Red Ink (Yandere Splatoon/Cor...

By bluesgrxce

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Inklings and Octolings are territorial creatures. Even after thousands of years of evolution, their innate in... More

[before you read]
Discord server... REAL!!! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ
New Pool Code + Teasers
[yandere marie x reader]
this is good progress
you were only leading me on, huh
can't fucking take it anymore
[yandere rider x reader]
left alone to blame myself
i'll crush you and everyone else
it will happen
no room to repeat mistakes
my reluctant vulnerablity
closure only you could give
[yandere goggles x reader]
i need you more than them, i hope
denial goes both ways
say my name
the absolute worst
i was almost happy again
[yandere double egg x reader]
[yandere vintage x reader x yandere skull]
[yandere emperor x reader]
[yandere aloha x reader]
for the greater good
your call has been declined
he's the one who should be jealous
insecure freak
crashing the party
adrenaline rush
bare your heart to me
happiness is built on lies
[yandere marie x reader]
the green-eyed monster
your eyes should stay on me
i'd never feel any differently
last chance
never together or ruined together
[yandere agent three x reader]
they're not like him
trapped in a bird's cage
may you be spared from my rage
ignorance is bliss
trust me
i'll teach them a lesson
as puzzle pieces fall into place
don't throw me away
saving you from myself
[yandere team yellow-green x reader]
[yandere team orange x reader]
[yandere team pink x reader]
[yandere team cyan x reader]
[yandere team purple x reader]
[yandere idols x reader]
tearing them down until you're in my arms
the most selfish kind of gift
there's only room for you in my heart
divided by one, united by one
[yandere shadow team blue x reader]
killing every piece they left behind
you are the only light we need
[yandere agent three x reader]
[scream AU]
make me, sweetheart
the key to life
motives aren't always incidental
my bleeding heart, in your hands
roll credits
[yandere gloves x reader]
what you don't know can't hurt you
aren't we stronger than this?
taste of betrayal
crushed forgiveness
[yandere n-pacer x reader]

leaving scars on your mind

319 13 3
By bluesgrxce





The endless pattern of ticking made you tiredly yawn. The soft couch enveloping your body and the serene moonlight that filtered through the curtains invited you to drift off to sleep.

You knew this scenario all too well. You didn't know how, but you did. And you knew you despised it.

It was against your better judgment, but you honestly considered falling asleep so you wouldn't have to deal with the boredom. You sunk deeper into the cushions and your eyelids grew heavy-

Knock knock knock!

Like taking a splash of cold water to the face, you jolted wide awake. The knocking was gone by the moment you were up. You stared at the front door with a baffled look.

That... That wasn't Three, was it? It couldn't have been. He wouldn't knock on the door of his own house. So it was only logical to assume it was someone else. The first thing you thought was a stranger, but your instincts told you otherwise.

...Something about this scenario just seemed right. It had to be. There were only two people you could think of that would be here right now. With that realization, you got up to unlock the entrance.

There was an Octoling in place of Three. Simply by looking at his soft eyes, you knew who it was.

"Eight!" You threw yourself onto him for a hug. He stumbled a bit but was ultimately able to support your weight. His lips were parted in surprise.

"Wait, I-" He pushed you down by the shoulders. "I didn't even have to play the song this time. How did you know it was me?"

That was a good question. However, it was one you sadly couldn't answer. You shrugged. "I'm not sure. A lot of things have been coming back to me today. I've... found out a lot of things."

He raised an eyebrow in intrigue, appearing to catch your drift. But you spoke before he could. "Please, I need you to get me out of here. I can't stay with Three anymore."

"I know. That's what I came here to do."

You paused. "Huh?"

"Late last night, you called me and said the same thing. That's why I'm here today, to take you home with me." He explained, placing a hand on his chin in thought. "It's strange that you remember who I am but not what happened yesterday... I suppose that means you haven't fully recovered yet."

"It's probably a good thing I don't remember what happened yesterday," You muttered. Eight's intrigue returned when you revealed the note, carefully taking it when you handed it over. "I found this note in my pocket earlier. I think I left it there last night for myself. Read it."

And so he did. You bit your lip as you waited for him to finish, examining each and every one of his expressions. They slowly got more and more horrified. By the time he was done, you could tell he felt exactly the way you did.

He slowly put the letter down. "That... That can't be true."

"Why else would I write that he murdered someone, Eight?!"

"Well- Do you even know who it was?" He demanded, not quite angry at you but more appalled at the situation. And you couldn't blame him for not believing it. It was difficult for you to accept too.

"I don't know if I ever saw," You begrudgingly admitted.

"...We'll have to find out later." He folded the note and put it away, wearing a stern gaze. "We're leaving."

You nodded, easily accepting of that. What you didn't accept so easily was the fact that he seemed to be alone. "Fine, but... Where's Four?"

"You remember him too?"

"I do."

"He'll be happy to hear that," Eight commented. "We're meeting up with him later. He's distracting Three as we speak. Four's good at being a distraction, but Three has limited patience. We need to hurry."

He politely stepped aside. The exit was wide open now, inviting you to leave this place for good. That empty neighborhood suddenly looked pretty intimidating. Shadowy darkness covered most of your vision, and you didn't know a world outside of this house.

Now you would be forced to take it head-on. But it was much better than being stuck in an enclosed space with someone who could potentially kill you. Combined with Eight's encouraging gaze, you knew what you had to do. You gulped your fear down and went outside.

Eight shut the door and followed behind. Your gaze was wildly wandering around, eager to see what little you could in this darkness. Houses lined up one by one, cars parked in garages and on the streets, lampposts being the best sources of light. It looked like an everyday suburban neighborhood, but it captivated you anyway.

Then Eight went around the car parked in front of the house. He opened the driver's seat and unlocked the passenger's. "You can get inside now, please."

