Blood of the Ancients(Overlor...

By ASnazzyGuy

55.4K 1.7K 628

(Cover art by ActuallyAleister. I appreciate you making these, man) Yggdrasil: Year 11 Patch An update long h... More

1: The "End" of Nazarick
2: New Beginnings
3: The Face of Eldritch Fury
4: Swords of Darkness
5: Journey
6: A "Wise" King
8: Lamprey
9: Liberation

7: Two Dark Knights

4.1K 164 63
By ASnazzyGuy

  "Sorry for making you wait, my good friend." You looked up to Ainz as he exited the adventurers guild to the sight of you and Nabe watching over the Wise King as people gathered into the nighttime streets to look at the fabled beast.

You waved his apology off, watching him approach you.

  "I finished the registration. From this day forth, your name is Hamusuke." Momon decreed to the massive hamster, jumping onto his back with a hop.

  "Thank you very much, Master." Hamusuke told Momon, to the shock of the townspeople.

  "It spoke!" A man exclaimed.

  "Amazing!" A woman added.

  "Is it true the owner is a copper plate!?"

  "He's in such an amazing magical creature, isn't he actually a famous adventurer?" As the people spoke, an old woman pushed through the crowd, gasping as her eyes locked onto Momon and yourself. With a hurried pace, she jogged over in a pace only possible with a woman familiar to the line of work.

  "Hey, you two. Are you the ones who went with my grandson to collect herbs?" She asked, a smile on her face.

  "I am Lizzy Balear, Nphirea's grandmother." She introduced herself.

  "Ah. We accompanied him to Carne Village as his bodyguard." Momon confirmed with a nod.

  "My name is Momon, my armored companion is Laurence, and the young woman is Nabe. Also..." Hamusuke lifted his head to face the old lady.

"I am the Wise King of the Forest. My name is Hamusuke now, it is!" He introduced himself.

"So this great magical creature is the legendary Wise King of the Forest?" Liszt asked. Hamusuke lifted his head in pride as Momon answered.

"That's right. We met him during your grandson's request and beat him into submission." He explained.

"Amazing! And so, where is my grandson right now?" Lizzy asked, curious.

"He went ahead with his herbs. We are about to head to your home to collect our reward." Momon answered.

"Oh, I see. Then, why don't we go together?" Lizzy offered. You and Momon locked eyes, your glassy eyes shining with blue eyes under your helm meeting the red glare accompanying Ainz's sockets under his visor.

"Yes, with pleasure." Momon agreed.


"Nphirea! Mr. Momon and Mr. Laurence are here!" Lizzy called out into a dark home as she entered, you just inside and Momon standing in the doorway. Nothing but silence greeted her call. Silence, and a stench of death only you could feel.

"Momonga... there is death." You spoke into Ainz's head. In response, you both drew your blades, stepping forward.

As for how you knew this so quickly, the Moon Great One held a powerful ability that offered players a chance to join their ranks after defeat. In return for a set time of servitude agreed upon between Great One and Player, the player would gain boosted stats and new class abilities, which could be revoked if they turned against their agreed contract.

  However, they needed to fall by either your hand or that of a beast, so that they grew afflicted with the scourge. While you could feel potential souls to call out to, you could not help them unless you were there to put your blood into their veins before their final heartbeats.

"What's going on?" Lizzy asked, stepping through the darkness.

  "Trouble." Momon answered. As you both stepped forward, Lizzy looked back at you both, reeling back from the sight of two knights holding their blades.

  "Wh-What is it?" She asked, shocked. In response, you both stepped to a door. Momon opened it with a free hand, both of you looking into the darkness beyond a set of stairs.

  "What's down this way?" Momon questioned.

  "It's the storage room for our herbs." Lizzy answered, tense. You all stepped into the darkness, you, Momon, and Nabe dutifully, and Lizzy afraid. Another door was burst open, confirming what you felt before.

Barely visible in the darkness were four bodies, strewn across the room in various ways. Peter, Lukrut, Dyne and Ninya.

"E-Eeek! What is going on? Huh!?" Lizzy shouted out. At the words, Peter's body began to stir, than Lukrut's. With hollow groans, they pushed themselves up, revealing cold flesh, and dark eyes that did not belong to the adventurers you had traveled with.

"Zombies!" You held out a hand as Lizzy ducked behind Ainz, a white glow emanating from your armored palm.

