Coach Knowles


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"Maraj! You're late.." Some woman busted in the gym but trailed off when she got closer. "Who's this?" "This... More



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I was stressed. When I woke Imani up this morning she threw up all over my feet. I called her doctor after I checked her temperature and he said it was probably the flu.

I had to clean up vomit before I even got a chance to brush my teeth this morning.

Then I had to take Amir to school and I obviously couldn't leave Imani at home so I brought her with us. Big mistake. She threw up all in my car.

My Rolls Royce.. My baby...

I tried to clean it up the best I could but I would need to get it professionally done.

Today I had a PTA meeting I needed to be at and a book club meeting and now I couldn't go to either.

That was the least of my worries, I had to deal with a sick Imani and these throw up covered clothes.

Imani was too weak to even bathe herself so I did that for her and laid her down on the couch with cartoons playing so I could deal with myself.

It only took me 10 minutes to take a shower, get dressed, and get back downstairs to take care of Imani. As a mother I know how to take showers super fast.

When I came back downstairs Imani was sleeping so I just left her alone. She was complaining about her throat hurting so I went back upstairs to look in the medicine cabinet.

As if my day couldn't get any worse, there was no kids flu medicine in here and she's too little for me to give her adult medication.

I called the only person I could, Robyn.

It's sad I can't even call her own father to bring her some medicine.

"Hello? I'm teaching a class right now."

"And you answered? I'm sorry, I forgot you're a teacher." She sure doesn't act like one.

"Fuck these kids, what did you call for?" I could hear the kids in the background responding. I have no idea why she would say that.

"Imani's sick and I was going to ask you to get her some medicine since I can't because she already threw up in my car but it's fine."

"Your baby? No way."

"Now is really not the time for small talk, go teach your class." She's trying to have a whole conversation with me and these kids are waiting for instructions.

"Hold on I'm stepping outside." I stayed quiet while she got a teacher next door to watch her class. "I can ask Bey to get it, she only teaches one class on B days."

"No I don't feel comfortable with that." I don't want to ask her to do something because she'll probably want something in return. I don't want to ask her a favor especially if it has to do with my daughter.

We've eaten lunch together on Monday and Tuesday and now it's Wednesday. It wasn't that bad, I still find her whole fork thing really weird.

"She's not a bad person, just give her a chance."

"I'll take a chance and go to the pharmacy down the street, it's fine." I have to get my car cleaned anyways so if she throws up again it won't be that bad.

"Please just let me call her."

"Fine." I hope I don't regret this.

"Okay, she'll be there soon." She hung up. She didn't even know if she was going to come yet.

She texted me a couple minutes saying Bey was on her way.

We've eaten lunch a couple times but I still don't know how I feel about her. She has to be secretly a satanist or something, nobody is that nice and friendly all the time.

While I was waiting, I started doing some laundry to wash Imani and I's clothes. After that I started washing the dishes I used to make Amir breakfast.

It wasn't even noon yet and I've been thrown up on once and cleaned throw up twice. That doesn't even include all the shot I've had to wipe up.

I only had a couple more dishes left when someone rang on my doorbell, probably Coach Knowles.

I dried my hands and went to open the door. Coach Knowles was standing there with a nurse hat and stethoscope.

"Really? Again?" It seems like every time I open the door for her I end up laughing in her face.

"I'm Nurse Knowles today." She looked so excited to be doing this.

"You're a life saver, thank you." I really would've lost it if Imani threw up in my car again. I let her inside and closed the door.

I led her into the kitchen and she set a pharmacy bag down on the island, after she turned back around to face me.

"It's no problem at all. Robyn told me you needed me to watch Imani so you could go to some meeting?"

"No, I'm not going anymore." I hate Robyn.

"Are you sure? I can watch her, I have nothing to do today and I wouldn't mind hanging out with her for as long as you need."

"Hanging out? She's six."

"Yeah but we can still hang out. I love kids, it would really be no problem to watch her."

"She would just get you sick, it's fine."

"My body is basically made out of steel, my immune system is perfect. I haven't gotten sick in decades."

It sure does look like it's made out of steel, when she walked in here the first thing I noticed was the grey Nike sweatsuit she had on.

"Still, I don't need to go to the meeting that bad."

"Aren't you the president? It sounds like you do need to be there."

I hate that she's right. "Would you mind watching her for just an hour or two? I'm so sorry I hate that I have to ask."

"I already told you, it's really no problem."

"I know but I really hate asking you this. I'll pay-"

"We're friends, right?"

"Yeah." I think she just wanted me to say it because right after she started smiling.

"Okay then it shouldn't be that big of a deal. Friends help friends out."

"Okay." I guess so. She was right, I actually needed to be at this meeting.

"Good so go get ready for your meeting and I'll give Imani some medicine. You should probably take a shower too, I think I see a chunk of something in your hair."

Oh my God that is so disgusting and embarrassing.

"Ew. Just to let you know, Imani might throw up again." I feel so bad.

"A little vomit isn't that big of a deal, we'll be fine. You just go get ready and I'll deal with the rest."

"Thank you again."

She gave me a reassuring smile and I went upstairs to get in the shower.

I scrubbed my body until my skin turned red. My scalp was probably red too from how many times I washed it.

30 minutes later I stepped out the shower, I felt so clean.

I got dressed in leggings and a t-shirt, just something plain and easy.

When I walked back downstairs Coach Knowles and Imani were at the dinner table, Imani was sitting on her knee with a tiara on her head and there were papers sprawled all over the table.

"Mommy! BeyBey's here!" Imani started to get excited when she saw me.

