Pokémon: Winds of change

By cryingseal117

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This is a story about a pokemon, who against all odds, rose up against the forces of evil. A story of a pokem... More

Chapter 1: Two souls
Chapter 3: A nomads pride
Chapter 4: Change of events
Aria of the soul
Chapter 5: Discovering the Evergale
Chapter 6: A striving spirit. A growing situation.
Chapter 7: Past experiences
Chapter 8: Rekindled spirit. Proof of courage

Chapter 2: Unknown depths

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By cryingseal117

Utop a hill, surrounded by a valley of frost and snow, were multiple pokemon seeking "treasure." These pokemon mainly consists of exploration teams and the guild. Amongst them were a caravan who sought the opportunity to gather loot.

"So, this is the place? Dosen't look all to interesting, it's just a cave." Said a annoyed caravan guard.

"You youngins don't understand. If the guild is investigating this matter, than it's worthwhile to at least explore what's inside."

"Yea yea, doesn't really matter to me if im getting paid anyway."

After speaking, the guard noticed a familiar, sleeping pokemon. It being the pikachu Amara. He approached her, gently nugging at her nose to wake her up.


"Rise and shine sleepy head, it's time to get to work. Were gonna be heading into that there cave soon, so get prepared." The guard than left the annoyed pikachu with her thoughts.

While Amara and the other guards were getting ready, the guild were being briefed by Vincent, the sceptile, who is also the leader of the guild.

"Alright, everyone listen up. Our scout's have searched most of the cave and have discovered that it's a labyrinth of ruins. To top that off, the deeper you go into the cave, the darker it gets. Due to this issue, we'll need to use torches to find our way through. I've also decided that it's best we all stick together. That's all for now, all of you get ready to head inside, and remember to stick together."

While Vincent finished his speech, Amara and the rest of the caravan were ready to head inside. The torkoal briefed them, saying that Amara and 2 others were to head inside, while a few stayed with the caravan. So, after this speech, 3 pokemon stood in front the entrance to the cave. Amara, a dewott, and a hitmolee. Readying there torches, the three pokemon entered, unknown of what lied within. Upon entering, the first thing that caught there eyes were the caves walls. They were covered in a black substance that they had no clue about.

"Well, that's certainly not a warning sign" Amara said sarcastically.

"Who knows, it might just be...you know."

"You are disgusting for a dewott." Said a aggravated hitmolee.

"And your aggravating for a hitmolee. With your feet taking up all of my personal space." The dewott smiled after the insult.

"Ah, so you want to see what INTENSIVE training is like?

"Can you two shut up, i made a bad joke, alright. That doesn't mean fight the only member's of your squad.

"Agreed. Now it's up for the dewott to also agree."

"Ok, ok, fine. But only for the pretty pikachu. You can screw off."


After their argument, the 3 ventured deeper into the cave, realizing it only gotten darker. It's as if the shadows were alive, staring into their souls. After around 5 minutes of walking, they came across a injured pokemon, severally bruised. Amara told the others to stay on guard. She than kneeled next to the injured pokemon.

"What happened to you? Why are you bruised up like this?" She said, concerned.

"Its... its... its...the darkness. There, al- alive." A distressed furret said. "Please...please don't leave me here."

"Were not. Now, what do you mean by the darkness is alive?"

"It, it. It ripped my team to shreds. We were simply adventuring when." The furret stopped talking, immediately bursting into tears.

Amara put her paw on top of the furrets head.

"I don't know what happened to your team, but i promise i won't let it happen to you, alright." Amara gave a slight smile, trying to comfort the pokemon.

The furret simply nodded, standing up feeling a little better.

"What. The. Fuck. IS THAT." The dewott said, getting Amaras attention.

He was pointing at multiple shadowy figures. All of them presenting sharp claws.

It was than that all of their torches extinguished. Needless to say this wasn't a good situation.

"We need to run, now." The hitmolee suggested.

Before they could even react, something grabbed the hitmolee on both legs, clawing them in the process.