"Moon's Grace: Rest." Moonlight suddenly flooded the room, light that washed over the zombies of your former companions. Their skin lost it's nearly rotted look, and their bodies fell limp.

Moon's Grace: Rest was lesser Great One magic that dedicated apprentices could learn or ambitious spellcasters could contain. What it did was restore all forms of undead, from zombies to skeletons, to their human shape, leaving only the wounded corpse, no longer able to become undead. It had limitations should you choose them, of course. Only deliberately casting it's strongest form could reduce the undead equipped with proper protection, such as Ainz and Shalltear, to husks. For now, it posed no threat to them.

  "Where's Nphirea!?" Lizzy asked, looking around the briefly lit up room.

  "He isn't here." Momon concluded, sending Lizzy into a shocked panic.

  "Nphirea!" She yelled, running back up the stairs.

  "Dear Nabe, please protect her." You asked.

  "With my life, Lord Y/n." Nabe turned around to follow Lizzy as you knelt at the still-bloody corpse of the Sword's of Darkness's smallest companion.

  "Ninya..." You gently held the chin of the adventurer up, revealing tear-stained cheeks and dark eye sockets. Their clothes had loosened around their chest, showing you bandages wrapped around it.

  'I've heard that girls in a team can cause serious problems.' The superstition flashed through your mind as a pang of sympathy thudded through your body.

  "Y/n..." You look from the poor girl's face up to Ainz, still gently holding her.

  "Momonga..." You paused, at an honest loss for words.

  "I understand how you must feel. You are sympathetic in nature, more benevolent than I could hope to be." Ainz told you, resting an armored hand on your shoulder.

  "...Momonga, how much gold do we have?" You asked. Ainz stopped for a second, turning away.

  "We should not waste a resurrection on a human being. We must save them for true emergencies." He urged you. You nodded, gently grabbing Ninya's body. With reverence, you laid her down, hands over her heart.

  "Their wounds. All four died fighting tooth and nail. They hold my eternal respect, even if we can not beat their hearts to hold my blood..." You repeated the process with the other adventurers, laying them side by side. Despite the sorrow overtaking your mind, something else churned within.

  Displeasure. A thirst for someone's blood.


"The damage was done with some kind of piercing weapon..." you reported to Momon through his mind as he searched the bags of the adventures and the surrounding room for clues.

"My grandson! Nphirea is gone!" Lizzy wailed, distraught.

"Nothing was rummaged through, so their aim must have been Nphirea." Momon reported, watching you cover the bodies in blankets.

"Then... who are these people?" Lizzy asked, referring to the bodies before you.

"They were adventurers that accepted your grandson's request with us." Momon explained.

"They were your friends?"

"No. They were people I happened to work with this one time."


"More importantly, what do you think?" Momon asked, standing up.

"About what?" Lizzy questioned.

"If there was a third tier caster who can use Create Undead, the culprits would have been able to gain time by hiding the bodies or taking them along."

"Yet, they were hidden so tastelessly." Nabe spoke, your hand held to her face.

"The culprit didn't care if they were found out, or they were confident. Whichever it is, we have a problem." You drew your hand back, drawing your sword.

"Laurence has decided that this may be cause for alarm and will act on it, but he cautions you that Momon may charge a price." Nabe blandly told the old woman.

"Name it." Lizzy insisted.

"Every-" Momon stopped his price as you stuck a hand out to his head. Momon paused, turning his head away.

"Laurence..." he paused again as your words entered his mind.

"... 5 gold and at least a copy of all your written knowledge." Momon relented after a second.

"It will be done. Please, just find my grandson!"


"How goes it?" Ainz asked you. Currently, a green glow flowed through the room, surrounding you as you concentrated, your sword held to the ground.

"I sense no perception or counter magic for many leagues. Even then, my sight from the moon would bypass all of it." You told Ainz.

"I trust this will be easy, as you have an idea of what to look for." Ainz asked.

"Of course. The Sword's missing plates. All I would require is a simple Loca-" you paused, taking a moment.

"Lord Y/n?" Nabe asked.

"There is a large amount of undead gathered at a cemetery near the outskirts of town. It appears Locate Object will not be needed." You noted.

  "Can we be positive?" Ainz inquired.

  "I see Nphirea among them, yes. Even if not, need I remind you that these adventurers were zombies when we found them?" You replied.

  "Hm. Very well." Your friend agreed with a nod of his head.

"What shall we do, Lord?" Nabe asked, getting your attention.

