What Kind of Cookie Am I? (Co...

By UltraSmasher

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Every Cookie was baked with a flavor, a theme, a purpose, and a name. These are what define a cookie. But wha... More

Main Harem Members
Other Harem Members (Part 1)
Other Harem Members (Part 2)
Chapter 1: What Kind of Cookie Am I?
Chapter 2: A New Home
Chapter 3: Sandwiches and Strawberries
Chapter 4: EarthBread
Chapter 5: Paru-paru-PARFAIT! (Part 1)
Chapter 7: Merry Berry Love
Chapter 8: To the Castle!
Chapter 9: The Hollyberrian Princess(es)
The Most Delicious Duel!
Chapter 10: Best Spring Picnic Ever! (Part 1)

Chapter 6: Paru-paru-PARFAIT! (Part 2)

992 9 16
By UltraSmasher

And now, the moment everyone's been waiting for! Parfait Cookie's amazing performance, by yours truly, Parfait Cookie! With a little extra surprise! 

What's the surprise? Find out in this chapter.


The Sun is shining upon EarthBread as Clover Cookie was playing with his lyre near the residential area entrance.

Clover: The day of the kingdom's festival has arrived. But the nameless cookie must make an important choice that could change his life.

He said as a bird landed on his hand, chirping happily. This earned it a giggle from the bard as the bird flew away, with Clover watching in awe.


I was having breakfast as usual, until I heard the door knocking.

Me: Yes?

I stood up and opened the door, revealing it to be GingerBrave Cookie.

GingerBrave: Morning, Blank Cookie!

He greeted cheerfully.

I smiled in response.

Me: Morning, GingerBrave. What's up?

GingerBrave: Don't you remember? Today's the JellyPalooza Festival! I even saw Parfait Cokie's latest streams that she has a new drummer performing with her! You promised us that you'll come watch her concert with us, right?

I widened my eyes in shock!

Me: "Oh crumbs! I can't believe I forgot about his promise! But I already promised Parfait Cookie that I'll join her performance! W-what should I do?"

GingerBrave: Well, Blank? You ready to go?

I hissed in embarrassment. But I eventually decided to make my choice.

Me: Yeah......... About that....... I-I can't come....

GingerBrave tilted his head confusedly.

GingerBrave: Hmm? Why not?

I can't just say I had to help Parfait Cookie with something. I don't think he'll believe that I'm helping a celebrity. And even though today's Monday, the sandwich diner is closed because they'll be selling sandwiches in the festival. And I don't think I can go sell sandwiches today either.

I need to come up with something.......

I know!

Me: Ugh............

I clutched my stomach as I knelt down in pain.

GingerBrave: Gah! What's wrong!?

Me: M-my stomach....... H-hurts....... I-I think I ate something f-funny....... I d-don't think I c-can go to t-the festival like this........

I hope he takes the bait.

GingerBrave: Gosh. Then what am I supposed to do with this extra ticket?

GingerBrave held up a ticket.

Me: "I remembered in our chat group that there's only him, GingerBright, Strawberry, Wizard, Custard III and even Chili Pepper and Zombie Cookies are in the group. I could ask Chili Pepper, but I don't think a thief like her would be interested in festivals unless there's something worth stealing. And since Princess Cookie is royalty, she probably won't need a ticket to go to a festival in this kingdom just like Custard Cookie. I wonder....."

Me: W-why......... don't you a-ask...... Cherry Cookie..?

GingerBrave: Cherry Cookie? You've met her already?

More like she met me.

Me: Y-yeah..... P-perhaps you could invite h-her to t-the festival instead.......

I stood up, but I clutched my stomach harder, cringing in pain......

GingerBrave: G-gosh, Blank.... I'm so sorry that you couldn't come... How about I record the concerts out there so you can see them later?

I nodded weakly.

GingerBrave: Get well soon!

As soon as GingerBrave closed the door, I stopped clutching my stomach. While I am fortunate that he fell for it, I still feel bad for lying to him.

[End Music]

Me: "Okay. Time to go get my costume."

So I grabbed my bag filled with my idol costume and snuck out of my house through the window.


{I Promise: by No Seung Ho (Nemesis)}



Opening begins with Blank Cookie waking up from the Oven. He looks at the Witch eating a gingerbread cookie and gets horrified, forcing him to run away and jump out of the window.



He ran away from some cake monsters, but tripped over. Then a Jelly Worm towered above him, making him curl up in fear of getting eaten. Then suddenly the Jelly Worm gets zapped by Wizard Cookie's lightning magic.

Then the heroic cookies (GingerBrave, Strawberry, Wizard, Chili Pepper, and Custard III) came to the rescue and defeated the monsters harassing Blank.

Blank watched them in awe. Then GingerBrave offered his hand as the rest of his group stood behind him.

Blank stares for a moment before hesitantly grabbing GingerBrave's hand as the title appears.

:[What Kind of Cookie am I?]