Amara used a electro web to stun the approaching figure's, while the dewott used razor shell to help break free the hitmolee. This did nothing. Unfortunately for the hitmolee, he was pulled within the darkness, his screams becoming faint.

"This isn't good, dewott, pick the furret up and lets go!"

Doing what she said, he picked the injured furret up and ran with Amara. She used a thunder bolt to illuminate most of the darkness, while avoiding the shadowy figures, same with the dewott. That's until they hit a dead end. The only good thing about this was that there was a small enough hole for them to fit through. The dewott shoved the already injured pokemon into the hole.

"You go through, your bigger than me, so it'll take more time. I have a few tricks that can buy us some time.

Nodding, Amara tried to squeeze through the hole, having to leave her supplies behind. She eventually succeeded.

"Alright, it's your turn now.


"Hey, c'mon hurry up.


Clawed hands reached inside the hole, trying to get their next victim's.

"Damn." Amara shot back. She looked at the furret, who seemed to be in even more emotional distress.

"It's just you and me now. Come on, i promised I'd get you out of here, so let's push on." The furret nodded, picking herself off of the ground. Amara examined her surroundings, there only destination being a straight path. The only sounds being steps from her and the furret made Amara feel uneasy. That's until she saw something, a glimpse of another figure.

"I see something up ahead, we'll have to be quiet.


The two of them stealthily approached it. Staying out of sight. Upon getting closer, they realized it wasn't one of those "things" but another pokemon. A riolu. He wore something covering his upper half, while a satchel was strapped around his waist. Not taking any chances, the two pokemon attempted to avoid him, until a dagger flew right past Amara's face.

"I know you're there, show yourself." The riolu said in a clam, low voice.

Both Amara and the furret slowly rose with there paws up. The riolu still having another dagger in paw.

"Now, why are you here? He said in a demanding, low tone.

Amara spoke up.

"I'm with a caravan. We were sent here to uncover any treasure that might lie within this place. That's unitl we were ambushed. Two of the pokemon thay was sent here with me have been killed, i think."

"...A caravan? Hmm." The riolu stopped pointing the dagger at the furret and Amara. He simply walked away from the two, igniting a torch and heading into the deeper parts of the cave.

"Wait, hold on." Amara and the furret caught up with the riolu.

"You aren't worried you might get ambushed like us?"

"..." The riolu simply ignored Amara.

"Look, there's an injured pokemon with me. If you know anyway out of here, we'll both be grateful."

The riolu stopped walking, making sure to avoid eye contact.

"...Your to far inside the cave. We both are. The only way out now is through the sentinels.

"The sentinels?" Amara said confusingly.

The riolu walked off, having Amara and the furret follow.

The riolu reached into his satchel pulling a map out. Following the etched drawings.

After a few minutes of walking and awkward silence, Amara decided to speak.

"So, if you don't mind me asking. What's your name?"

"...Its Leon."

"Oh, Well...my name is Amara." It seemed as though Leon disliked her attempt to break the silence.

"So, Leon. What exactly are these sentinels your searching for?

Instead of talking, the riolu showed her the map he was holding, pointing to the three figures sitting on thrones.

"So, that's who your talking about. They don't look too intimidating."

"Looks can be deceiving."

The three pokemon continued to walk the halls of the cave's ruins. Amara and the furret were relieved they hadn't run into those "things." Leon however, he showed no emotion unlike the other two pokemon. For what felt like hours, the three pokemon finally came across something other than rock and stone. It was a giant door. It having unknown symbols etched into it.

"Hmmm, let me see if i can decipher this." Amara said.

"...You, can read that?"

"Yep. I studied these symbols for a while. I'm not the best translator, but i can at least make out what it means."

"Curiosity can be one's end. Let this be known for any who enters these chamber's will be met with a
swift death. The three guardians will always protect the old world values, even if it means there death."

("So, this is where they are.") Leon thought, putting his paws onto the door.

"Wait, didn't you just hear what i read? Why would you want to go in there?"

