The little in the LOV

By _I_am_a_mess_0869_

243K 5K 993

A my hero academia fanfic where our adorable little gets kidnapped along with Bakugo but is forgotten to be r... More

Chapter 1: introductions
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chaoter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 (final chapter)

Chapter 16

6.1K 129 22
By _I_am_a_mess_0869_

-Le time skip-

No one's POV:

After Aizawa's visit to the LOV, the villainous group is sat round a table and talking. Moonfish, muscular and mustard are arguing with the rest of the team. The three of them want to continue villainy but the rest are thinking of change. Being a villain is a dangerous job sure and after killing all might they didn't really have a plan, what would they do? Aizawa and Nezu just solved that problem for them now. Even All for one was thinking of letting his student go. He would defeat all might on his own if he has to, AFO realised how similar he was to those hero's by making children into soldiers and forcing them to fight a war they know little to nothing about.

When Aizawa returned to his class the next day Mina and a couple others kept asking to see Ayaka, he knew he should lie to his students but for some reason he didn't. "If I am to explain this all of you will keep it secret and not get unnecessarily upset." The class all nod. "Fujihara was taken back by the villains two nights ago-" Mina and Kirishima stood up but their teacher quickly glared at them and they sat back down, "-I immediately went to find her but upon getting there the villains were cheering and celebrating her return. It was like a big family reunion. I spoke with one of them and returned, the next day I spoke with the principal. They may have the opportunity to leave villainy if they wish to do so and the younger ones can finish school." The class tensed slightly when hearing villains might joking the school but weren't alarmed otherwise.

Mina raised her hand, "yes Ashido?" "Does that mean Fujihara will be coming back?" Their Sensei shrugs, "nothing is decided until the villains contact us."

That's how the final three days of the week go, in suspense. The two married hero's are waiting desperately to hear something from the villains. Finally on the sixth day Aizawa gets a message on his phone and his husband comes running into the room with it in hand. "AN UNKNOWN NUMBER JUST TEXTED YOU." Shouta flinches at his loud husbands excitement but otherwise takes the phone and reads the message,

'All for one gave me your number.

Most of the league minus a few have decided to take the chance to change. When would be a good time to drop in cause the kid is vibrating from both excitement and anxiety right now. Have a good weekend I guess?

Also should we bring our stuff or wait for that part?

-Dabi and the team'

"They're willing to come to UA..." Hizashi's face lights up and he squeals, Hitoshi comes running into the room. "What's got pops squealing like one of teens who's seen a puppy?" "Your lil sis is coming to UA again." Hitoshi ignores the fact his parental figures just called Fujihara his 'lil sis' and a small smile forms on his tired face. Aizawa rolls his eyes and replies to the message before he could forget.

Hitoshi goes back into his room and texts Denki, knowing the blonde will tell the rest of his squad.

-with Denki-

"GUYS! GUYS!" He says running into Bakugo's room where the rest of the group is studying. "What sparky?" Bakugo growls whilst slamming down his pen. He holds up his phone and Mina reads it out loud. "LOV..coming to UA- THEIR BRINGING FUNIHARA???" The electric blonde nods and high fives his pink friend. Soon word spread that a student was returning after being kidnapped along with the villains who took her. There were mixed emotions throughout other classes because they didn't know the whole truth but in class-1a, mainly the bakusquad, were beyond excited.

-With the LOV-

"Are you sure about this?" Shigiraki huffs whilst crushing a can of monster in his hand. Dabi grunts and nods as he finally manages to place the quirk suppressant cuffs on the third and final unwilling members of their group. "So we just bring em through the portal and get comfortable?" Toga asks, Dabi hums and nods then leaves the room. "Okay everyone, try to get everything you can or want 'cause we're leaving in 5!"

Ayaka's POV:

"Where we going?" I ask tugging the bottom of papa's shirt, he picks me up and places me on his hip. "We are going to live on the UA grounds for awhile until things calm down and we can figure something out." I hum and rest my head on his shoulder whilst he packs some glasses away and places some white clothes on the tables. "But where?" He chuckles, "we're going to UA" It felt as if my heart was in my throat, I'm still not sure how I feel about UA or the people there. Zawa and Ashi are fine and so is Hitoshi but I don't know anyone else. I don't even think they like me.

I sigh and nuzzle my face into him as much as possible, papa simply continues to move things and pack up. "everyone ready?" Everyone either nods or says 'yes', daddy and mama help bring the three bad people through the portal whilst we all grab our stuff. I had a backpack and duffle bag full of clothes and agere things. Though I think I should still have some stuff in my dorm if they haven't cleared it out.

Papa guides me through his portal, on the other side are the same big gates I remember from the last time I was here. I grip onto papa's misty hands(?) and walk closer to him. Mama and Daddy place the three people down and daddy ties a lot of rope around them before grabbing some of his stuff and walking over. Mama grabs her big duffle bag, slings it over one shoulder then walks over to me. Without missing a beat she picks me up and swings me around, I couldn't help but giggle. It felt similar to flying! Mama eventually lowered me down and placed me on her free hip. That's when I heard someone talking.

I placed my hands either side of mama and hoist myself up a bit to see who was talking. It was Zawa and a talking mouse or maybe a stoat? "Zawa!" He looks over to me and a small smile forms on his tired face, I wave and mama walks us closer. "Hey kid." "So this is the infamous Fujihara that everyone has been after?" The mouse or stoat said, I smiled and reached down to him. Mama put me down and I summoned a small white stoat with a black tipped tail then point at him. "

(The smol backpack in question)

A/n: this chapter is a lil hectic and short but dats foine, anyways hope you enjoyed!

Word count: 1157

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