(Waking up, I see your smiling face,)

GingerBrave and his gang take Blank to the Cookie Kingdom. Blank gazed in amazement at the sight.

(But the dream only vanishes away)

The kingdom is populated with many gingerbread cookies of all kinds! As the view of the kingdom's residents shifts to the castle, Princess Cookie bows to the readers while Knight Cookie looks at them suspiciously, forcing the princess to push him aside.

(As the morning sky turns pink)

Despite his lack of flavor or talent, Blank tries his best to fit in. Even trying to learn new things with the help of many cookies living in the kingdom, but to no avail.

Examples include tripping over while delivering sandwiches, getting pummeled by Plum and Peach Cookies (individually, of course), practising ninjitsu with Ninja Cookie (he ends up not throwing far enough, with Ninja facepalming), and getting pranked by Cherry, Pancake, and Gumball Cookies (getting covered in ashes, acorns and gumballs).

(I start my day whispering your name)

Some of them include learning how to skate with Skater Cookie (Blank kept falling off the skateboard after attempting an ollie), playing tennis with Orange Cookie (He gets a tennis ball hitting his face, with Lime Cookie laughing at his misfortune, while Orange, Lemon and Grapefruit winced at the sight), alchemy with Alchemist Cookie (The potion mix exploded at their faces), and sparring with Knight Cookie (also getting pummeled by the knight), many of them having him failing at every single time.

(I know you're somewhere far away, calling me.)

In a library where he was reading with Wizard Cookie, Blank was seen reading a book about ancient history, notably the Dark Flour War. He was reading the part where Dark Enchantress Cookie attempted to invade Vanilla Kingdom with her army of cake monsters.

(I give you my promise: I'll find you!)

However, said kingdom was being protected by the ancient cookie heroes known as the Five. Blank became intrigued by the story as the turning pages began to glow.

(With your name as my guiding star, I will follow the road to you.)

While travelling with the heroes, Blank continues to wonder who he really is.

Then, a Jelly Worm lunged towards Blank, who looked in shock while GingerBrave tried to rescue him.

Then Blank's shocked look turned into bravery as he unsheathed a sword on his back.

{Skip from 1:07 to 3:25}

(I'll never stop searching for you)

Using the sword, he started slicing and dicing any enemy that comes their way, all with the help of his friends and allies from their kingdom.

(Day after day, until we meet again.....)

Scene changed to several where he's shown either interacting with the cookies, or fighting alongside them with the skills he's learnt from his time with them. Like gunslinging with Rye Cookie, playing music with Parfait Cookie, fighting the Durian Pirates with Princess, Knight, Sparkling and Mango Cookies, and blasting magic at enemies with Cream Puff Cookie.

(At times, doubt knocks on my door,

What if you were only a dream....?)

Scene changed back to the forest where GingerBrave and Blank were running through the hordes of cake monsters, with the latter slashing through the horde with his sword. Blank then threw cherry bombs while Ninja Cookie stabbed a monster with his candy cane and a kick. Then Milk Cookie raised his staff to empower both Blank and Purple Yam Cookies with light magic. Blank shot some poison arrows at the cake monsters while Purple Yam smashed them with his mace. Muscle Cookie flexed his arms before repeatedly punching a monster while GingerBrave kept running.

(But I whisper your name and keep going!)

Custard Cookie III waved his scepter to make it glow, then Chili Pepper Cookie swung her chili daggers, then Wizard Cookie summoned lightning, then Strawberry Cookie swung her lollipop, and finally, both Blank and GingerBrave Cookies jumped up and swing their sword and candy cane respectively.


Scene changed to Blank sitting on a hill watching the view of the kingdom. Then he heard GingerBrave calling to him.

GingerBrave was seen waving his hand at Blank while everyone else were greeting Blank from behind the brave cookie.

Blank smiled happily before running towards his companions and later high-fiving GingerBrave.

Final scene changed to a bird's eye view of the Cookie Kingdom.


I managed to sneak into Parfait Cookie's backyard, since Parfait told me to go meet her there.

I quietly knocked on the window, not wanting to attract unwanted attention.

Then the window opened, revealing to be Parfait Cookie, currently in her "Cashier" attire.

Parfait: Hurry! Get in!

I quickly grabbed my bag and gave it to her, she put it next to her as I climbed in, with Parfait grabbing my hands to help me climb into her house more easily.

I panted in exhaustion.

Me: *pant* Good morning *pant*, Parfait Cookie......

Man it feels weird to break into someone's house who wants to be broken in.

Parfait: Morning, Blank Cookie. What took you so long?

Me: GingerBrave Cookie came to invite me to the festival like I promised, which I forgot. So I had to lie to him that I was too sick to go.

Parfait blinked before giggling sheepishly.

Parfait: Hehehe....... Funny you should say that...... I-I told the Boss the same t-thing......

I sighed in amusement.

Me: Then I guess I'll have to tell her that too.......

I scratched the back of my head shyly as well.