"I see. Are you feeling better?" She looked a lot better after that nap.

"Yeah! BeyBey gave me a potion to make me into a princess, see?" She got out of Coach Knowles' lap and did a twirl. I didn't even realize she had a tutu on.

"You look so pretty, did you say thank you to BeyBey?"

I can't believe I just said "BeyBey."

"I know Im pretty, BeyBey told me already. Thank you BeyBey!" She hugged Coach Knowles leg and laid her head on her knee.

"Of course babygirl. Did you tell your mommy what we're doing?"

"Giving 'Mir F's!" She started getting excited again.

"No, she's helping me grade papers. She's been asking me to give Amir an F since I started." She laughed a little and helped Imani back onto her knee since she was struggling.

"A C. It's fine though, he has an A in my class and trigonometry is hard."

"A C?" That's basically failing.

"It's just one test, he can retake it too."

"That's still not good. I'll talk to him about it later." He usually doesn't get C's.

"You should get going so you're not late."

"You don't even know what time I have to be where I'm going."

"Robyn told me you have a book club meeting in 30 minutes and a PTA meeting right as school ends. She was actually helpful for once."

"Okay we'll I guess I'll go then. Imani be good. I'm serious." She knows how to manipulate people to get what she wants, she gets that from her dad.

"Mhm. Bye!" She wasn't even paying attention to me because she was typing something on Coach Knowles phone. She doesn't know what she's in for.

"Bye Onika, Robyn said she wants you to enjoy these kid free hours so do that." She smiled and waved as I walked out the door.

The book club meeting was fun, it was nice to have an intellectual conversation for once. I was tired of Cocomelon.

After the meeting I stopped to get a coffee since I still had some time left before the PTA meeting. I sat in the parking lot and listened to an episode of my favorite podcast.

This was actually relaxing.

The PTA meeting went smoothly. As smoothly as it could've gone, I hate all those white soccer moms.

I told Amir he could go to his friends house that he's always asking to go to because it would be weird if he walked inside his house and saw his coach at the dinner table grading papers.

Since the school is so far away, the sun was starting to set already. I feel bad I took her whole day away.

She also texted me asking me if she could take Imani to the store. I don't know what she was getting from the store but I said yes.

I still don't trust her and I still think she's weird but I don't think she would do anything to harm my child. Kind of.

I walked into the house and it was completely silent except for the tv playing very quietly in the background.

I walked further into the house into the living room and Coach Knowles was sleeping on the couch and Imani was asleep on her chest.

There were chocolate chip cookies and a half melted carton of ice cream on the coffee table. The Princess and the Frog was playing on the tv with the volume almost all the way down.

I audibly "aww'ed" at the sight.

I lightly shook her shoulder to wake her up without waking Imani up.

"Hmm?" She was half asleep, her eyes were still closed.

"I can take her now so you can enjoy what's left of your day, sorry I took longer than expected." I was whispering because if Imani woke up it would be hell.

"I can take her upstairs so she doesn't wake up." Her voice was raspy since she just woke up. I liked the way it sounded.

"Okay. Her room door has her name on it."

She slightly sat up and I had to completely turn away to not wake Imani up with my laughing.

Her hair looked like a birds nest and she had a tiara on top of it.

"What's on your head?" I was still turned away because I knew if I turned around I would start full on cackling.

"She wanted us to be princesses and I did her hair do she wanted to do mine. It's pretty cute, I might keep it like this." I didn't have to turn around to know she was smiling super hard.

"You did you hair?" I turned around to look at Imani's hair and it looked perfect. It was in these neat braids with beads at the end.

"Yeah my mom owns a salon so I know a thing or two. I enjoyed doing it."

"I really don't know how to thank you."

"Friends help friends, it's no big deal. I'm gonna take her upstairs now though."

She sat up and Imani started to whine but she went right back to sleep. How did she do that?

She went upstairs and while she was doing that I started to clean up the area they were in because it was a mess now.

I heard Imani crying and screaming so I put what was in my hands and very quickly went up the stairs. I know how Imani gets when she gets woken up.

I walked into Imani's room and she was on the floor crying, screaming, and kicking around.

"Why are you crying?"

"BeyBey's leaving me!" She was screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Imani." That was all she had to say.

Imani immediately stopped her movements and her crying turned to sniffles.

How the hell did she do that?

"I'll come see you soon, okay princess? I'll bring you some cookies."

"And ice cream?" Of course that's where her mind went.

"With sprinkles too."

"Sorry BeyBey."

"I understand. You can't throw tantrums every time something doesn't go your way but come give me a hug."

She got on her knees to be closer to Imani's height and gave her a hug.

That had to be one of the cutest things I've ever seen.

"I have to go now but I promise I'll see you very very soon with cookies and ice cream."

"With sprinkles."

"Of course, how could I forget. I'm going now."

She tucked Imani into bed and we both slowly walked out.

"Thank you so much Coach Knowles."

"I already told you to call me Bey. We're friends."

"Thank you Bey." It feels weird to say. "I'm about to make dinner, do you wanna stay for dinner? Or I can put it in a container for you."

She checked her phone, "I would love to but I actually have somewhere to be very soon. Rain check?"


"No- I- We-"

"I was just playing with you calm down." I laughed, I really didn't care because that whole situation was none of my business.

"Okay well I'll call and check up on you tomorrow because you'll probably be sick too. Bye Onika."

"Bye. Thank you again."

i probably won't be updating but y'all know i love to lie



Bey taking care of Imani?

Onika still having her reservations about Bey?

Onika finally being able to have some alone time?

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