  "Should we teleport and attack at once? Maybe use a Fly spell and attack from above?"

  "No, dear Nabe. You must remember our ulterior motives." You told her, sparking a look of confusion.

  "Attacking like that would shed our veils. Also take into consideration the massive hordes of undead gathered. Whatever our foes have planned, it is not insignificant." Ainz nodded in agreement.

  "It would best help our public image to instead take on the task as adventurers, and raise our rank within the guild." You finished, hands folded.

"I understand, my lord. Forgive my foolishness." Nabe told you, head lowered.

"All we know for sure is how little we know for sure. Ainz, I believe we are finished here." You told him. He nodded, headed for the door of the basement, which he opened to reveal Lizzy Balear, waiting impatiently.

"We're done."

"Did you find something?" Lizzy asked, still desperate.

"The cemetery is their base of operations." Momon revealed to the woman.

"My grandson is there, too?"

"Yes. Along with an army of undead." The words brought shock upon Lizzy, who reeled back, barely choking out her response of...


"Don't be so surprised." Momon told her, unaffected by her reaction.

"But the army of undead may pour out of the cemetery. Please tell the townspeople and the guild of this, Lizzy. My companions and I will head to the cemetery immediately." Momon reported, turning away to join you again.

"Wait! Do you have a way to break through the army of undead?!" Lizzy asked, in disbelief. You jabbed a thumb behind your back, towards the hilt of the sword on your back.

"We both have our ways."


Soon, on the outskirts of town, a group of guards stood at a gate, spears held high as they stood guard. So far, nothing had come from either within, or the cemetery that extended beyond the gate they guarded.

"Another quiet night." One of them commented, either bored or relieved.

"We haven't fought the Empire lately. And haven't the number of undead decreased?" He asked. With absolutely no joke intended here, it was as soon as that final question left his mouth that the sound of... something became apparent.

"Hm? What's that sound?" He asked. Nearby, another guard looked over, jitters shaking his arms for a moment.

"Hey, don't try to scare me like that."

"Quiet! I hear something." The first guard chided the second. The second only smiled in response.

"It's just your imagination." He decided.

"Hey! Look over there!" A third guard shouted from atop the guard tower, gathering nearby guards.

"That's..." Outside the gates, to the utter shock and irony to all the guards, a massive horde of undead was gathering, all slowly lurching as one unit towards the gates.

  "An army of undead!?" Someone shouted, quickly gathering the guards to the top of tower in order to witness the sight.

"And there's way more than just a hundred or two! About a thousand!?" The soldier turned back, quickly barking out orders.

"Notify the soldiers at the station!" He shouted, drawing his sword.

"We have to keep them back until help arrives!" The undead soon began to pound at the gates, even climbing over each other in attempt to climb over. This had the soldiers forced to jab down at them with spears in order to force them back. Of course, with how many there were, it was not long before their further presence would clearly mean a fruitless death.

"R-Retreat! Retreat!" With panicked shouts, the soldiers ran down the tower stairs, reaching the outside to find a peculiar, only somewhat relieving sight. Two armor clad adventurers on the back of a giant hamster, both carrying massive blades, and a young woman standing to the side.

"Adventurers!" One of the soldiers cried in relief.

"But a copper plate is useless." Another pointed out.

"You guys need to get away from here immediately." The lead guard warned you. In response, you slid off the hamster, walking forward.

"I would caution you all to stand back." Momon told the adventurers as you approached the gate. Above the wall, the entire horde of undead had joined into a single monstrous entity, which had finally began to reach over the wall.

A green slice of energy flying through the air severed the top half of it's head, sending it back down temporarily.

"Open the gates." Momon requested, grabbing his swords. Even at the simple display of power you had shown with a single swing of your sword, the guards stood their ground.

"Don't be stupid! An army of undead are on the other side!" The lead guard protested. To their credit, they were acting the way best fit for the safety of the average adventurer. After all, even someone with a flashy sword could very well be overwhelmed by a horde of that size.

  "So? Is that a problem for Momon and Laurence?" Momon asked. In case it wasn't already clear, the three in front of those guards were not average adventurers.

  "Well, it's fine. If you don't want to open the gates, it can't be helped." With a single planted foot, Momon simple jumped over the gate, a normally impossible feat. As the guards looked after him in shock, you walked up to the door, and with a look back, simply turned into mist, phasing through the gaps as Nabe flew over with a Fly spell.