Parfait: Well. We'd better get dressed for the occasion. You can use the bathroom downstairs to get changed.

I nodded and grabbed my clothes bag.


After dressing up as Blueberry Tart Cookie, I went upstairs to check on her, since she hasn't come downstairs in the past few minutes, and the concert performance is starting in a few hours.

I knocked on her bedroom door.

Me: Parfait! Are you done in there?

No response. I continued knocking the door-

Parfait: Almost! Just gimme a few more minutes! You can wait in the living room.

I nodded and went downstairs, sitting down on the couch.

After a few minutes, Parfait Cookie returned, now dressed in her idol costume.

Parfait: Okay! Let's go go go ~!

She cheered. I stood up and smiled.

[End Music]


GingerBrave's POV

Soon enough, me, GingerBright, Strawberry, Wizard, King Custard III, Zombie, and Cherry arrived at the JellyPalooza Rock Festival.

Me: Yay! We finally made it, everyone.

I cheered happily.

Wizard: *sigh* Do you really have to invite Cherry Cookie along?

Wizard Cookie pointed at Cherry Cookie, who was skipping merrily along with us.

Me: Why not? Blank Cookie told me to invite her since he couldn't come.

Wizard: I know. But can't you suggest him to invite someone else? You know how 'destructive' she can be.

I raised an eyebrow at him.

Me: Okay. First of all, that's rude. Cherry's not destructive. She's just..... perky. Second, I couldn't just say no to Blank Cookie.

Wizard facepalmed.

Wizard: Seriously. You're just too nice for your own good. You know that?

I nodded.

Me: Yup! That's me!

Wizard: That wasn't a compliment!

Then Cherry Cookie wrapped her arms on top of Wizard's shoulders, making him gasp in shock.

Cherry: Yeah, Wizard! Don't be such a stick in the mud! We should celebrate this opportunity!

Then she pulled out some firecrackers.

Cherry: With FIREWORKS!!!

I cheered along with her.

Me: YEAH!!!

Wizard: NO! No fireworks!

Then Wizard Cookie raised his staff to snatch the firecrackers and threw them away with his magical powers.

Cherry: Aww....... Party pooper.....

Then GingerBright tapped the red hooded cookie's shoulder.

GingerBright: I-it's okay, Cherry. We can still play with your fireworks after this festival.

Cherry: Okay....... I just wish Blanky was here to see all of this. I bet he'll love my fireworks.

Me: "Blanky..... She must be talking about Blank Cookie. I wonder how he's holding up with his tummy ache?"

I thought as I noticed Strawberry Cookie looking sad. Well, sadder than usual.

Me: Hey. What's wrong, Strawberry?

Strawberry: I-I just w-wish that Blank Cookie would join us and watch the festival together....... H-he must b-be so sad t-to miss this..........

I patted her shoulder in reassurance.

Me: Don't worry, Strawberry. We'll record the live performances and send them to him soon. That way, he won't totally miss this out!

Strawberry nodded slightly before catching up with the gang.

I sighed sadly.

Me: Poor Blank. I really hope you get well soon..........



We've finally arrived at the festival. GingerBrave wasn't kidding when he said this festival is going to be exciting.

Me: Gosh..... This festival is so.... Lively!

Parfait: I know, right!? This is gonna be so amazing!

I smiled as I pushed a trolley carrying my drum set. It's almost time for the stage performance, so we've headed to a stand that handles the registrations for the performance.

???: Yo! You guys are new.

We turned to see a Cookie with shaggy white hair holding a red electric guitar.

I was just about to greet him back, until I noticed Parfait Cookie blushing so much that she tried to hide her face with her sleeved hands.

I shook her slightly by the shoulder, which snapped her out of it.

Parfait: O-oh! R-right! I-I'm Parfait Cookie! A-and t-this is Blueberry Tart Cookie!

I waved at him casually.

Me: Hi.

Rockstar: Cool! Name's Rockstar Cookie. I'm the KING OF ROCK!

He then strummed the guitar while headbanging, his long, wild hair waving along with his head.

???: Cool your jets, Rockstar Cookie. You'll just waste your energy like that.

A cookie with rainbow colored twintails approached us.

DJ: Sup, newbies? DJ Cookie is in da house! [ XD ]

Parfait: O-oh.... my..... g-gosh! It's DJ Cookie!

I smiled and waved, choosing to stay mute as Parfait's drummer.

Honestly, I kinda felt nervous talking to a celebrity too. No wonder Parfait was blanking out.

DJ: I get it. The first time is always the most nervous time. Just don't let that get over your head and you'll be fine. [ ; ) ]

I noticed that her goggles are making a winking expression as if they're her eyes.

(A/N: While DJ Cookie is pronounced as gender neutral in the English version, the Japanese version of the game refers to them as female.)

Me: Aren't you the other two of the first Cookies to go on stage for the opening performance?

DJ Cookie nodded.

