reaction to the jason verse

By bloodedge_alter_god

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soo i decide to make an reaction book about the jason verse witch is.... well the multiverse of my oc jason b... More

prologe the call of the bell
the original{info,moments and some facts}
herrscher of the azure
apha bloodedge
son of light and darkness
the dark intoner
the spindrift reaper
cast soo far
moments and images compilation part 1
moments and images compilation part 2
dark sentience
azure legacy
son of the savior
the umbral reaper
the hakurei reaper

prince of the night blade

977 8 179
By bloodedge_alter_god

after the preview was over

azure:all right to the waiting room i need to set things for new guests

the group nod and head to the waiting room

ikagura:that jason have master class skills with the sword

asuka:i agreed

kirito:if azure was true an few universes if he teacher i will glad been his student

asuna:kirito kun you realise the training will be the most painful ever right?

kirito:but the results will been perfect

eugeo:yeah that is true

yuuki:i sure want to spar agaist that jason

apha:soo kasane you are married to my son

kasane:well..not only me?*look the rest of the scarlet nexus girls less naomi and hanabi*

lucian:wow...that is an suprise never trough my son will have an harem

kyoka:actually it was kasane idea after her sister naomi does the same along with hanabi for yuito

yuito:*blush*y yeah

nagi:hey you are lucky one do you

yuito:shut up you

ikki:that jason is very strong not to metion he was strong by skill alone i wonder if i can reach his level by train my swords skills

stella:hey ikki don't get weird ideas!


ikki:you still blush because of that incident

ayase:y yeah and well..our jason does the same 

stella:i still suprise he did that

ragna:soo apha right you are the mother of my other version of my son?

apha:yeah he is nice person but he is too serious sometimes but he is nice olso he love frog dolls like me

ragna:je i sure he is happy 

apha:yeah he is

velvet and god kiana have jealous looks

jin:soo jason is good with the sword

apha:ja far above yours an fact you face my son 36 times and you only win 2 times

the blazblue cast jaws drop

lucian:the thoses times you have help of you wife and my son's aunt at law

tsubaki:eh!? soo an that version i olso married with jin and he is nepfew an law!?

lucian:yeah pretty much

kiba:hmm maybe i should train my sword

issie:damm that jason is strong and not even use his powers

rias:well you can use his experiences to train and get better

kiba:i wish to meet that jaosn it sure it can been an great teacher

koneko:one who will break you bones 

kiba:*sweatdrop*y yeah

kagero:wait you have about 50 thousands years ago?

fu hua:yeah pretty much

kagero:jeje guess both are the oldest of the group

fu hua:i guess

nagi:never exppect meet someone more older than kagero


azure enter the room

azure: i done comeback to the treate

the group return and take the seats and see more seats

ragna:let me guess more guests

azure:you bet now*pull out his ocarina and use it*

an a flash another group appear

genshi impact cast

under night at birth cast

asterisk wars cast

elsword cast

hyde:huh how we

keqing:odd did we get teleport by the god 

unknow:god it was my doing that is for sure

aisha:that is odd

julis:wait what is this place

azure:*cough*i explain


elsword:wow an multiverse of jason..hey add thoses something like that exist

add:yes is posible an fact everyone have they own multiverse 

hyde:wow that is an suprise

linne:agreed*look ragna*oh ragna you are here as well

ragna:do i know you

linne:are you idiot? how you not remeber the women you married and have an child?

everyone was suprise since linne was..very short to been an loli unknow of her condition

jin:brother you hate luna call you pedo but you end up have an child with an..well loli

noel:brother i can't believe it

tsubaki:ragna you are the worst!

rachel:wow ragna you sure fell more low

velvet:i can't believe it ragna

ragna:hey hey! i never do that!!!

hyde:guess you don't know about linne condition

linne:they know but how you forgot?

azure:right they diferent version of the ones you meet linne


noel:wait what you mean you condition

linne explain the rest undestand

izuku:soo pretty much you soul end up an body of an young girl right?

