Chapter 3

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Ayaka's POV:

When I woke up I was still in Kurogiri's arms just not in the bedroom, I was in the bar looking place I saw when we got warped here. All around me people were whisper talking about something. I groaned, rubbing my eyes to get rid of the sleep in my eyes, and looked around to see all the villains from yesterday looking at me. Some looked at me with a smile and some looked blank, I couldn't tell how to feel about either. A young blonde girl walks over to me with a big grin on her face, showing off her fangs and says, "I'm Himiko Toga! What's your name?" She pops out my paci, though I felt like crying after having my comfort item taken away I manage to whimper out my name. "Aya..ka..fu..Fuji-hawa..Har-ra?" She nods and places my paci back into my mouth, which I happily suckle in return. "Grumpy butt over here is Dabi! Hand man here is Shigaraki! This guy here is twice! Then Stain, Mr. Compress, spinner, Magne, muscular and the big boss is called All for one. Aren't we missing one? Oh yeah, moonfish and Mustard." "That's two.." the one I think is Dabi deadpans. They go back and forth for awhile and I quickly get bored, figuring about was my first option but Kurogiri held me still so obviously I continued to try and escape. Kurogiri sighs and places me on the ground by his feet and I sit there happily for a moment before saying "kitten!" It probably sounded nothing like that cause of the paci and me mumbling but meh.

A big black jaguar with pretty blue eyes appear in front of me, it walks over and nuzzles me whilst purring. Everyone around me begins to panic. I looked around confused, it's just kitten! I named her whilst I was in my little space...she doesn't mind though! Kurogiri kneels down beside me and sighs, "is this also part of your quirk?" I nod happily and Kitten stares at the man blankly. She wraps herself around me and lays on the ground, I curl up beside her and look up at the ceiling whilst babbling to her. It may not look like it but we are catching up! I can kinda understand my summons.

Kurogiri's POV:

I picked up a strange little... not that I mind but she doesn't seem fazed by any of us? And that quirk is quite useful. "The hell is that?!" Shigaraki yells. "That is one of the UA students you kidnapped, she didn't get rescued. They didn't even notice her. Plus she a little so I doubt she could of done much anyways." He looked confused to what I just said, I sigh. "She regresses back to the mindset of a baby or toddler in her case, to cope with things, it seems the rest of UA don't know this or she would of never been allowed into the hero course under the pretence that she's mentally unstable." Shigaraki scratches his neck and huffs, "sounds's that mentally unstable?" I shrug, "people don't like different, as we all know." I look back down at the babbling toddler and very large Jaguar named 'kitten'? "We keepin' her or what?" Dabi asks from the corner of the room, his hand on Toga's face holding her away from him. "No. They'd notice a student from the hero course missing. Lets keep her! She's adorable! No she's not!" Twice argued, we're used to him and know that although his first sentence is usually true he can change his pattern when he's excited or confused. Either way both statements are true, this is risky but from the looks of things she doesn't seem to mind.

"We will have to run this by Sensei first and if he says yes She becomes family, if not we'll figure something out and drop her somewhere close to the school." Shigaraki snapped back. "Not a bad thought." Tv static fills the now eerily quiet room and master starts. "She will not have to hide here but she will need to pull her weight around somehow. How? I don't care, figure it out amongst yourselves but it is as clear as day from our kidnapping session a day ago- they didn't even notice her presence. They do not care for this child. Another stray has fallen into your lap Tomura." Master leaves it at that and static fills the room again before the Tv switches back to whatever channel it was on previously.

"I guess that settles it!" Toga cheers from beside Dabi, waving one of her many knifes in the air with her usual manic expression. The Jaguar we had all but forgotten about jumped up at the sight of the knife and stood in front of Fujihara, glaring at Toga with its teeth bared at her. "Put the knife away Toga." I softly commanded, she huffs but gives in and does as she's told. I don't usually tell anyone in the league what to do, that's the young master's job but I don't think we want to deal with a Jaguar trying to maim us. The Jaguar slowly stops growling and goes to comfort the slightly confused toddler by nuzzling her. A couple seconds later the large feline vanishes into thin air and a certain toddler wants my attention. No, not the young master but sometimes I do wonder.

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