DJ: Yup. Gotta pep up the crowd for the JellyPalooza, after all! [ ^o^ ]

Then, a small black rectangular device with blinking square lights squeaked with a synthesizing tone floated next to her.

Me: Huh? What's this?

DJ: Oh! That's my Pet, the Rave Machine!

Then her Pet transformed into a hovering record turntable!

DJ: Check it!

DJ then started shuffling the records with her hands.

???: Rockstar, DJ, Parfait, and Blueberry Tart. You're up!

I looked at Parfait Cookie, who looked like a deer in the headlights.

Me: Parfait? Hello? They're calling us.

I shook her by the shoulder, snapping her out of her terror.

Parfait: O-oh! O-okay! L-let's go, Blueberry Tart Cookie!

She must be very nervous, so I tapped her shoulder in reassurance.

Me: Remember, Parfait. Stay calm, and be confident.


GingerBrave's POV

Well, looks like we're here! The JellyPalooza concert stage! And it looks like there aren't many people yet.

GingerBright: Okay! This should be the perfect spot to watch the concert!

I then saw GingerBright placing a picnic blanket over an open spot. I watched in confusion.

Me: You guys brought a picnic blanket to a concert?

Wizard: And sunglasses, camping chairs, and even watermelon juice in case we get thirsty!

Me: Wow! That's awesome! I didn't know you have to prepare for something like this.

Custard III: Of course! A king must be comfortable in order to watch a concert fit for a king!

Zombie: Concert...... picnic.......

GingerBright: We've also bought some sandwiches from Sandwich Cookie's stand.

Strawberry: S-she seemed s-so stressed. I-I guess i-it's because Blank Cookie and Cashier Cookie c-couldn't come t-to the festival today.........

Cherry: And I have my fireworks!

Wizard: No, please! No fireworks!

Wizard used his magic staff again to toss Cherry Cookie's firecrackers away, making her pout in frustration.

GingerBright: We only have a few more minutes before DJ Cookie's performance starts. Might as well make ourselves comfortable.

As we sat down, I noticed that the sky is getting cloudy.

Me: "Is the sky turning gray? Looks like it might rain."

Maybe, but I decided to shrug it off.

Me: "Meh. Must be my imagination."

Seconds later, I saw Reporter Cookie speaking in front of the camera cookie on stage, alongside DJ Cookie, Rockstar Cookie, Parfait Cookie, and Blueberry Tart Cookie, who is Parfait's personal drummer according to her recent live streams.



I noticed GingerBrave and his gang sitting on top of a picnic blanket in the audience. I guess they wanted to make themselves comfortable during the concert.

A cookie with long purple candy ribbon for hair was speaking in front of the camera.

Reporter: Gooooood afternoon, everyone! This is Reporter Cookie, live from the one and only... JELLYPALOOZA! I have breaking news! My secret sources say that DJ Cookie will be performing a brand new song, here at the JellyPalooza Rock Festival! DJ Cookie has won 8 Jammy Awards last year, including Best Album of the Year! Will she dazzle us again with her new song?

Me: "Huh. Who would've thought that DJ Cookie has won a lot of awards? I guess that's why she's so popular."

As I thought about that, the camera and a microphone was moved over to DJ Cookie, who was now standing on a DJ turntable.

DJ: ...so I was thinking: "That's it! I must write a track for just every Cookie to love!", and so I did! ARE YA READY?! [ ^o^ ]

All of the Cookies in the audience cheered at her words as DJ Cookie's turntable began to float!

Then the camera and microphone moved over to Rockstar Cookie.

Rockstar: Am I on TV?! AW YEAH! Come see my performance as well! Rock and roll, baby!

The Cookies in the audience cheered again as he raised his arm up while headbanging.

Then the camera and microphone moved over to us, or specifically Parfait Cookie.

Parfait: Um, yeah...! I-I, Parfait Cookie and my fellow drummer, Blueberry Tart Cookie will also be performing, like, today!

Parfait was a little nervous about having to be recorded by someone besides herself, but she finally took my advice and steeled her nerves.

Parfait: Hi, these are pamphlets of my profile, track list, and all! Feel free to take some and don't forget to stop by my stage, okay?

She then held up some pamphlets and handed over to some random cookies right in front of the stage. But none of them took a single pamphlet, nor even cheered for her. They just gave her weird looks, and I could hear some whispers about "Who is she again?", or the like.

Parfait Cookie backed away sadly, putting her pamphlets away.

Parfait: ...I guess no one is interested...

But then she returned to her perky self again.

Parfait: It's okay! Audience or no audience, I'm gonna sing!

I smiled, proud of her maintaining her confidence for her dreams.

I just hope the sky doesn't rain down upon us............


GingerBrave's POV

This is it! The concert is gonna start soon! I can't wait!

Strawberry: Look, they're setting up the speakers.

Strawberry Cookie pointed at the aforementioned speakers on top of the stage.

Wizard: That must be all DJ Cookie's gear! I can't wait!

