Yes, I am.

"I know you are no longer under his protection," Vrint says. "You are free game. There is no need to play games like intimidating me with his name. It will not work."

I swallow.

"A guard will be here tomorrow to pick you up. You will move into my tent at once. Cut that awful hair of yours and make yourself shorter dresses."

"No," I say. I clench my fists, but don't look into his eyes. The last thing I want is to trigger him. "I don't want or need to join your camp. With all due respect, sir, I think you should look for a bedwarmer elsewhere."

His hand leaves his sword and jumps to my face. A strong hand grips my jaw before I can jump away, and tips my head back. I'm forced to look into his black irises.

"Do you know how many battles I've fought for Zolan to keep the cities safe? Who are you to deny me comfort after all of my sacrifices? Do not believe I will be so distracted by your beauty that I will allow insolence."

He's talking crazy.

I pull my face away, getting slightly scratched by his nails, and take steps back.

"E-everyone appreciates your patriotism and your devotion." I pause to regain composure. I don't want to break apart. Predators like him thrive in fear.

"But it does not excuse you from rape." I finish.

"Rape?" he laughs. "It is not rape if I pay you for your services."


The voice of Lady perks my attention. I look at her and plead with my expression to be saved from this god-awful exchange.

"Please excuse me for interrupting, but I need you to help me with the children."

"Of course!" I reply quickly. "Lieutenant Vrint, thank you for your offer, but I think we should part ways. Please return safely."

I turn and get out of there with Lady by my side. We walk fast.

"Are you alright?" Lady whispers.

I get ahead of myself and clasp her hand in my clammy one. I look over my shoulder to check if Vrint follows and I answer, "no. I'm not."

"I heard it all. Don't worry, Joan. Your place is here with us. I won't let a bully with abs take you anywhere."

I'm lucky to have her. Another boss would have tossed me out to avoid the trouble that upsetting someone like Lieutenant Vrint would bring.

"Take the day off. Rest," she dismisses me with a squeeze to my hand.

I thank her and do just that. I escape to the comforting embrace of my closet bedroom, wishing I was in War's arms instead.

I rub my face and pull at my hair. I hate looking so different. If I had the features of a Zolano woman, none of these powerful males would be attracted and go to such extremes for a taste of me.

— —

The next day, I follow my typical schedule. I'm not in the mental state to meet the troubled children, so I hold off.

I'm in the kitchen when one of the younger girls that work at the orphanage enters with an array of beautiful, multicolored wildflowers.

"Joan, these were sent for you by Lieutenant Vrint."

I look at the flowers like they're a portal back to Tulis.


"Uh, you can keep them for yourself. Or throw them out. I don't want them."

She looks bewildered by my rejection. I guess any other girl would love the attention of a warrior.

I wipe my hands dry and move onto my next task. It's hard to focus, but I get most of my work done.

That night, I'm fresh from a shower and sorting through my box of undergarments when I realize that I'm missing a few panties. They should all be here, because I always set them back after drying them.

The hairs at the back of my neck raise when I picture Vrint sneaking in here and stealing my undergarments.

Is it possible? No. I must get paranoid.

I look at the door of my closet. I'm now painfully aware that it has no lock. Anyone could sneak in here and steal more than my underwear. They could steal me.

With a shudder, I rest my back against the door to block it, and I try to get some sleep. All I can think of as I drift off is that I miss the warmth and safety of my General's tent.

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