You nodded, though you weren't entirely sure you were ready.


This new world was much bigger than it first seemed. All kinds of scenery flew past as you rode in Eight's car. A cityscape, various neighborhoods, and the list went on. There was so much to take in. You didn't even bother to fill the awkward silence with small talk, too busy carving every detail into your brain so you wouldn't forget.

But silence was still silence. It allowed negative, bitter thoughts to swarm around your mind like angry flies. No matter how many times you swatted them away, they only came back with a louder buzz. It got to the point you couldn't hear yourself think anymore.

Keeping them bottled in any more would drive you insane. You were still reluctant to say anything, as beginning topics like that would basically be opening Pandora's box, but you couldn't take it anymore. You were driven over the edge.


"Yes?" He responded, his eyes still diligently trained on the road. You did the same and kept your gaze straight ahead, except you weren't driving. You were just trying to save yourself the embarrassment.

"Do you... think I'm stupid?"

There was a brief pause. Thinking he hadn't heard your shy mumbles, you took a quick peek. You could see the contemplation in his expression and you immediately knew- Oh cod, he actually does. Of course-

"I've never even come close to thinking that. Why would you?" Eight's words felt like a shitty excuse at that point, but you didn't want to start an argument with the person who was saving you. So you answered his question instead.

"Because," Your lips quivered, stammering over your words. "I-I think that I feel bad- for some reason- for leaving him."

Another pause. This time you weren't sure if he was judging you or waiting for you to go on. You found the strength to continue anyway, fighting that feeling of shame building up within.

"I can't even remember all those times he and I shared together, but I knew he was taking care of me for a long time. Some part of him genuinely loves me. I know he does, he just has to or else he wouldn't have done all those things he did for me."

Eight flipped the turn signal on, filling the air with endless ticking that made you want to rip your tentacles out. You harshly tugged on the seat's fabric.

"But I know it's dumb to think like that. Because I know he's done terrible things. He kept me trapped and lied about only wanting what's best for me, he's treated me terribly too, and- And he even-"

You choked back a sob. If he wasn't judging you before, he was surely judging you now.

You shuddered. "I'm sorry. I feel bad for a murderer."

He made a turn and the ticking finally stopped. You let go of the fabric and leaned into the seat, both exhausted and relieved from getting that out of your system. It was a few moments before Eight figured out what to say.

"Well... It seems like you were with him for a long time, so it's natural you'd be attached. It might just be guilt talking," He reasoned. You rested your temple against the window in boredom. Of course it was guilt, wasn't that obvious?

He continued, "But it doesn't matter either way. All you need to do right now is focus on getting help. He isn't your concern anymore."

Everything he said was right, and you knew you'd have to move on eventually, but... It just wasn't as easy as you'd thought it be. As easy as it should be. Three seemed like a burning memory, leaving scars on your mind that would never leave.

Supposing you didn't forget him by morning, anyway. Supposing he didn't absolutely flip his shit once he found out you were missing.

"I'm just so scared, Eight. I don't want him to hurt anybody else," You whispered.

"Not on my watch." He solemnly promised.

That was enough to end the conversation. You went back to looking out the window and studying the landscape. It had to be a good distance from Three's place, making you realize just how far out he lived. You turned towards Eight questioningly.

"Why does Three live so far away from everyone?"

"I'm not sure. It's in his nature, I guess." He hummed. "Technically, though, you could get to Four and I's in under half an hour from there. It depends on the route you take and the amount of traffic."

Your eyebrows knitted together, perplexed. "So, then... Is that why we haven't gotten there yet?"

"Ah- Actually, I forgot to tell you this, but we're stopping by somewhere else first."


Your abrupt exclamation made him flash a stunned side glance. Your teeth were on the verge of chattering. "Why are we doing that? What about Three?!"

Eight's grip on the steering wheel tightened, pursing his lips in guilt. "I just wanted to introduce you to some people, people I thought you'd like to meet. It was going to be a surprise."

"The only people I know are you, Four and Three! Who would I want to meet?"

That question seemed to stump him. He chewed on his bottom lip in thought. "Do you... remember Calamari Inkantation?"


'Ya weni marei mirekyarahire-'

You spoke too soon. A heavenly melody flooded back into your mind faster than you could comprehend it, as if it were a deeply ingrained memory you just unlocked. You stopped short.

"Or... Maybe I do? I'm thinking it's a song, for some reason... Why a song of all things?" Your eyes squinted in bewilderment.

"Because it's the reason you're recovering. It's reversing your sanitization," Eight revealed.

You raised your hands to your face, examining the now faded green skin. Was it always like that...? It sure didn't feel that way. So was it thanks to that song?

"Tonight, you'll meet the girls who sang it. Their names are Callie and Marie and they'll give you a live performance. If my theory is correct, a live performance will work better than a recording will, and you'll recover even more memories."

"...Oh." Your hands dropped to your sides defeatedly. "Now I feel bad for blowing up at you. Sorry."

"It's okay. I can understand why you reacted like that." Eight had a right to be angry at you, and yet, he didn't take it personally. Not like Three would. Instead, he gently smiled and put a hand over yours. "But nothing bad will happen to you. I guarantee it."

Your face heated up at his touch. It was a pleasant thing, for sure, but what would Three say if he were here?

Then you recalled what Eight said earlier. "He isn't your concern anymore." It was true. Three couldn't keep you imprisoned anymore. You didn't have to worry about him hurting you or anyone else. You could be your own person now and make your own choices.

At that moment, you chose to intertwine your fingers with Eight's and squeeze his hand.

× × ×

I feel like the only good things about this chapter are the premarital hand-holding and the """subtle""" Caretaker reference which I wanted to avoid but I caved. The next chapters aren't boring though I promise ✨

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