Me: My thoughts exactly!

I then noticed that the place is getting crowded.

Cherry: Wow, looks like more and more Cookies are coming in!

No kidding! They're coming in like a stampede!

Me: Ugh.....! C-can't......... b-breathe...!

Dang it! I can't see a thing!

Custard: Off! Stop pushing your king! I command you!

Zombie: Too....... crowded......

Strawberry: Um... Let's go to Shining Glitter Cookie's concert...!

Unfortunately, her concert was packed with cookie spectators as well.

GingerBright: I think that's gonna be a problem.

Wizard: Ugh... this place is packed as well!

At this point, we had no choice but to sit with the crowd as they kept budging to find space.



I winced as I saw my friends getting squished by the crowd,


[End Music]

Huh? Why do I feel a droplet on my head?

I then noticed more droplets falling on my hand and looked up at the graying sky.

Me: Oh no........

Not now.......!


GingerBrave's POV

Wizard: Huh? Did someone splash me?

I then noticed that the rain is starting to fall!

Me: Hey! It's raining!

Strawberry: Looks like it's gonna pour...!



Rockstar: TINY DROPLETS WON'T STOP THE SPIRIT OF ROCK! I'm gonna rock on in the rain!

He enthusiastically said........ But then he decided not to strum his guitar, using his strumming arm to cover himself from the pouring rain.

Rockstar: ...But wet cookie dough fingers can't play the guitar. Oh well. Let's pack up!

DJ: Good call. Can't risk letting my DJ Box get wet and fry it's circuits. [ ×~× ]

Parfait: No....! No! T-this can't be happening!

Parfait Cookie and I watched in horror as they took down the stage. I couldn't believe they had to shut it all down because of bad weather! Why now of all times this had to happen to her!?

I also saw my friends frowning sadly as the crowd quickly dispersed from the watching area in order to find some shades.

Soon, Rockstar, DJ, and the rest of the staff had left the stage all barren, leaving us to watch the heavy downpour in despair.

Me: I-I'm...... I'm sorry that you c-couldn't make your debut t-today, Parfait Cookie. I-If only I had known about t-the forecast, w-we would have......

I said to Parfait Cookie, who was looking at the ground beneath her. Her eyes covered by her hair. It really hurts to watch her dreams crushed before her eyes. She didn't deserve all of this, but it happened.....

I then tapped her shoulder, b-but she didn't respond.....

Me: Come on, Parfait....... Let's go home....

I then turned around to leave-

Parfait: No......

She then suddenly grabbed my hand, alerting me.

Me: W-what?

Parfait: We've worked so hard to get this far, Blank. I'm not letting some rain stop us from reaching our dreams!

It was then I noticed the determined look on her blue eyes.

Parfait: I'm gonna sing on that stage even if I'll get my dough all soggy!

Me: Parfait Cookie........

That's right....... Parfait Cookie was really passionate about this..... She said that the reason she wanted to become an idol is that she can make everyone smile.....

And I helped her worked for that dream.....

Parfait: If you wanna leave. Go ahead. But I'm still gonna sing up that stage!

I gripped her hand tightly as she struggled to get out.

Parfait: Blank! Let go of me!

Me: I can't let you go out there alone!

Parfait looked at me with shock, as if she's starting to understand what I'm saying.

Me: Because you're going to need a drummer.

Her face changed to a hopeful smile, having finally convinced me to change my mind.

Me: Let's give them a performance they won't forget!

I pumped my fist enthusiastically!


GingerBrave's POV

The rain is pouring heavily.....

Sure, GingerBright Cookie had prepared umbrellas for us, but it doesn't change the fact that the festival is cancelling due to bad weather.......

Strawberry: It's pouring... I can barely see ahead.

GingerBright: I don't think the rain is gonna stop any soon.....

GingerBright looked up.

Wizard: But I've been looking forward to this for so long! I wanted to let everything go and just have fun...!

Wizard Cookie was crying in despair.

Custard: Please stop raining! The king wants to see the show right now!

Zombie: Hate...... rain......

Even Custard was flailing on the ground, crying in sadness from not being able to see the show.

Me: But all the other Cookies have left! We're the only ones here!

Cherry: Aww man....... My fireworks are too soggy to light up......

Wizard: Nobody cares, Cherry!

Strawberry: I guess this is it then...

It can't be helped...... And now Blank Cookie will never get to see the performance today.......

Wizard: ...Huh? Hey... Someone's still on the stage!

I perked up in shock as I saw two Cookies on the stage.



Parfait: Paru-paru-PARFAIT~♪! Hiya, everybody!

I casually waved at the audience..... Even though the only ones in the audience are my friends....

Parfait: Uh... Welcome to Parfait Cookie and Blueberry Tart Cookie's concert?

I couldn't exactly hear what my friends are discussing. But seeing that they're still sitting at their picnic spot, I decided to wait for Parfait's cue.