"I'm curious as to whats inside. Plus this is the other way out that i mentioned. So if you really want out of here, this door needs to open.

Amara felt dread wash over her, but if this really was the only way out, than she had to take the chance.

"Alright, open it than."

"..." Leon proceeded to open the door, the furret silently watching terrified while Amara observed. Upon the doors opening a foul stench came from inside. With the three pokemon enduring it, they were greeted with a large arena, bones and worn armor being scattered across it. The walls were covered with spike's, showcasing skeletons pieced by them. The whole arena was also illuminated with torches everywhere.

"I, i, i think we should l-leave." The furret said, observing the arena. That's until the two doors behind them slammed shut, making Amara and the furret rush to try and open it. Leon on the other hand, looked upon the three sentinels, sitting on there thrones. After a few seconds, Leon noticed the sentinels starting to move.

"I suggest you two hide, there starting to move."Leon said.

With that thought the furret noticed the ground was dirt, so she proceeded to dig into it until she was unable to be seen.

("What have i gotten myself into?") Amara said to herself, getting ready for a supposed fight.

All three sentinels eventually woke from there slumber. Each of them wore rusted armor, with their helmets showing horns at the top. There main attraction were there face's, being souless husk, dried up skin being the only remaining factor. There eyes showed nothing but darkness. One of them had gotten off of it's throne. The other two noticed Amara and Leon, and gestured the first sentinel to deal with them. Something that suprised both Leon, and Amara was the sentinel manifesting a purple glowing sword into its left hand, with its other having some type of engulfed fire.

Amara rushed near Leon, readying a fighting pose. Leon noticed that she was willing to fight, which calmed his doubts about his decision.

"So, how do you plan on taking it down? It's much bigger than us."

"Weakening the legs and avoiding it's blows. That'll make an opening to attack it's head."

The sentinel slowly approached the two pokemon, staring into their souls.

In a instant, it raised its fiery hand, and dashed towards the two. Leon doged rolled out of the way, while Amara was inches away from being grabbed, but also dodging. Leon used wide slash to hit both of the sentinels legs, which it retaliated with a kick to his stomach, sending him flying back. Amara saw this, and used wild charge to damage the sentinel. This turned it's attention to her, making it point it's sword at her in an odd fashion. Then in a split second decision, she dodged right as the sentinel was inches away from piercing her. She quickly repositioned, realizing the other two sentinels silently watching their battle. She was going to attack until Leon stabbed the sentinel in the leg with a dagger. This made dried up blood spill onto the ground, making the sentinel fall on one knee.

"Here, use this and finish it. I'll keep its head locked in place." He than threw the dagger to Amara. Leon jumped onto the sentinels back, grabbing it's neck with both paws pulling back. Knowing what his intentions were, she picked the weapon up, and rushed to the sentinel. Amara than proceeded to stab it in the neck, repeatedly. Instead of any noises, it just looked, watching in silence. After have stabbing it multiple times, she stopped, backing away as blood dripped onto the ground. Leon had also let go of it's neck. Instead of falling onto the ground dead, it stood up unfazed by their attempt to kill it.

"It's not dead!?" Amara said in shock. Leon just stood there ready to fight. Instead of attacking them, the sentinel put one hand on its chest and bowed. It than jumped into the air landing onto its thrown. Both Leon and Amara were shocked and confused. That's when the other two sentinels got up, one of them manifesting a great sword, while the other grabbed a mace it was sitting with.

"Great now there's two of them. So...do you have another plan Leon?"


This being the only thing he said worried the pikachu. Then it began, the second sentinel rushed Leon with it's mace, while the third leapt twords Amara. Leon countered, following up with a cross chop. Amara dodged, backing away and using attack's from a distance. After have being countered, the second sentinel slammed it's foot onto the ground, causing the whole arena to shake. Leon and Amara had trouble gaining there balance, and as a result they bumped into each other. They quickly gained composure, and were now back-to-back.

"I might have a way on dealing with one of them." Leon said, eyeing the second sentinel.