linne:part of my curse soo yeah

makoto:well if you stay like that then how you can have kids if you are

linne:i have normally don't ask 


mai:enough makoto

ragna:you own me an apologies

jin:bother she still look an loli

linne kick jin an the balls

linne:call me loli again and i make sure tsubaki never have chirdren

tsubaki:jin you okay!?

jin:I i fine.don't...worry

ragna:soo all you meet jason?

ikki:yeah an fact i meet you as well

ragna:that is interesting

elsword:me and my group meet him as well


raven:olso he is the husband and king*point eve*and she is his queen

everyone less elsword group:HE IS KING!?!?!

eve:yeah king of the nasod my rase

hatsume:oh can i check on you!?



azure:all right enough let's start and take seats

everyoe take seats

azure:now we recap the previous versions for thoses who arrive

one recap later

elsword:no way that kiana jason can been that ...destrutive and merciless 

elesis:agreed our jason will sure hate that version

raven:i suprise that lucian jason is good with the sword it remind my furious blade personal

yuzuhira:oh i want to meet him and have an spar!

orie:i sure you have fun with that jason

julis:our jason is kinda like that but never use that style of swordmanship

apha:what he use?

saya:well he use two blades three when he have one an his mouth

kirito:wait he can actually do that!'


kirito:i knew it was posible

asuna:kirito don't you even dare


asuna:no buts! the last time i have to take you to the dentist because you break some of you teeth


the sao cast sniker

zholing:that kiana jason remind me to the god

rosalina:yeah not to metion his mother have the same look

acient god:yeah now do you metion it

the unknow god and herrser of the void kiana look each other

herrsher kiana:you mild been my lost sister

unknow god:i douth i have an sister who want to destroy the world

herrsher kiana:hey i change for the better!

ukknow god:that is true

azure:okay now to the next jason 

they look the screen as it was now somekind of select character screen from fighting games

denki:hey it remind me thoses fighting games we play

murasaki:that is true

izuku:that is new

asuka:all thoses chars are jason's!?

azure:yep they are

julis:they are lot!


issei:hey can we

azure:no issei is not an video game you can play

issei and some people who are gamers:awwwwwww

eula:if there is that many of jason

azure:oh well that is the first page

everyone:first page!?

azure:yeah but now i need to select the jason you gonnad watch oh right i forgot the music

as azure move the curse as the groups see other versions of jason among then was

one jason who was use guns

one jason who have an mech armor witch suprise the infinite stratos and mei hatsume

an jason who is hybrid betwen an devil,angel and fallen angel witch suprise the dxd cast

some female versions witch some were hot make the boys blush hard 

an jason who aparenlty was pull an sword out his chest the genshi cast look an rioter shogun as they have an idea about that version of jason

finally the curse stop an one jason who have an hoode coat along with an aramasa,an knife and an sword between his teeth

azure:there it is

kirito:oh he can do that as well




she select that jason

screen:you choose jason kuu bloodedge want to begin?

she press yes and the under night at birth cast look an linne and she only nod as they look back to the screen

the screen show jason on top of the rooftop as he remove his hood to expose his browb hair and purple eyes as he jump and grab aramasa and the knife and make an slash an the screen make it white an a test appear

"prince of the night blade"

the screen show the stage who was the city rooftops an night time as jason land and remove his hood as his name appear next to him

izuku:that jason remind to apha jason but more...blunt

momo:i admint his outfit is cool

kirito:soo he can use an sword an knife and aramasa how he sure is ready


lucian:interesting seems like that jason is very skill

apha:i agreed

they look back to see his look

orie:woah he look like hyde hey hyde are you

hyde:i not relale to him by blood but he call me uncle

denki:hey are you sure

linne kick denki's balls

linne:don't even assume i cheat me husband

denki:i i 

linne stomp his head

wagne:well the look alike is the same i sure ragna look like that when he was young

ragna:i think soo

katsuragi:i admint that jason is more handsome and hot~

yang:i agreed~

both were zap by azure

azure:control you hormones you two

both girls qucky nod

ryona:oh i want

azure:you don't o i gonnad make you you can't feel anything like baldur

ryona gasp and got scare an the idea

ryoubi:now i wish that soo she can't stop bother me

miyabi:because what you wish you don't know if you regret it


they look back to see the basic information and they pick up the race

rias:what is an in birth and void?