Parfait: Sooo, the festival may be canceled, but that can't stop me from singing! This one is for anyone out there who's listening! This is my, no, OUR brand-new song, "Everything You Need"! Ahem...

Then she glanced at me.

Parfait: Hit it, drummer!

I nodded and began twirling my drumsticks.



{Everything You Need: by AmaLee}

Once Parfait and Blueberry Tart Cookies began playing their guitar and drums respectively, GingerBrave and the gang instantly took a liking to the music.

Strawberry: Wow... This song is great!

GingerBrave: This makes me wanna dance! It's so upbeat and exciting!

Parfait: C'mon, everyone! Sing with me! The rain can't stop us!

GingerBright: It's a good thing I'm already recording the video!

"Every day you wake up and you try to do the best that you can,"

Parfait Cookie tapped her foot to the beat as she sang the lyrics, while Blueberry Tart Cookie kicked the bass drum.

"Some days the recipe just won't turn out the way that you plan,"

Strawberry: This has got to be one of the coolest concerts ever...!

"Never let it get you down, everything can turn around,"

"Just take life one scoop at a time."

Blueberry Tart Cookie tapped the drums afterwards.

"The party is over with confetti scattered all on the floor,"

After tapping thee cymbals, Blueberry started tapping the snare drum once to the beat.

"The concert ended and you wish the band had played just one more,"

GingerBrave: That Cookie sure can sing! I'm totally gonna get her album!

"Never let it leave you hurt, that is not your just dessert,"

Wizard: A rock festival in the rain... Not gonna lie, this is pretty great!

"Life is more than toppings and frosting."

Blueberry Tart Cookie started tapping the drums and the cymbal more frequently.

"Don't worry 'bout tomorrow,"

"I promise everything will be okay."

Rockstar Cookie was just about to leave the festival, until he heard Parfait Cookie's lyrics, and then he looked at his guitar case.

"Don't be afraid to make mistakes,"

"Not everything will be a piece of cake."

DJ Cookie was also about to leave, but after hearing the lyrics, she looked at her Pet, before thinking.

"Just listen to these words that I tell you!"

Blueberry Tart Cookie tapped the drums louder, as Parfait Cookie sang louder this time.

"Let your light keep shining, gettin' you through the dark,"

GingerBrave and his friends began dancing to the music happily together.

"Let your song keep playing, sing it with all your heart."

"Let your dreams help guide you, melting down all your walls,"

Reporter Cookie was just about to pack up, until she heard the music.

Reporter: What is that sweet music?

"You don't need to add a thing, you're perfect the way you are!"

She then noticed Parfait Cookie singing on stage, with Blueberry Tart Cookie tapping his drums to the beat.

Reporter: Turn on the camera, buddy. Looks like we're getting a new scoop!

"There's no use in holding on, to anything that's come and gone,"

Reporter: And this time it's about how the Cookie Kingdom's rising star making her amazing debut despite the heavy downpour!

"Everything you need is deep inside your heart."

"Sing la la la la la la la, la la la la la la la."

Just as GingerBrave and his friends were swaying to the music, he noticed that there are two cookies heading onto the stage.

GingerBrave: Wait a sec. Are those.....?

"Everything you need is deep inside your heart,"


Just as Parfait was about to strum her guitar, someone else beat her to it. Both her and Blueberry Tart Cookie were surprised to see who was responsible for this.

Parfait: Rockstar Cookie!?

Parfait Cookie exclaimed in surprise.

Rockstar: Heard your song a while ago! I like your moxie!

Rockstar Cookie winked at the two cookies.

DJ: Gotta admit. No cookie would be brave enough to even go out in the rain. But you guys just got up and sang like there's no tomorrow!

The three Cookies turned around to see DJ Cookie setting up a keyboard and started tapping the piano keys on it.

DJ: So I thought I'd give you guys a hand and crank up the dial! [ ;D ]

Parfait and Blueberry Tart Cookies smiled happily to see some cookies decided to join in on the fun.

GingerBrave: Wow! Rockstar and DJ Cookies decided to join in on their performance!

Wizard Cookie shed a tear of joy at the sight.

Wizard: *sniff* I-It's........... it's like....... a miracle......!

That's when the rain began to stop pouring, something that GingerBright Cookie noticed first.

GingerBright: Speaking of miracles, the rain is stopping!

Then the clouds began to disperse, allowing the sunlight to shine upon Parfait Cookie like a spotlight.

"Just take the steps you're ready for, the journey's really just begun."

As Parfait Cookie opened her eyes, the sunlight then proceeded to shine upon her bandmates.

"There will always be an open door, if you learn to walk before you run."

Then the clouds dispersed completely, allowing the Sun to shine upon the entire festival!

"So listen to the words that I tell you!"

"Let your light keep shining, gettin' you through the dark."

While strumming his own guitar, Rockstar Cookie started headbanging to the music, making his hair flip wildly.

"Let your song keep playing, sing it with all your heart."