"Oh! Master Nabe!" Hamusuke yelled after the maid.

"Please don't leave me behind!" He cried, jumping up to and over the wall to again leave the soldiers alone.

  "I shall go with my Master, that I will!" The sounds of clashing and conflict filled the air behind the wall, accompanied by the occasional green glow, before it all went silent.

  "Hey. Do you hear that?" A guard asked, confused. Not even the clanking of undead bones or the heavy step of another group approaching remained, it was entirely silent.



  "The voices of the undead..." The guard paused, eyes widening. Slowly, the guard climbed the tower, looking over the cemetery the danger had just aroused from.

  "No way. Going against that many undead. It's impossible. Just who are those people?" Another guard asked, looking over a peaceful, quiet field.

  "Those men, the one in black called themselves Momon and Laurence."

  "Those men were copper plates? Impossible."

  "Aren't they the rumored adamantite plates?" Another guard asked. Still stunned, the leader looked over the cemetery, maybe unsure of his eyes.

  "We may have just seen a legend. A raven black warrior, and a silver plated warrior. Well, no... heroes."


  You kept your hand balled above your head as you led the stride through the graveyard, simply incinerating any lesser undead who touched the light  with a variant of your Moon's Grace spell.

  Above you, Nabe floated out of the undead's detection range, carrying a whimpering Hamusuke.

  "No, no, I apologize for causing so much trouble." Hamusuke would repeatedly tell everyone.

  "Put your heart to rest, Hamusuke. This blunder is no fault of your own." You assured the beast, keeping your stride.

  "Can you stop moving? You're fluffy and hard to carry." Nabe told the hamster.

  "The undead are sensitive to life. Stay there so you aren't targeted." Ainz instructed.

  "I apologize, that I do." Hamusuke called down to Ainz and you.

  "It seems we are making good progress." You pointed out as another skeleton melted in your light.

  "That is true. Perhaps we can set up a series of spells in order to make this more... simple as we move on?" Ainz suggested.

  "Indeed, it is best to always save time. Perhaps some Create Undead of your own could ease the situation?" You suggested. Ainz nodded, taking the lead as you dispelled your spell's light.

  "Create Middle Tier Undead. Jack the Ripper." At the point he pointed a sword at, a blue glyph appeared, swiftly spawning a limber, clown-like being with bladed claws.

  "Corpse Collector." And at the other point, a massive, doctor-like brute that groaned as the other laughed.

  "Go!" At the command, the two undead were off, tearing through the hordes like it was nothing. Blades swung and fists landed, clearing out the undead about as fast as you had hoped.

  "Th-They're amazing, they are." Hamusuke stated, in awe.

  "Well, let's go." Ainz decided, walking forward once again. You followed a step behind and to his right, Holy Moonlight Greatsword drawn in hand.


  Muttering slowly filled the air as you all approached the cemetery's mausoleum. In front of it, a group of figures in dark robes whispered to a lone, frail man in the center who held a dark orb, glowing red, in spindly fingers.

  "Master, please don't leave me in a place like this!" Hamusuke shouted from the top of a tree, looking down at the patrolling undead with worry.

  "Lord Khajit, they've come." One of the figures whispered.

  "Okay. One definite idiot here."

  "Hello. It's a nice night, Khajit." Momon greeted, using the very same name he had just heard. In response, the man scoffed, looking to the one to first say his name.

"Isn't it a waste to spend the night on a boring ritual?" Momon asked, sword slung over his shoulder.

"Hmph. I decide whether the night is perfect for a ritual or not." Khajit corrected, the group parting to let him pass through. He walked with a wooden staff, his bald head and pointed features accentuating his age.

"More importantly, who are you?"

"We're adventurers who've accepted a quest." Momon answered plainly.

  "We're looking for a certain boy. I don't have to tell you his name, do I?" He asked, bringing a gasp to the group. In response, Ainz hefted his blade, pointing at the robed figures.

  "Also, one of your allies should have a piercing weapon. Planning to lay low? Or could it be you're scared of us and in hiding?" He asked in challenge. His response was a hummed laughter from behind the group, in the mausoleum.

  "You examined the corpses. You're good." A female voice remarked.

"You..." Khajit sighed, looking back to the woman standing in the mausoleum. Aside from the dark cloak covering her body, bright hair and a... less than sane expression stood out.

"Well. Looks like he's figured it all out. There's point in hiding." She pointed out, sticking out a tongue to lick her lips.