azure:i let then explain*point the under night cast*

hyde:well an short  in birth are people who can control the supernatual powers of EXS

rias:super natural like us

linne:not really an fact the i birth should an state are they neither dead o alive

everyone less th eunder night cast was suprise

izuku:w w wait either they not alive o death but then then how are..well living!?

yuzuhira:well an a way we are like people who never get borth an the first place suprising scary

oriel:is not actually you can still live you normal life.hell haft normal

seth:now the void well that is another story

homura:what is an void

wagner:well an void is an being who comes from the hollow night an event who happen the first night of the first month of our world thoses things can't been killed by normal means and you have to use EXS to kill then for good

everyone again were suprise by that fact

aizawa:soo pretty much an group of beings they can't that unless you have thoses EXS's 

seth:pretty much the void have many forms the most strongest are either an snake like being o humanoid

ragna:*eyebrown twich*snake huh

linne:yeah not soo pleasent after our adveture either,but anyways an person can turn into an void and if that happen well..

yuzuhira:you turn into an zombie


yuzuriha:olso you memories got wipe out soo yeah you skew if you turn into void

seth:Normal people aren't able to perceive or interfere with them. Only the most powerful Voids can materialize themselves. Voids also become visible when they get close to high concentrations of EXS

miyabi:soo we can't sense unless they manifest


eugeo:wait soo how jason is not an zombie if he is an void?

linne:he is haft void and besides the azure grimore is pretty much is an safelock from his trasformation along with the massive amounts of EXS he have olso hs in bith side keep it an check

everyone nod and look the next part

it host the weapons olso the altenative outfit jason have

hyde:huh soo he have the same style as you 

linne:yeah he is

oriel:guess he is you son after all

kirito:soo he can use trhee weapons not bad maybe i should an third weapon as well

alice:kirito i think you are good enough with only you two swords

silica:i kinda curious how he use the knife since i use an knife as well


himeko:i curious how good are with the katana and the aramasa

they an his personality

issei:is kinda the same with the previous one

aizawa:but this jason is more indepent and he like do things on his own that is diference not to metion he is more blunt

all might:soo he like work alone?

rias:it seems soo

saya:it have his probs but olso drawbacks

ichika:je he kinda remind me to chifufu

chifuru:what was that?

ichika:nothing....{keep to youseft ichika}

linne:yeah..that get that from me

ragna:i wonder how he get along

linne:he actually can with some people..but with the rest i mean there is one time jason almost stab luna to death leave her like cheese

everyone was surpise by that

ragna:damm i wish to been there

litchi:hey ragna that is too far!

ragna:if you know luna long enough you will agreed with me

they look to see jason's inner spirit

ragna:another female black beast?

jubei:she looks diferent

jin:agreed and that versions she can borrow her power to jason and turn into ghost

ragna:yeah...ghost{dammit why ghost}

asuka:ragna are you affraid to ghost?

ragna:what no that is soo silly

linne:say that to the ghost behild you

ragna:gah!*Turn aroud and see no one*oh you little pisqueak!