DJ Cookie tapped the piano keys of the keyboard.

"Let your dreams help guide you, melting down all your walls."

Reporter Cookie smiled and quietly watched while bobbing her head to the song.

"You don't need to add a thing, you're perfect the way you are!"

"There's no use in holding on, to anything that's come and gone."

"Everything you need is deep inside your heart."

"Sing la la la la la la la, la la la la la la la,"

Cherry: Alright! FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!

GingerBrave and the gang watched in horror as they saw Cherry Cookie having lit up the bottle rockets.

"Everything you need is deep inside your heart,"

Wizard: CHERRY! NO!!!

Wizard Cookie tried to stop her rockets.


But it was too late....... The rockets soon launched up into the sky, creating colorful explosions up high.


"Fireworks explode like birthday candles in the sky,"

Both Parfait and Blueberry Tart Cookies looked at the fireworks in the sky.

"They go out in a moment, blown away before your eyes."

"Cause nothing lasts,"

Parfait Cookie then looked at her drummer.

"When it's nothing but flash."

Before sneakily giving him a cute wink.

"Try to live in every moment,"

This caught Blueberry Tart Cookie off guard as he blushed in response, but still maintained the beat of the music.

"And be true to who you really want to be,"

DJ and Rockstar Cookies snickered quietly at her teasing before stopping the music once Parfait Cookie finished singing the lyrics above.

"Sing la la la la la la la, la la la la la la la,"

Parfait strummed her guitar, breaking the silence that followed.

"Everything you need is deep inside your heart."

Blueberry Tart Cookie resumed tapping the drums after the silence. Then the other bandmates also resumed playing their own musical instruments.

"Sing la la la la la la la, la la la la la la la,"

"Everything you need is deep inside your heart,"


And with the last strum of her guitar, that's when Parfait Cookie's song ended.

[End Music]


GingerBrave's POV

Holy crumbs.......

Me: Guys..... I have three things to say right now........

GingerBright: What's that....?

Me: Best. Concert! EVER!!!

I cheered excitedly! I can't believe we finally get to see a concert in the middle of the rain!

Cherry: I agree! It's so amazing that I could blow out my fireworks!

Wizard: Speak *cough* *cough* for yourself..........

Wizard Cookie came back, having burnt to a crisp.

Strawberry: Her singing was so amazing!

Custard: Truly a performance fit for a king

Zombie: Concert...... amazing......



Parfait: I can't believe it! T-they like my song.......!

I smiled as I watched Parfait Cookie crying with joy to see somebody cheering for her song.

Me: Oof!

She then abruptly tackled me into a hug.

Parfait: Thank you so much, Blueberry Tart Cookie!

Me: Y-you're welcome, Parfait C-MMPH!!?

All of the sudden, m-my lips feel w-warm!


GingerBrave's POV

We all jawdropped as we saw the idol singer kissing her drummer, on the lips!

Me: Did Parfait Cookie just kiss her drummer!?

Wizard Cookie nodded awkwardly.

Wizard: Y-yup.....

Custard: W-what's going on!? I demand to see what you are all seeing!

GingerBright Cookie was covering King Custard Cookie III's eyes.

GingerBright: Y-you'll see it when you're older, Your Majesty.

Zombie: Kiss.........

And for some reason, I noticed that Strawberry and Cherry Cookie were clutching their chests, looking rather..... annoyed for some reason.



After what felt like a few minutes of lip locking, we finally separated from the kiss to make eye contact, though Parfait still wrapped her arms around my neck, so I wrapped mine around her waist to keep her from falling over. And then I noticed that Parfait Cookie was blushing.

I also noticed that Rockstar and DJ Cookies were congratulating me quietly.

Me: P-Parfait Cookie?

Parfait: Y-yes, B-Blueberry Tart Cookie....

We both released ourselves from the hug. Parfait rubbed her sleeved arm shyly.

Me: "I-is she r-really....?"

Parfait: I-I...... l-l-lo-ahhh..... Ahhhhh..! ...... AH-


Me: -CHOO!!! *sniff*

I grabbed a tissue and wiped my (non-existent) nose.

Wizard: Yeesh! First you can't go to the concert over a tummy ache, and now you're catching a cold?

Wizard Cookie snarked as GingerBright Cookie placed a bed table with a bowl of cream mushroom soup on it.

Me: *sniff* T-thanks, guys........

GingerBright giggled in response.

GingerBright: You're welcome, Blank.

GingerBrave: You should've seen that concert, Blank Cookie! It was awesome!

Custard: Indeed! The festival may have been cancelled, but at least we finally get to see at least one performance from a ragtag group of entertainers.

Custard said proudly.

Zombie: Amazing......... song........

Even Zombie Cookie had given a positive feedback.

I laughed nervously at what he said.

Strawberry: Y-yeah...... Very a-awesome.......

Strawberry Cookie looked down shyly while shuffling her foot.

Cherry: Yep! And I get to light my fireworks, Blanky! Did you see that?