"So? Can I ask for your names?" She wondered.

"Oh, I'm Clementine! Nice to meetcha." She told you.

"There's no point in telling you, but mine is Momon, and the one beside me is Laurence." Momon told the girl. She stuck a finger up, resting it on her chin to reveal gauntlets on her hands.

"Yeah, that's true. But how did you find this place?" She wondered, leaning forward to you two.

"Our means are nothing of your concern, but we could just as easily find out with what you have under your cloak." Momon revealed.

"Let us see." Clementine raised her brows, giving an 'oh' face at the response.

"Woah! Pervert! Dirty old man!" She cried sarcastically, a smile dominating her face.

"Just kidding. Talking about these?" She asked, opening her cloak to reveal her "armor."

You always knew female armor in video games was horribly made, suited to accentuate the features a man would like to see, and no more. Clementine was just as bad, with only the essentials covered in leather armor, studded with copper and iron plates stolen from adventurer victims.

Of course, that was probably something Clementine used to her advantage.

"Those easily give your position away." Momon pointed out, to Clementine's disappointment.

"Laurence, please take care of Khajit and those men. I will take care of this woman." He told you. You nodded, stepping forward as Momon turned away. He stopped for a second, turning his head to whisper.

"Be careful above you." You nodded as Momon continued his walk.

"I know."

"Clementine. Why don't we fight to the death over there?" He suggested.

"Hmph. Okay." She leapt out of the mausoleum, walking beside Momon into the fog towards another clearing, leaving you and Nabe alone with a group of opponents.


"..." The group readied for an attack as you raised your sword up. The blade glowed green, and as you raised it to swing...

  "Kill them, Dear Nabe."

  "Twin Maximize Magic! Electrosphere!" The sudden blur of lightning from behind you gave the casters little time to react.

  By the time the dust settled, Khajit was the only one standing as you faced off.

"All that, and you're just a fool who sic's his third tier caster at me." Khajit commented. Behind you, Nabe scowled, her stoic expression gone.

"You, a mere human tick, would call Sir Laurence a fool?" She asked.

"Is it wrong to call an imbecile who tries to thwart my plans a fool?" Khajit asked in response.

"And you're leaping to the land of the dead without understanding the strength of the strong!" He told you, lifting the once-before mentioned orb in his hand.

"Feast your eyes upon this supreme jewel!" He told you. As it shined in the night air, the ground around you darkened, and you calmly stepped back a second before a massive, bony claw shattered the ground you once stood on.

In front of you, a large dragon flapped it's wings, displacing air as it landed with a 'thud' in front of you. Four piercing red eyes glared at you as the beast let out a roar, shaking the very air.

Khajit's laughter rang out as you looked at the dragon, formed from thousands of skeletons.

"The Skeletal Dragon is completely resistant to magic. It's a fearsome enemy that magic casters can't fight against!" He gloated. You shook your head, disappointed.

  "Dear Nabe, if you would give that thing a smack for me?" You asked.

  "Yes, Laurence." Nabe was already tying her sword's hilt to keep the sheath on as the dragon raised a claw. You turned to mist, flying back as another claw swipe missed, leading to Nabe landing on the hand of the creature, jumping up to the head.

  To your pleasant delight, several bones were shaken loose as the dragon reeled back from the hit.

  "W-What the-!?" Khajit yelled out as Nabe landed beside you.

  "J-Just who are you!?" He demanded.

  "Are you a mythril... no, and orichalcum class adventurer?!" He asked. Nabe sighed as you stood, bored.

  "The term 'lower life form' is fitting because of your excitable nature." Nabe told him, her scowl persistent.

  "You red click beetle."

  "B-Bitch!" Khajit yelled at Nabe. If you could scowl, you would have. For this man to call the one acting in your name a bitch...

  "I won't! I won't! I won't let you!" He yelled out as the dragon rose from Nabe's strike, bones raining onto the ground. Khajit rose his jewel again, watching it flare up.

  "Ray of Negative Energy!" With a glow, the bones that had fallen from the dragon flew back up, healing and repairing it in full.

  "Reinforce Armor! Lesser Strength! Shield Wall! Undead Flame!" Khajit chanted spell after spell to grant the dragon strength.

"Hmph. Lesser strength. Shield wall. Energy protection negative." Nabe muttered, buffing herself up as well. The two went back for another clash, which ended with Nabe beside you, unharmed despite the various spell effects. The dragon was reeling back from the hit, recovering as Khajit hefted his staff.