linne:jejej you always easy to mess it

rachel:i know right

ragna:great now we have two rachels

azure:now his abilities

they look as the screen split an two as one show the abilities while the other show jason use his super moves and some combos

and there is ultimate move

asuka:wow thoses sets of skills sure help for his style

homura:you kidding that jason is faster and extreme agressive

blake:not to metion his attacks are extreme deadly

enji:no kidding that attack with red slashes sure seems to cause an lot of damage

ikki:yeah that jason sure focus o speed and agression above anything and is deadly to opponets who goes defensive

ichika:yeah it will hard to keep with the speed and well have to been strong enough to withstand his attacks

yang:kinda kinda fight like that well less the brutality


rias:kiba kinda fight like that as well

kiba:well but i lack of power maybe i have an rook i can compesate that

elsword:that style remind to my immoratal personal who have the same focus of that jason

elesis:that is true

eve:an jason's case it have more speed and power and his style is more agressive focus an cause to much damage as he can without his opponet fight back

raven:that is an brutal style

kirin:i mild match his speed but when comes to power that jason beat me an that area

julis:is like he have the speed of kirin along with the firepower of saya


saya[asterisks}:that is me do we meet before?

ragna:well see our sister name is olso saya

noel:but i go by noel an the moment

saya:oh...olso you are flat chest like me

noel cry as makoto pet her

makoto:chest are not anything


tsubaki:nice work makoto


tatsuya:jason seems focus an cause big damage as posible and make combos fast and powerful is an

miyuki:is any chance you can match

tatsuya:hardly due to the speed and strengh not to metion his power along with healing and regenartion make the fight harder i mild keep up but an the end that jason beat me by lot

mayumi:woah that is an suprise tatsuya

erica:yeah olso that jason is good use thoses blades maybe i add dual wielding as well

kirito:i can teach you that



kirito:hey hey relax i just give her tips!

yuuki:yeah like the nurse

asuna:wait what she mean

kirito:oh god

jubei:erin give jason extra power make it fight agaist him more harder

chifufu:and she can assist him make it even more harder as well but then again that jason is indepent soo i sure he borrow her power only and ask assist when he have no choice

kiana:that is true

eula:that kinda remind me to shogun since she want to to things on her own

raiden shogun:i capable of do it

zholing:then how you lost to the traveler?

raiden shogun:i just wasn't aware of his power

yae miko:you lost twice an the rematch and not to metion you lose 5 times agaist jason

yae{honkai}:hey why you look like me?

yae miko:i was about to ask the same

kallen:two yae's ..that is new

seth:linne you teach some of my fighting style due to our matches do you?

linne:i did soo?

seth:well it have an good result for the looks of it

hyde:wow that is new coming from you


yuzuhira:jeje you sure train you son well

linne:i fact he take his training soo serious he even train with his injuries hell he even train with an stab wound an his heart


issei:okay that is way too much dedication

wagner:i agreed

hyde:jeez linne an least you take care of his wounds

linne:i did along with ragna and jubei

jubei:je i can image how serious he take*look ragna*you

ragna:yeah yeah take notes from my alternative version of my son

they look back to the screen to see his personality

momo:woah that jason is not..friendly at all

jiro:more like if you make an mistake of insult him he will stab you

ikki:but olso he is indepedent

ayato:that is true but that can't been an problem if he deal with anything alone

linne:i was like him and i came very hard

under night cast:*cough*

linne:...okay i have help just like jason as well

they see his likes and dislikes

hanabi:he have more dislikes than likes kinda like yagyu

yagyu:hey..i not like that


shiki:midori keep quite

kokonoe:i not suprise he dislike me

ragna:i wonder why

kokonoe:oh shut up you idiot

jin:*sight*i not suprise he hate during that....stage

homura:really how you became crazy on you brother?

jin:again the blade manipulate me lucky i free from it

they look back to see the parents and relatives

yuzuhira:oh i big sis! that is great!

hyde:je i don't mild been uncle

oriel:i sure you get along

linne:you bet

ragna:you well adult o

linne:really you gonnad ask that?


they look to the relations 

blazblue:why izanami is jason's lover!?

azure:well she try to seduce witch end up an..well you that kind of stuff

noel feel sick

asuka:hey you okay?

noel:i i have an sick trough you see izanami use me as vessel soo

jin:an a way jason have incest with his own aunt

everyone feel sick and try to proecess the idea

tsubaki:let's just forget that soo erin is his girlfriend

jubei:i can image hakume go crazy to find that jason is the boyfriend of an female version of the black beast will an chaos

ragna:i suprise es have crush since that girl..well she doesn't show emotions hell she always have that neutra face

hu tao:like raiden shogun?

