(Glamrock Freddy x reader) A...

By luver1221

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Y/N is a 22 year old who just finally graduated college with a robotics engineering course and is now looking... More

Chapter 1 Finding a job
Chapter 2 the interview and first night
Chapter 3 what we are feeling
Chapter 4 The Party
Chapter 5 After Party/2 night
Chapter 6 Third Night
Chapter 7 The Incident
Chapter 8 Moving Procedure
Chapter 9 The Arrival
Chapter 10 Day 2
Chapter 11 The Park Part 1
Chapter 12 The Park Part 2
Chapter 13 The Park Final Part
Chapter 14 Time To Go
Chapter 15 Back to Work
Chapter 16 Meeting Moon
Valentine's Day Special
Chapter 17 Moon's Chip
Chapter 19 You Good? Part 1
Chapter 20 You Good? Part 2
Chapter 21 Intruder Alert
Chapter 22 White Rabbit Man?
Chapter 23 The Projects Approval
Chapter 24 Bonnie Day 1
Chapter 25 Hey Mom, hey Dad
Chapter 26 Hey Rockstar
Chapter 27 Foxy
Chapter 28 Where am I?
Chpater 29 The Raceway
Chapter 30 William Afton
Chapter 31 Recovery
Chapter 32 Fixing the animatronic's
Chapter 33 Their explanations
Chapter 34 Were Bored
Chapter 35 Our Party
Chapter 36 You What!?
Chapter 37 Foxy's Problem
Chapter 38 Time To Go
Chapter 39 Grand Re-Re-Opening

Chapter 18 Meeting Eclipse

129 6 2
By luver1221

"Ok we then whose Eclipse?" I asked

"Wh-what E-eclipse who who's Eclipse haha I dont know an Eclipse." Sun said nervously

"Sunny I saw the third chip labeled Eclipse I wanna know who it is please." i said

"No no I'm not telling you you shouldnt know." Sun said

"Ugh fine I guess I'll ask Moon." I said running to turn off the lights

"NO NO Moon will actually tell you dont please." Sun said running after you

"Haha Sunny boy to late." I said as I turned them off

"Wow your such a pain starlight." Moon said

"Aww thanks Moony anyway now tell me who is Eclipse?" I said

"Ah well Eclipse he is a mix of me and Sun when were him we are nice unless we get mad and all
" Moon said

"I wanna meet him how do you guys do it so he appears?" I asked

"Well we both have to agree on it before doing it I mean it's fun we've only done it once or twice cause if we detect a threat we decide on him and or we just do it cause people wants us both to be present." Moon said

"Well if i were to say that i wanted to both out so we can all hang will you and Sun do it." I said

"Well I would I dont know if Sunny will for some reason he doesnt like it." Moon said

"Hmm ok well ima turn the lights on again so I can speak with Sun ok." I said and he nodded and I turned the lights back on. "Why hello there Sunny."

"Y/n I'm guessing you know about Eclipse now." Sun said crossing his arms

"Yes and what's so bad about him?" I said

"Cause when were him Moons flirtyness is more active and I hate it cause he says to much comments." Sun said

"Haha really that's why I thought maybe cause he is mean." I said laughing

"Well that too but still I cant I'm to embarrassed." he said

"Well what if I said that I want both you and Moon to come out so we can all hang out cause everyone is at the arcade playing and there is going to be a competition between Chica and Monty and whoever wins they get to decide what we all do." I said

"Hm... fine just becau SW e that sound inter-." he said before he started glitching out and screeching

"S-sunny a-are you ok h-hey are you ok hello." I said

"Hmnnn SsOoRrrYyyy there." Eclipse said

"Ahhh w-who what W-wait a-are you E-eclipse?" I said nervously

"Why hello there darling~." Eclipse said

"Why hello wow you look amazing half Sun and Moon so cool." I said

"Ha well why'd you want me to come out now hm starshine." Eclipse said

"Huh I guess you all give me nickname huh." I said

"Why do you not like it." he said smirking

"Ha I'm not complaining now come on the others are waiting let's go." i said

You both walked to where the others were during the walk it was pretty awkward but it was good to know that they can both come out at the same time.

