Have you tried NOT dying? | L...

By PastelStxrs_

6.7K 338 79

Athanasia was supposed to be a little girl, happy and loved by all. Her life was going differently this time... More

Come to the land of the lost and lonely
Don't be afraid, we'll be one big family
Of Freaks
Like you, and me
I know a place where the bruised and broken
Live like the queens and kings
Of Tragedy
Just Freaks
Like you, and me
(Come Home)

We Are The Freaks

543 29 27
By PastelStxrs_

Athanasia gave Jennette a small smile- has Jennette ever seen Athanasia smile? -before climbing through the window.

"I apologize for showing up like this- oomph!"

Jennette slammed into Athanasia before the girl could utter another word, embracing her tightly. Tears were threatening to form and fall down Jennette's pale, porcelain cheeks.

"Idiot. Don't- Don't do that."

"Do what?"

Athanasia seemed genuinely baffled. Jennette leaned backwards, enough so Athanasia could see the brunette's face. "Disappear. Go poof. Turn into the night."

The blonde's face heated up. "I'm sorry. It wasn't exactly my decision."

"Wait, what?"

Oh boy, wasn't that the question of the century. 'Slow down, what the heck are you talking about?'

"Remember how you mentioned Sir Rogers to me? How you became good at bandaging because of him?" Athanasia recalled the conversation, wincing.


"I may or may not have went and spied on him."

Jennette blinked, before her eyes widened. "What?!"

"Yes. And I found Ijekiel hurt."


If Jennette was surprised before, she was absolutely shocked now. Grasping Athanasia's hand, she started to spew out her questions.

"Was he bleeding? Was anything broken? How bad was it? Is he in need of medical assistance? Is he-"

"Stop." Athanasia frowned, causing Jennette to pause her ramblings.

"I know, I'm sorry.. I'm just worried."

"And that's fair." Athanasia smiled- she was doing that a lot, lately. "But could we chat about that later? I have something to ask."

"Of course." Jennette's response came immediately- confident, and bravely.

Athanasia took a deep breath of air. "I need your help."

Jennette didn't push forward. She simply waited for Athanasia to finish speaking.

"Tell me, have you ever heard of black magic?"


The plan was set, and in motion.

In complete honesty, Athanasia didn't know what she was doing when she ran to Jennette for help. But now, they had the terrifying emperor on their side.

The quarter (Athanasia, Jennette, Lucas and Claude) were currently positioned in front of the Alpheus Manor.

It was awkward when Jennette burst into Claude's study to recruit him, but it all worked out in the end.

Lucas glanced over at Athanasia, the girl smiling at him in return.

They could do this.

Lucas was wearing a traditional wizard robe, with a few enchantments on it. He was sure that his potion he brewed would work.

Jennette wore an enchanted top and pants. Athanasia was hoping that she would bring Sir Alpheus back to his senses.

Claude wore regal wear. The same outfit that he had worn during her execution.

She wasn't going to tell that to him, however. It'd be odd.

And Athanasia was wearing her Amaryllis get-up. She removed the charm, so the bandana (cloth?) wrapped around her eyes was needed. 

Well, only for Lucas. He had no clue who she was still, and was shocked when the emperor himself showed up.

Before Athanasia could offer any excuses though, he brushed it off. It made sense, black magic is prohibited.

After everybody took a swig of the magical potion Lucas brewed up, Athanasia felt her senses slightly enhance. Everything was more vivid, and a low buzz of energy was coursing through the air.

Lucas waved his hand, signalling it was time to break and enter. Claude nodded, looking stoic as ever, before kicking down the door. Lucas strolled in casually, Claude following suit, while Athanasia picked up Jennette and headed onto the roof.

Their plan was simple. Athanasia and Jennette watch to see if anything is going wrong, and if it is, Athanasia swoops in and kicks black-magic man in the face. Simple.

Athanasia and Jennette watched from the roof as Lucas strode in confidently, Claude groaning behind him.

The man- well, since the potion removed the effect of black magic, showed the bright blonde of black magic man. Definite contrast compared to the black color his hair held before.

Claude had stiffened- words were being exchanged?

Next thing she knows, Athanasia's bursting through the window, and embedding her foot into this man's face.

He was on the ground, Sir Alpheus being held back by Lucas. Claude stepped forward menacingly, as Athanasia got a better peek at mystery man's features.

He had crystal eyes.

Only the royal family had crystal eyes.

This man, user of black magic, was royal.

Athanasia blanched- and worst, hesitated.

That hesitation was all mystery man needed. He pushed Athanasia off him and nailed her to the ground with his leg. 

Ripping the cloth off her face, Athanasia yelped and closed her eyes.

"Is something wrong?" Mystery man asked, fake-concern dripping from his voice. "Does your head hurt?"

His heel dug deeper into Athanasia's chest, pushing down on her lungs. It was getting harder to breathe.

Claude roared- from somewhere. He sounded angry. The mystery man clicked his tongue in disapproval. 

"Pity. Amaryllis, that's your name, correct?"

"So what if it is?" Athanasia spat back, ignoring the aching pain in her chest.

Lucas was murmuring in the background- she wasn't sure what, but it was definitely something.

"Open your eyes. Aren't you curious?"

The weight was off her chest- something tackled the mystery man off. Someone's hand extended towards her, and Athanasia grabbed it on instinct.

A familiar, cool metal slipped onto her wrist. Lucas's voice was coming from in front of her.

"You can open your eyes, now."

Athanasia opened one of her eyes, before opening the other. The mystery man was on the floor, cackling like a mad man.

"Oh! If I wasn't sure of your identity before, I am now!" Mystery Man was cheering, although it seemed wrong. Standing up, he brushed his clothes off and smiled. He was wearing a basic suit, although it stood out compared to his eyes and hair.

"It's nice to meet you, Athanasia. My name is Athanacius. Your father."

Claude had screeched something out, but she couldn't focus on that.


And then screaming.

Jennette- who was left on the roof- was screaming.

Claude, who was looking at Athanasia in horror, was screaming.

Lucas, who had ran to Athanasia's side, was screaming.

And, to Athanasia's surprise, Athanasia was screaming.

Anastacius was smiling sinisterly.

Because a knife had lodged it's way into Athanasia's gut.

Sir Alpheus- whom everyone had forgotten about, pulled out a knife and impaled Athanasia with it.

The red was dripping off the knife, falling onto the floor at a rapid pace. Lucas was babbling something, but Athanasia couldn't hear it.

She remembers so vividly.

Being scared of dying.

How painful snapping her neck was.

But this? 

The knife was so sharp, she didn't feel any pain at all.

Athanasia took in her surroundings.

A cheering crowd- or duo, she supposed.

Jennette's look of terror.

Claude, in his signature execution outfit, looking at her with an expression of horror.

Lucas was the only difference, but other than that?

Everything was the same.

Athanasia chuckled lowly.

"After all that effort.."

"Amaryllis- Athanasia! Stay with me! Focus on my voice!"

Everything felt so blurry.

"How ironic."

Athanasia felt her soul slip away from her, and distinctly felt her body collapse into a pile of her own blood.

She was taken to the next world. The next life.

Lucas screamed.

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