godzilla:king of animacity

נכתב על ידי the_kaiju_writer

701 6 3

if the title isnt a dead give away this is a godzilla and BNA (brand new animal) crossover of course godzill... עוד

the beginning
trouble in the medical center
goji disappears
new storys out
sorry for the wait


159 1 1
נכתב על ידי the_kaiju_writer

*godzillas pov as he swims away from the human beach after escaping the beastman hunters*

*i swim under the surface of the water so i wont be spotted by any beastman hunters on boats, as I swim I notice im still bleeding but then I see a large great white shark 20ft away from me but as i make eye contact with it. It swims away fast as if its seen something scary i look around and im the only one there beside small fish and some dolphins so i continue on further (20 minutes later)

*i swim to the surface as i see my destination animacity im 1 miles away even from this distance i hear what sounds like music but then i hear a loud explosion and hear screaming i got worried and swam my full speed of 45mph and got there in 1 minute.

(Location: animacity, time: night
Weather:a little cloudy with a chance of one loud explosion)

*As i get to the dock i jump up and notice a huge screen start to fall as people run i notice a raccoon looking girl with blue hair trying to help a older beastman move away from the falling screen for some reason my body bolted as i ran 200mph

*I ran up to the girl and old man and push them out of the way but i wasnt as lucky as the pushing them destroyed my momentum and i got buried under the sign*

*The girls pov as the boy pushed her and the old guy to safety*

MICHIRU:HOLLLY (i grab the old man and take the chance to move him in a way where i was the one to hit the ground hard) OUCCCH.....sir you ok?

Old guy:thank you young lady but what happened to the young man that pushed us to safety?

MICHIRU:THE GUY WHE..R......e(you look to see a (s/c skin color) arm poking out of the rubble from the now collapsed screen you cover your mouth as a crowd all stare at the rubble some take their hats off and put it to their chest as others look on in horror of this tragedy but all of the sudden the blue and white wolf you saw from earlier now stands over you and in a menacing voice that causes shivers down your spine "DID YOU CAUSE THIS"
you only could reply "no...B.... b....ut i'll explain what i saw BUT PLEASE MAKE SURE THE BOYS OK (you point towards the arm in the rubble).

*the wolfs pov a few minutes after the screen collapsed*

*I sniff the air and see a girl but when i notice her i see she punched the steel beam and the whole thing exploded i ran towards her and......
(time skip to when mr wolf man finally notices the arm sticking from the rubble)

Wolf:hes dead theres no way anyone can survive that..anyways tell me wha..(he's interrupted by someone screaming"OMG THE HAND ITS MOVING" (The wolf turns around as his eyes shrink and he runs towards the rubble he breaks away the rubble to find a small boy with (h/c hair color unconscious but he barely had any injuries on him but you set him down and make a quick call but before anything else you questioned the girl what happened and she says "my wallet got stolen by a monke and so i chased after him but i was to slow and before i got to the pillar holding the screen i saw a beastman messing with it but i didn't think when i punched it it would collapse"

*you look away and disappear leaving the girl the boy and everyone alone"

*timeskip to after michiru witnesses shirou (the wolf ) fight off several bad guys but before you go anywhere both of you make it too the main area where the  screen collapsed and low and behold the boys still there he has been sitted up against some rubble by some beastmen one beastmen wrapped a bandage on the boys right side of his face and left arm, righy leg as they took serious damage as the boy looks over he slightly waves to michiru as to say hello, of course michiru runs ahead of shirou and goes up to the boy and hugs him thanking him for saving her and the old man but she hears the boy slightly yelp as she hit one of his injuries she quickly apologizes as shirou walks up to the boy.

Shirou:kid what you did was ultimately stupid.....but i give must ask why do that i doubt you know these people why risk it?

Boy:i...i...i.did it because if i lost my life 2 more would continue thats why

Shirou stops for a second due being caught off guard by this boys courage but shirou then says

Shiro:what about your pare*is interrupted by the boy as he says

*boy :my parents abandoned me
(the boy lies about being abandoned his  parents well there dead but yeah)
no home ive been alone for seven years i survived off of eating fish i caught so please can we not talk about this

Shiro stops and looks back them as he says to follow him to the beastman cooperative michiru then says "HEY WAIT HE HAS A DAMN INJURED LEG AND YOUR MAKING HIM WALK" SHIROU looks back and nods causing michiru to then help the boy up and help him walk to the building as they walk shirou says "why don't you turn back into your human forms?" But both the boy and michiru reply"we can't"
.to be continued.

Hehe kamata kun making his way down the road also 1000 WORDS WOOOOHOO

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