ragna:not like her is more like an robot always neutra face not matter what

they look back to see the unlimited form

leo:does all jason's have unlimited form?

azure:yes some are the same but other have diference now move on we gonnad see the fighting simulation this will been two fight scenarions 1v4 and 1v1 now with the first one

jason vs blood team-rank equal class a

blood team

carling blood

kyo blood

iori blood

eater of souls

asuka:what does the blood team mean?

azure:too put simply an group of people who can use the power of blood to create unique powers for example blood flames

everyone was surprise by that

shoto:how strong is that blood flame

azure:10 worses not even ice o normal fire can match it now to the battle

jason{shadow dancer}vs blood team

ikki:wow he handle then very well

kirito:yeah his speed and power sure help agaist that team

asuka:that is true

julis:i admint that jason is strong for sure

azure:now to the 1v1 witch this one is harder

oppnet name:erin

rank:equal, class sss

everyone:erin is gonnad fight jason!?

azure:yeah is the only one who can match him soo that is why the fight is harder

jason{shadow dancer}vs erin

linne:that fight was even for both

jubei:sure erin can keep up with her boyfriend

asuka:agreed i mean dispide his speed she can match him


kasane:the girls are right


azure:okay now for the moments this one is an prove you can't never think you have the open hand with jason even if the situalation is agaist him

ragna:what you mean?

azure:you see

they look an the screen

the scene show jason an a room chain up to the ground as he was on his knees


he see an group of men aim they guns at him

men:the emperor confirm you execution now is time for you to die

jason:you are very sure about that.

men:you mild cause an big damage to us but this ends here

everyone was worried and look an azure

azure:this universe jason fight agaist an corrupt empire the situalation he is right now he was "capture"by the empire and they gonnad execute him

some panic

ragna:i hear an odd tone when you said capture

azure:oh you will see

the group watch to the screen

jason:well i have news for you


jason:you don't have the edge

the lights break make the room dark as the men fire but jason wasn't there

men:what the!?

men 2:where is he!?

men 3:oh we are done!!

men 4:oh shut up he doesn't have weapons how he

he can't finish because jason stab him with his blade and then dissapear an the darkness

the men try to fire at him but they can't hit him as jason re appear again and take out more guards

the guards try to fire but the he dissapear as jason use the same method to the rest until there was one guard left as jason expose him and walk toward the last guard who fire at him but jason simple block the shots

the men was corner agaist the door

jason:sooo what you were said about me don't the edge?

he was too scare to asnwer

jason:yeah that is what i trough

stab stab

he stab the men as the force was strong enough to pierce his body and the door and 


cut the door and the men an pieces as jason leave his cell

jason:now to take out the warden  

jason walk trough the halls while kill any guard on his way

the group were suprise by the turn of events how jason pass to been chain to escape his cell


issei:that is out of thoses actions i see

enji:i know right!

asuka:he sure have the skill of the shinobi and if can take the guards an the darkness


miying:sure it is

yumi:that is true

leo:i wonder we can do the same

hyoki:maybe we can try that an our next training

ikki:hmm take the opponets an the darkness that is clever


kirito:i agreed i wonder if i can try that 

asuna:i mean if is posible because the symstem won't allow you to escape

kirito:oh right

jubei:ja he sure turn the leaf

seath:i wonder what is his next move

they look back an the screen

jason kill two guards

jason:is that all


jason:why i always put myseft an this trouble

he turn aroud to see an mech

jason:...all right i take you 

he charge toward the mech as he counter use the flame trhow but jason counter that

jason:tch it didn't even make me sweat

everyone was suprise how quick and simple he take out the mech

enjiro:soo badass and manly!!!