Cherry Cookie hopped excitedly, though her usual smile seemed forced for some reason.

I ended up dripping sweat all over my face, feeling a little worried that I might offend both Strawberry and Cherry.

Me: U-umm.... *sniff* Not yet...

Strawberry looked away disappointedly, while Cherry remained smiling....... with a twitching eye....

Then GingerBrave facepalmed.

GingerBrave: Of course! We forgot to give you that video!

I sighed in relief. Though I couldn't help b-but wonder i-if Strawberry and Cherry Cookies really have feelings for me too......

GingerBright: Well. Hope you get well soon, Blank Cookie.

GingerBrave: See ya later, Blank.

Me: Yeah..... See you later....

After that, GingerBrave and company left my bedroom.

[End Music]

Then once they all left the house, I picked up my CookiePhone to call "Cashier" Cookie.

Me: Hey, *sniff* Parfait Cookie.

Parfait: Hi, Blank Cookie. *sniff*

Me: I take it you got the sniffles too, huh?

Parfait: *sniff* Yup..... But it was totally worth it! Achoo!

Me: Gesundheit.

Parfait: *sniff* Thanks. My latest livestream got thousands of likes now! And uh...... *sniff*, sorry for giving you the cold.

Me: Nah. I'm pretty sure it was the rain's fault for giving both of us the cold.

We both laughed at my joke. Then everything went quiet for a bit. It was then I remembered something that made me felt awkward.

Parfait: Still thinking about the kiss?

I widened my eyes. But I guess I should've seen that coming.

Me: Y-yeah...... *sniff* W-why did you do t-that...?

Parfait: Isn't it like obvious? I love you, Blank Cookie.

Me: Why? A-all I did was helping you b-become a superstar..... *sniff*

Parfait: T-that's the thing! Achoo! *sniff* No cookie is ever t-this willing to help a stranger like me. I never would've like gotten this far thanks to you....

I could practically hear the nervousness in her voice from the phone.

Me: B-but....

After a brief pause, Parfait decided to break the silence.

Parfait: Y-you don't l-love me....?

Me: N-no no! Of course I love you too! I-it's just-that.......... You're not the only Cookie I have a crush on.....

I blushed shyly.

Me: "Like Strawberry Cookie, Cherry Cookie, and Princess Cookie......"

Parfait: I know. *sniff* As an idol, it's my duty to make everyone happy, including you, Blank. You totes deserved it after all the hard work.

Me: A-are you sure....? Y-you're okay with me h-having more t-than one girlfriend? L-like...... a harem...?

Parfait: *giggle* Of course! Just promise me that you'll share your love with me just as much as you share with everyone else, okay?

Me: *sniff* Okay..... T-thanks, Parfait Cookie.... Get well ah..... ACHOO! *sniff* soon......

Parfait: Gesundheit. You too, Blank Cookie! Paru-paru Parfait ~♪! Mwah ~!

After blowing me a kiss, Parfait then hung up as I placed my phone on the bedside table as I sighed.

Me: "I guess there's still a chance for me to confess my feelings to Strawberry Cookie, and perhaps Cherry Cookie. I-I just hope t-they'll forgive me for lying about the tummy ache......"

And with that, I began eating GingerBright's mushroom soup.

Me: Mmm! Delicious! I should take cooking lessons from GingerBright!

I said as I licked some soup off my mouth, savoring the taste of her cooking.



Clover Cookie was seen sitting under a tree next to Blank Cookie's house, whose owner had turned off the lights to go to sleep, evidenced by the snores heard outside.

Clover: And thus the nameless cookie has found his first love. Though she won't be his only love in his life. Who will be the next cookie he will fall for? Find out in the next chapter of the nameless cookie.

[End Music]


{Everything You Need, Short Korean ver.}

(Everyday you wake up and you try to do the best that you can,)

(Some days the recipe just won't turn out the way that you planned,)

(Never let it get you down,)

(Everything can turn around,)

(Just take life one scoop at a time)

(Let your light keep shining, gettin' you through the dark)

(Let your song keep playing, sing it with all your heart)

(Let your dreams help guide you, melting down all your walls)

(You don't need to add a thing, you're perfect the way you are!)

(There's no use in holding on,)

(To anything that's come and gone)

(Everything you need is deep inside your heart)

(Sing la-la-la-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la)

(Everything you need is deep inside your heart,)



I'd figured at some point some other girl besides the first will end up joining Blank Cookie's harem. But that doesn't mean that the main girls won't join the harem eventually.

I remembered seeing a YouTube comment mentioning how Parfait Cookie's story should add the part where Rockstar and DJ Cookies were impressed by Parfait's persistence to make her on-stage debut despite the heavy rain, as well as the rain stopping and Reporter Cookie recording her performance. So I decided to exceed their expectations with this aforementioned chapter!

So. Did you like the show? Did you like the surprise? Did you like this special ending? Leave a comment in this chapter. 

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