You make my world wild- A Nik...

By Girlwithoutname9719

20.3K 574 1.3K

At the age of 20, Evangeline Martin aka "Evie" still lives with her mother who is a strong religious person a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 59

119 6 28
By Girlwithoutname9719

After two months...

The children's giggles can be heard in the room. This room will belong to the twins. Evie and Nikki are painting its walls right now, with the help of the children. Everyone has paint on their clothes, it doesn't matter. Spending time together as a family is unique. Fortunately, Asher and Bryce are now happy that they will have two sisters. 

The babies can be born at any time. At the last ultrasound, however, one of them was in a breech position. So as expected, Evie will have to do a C-Section because that's the only way the twins can be delivered. 

Evie's baby bump has grown so much that she can barely get out of bed. The doctor told her that the twins could come at any time. As soon as her water breaks, she has to go to the hospital and have a C-Section. Evie has to admit that she is a little nervous, but Nikki and the children are by her side and give her courage.

"Mommy! Look what Asher did!" It's Raelynn's irritated voice.

Both Evie and Nikki look at their daughter who holds a brush and look at the wall on which a pink unicorn is painted. Looks like Asher painted a blue cape on it and also painted a cartoon-like superhero mask on the head of the unicorn.

Both parents burst out laughing, the girl getting even angrier.

"But sweetie," says her mother, looking at the drawing, "it looks so good."

"It's a superhero pony," Asher says proudly, having blue paint on his face. "It's perfect!"

"It was perfect before! His sister growls.

"Kids! Stop!" Their father shouts at them in a loud voice, but with a gentle look. "Asher... Let your sister paint what she wants. You can paint something different."

"Okay," the boy rolls his eyes.

"What's Bryce doing?" Evie asks curiously because she can't hear her younger son's voice anymore. 

They all turn and see Bryce on the other side of the room. The boy puts his hands in the bucket of pink paint, looking at Rexx who is following him with interest. The boy put his palms on the wall. The dog puts his paws in the bucket and he gets up on two paws and presses his paws against the wall, leaving with Bryce only handprints and paws on the wall.

"Oh God," Evie chuckles even though she imagines how much she'll have to clean up after.

"I want to do that too!" Asher says and puts the brush down and runs to his brother.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Raelynn cries and runs to their brothers. 

Evie sighs, but there's a big smile on her face. She turns to her husband, who is following his children. They are now painting the walls with their tiny hands. 

"Shall we join them?" His wife asks him and they both snort with laughter.

After a few days...

Evie and Nikki look proudly at the twins' room. It's finally ready. It's late at night, but they've finished decorating it. The walls are full of their and children's paintings. The room is full of all kinds of toys. Two changing tables are next to two pink cribs. Above them are painted the names "Juniper" and "Julia". These will be the names of their daughters. 

 "We did a wonderful job," Evie says, smiling broadly. "Now," she says and turns to her husband, "we just have to wait for the babies to come."

"They will come when the time is right," her husband smiles tenderly and puts a hand on her huge baby bump and kisses her on the lips briefly. "It was a tiring day," he whispers, his gaze close to hers. "I think it would be a good idea to go to bed, honey."

"Come with me," Evie grins mischievously.

"Of course I'll come, honey. I'll come anywhere you want."

Evie melts at her husband's soft voice. They both hold hands and leave the rooms. All 3 children are sleeping, so now they can relax. They arrive at their bedroom, where they both lie on the bed. They fall asleep hugging, forgetting about time and everything. 

But after a few hours, Nikki's sleep is interrupted by his wife's frightened voice. He instinctively opens his eyes and gets up and sees his wife getting out of bed, her dress wet. Evie looks at the wet dress, then at her husband. Although she has been through this 3 times, she is panicking because this pregnancy is different. There are two children and she is 8 months pregnant.

The shock is too big for her to speak. But Nikki immediately gets out of bed, walks over to her, touches her shoulders protectively, and speaks in a calm voice:

"I'll call someone to stay with the kids. Then we go to the hospital immediately. Don't worry, honey. Everything will be alright."

The tone of her husband's voice makes her close her eyes and inhale the air, feeling better, less scared. After... everything happens fast. Someone comes to stay with the children and then she and Nikki are in the car. 

They arrive to the hospital just as quickly. Where she is immediately placed in the operating room. Nikki is close to her. He doesn't let go of her hand when her first incision is made. 

After a few minutes there is a weak cry at first and then it gets louder. It's the cry of their first little girl. Evie squeezes Nikki's hand harder and hot tears well down her face. 

In a short time, the other baby is also taken out, who is also constantly crying. 

"They have strong lungs," Nikki says, leaning over to his wife and kissing her on the temple. 

Evie says nothing but smiles and cries at the same time.

Fortunately, the twins are perfectly healthy despite the fact that they are premature. They can breathe without any help. It's just that they are so tiny, but otherwise everything is fine with them. 

Both are wiped and wrapped in cotton blankets and placed on their mother's chest. Evie looks at each one in turn and melts at the perfection of the few human beings. 

Nikki looks at them with wet eyes. Evie gives him a cheerful smile. 

 "See, honey," he says. "I told you everything would be fine. Look... Juniper and Julia are here and they're healthy. They look so much like you."

 "I'd rather say they look like you," his wife tells him.

Nikki chuckles, strokes her head, and bends down, kissing her on the forehead, whispering: 

"I love you."

"I love you more," his wife whispers to him. "Now take your daughters, in your arms..."

Nikki no longer waits and takes the twins in both his arms, looking at them one by one. How small but perfect they are. Although they are so tiny, he can see in them the physical features of his wife but also of his. He and Evie created wonderful creatures again.

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