"Hey guys sorry took a bit long." I said walking towards them

"Hey um who's that?" Liam said

"Ah this boy here is Eclipse a combination of Sun and Moon." I said smiling

"Hello there Liam nice to see you."  Eclipse said

"Haha very cool." Liam said

"Ayo sup Eclipse you look pretty bad ass man." Monty said

"Thank you Monty." Eclipse said

"Wow I never knew you guys can do that how does it feel when you guys combine with each other?" Chica said

"It feels weird but we get used to it." Eclipse smiled

"Like Monty said pretty bad ass." Roxy said

Freddy didn't say much for he just saw the way Eclipse was really close to you and pretty much no space in between you two you can say he was jealous again but he didnt want that to get over him.

"Alright alright enough chit chat Monty and Chica dont you guys have a competition going on remember." Freddy said

"Oh right almost forgot about that thanks Fredster now Chica let's get started." Monty said

Chica and Monty were going at the game pretty hard they did three round to be exact Monty won the first and Chica the second the third was a tie surprisingly so they had to go for a fourth round.

"Come on Chica you can do it." Roxy said

"Nah Monty got this one in the bag man." Liam said

"Ah shut it you two its annoying." Monty and Chica said

"Ppfftt haha damn y'all really care about this huh." Liam said

"Liam buddy relax a bit you gotta chill." I said patting his back

"Starshine why did you invite us again?" Eclipse said

"Ah well because you guys never really get out of the daycare so I invited you here." I said

"Well it is kinda getting boring." Eclipse said whispering the last part

"Dont worry once one they win we going to do whatever they want us to do as a reward." I said

"Ah ok then." Eclipse said

"Yeaaaaaa baby beat that hahahha." Monty said

"That's no fair I was going to shake the guitar to get the power thing but the song ended right as I was about to do it." Chica said

"Haha bird I won fair and square." Monty said chuckling

"Ha whatever I'm going to my room." Chica said

"Nah ah ah we gotta go to my golf course and play some golf since none of y'all like going there." Monty said

"Ugh fine then." Chica said holding onto Roxy's arm

"Wow that was some tough game you two but you both did good ok." I said looking at both Monty and Chica

"Thanks sweet thang." Monty said

"Yea thank you sweetpea." Chica said smiling

"Ok well then we should all get going to Monty's golf shall we." I said

You all walked to Monty's golf just chatting and laughing until you guys got there Freddy really wasnt having it with Eclipse but he knew Eclipse meant good and no harm to you but he still was a little protective.

"Alright welcome to my golf course everyone and the only rule I got is it please and I mean it please dont throw the balls into the water over there thank you other than that let's play." Monty said

"Wow people throw the balls into the water?" I asked

"Yep they do I mean not on purpose but I have to be the one going in and picking them up which I hate but most teenage girls do it kinda gets annoying." Monty said

"Huh that's right I forgot you guys are water proof." I said

"Yea we are but still now come on let's go to the first hole." Monty said swinging a golf club around

"Well Monty we cant start if your the only one with a club and ball buddy." Freddy said laughing

"Oh right sorry bout that I'll go get them be right back." Monty said

"Alright then do we all know how to play or do some of us might need help." Freddy said

"Well me and Chica know how you do too Sun and Moon do too so that means Eclipse does and Liam and y/n I'm not sure." Roxy said

"Ok well then Liam sugarplum do you guys know how to play?" Freddy said

"I know how but poor little y/n here doesn't." Liam said

"Oh whatever I can learn on my own boy." I said

"Its ok sugarplum I can help you if you want." Freddy said smiling

"Aw Freddy thank you of cou-." I said but got cut off by a certain gator

"Ha nope no lovey dovey shit in my golf course we are all competing so if someone doesnt know how to play to bad." Monty said laughing