"Acid Javelin!" He cried, sending the named magic attack towards you and Nabe. You raised a hand, simply swiping the entire liquid projectile aside, letting it smoke and fester on the ground.

  "Is that defense magic? What a pain..." Khajit mumbled.

  "Lightning." The named bolt shot out of Nabe's fingertip towards Khajit, only for a large, bony foot to step in front of him, absorbing  the blow like nothing.

  "I'm the one this is a pain for, bagworm." Nabe told Khajit, her hand still crackling with magic.

  "Why don't you stop hiding behind that and come out?" She asked. Khajit scoffed in response.

  "It can't be helped. Jewel of death!" He raised his jewel again, watching it glow as the ground rumbled.

  "Take a good look at the power of the jewel of death!" Between you, the ground crack, washing the area in flowing blue light from within. From that blue light... another draconic, skeletal head emerged, letting out a roar.

"A second one..." Nabe realized. In the meantime, the glow of Khajit's jewel faded, turning a simple black.

"It seems I've used all of the collected negative energy, but after I kill you and bring death to the city, I am sure it will recover." One of the dragons lifted a claw, ready to strike at you and Nabe. She hefted her sword, prepared for an attack.

"Stay your hand, Naberal." Your speaking of her full name brought a gasp to Nabe, who immediately fell to her knees, head bowed. As the dragon's claw approached, a blazing white streak of light raced across the sky, nailing the dragon right in, and through the head.

  "W-What!?" Khajit yelled in shock as more stars in the night sky seemed to grow brighter, before falling in devastating arcs, raining hell upon the dragon in a special spell known as...

  "A Call Beyond. Quite a potent spell, no?" You pondered allowed, finally allowing Khajit to hear your voice as the callings stars stopped coming.

  "You...! How is your magic-!?"

  "If you wonder about your pet's little spell resistance, I'm afraid I must inform you..." You swiped a hand to the side, casually casting another spell. A massive glyph appeared above the second Dragon as it tried to move, instead constricting it in hundreds of tentacles, as if a kraken had suddenly gone on the attack.

  "Spell resistance is only applicable towards spells of sixth tier or below." You informed.

  "Sixth? But then-!? N-no, it's not possible for a human to cast seventh tier magic!" He stammered, terrified as you slowly approached him.

"Human? Well, I suppose humans are capable of some terrifying feats, but I'm afraid I must inform you..." In a flash of light, your helm disappeared, revealing the porcelain eyes that you gazed out of. Blue light flashed in them as you spoke.

"This time, it's no human wrath you've incurred." You told him.

"N-no! What a-are you!?" Khajit cried in horror, backing away as his staff fell to the floor. Beside him, the tentacles enwreathing the skeletal dragon finally broke through, raining the area in splintered bones.

"I am many things. A god, an eldritch horror, a benevolent and merciful ruler. But what matters to you as of now..." The blue glow in your eyes flashed up.

"I am offended that you would cast such words as Bitch towards my subordinate." With a swipe of your hand, Khajit's head was held in your palm, his frail body dangling below as you held him.

"No! No! Please! I won't d-" Khajit's pleading have way to terrified screams of pain as your hand glowed. With a sigh, you dropped the flailing man, turning away as your helm reformed.

"Naberel, please await Ainz here whilst I find Nphirea." You requested.

"Understood. Shall I finish off the human tick?" Nabe asked.

"There is no need." As soon as the last word left your mouth, the sound of splashing blood echoed out as fragments of bone and brain fell against your armor.

"I see. My apologies, Lord." She told you. You waved off the remark, turning to the mausoleum.

"Hm..." It was very quickly that you found the young pharmacist. He stood in thin white clothes, in a trancelike state with blood dripping from his face. It would seem that Clementine had gouged his eyes out.

"That can be easily fixed, but this..." You peered at the crown on his head, which seemed to be the cause of his trance.

It was a magic item you'd never seen, one called the 'Crown of Wisdom.' If all it did was put someone under your control, then....

"Greater Break Item." It crumbled into dust, allowing Nphirea to sway, before falling into your arms.

Forcing someone to act outside their nature was cruel, a practice you would never use. Contracts would do.

"Now, I'm sure Ainz would like something to do with you..." With the remark, you hoisted Nphirea over your shoulder, turning away. This was another victory for Ainz Ooal Gown, another one of many, many more.


~5006 Words

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