"Yea, and what might that be?"

"I have a stun seed inside my satchel bag. I don't know if I'll work, but it's worth a shot."

After a few seconds, the second and third sentinel charged the two. Leon managed to slide underneath the charging sentinels legs, emerging behind it. Amara simply dodged and kept attacking. Leon reached inside his satchel, and pulled the stun seed out. He broke it, and threw the inner part at the third sentinels back. This managed to make it stop moving, completely immobilizing it. Leon looked at Amara trying to fend off the other sentinel, and went over to support. He came from behind the sentinel, and jumped onto its back, repeatedly using cross chop on its neck. With the attention drawn to Leon, Amara used the dagger Leon gave her, and jammed it into the sentinels leg. Just like the first, it fell onto its knee, but still attempting to fight back. So, just like the other, Amara got close and slit the throat of the sentinel, hopefully defeating it. The two pokemon stopped there attacking and stood, waiting to see what happens. And sure enough, just like the first, it stood up and bowed, doing a air jump like the first.

"Well, now there's only one. This should be simple." Amara said, out of breath.

The final sentinel broke free of it's stunned state, dropping its mace and falling to the ground.

"Wait, is it...dead?"

After a few seconds, it quickly rose off the ground and charged the two. Leon tried to dodge, but ended up being punched in the muzzle, badly injuring him. In a split second, the sentinel kicked Amara in the face, sending her flying back. It proceeded to rush Leon with a flurry of punches, kicks, and attempt grabs. With just being injured and blood dripping from his nose, Leon felt adrenaline surge through him, helping him dodge the attacks. While Amara had been kicked in the face, she wasn't as badly injured as Leon. She got up slightly injured, seeing Leon attempting to dodge attacks. She saw the dagger she had on the ground, and rushed to pick it up. The enraged sentinel saw this, and ran to stop her. It grabbed her by the neck, tightly squeezing.


Leon rushed over to help, hopefully in time to save her. Well, that's until the sentinel let go of Amara, it's hands being immobilized. Leon went to pick up Amara, who was coughing badly. She pointed at something. That something... was the furret from earlier. She had the sentinels hands binded, using the move psychic.

"L-Leon. Amara. Now's y-your chance!" The furret said, scared.

Realizing the dagger had broken, Amara used iron tail to bring the sentinel to its knee's. Succeeding. Leon jumped ontop the sentinels chest, and repeatedly used wide slash on it's neck while Amara kept it's legs at bay. Finally, after a long ordeal, the sentinel finally fell down onto the ground. Unlike the other two, it instead slowly got back up, and spoke.

"Surface dwellers. You have bested us at combat. You must be compensated for your valor. The doors to our chambers are now open.

It than proceeded to head back to it's throne.

"Finally...it's over." Amara said, caressing her neck.

"Y-yes. W-we managed to survive." The furret said.

Leon touched his muzzle, it being a worser injury than he realized. Just touching it made him grit his fangs. It didn't help there was alot of visible blood. Amara noticed this and tried to reassure him.

"When we get out of here, i can bring you to a doctor i know. He can help you with your injury, Leon.

He simply nodded. The three pokemon proceeded to enter the chamber's of the sentinels. When they did, the door closed behind them. They searched the chambers noticing a large amount of paintings and weapons. Other than that, there was nothing of value. Amara and the furret were the one's that looked upset, while Leon searched for a exit.

"So. We almost died! I was inches away from getting stabbed. Leon got punched in the face. I got kicked in the face, and was almost chocked to death. Only for there to be no reward. Today is rea-"

"I found the exit." Leon said.

"Oh." Amara and the furret followed Leon up a long staircase. When they reached the top, there was a hatch that was ice cold to touch. Upon opening it, the three were greeted with a blast of ice cold wind. They exited and were finally greeted with the surface after an unknown amount of time underground.

"Wow. It actually feels good to be in the cold. It was extremely hot and stuffy down there."Amara said. She turned to Leon, who was still observing his surroundings.

