Chapter 14

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Aizawa's POV:

"You left her with them?!" My very upset, loud husband practically screeches as he paces around our bedroom. I sigh and lay back onto the bed, "You should've seen them all...They celebrated having her back- she had a play fight with the LOV's leader and won! Then Dabi spoke to me. He spoke a little about them and the fact that they can't be normal even if they wanted to. He was very adamant that she is family..." Hizashi stops pacing and sits on the bed with a deep sigh. "But their villains Shouta. Even if they treat her well and care for her, she will still be in danger if they continue down this route." I nod, even if I didn't want to take her away from them again I know how dangerous it could be for her, for all of them.

"I'll speak to the rat later." I huff, rolling onto my side and capturing my husband in my arms with a strong grip so her can't wriggle away from me. "Good idea.." He kisses my forehead before getting comfortable and falling asleep in my arms. I didn't get as much sleep as I would've liked. Staying up half the night worrying makes you tired apparently.

--Later at UA--

"Hmm, well I suppose a career change would defiantly be a step in the right direction.." The rat hums with a sip of his tea. "Then there would be the problem would be the fact that they would have to be arrested. We could take them in and 'rehabilitate' them, but that could be dangerous for our students and even for the teachers." I groan and rest the back of my head against the couch, Nezu claps his paws together and laughs. "Don't give up just yet Aizawa! I know you're in contact with the league so why don't you speak with them?" I stare at the rat in disbelief, maybe Dabi would speak to me but maybe he was just feeling a little mellowed out from drinking. The league probably want to kill me for taking Fujihara from them.

The rat shoos me out of his office and I teach like usual, then I go home take a nap and later change for my patrol. I hop onto the same roof as the night before and take a deep breathe before deciding to go down to a door, that should hopefully lead to the bar. I knock on the old door and stand there awkwardly until a young lady opens the door with a large grin on her face. "Uhm..Can I speak to Dabi?" Her grin became impossibly bigger and yells for the burnt man. "What do you want you annoying little- Oh you. Come in." I walk into the open bar where half of the league was, all of them staring at me intently.

"Why'd you come? Ain't you a hero?" Dabi asks as he throws himself down onto a couch. "I want to talk about all of you and Fujihara." Suddenly all their weapons are out and quirks are activated. "Calm down all of you." A deep voice momentarily filled with static says, the room quietens and all weapons are put down and all quirks are deactivated. "All for one?" The man chuckles, "Yes. Now why do you wish to speak with us?" Straight to the point.

"I know you are all dead set on bringing hero society down but this is too dangerous a place for Fujihara but also the younger members of your team. Children or teenagers should not be involved in a war that adults made." All for one hummed and chuckled softly, Shigiraki dusts the glass he's holding onto and some other members seem a little tense.

"WHY SHOULD WE CHANGE? Why should we suddenly join society again after what has happened to us? Everyone here is an outcast and for such stupid reasons too. Plus even if we do change, we'll still be criminals in the eyes of the law!" Shigiraki yells, he's acting much smarter than he was at the USJ, actually thinking about others and what could happen. "Yes, my student is quite right Erasurehead. Everyone here would either be arrested, put into foster homes or forgotten about and I do not wish for anyone here to have that fate. Not to mention that would mean our youngest would be all alone..again." All for one says, the final words sounding almost disappointed in him for not noticing sooner.

"UA's principal has something worked out already, though there may be complications with Kurogiri and Dabi. One's presumably dead and the other doesn't exist, though Nezu can easily sort that out. What I'm saying is Nezu is willing to house all of you in UA as long as you do not harm any of the staff or students and it would all be under the pretence that we would be rehabilitating you. In reality it would allow you to master your quirks properly if need be and be taught basic school things for a year or two until you go off to do your own thing. Y-you don't have to give an answer now but please just think about it." The Tv turns off and I make my way to the exit with Dabi escorting me out.

"Are you serious when you say we would be safe from the police and other hero's if we go to UA?" I nod, "Even all might would struggle to get in if he was barred from entering, so yeah." He hums and pats my shoulder before closing the door on me. "That went well..I think?"

Word count: 951

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