"Well then that wont be fair what if I didnt know how to play huh." Liam said

"Well then too bad you would lose." Monty smrik "And you know what happens if you lose right." he smirked

"Ah hehe yes I remember well then let's get started I wont lose though." Liam said

"Wow that was cringy between the two of you man." I said laughing

"Tch whatever let's start." Monty said

You all started playing golf the first 4 to 5 were kinda easy and also you learned pretty quick on how to play so you weren't left behind at all things started to get more competitive between you all small outbursts of yelling would happen between either Roxy Chica and Monty it was funny to see honestly after a while you all finished the course and went back to the food court.

"Haha that was fun." I said

"Yea it was sugarplum." Freddy said

"Yea well its dumb that the chicken over here beat me at my own game." Monty said angrily

"Oh calm down Monty its nothing that just shows I'm better than you." Chica said smiling

"Wow these two wont stop bickering." Freddy said

"Alright whatever anyways what time is it?" I said

"Well buttercup it is 5:45." Liam said

"Oh shit ok...hey y'all I know we had our fun but it is almost time for us to go soooo everyone back to your rooms and please go to your guys recharge station." I said

"What about Eclipse?" Freddy asked

"I'll deal with him you guys go ok I'll be right back." I said while taking Eclipse back to the daycare 

~at the daycare~

"So Eclipse how'd you like hanging out with us huh?" I said

"Eh it was ok though I do not like how Monty Chica and Roxy fight a lot it's pretty annoying." Eclipse said

"Haha well thats everyday with them so how do you change back." I said

"Well you get to decide who you want out starshine." Eclipse said

"Well then I want Sunny." I said

"Well then Sunny it is." Eclipse said before going through some weird ass shit before turning into sun

"Why hello y/n." Sun said

"Hello Sunny how do you feel after being Eclipse huh?" I asked

"Well he was less flirtatious thats for sure." Sun laughed

"Haha ok well I'll let you go cause its almost six ok." I said

"Ok no worries well see you soon again sunshine." sun said

"Alright then bye Sunny." I said and left the daycare

You walked back to rockstar row you had a couple minutes left so you checked on Freddy's room but he wasnt there so that meant he was charging so you went to go find Liam and of course he was in Monty's room.

"Hey Liam come on we gotta go already I'm tired." I said

"Hello buttercup yes yes I know let's go now." liam said leaving Monty's room

"Hey man you good you've been acting kinda strange you know." I said

"What do you mean strange I've been fine ok." he said a little mad

"Hey now for sure something's wrong did you and Monty have a fight or something?" I asked

"Y/n I said I'm fine I'm just tired ok and no we didnt fight ok you brought your car today so I'll see you at home got it." liam said and left the plex

"Man bro what the fuck is up with him all of a sudden oh well I'll just ask Monty soon then." I said getting in my car

The whole drive there you were thinking a bunch of things on why Liam was acting like that like kinda almost the whole day well half way through the night there was a change in the way he was but you didnt think much of it but if he continued like that you will have to bring it up again whether he likes it or not. You got home you showered too cause you felt dirty pretty much, after your shower you got ready for bed and fell asleep but it took you awhile cause of all the questions you have of what you witnessed when scanning the bots earlier that night but after thinking you went to sleep.

(A/n Hello everyone sorry for the semi short chapter I hope it wasnt to boring at all and I hope everyone enjoyed it. Also I might take a while to post the next chapter cause I'm planning on trying to figure out on how to find an ending to the story but dont worry it's not soon that's for sure also I'm going to edit some chapters for any mistakes like spelling ones thas about it and also I'm planning on changing the story plot so it can be easier for an ending too haha so pretty much it's not going to follow the lore completely but it kinda will idk if you get me, but also tell me what you guys think about the idea of that ok but yea anyways hopefully you guys liked it and see you on the next one goodnight/morning to everyone bye bye!!)

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