"Now, i think it's about time i get you to a doctor. That's going to get infected, especially in the cold."

"We can't go anywhere in this whether. There isn't a pokemon out here for miles." Leon said, rubbing his paws together.

"Actually. The guild is investigating this area. There not that far from here, and there medic is also with them. I can guide both of you there."

Amara then guided Leon and the furret to the entrance where all of the pokemon were gathered with tent's. It seems the guild was back from their expedition. Amara saw their medic and approached them.

"Hey doc, I've got an injured pokemon that could use a hand."

"Oh my arceus. I told you to stop calling me that. You can call me doctor, medic, or my name. Not doc. Ok. Amara. Ok???"

"Jeez i get it. Look, can you help him or not?"

"Let me get a look at him then."
Amara introduced Leon to the medic.

"Hmmm. Alright, come inside my tent. That's where all my medical supplies are. Now lets get you fixed up shall we."

"..." Leon silently followed the medic into the tent.

"Alright, while Leon is getting checked up, you can stay with the guild until they escort you home."

"T-they w-will do that for free?"

"Yep. I'll even tell the guild leader what happend with your team. I'm sure he'll be double down then.


After talking with the furret, Amara searched for guild leader sceptile until she came across a giant tent.

"Yep, this is him alright."

She then entered. The inside of the tent looked esthetically pleasing. She then noticed an umbreon and the guild leader. Before she could say anything, the umbreon saw Amara and spoke.

"Huh. What are you doing here. I thought you would have stayed home Amara."

"Well, after having experienced what's in that cave, I'm thinking i should've. So have you guys found anything?"

"As a matter a fact we have. Oh, and by the way, the guildmaster is asleep. I suggest you be very quiet. He's becomes extremely pissed off when you wake him, especially if he's having a good dream.

The umbreon brought Amara over to the table in the middle of the tent. He picked up a strange object and showed it to the pikachu.

"Thanks to the brilliant efforts of our exploration teams, and the amazing leadership of our guildmaster. We came across this...thing."

"Which is?"

"I don't know what it is, only Vincent does."

"Wait. Who's Vincent?"

"The guildmaster. He said he'll share what it is when he wakes up.

"...Ok then.

Inside the guild medical tent

"Look, I'm trying to help. I need you to stop moving so i can access the damage."

The medic knew this was going to be a different assessment then other pokemon. Being a chansey should fix that though.

5 minutes later

"Well, i have good news and bad. Which do you prefer?"

"... The bad."

"Well, you're suffering from internal bleeding inside your muzzle sweetheart. This is going to give you constant headaches and hurt. Like, really really badly for a while. Luckily for you that's where the good news comes in. You don't have to worry about that. Again, Luckily for you, I'm really good at my job, so this should be over in a instant."

10 minutes later

"And there we go. All done."

"Why do i feel so...relaxed?"

"Oh, that's a secret us chansey's only know about. Now your beautiful face isn't dripping blood anymore. You'll also notice your pain has gone away as well."

Leon gently touched his muzzle, which has been completely patched up. Although he didn't want to admit it, he was grateful for the chansey, as well as Amara's help.

"How much poke do i owe you?"

"Owe? Sweety you don't owe me anything. I'm just glad i could patch you up. Now don't go messing with your bandage until after a few days."

"...Ok. Thanks for the help."

"No problem handsome."

Leon exited the tent, unsure on what to do next. He figured It would be best if he ate something.

While Leon was doing this, Amara had just left the the guild leaders tent.

"I guess i should report back to that torkoal." Amara said to herself. She thought on what to report back with. That her squad had been killed. That there was nothing of value she found.

("I'll just wing it i guess.") Amara looked for the caravan she arrived in and sure enough, it was right where it was when she last seen, along with the torkoal. So she approached him.

"Hey, im back." The torkoal looked at the pikachu with shock.

"Y-you. I thought you've been killed!

"Uh...why would you think that?"