izuku:it looks like he didn't put effort at all

aizawa:it sure it add an little to avoid the flametrhower 

tatsuya:i admint i use the same method as well

ikki:agreed with that

yuito:i admint it was too badass

seto{nexus}:agreed he sure have skill

jason was walk unti he destroy the door and arrive to open area as on the other side was many armed men and mech

???:*loud speaker*you bastard how you escape!

jason:ja you think it was soo easy to capture me warden!? you should know better something was off but you damm ego don't allow to see the true!

warden:*loud speaker*what you taking about

jason:you don't know!? i let myseft capture soo i can came here and i can kill you along with everyone an this hellhole since everyone who send here it never came out alive because you use the prisosers as etreteiment and make dead matches for money but ..jejeje well i guess you know how this will end

warden:*loud speaker*like hell i let you kill me guards kill him!!

jason:fine have you way i gonnad kill everyone here anyways!

he charge to the group and start to kill then 

the group were suprise how dispide been outnumber jason can take out many enemies and olso the plan he let itseft capture to kill his target

ikki:that is clever

stella:let himseft capture soo he can take out his target off guard is clever


elsword:wow he is really good use thoses blades

yuito:woah his telekinesis his strong enough to lift and crush that mech

kasane:yeah we normally have to work together to make such feat

arashi:jeez that guy sure he can give us trouble

kyoka:i agreed

kirito:it remind thoses style i use dual wealing

asuka:yeah but is clear jason's is above us

jason keep masacre as more men keep coming soo he decide to finsh it with one bang

jason land and see the ashes

jason:you should expect this

the group were an shock by the shockwade 

all might:oh god he turn into ashes!

izuku:but it seems like only thoses who were too close of the shockwade

ragna:wow it seems like an stronger version of the barried overload

julis:image if any of us rend get hit by that

koneko:worse be close range

the group shiver an the idea

jason:well everyone is dead soo what is left


jason jump away to avoid an craw pierce and land and look up to see the warren inside somekind of giant insect mech

warren:you won't survive this mech!!

jason:tch even an girl with an jumpsuit and mech of her sizes is more scary than you

the infinte stratos girls:is that an insult o an compliment?

azure:take both

the girls were happy and upset

warren:let's see that when i crush you with my mech!

the mech try to use one of the legs to stab jason but


warren:what!? imposible!?

jason:now to end you


he make an downwards slash as the mech explode into pieces

jason:ja..and you think you can't stop me i beat beings who reich powers above the gods itsefts if they can't stop me nothing can

he leave the area by another door

again everyone suprise how jason take out the mech like an mere toy 

yuito:okay now that is too far superior to our powers

kasane:i have to agreed

enjiro:i have to admint it was badass how he stop that craw with one hand and then bang destroy it

ayato:that jason sure have an lot of power

ichika:hell he can beat us without is now image if he have one

the infinite stratos shiver an the idea

ikki:he sure have the power and the skill for sure

stella:i agreed we gonnad have problem to even face an big group


ruby:i admint to have power like thoses must been awesone

yang:i agreed

jeanne:yeez is like every jason we see is more powerful an any way

ren:i agreed

azure:now another moment witch is diferent an this happen an the union verse

they look an the scrren as the union cast were curious

jason was an the orc along with issei,izuku,asia and kiba

jason:can you tell me again why we looking for?

issei:i told you dude i lost the ring if irina find out i lost she is gonnad kill me

jason:sorry i lost an the part of why should i care

issei:you own me an favor

jason:and you use to find an stupid ring?...


jason:..i don't know what is worse the pervert you o the stupid you

issei:hey that is an engament ring soo is important!

kiba:now now you two if we find the ring we can this quick

izuku:yeah jason just help us this once

jason:for the love of..devil how i even get into this


jason:...fine let's just look that freaking ring

the group were suprise more irina as she look issei

irina:you have an engament ring!?