"Well. Only the other two came back. And you hadn't. So i thought you weren't coming back." Amara remembered back to when the hitmolee and dewott were caught by those "things."

"Wait, so there still alive. Where are they?"

"There being treated for there injuries."

"Hmmm. Well that's good. I guess." The pikachu continued to talk in a slightly aggravated. Telling what had happened while she was down there.

"And at the end of it all, no reward. At all. So. Do i still get paid?"

"Well. You didn't find anything. So...no. but i can give you a small fee for the escort here.

"Which is?"

"50 poke of course."

"..." Amara gave the torkoal a frustrated look.

"50! 50 poke for what me and the other guards had to go through!" Amara snatched the poke from the torkoal's paw and walked away.

("50 huh. I guess i can buy something to eat back at home.") Amara was heading to see if Vincent was awake, until she spotted Leon sitting by a nearby campfire, eating a sitrus berry. She decided to accompany him, sitting next to him.

"So Leon, where are you going to go after the guild heads back?"

"I don't know. Somewhere quiet like the mountains...or something." Leon then took a bite out of the sitrus berry.

"You don't have a place to stay, like a home?" This made Leon tilt his head twords Amara, still avoiding all possible eye contact.

"No." I either sleep outdoors, or find a village to spend the night."

"..." Amara silently observed Leon, who was still eating. After there time spent underground, she's just now noticing his appearance. His fur was rather messy, with the top of his head having protruding fur. She had also gotten a glimpse of his eyes. Instead of the usual red a riolu would have, they were instead purple. Even Amara could admit. Leon was extremely handsome for a riolu. She thought for a moment on what to say, but eventually thought of something.

"Hmmm. Listen, Leon. Since you don't have a place to stay, why don't i let you sleep at my place for a while. That's until your muzzle fully heals."

"No. You almost died due to my carelessness. If it wasn't for that furret you'd be dead. I don't deserve your compassion."

"Well. If thats the case. How about you help me with job offer's then? Like helping pokemon, and capturing outlaws?"

Leon saw how persistent she was. He didn't know if she was doing this out of kindness or not. He figured it would be best if he just accepted.


That's all he said. Continuing to eat. The two pokemon continued to talk to one another. They went on about what they'd do in the future, and other topics. Eventually night fell, and the guild was already packed and leaving. So both Leon and Amara joined them.

Time skip

They eventually made it back to town. The guild settling back in. Amara showed Leon the various things to do in town. After looking around for a bit, Amara bought Leon to the edge of town which had a massive cliff. They're were railings which curved into an unknown area. Amara guided Leon making sure he didn't accidentally fall. Behind the curve where the railings ended, was a place that contained items like orbs and seeds. It also had a sinlge pile of hay. The two entered.

"Welp, this is where i sleep. It's not much, but it's home."

"..." Leon silently observed. He noticed how clean the inside was, and the pleasant aroma that was present.

"Wait. I've only got one spot for sleeping. Wait here Leon I'll go find something for you to lay on."

Amara went back up, leaving Leon by himself.

("Why is she being so nice? I...I don't understand.")

Leon crossed his legs and sat down. He closed his eyes, thinking back to his past.

While Leon did this, Amara went to gather more hay for Leon to sleep on.

3 minutes later

Amara arrived. Seing Leon in his current state.

("He must be meditating.")

Amara put the hay down, and went to organize her supplies.

*yawn* ("I forgot how tired i am. I need to get some sleep.") And so, Amara decided to head to bed. After a few minutes Leon opened his eyes. He saw her asleep. She had placed the hay she had gathered right next to him, possibly to not make things awkward. He layed down, looking at the moon.

("Why did i go with her. I should have just left.") *sigh* (She does seem like a nice pokemon. Mabey to nice.") Leon turned his gaze to the sleeping pikachu. ("It's rare for anyone to show hospitality like her. She also helped me with the sentinels, and my injury. I...i shouldn't be so rash twords her. Here i am rambling again. I need sleep.") After a while Leon eventually fell asleep, ending the day for good.

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