issei:wait wait no well..*whisper*no yet



irina start to blush an lot

asuka:that never see that coming 

the rest of union nod

jason look under the bed and see the ring inside of an hole an the wall

jason:hey i think i find it


jason:yeah just let me try to reach it

jason extend his hand and he was about to grab it

jason:what are you people doing

kiba:uhh we are not doing nothing

jason:then why the hell are you stare at me and keep quite


the reason well they see for an angle jason's butt...witch was thicc for an boy

group:{how he have an better butt than the girls}

the group jaws drop an that 

linne:oh boy


hyde:i don't what to say

orie:i think he have better butt than yuzuhira


yang:damm he have better butt than me how is that posible!?

shiki:i have the same question as well

katsuragi:and to think i was beat by an boy

ochako:uhhhh*blush hard*

midnight:damm that is an great ass

ragna:can we stop talking about ass!

hyde:hey linne how he


an that moment some of the union girls{rias,azuka,blake,akeno,hyoki}enter the orc

rias:hey issie what

the girls see jason's butt as well

girls:{he have an butt way better than us!?!?}

jason:why are you quite!?

rias:n nothign!

jason:Tch*grab the ring and get up*here

he trhow to issei

issei:thanks and

all the group shiver and look up to see jason with his knife and katana

jason:now you better run you perverts

they run as jaosn chase then

some laugh an the comedy of that situalation

ikki:jajaj that was funny

ichika:i agreed

rin:hey ichika you stare an lot an

ichika:the hell is wrong with you rin!?

rin:i i i sorry i just

ichika:hey i don't swing that way!


ichika:you situalation is diferent!

azure:olso here an extra moment

jason was an his alternative outfit as he was walking an the streets until

???:+whistle*hey lady~

jason:*turn the men*what the fuck did you just say!?

the men have an look of horror and turn pale and run away while scream

jason:[god dammit why i have mom's butt but..maybe i can use this to ruin some perverts jejeje}

jason keep walking as every men try to frlit with him he turn then it was just enough to trauatize then and question they likes

jason:{oh men this feels soo good to make some revenge}

everyone was suprise by the move

asuka:is trap!

ikagura:asuka you should stop watch internet with murasaki

murasaki:but that is what it is

imu:i kinda agreed

the girls were laugty hard an the scene jason make

toru:that is just hiralous 

momo:i i i agreed

kirito:i...never see that one coming

lizbeth:jaja image if he was an sao that will been better

azure:okay to end we gonnad see some facts about this jason

they read the facts as they were suprise by one

one was jason have sex 35 times most of then with izanami

noel:i don't feel soo good

ragna:yeah is an shock

jubei:je he sure he was busy

jin:jubei is something you can been proud

ragna:tch erin scare me been ghost a least she is hit because she scare me

miyabi:soo you are affraid to ghost?

ragna:...yeah i am

add:we are two buddy

issei:wait soo he read hentai? is diferent from me

koneko:because that jason is not open mild perver lke you were use to been

drgraid:and the most shocking is that jason use some of the things the manga happen an his...well alone time with his girlfriend o lover

hyde:and you and ragna know about it

linne:well he didn't hurt anyone with it soo we alloy it

ragna:i can see that

jin:brother did you read


velvet{tales}:but what about that time

ragna:that was an god damm accident and blame kagura for that!

velvet{tales}:of course that pervert is involde

miyabi:is suprising he always have that aura soo people don't want him near he sure doesn't walk to socialize with others

ryobi:ja image if katsuragi flirt with jason we see her dead body next day

katsuragi:okay you go too far with that one

ragna:jejej that brat now fear my son that put smile on my face

azure:well that is all what you think

izuku:it was intersting that jason an more of one way

the girls blush

azure*sweatdrop*i see

hyde:yeah it was nice to meet more about my nepfew

yuzuhira:yeah he is an nice for my little bro

ikki:he sure have kids

ayato:that is two

kirito:count me tree

ichika:four here

azure:now the preview of the next jason

an ice vortex appear and explode to reveal an show figure who open his palms to show one orb of light and ice while the other of dark and fire as the figure smile

???:ready to face two opositves?

the screen blick white to reveal the test

"son of the light and darkness"

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