Really? My Best Friend?

By RusticEclipse

1.7K 63 34

Sophie is best friends with a boy. A boy called Dean. He's messed up in the past but it wasn't his fault and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 (Sophie)
Chapter 5 (Dean)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 15

46 1 0
By RusticEclipse

Liam wakes me up the next morning at eleven o’clock saying I’ve slept in for long enough. It’s a Saturday and yet he’s got me up and before twelve I might add. I don’t get the chance to sleep in often so when I do it’s a welcomed feeling.

Dean went home straight after tea last night which, for him, is unnormal. He usually stays for as long as he can but something wasn’t right with him either. I don’t know what it was but it was something. It might just be Liam or maybe what Dad said or maybe just that he’s been with me for three days straight but either way, he wasn’t normal and it was completely obvious to everyone.

Liam has toast ready for me when I get down the stairs after pulling on some clothes. I eat it sitting on the sofa next to my brother who is watching Big Bang Theory.

“So, I wouldn’t say this normally after you falling off and practically killing yourself but… come to a party tonight please?” Liam says after a while of sitting in silence so I turn to look at him questioningly.

“Why don’t you go without me?” I ask looking at him where he turns his head so he can look me in the eyes with his icy blue ones.

“Dad won’t let me go unless you’re there and it’s a big one that I can’t miss coz we won yesterday.” Right, the big rugby game the school had, I forgot about that. I didn’t even ask if they won before and maybe I should have but oh well. There was a football game as well which Dean was meant to be playing in but it’s Dean so he obviously blew them off for the game, the idiot.

“Ok, I’ll go but I’m not going for long.” I mutter before adding, “Who won the football anyway?”

“We won, a good day for us all. Louis took Dean’s place on the team and scored for them.” He says with a sly smile. “Dean clearly wasn’t happy when I told him that yesterday, he doesn’t like Louis does he?”

“Obviously not. I don’t know why though. I thought it was to do with me but I’m not sure.”

“It has to be, ever since he showed up he’s been more protective over you even if he hasn’t been next to you and the last three days he’s been stuck to you like a leach.” My brother smirks at the phrase he uses.

“Ha. Ha. Very funny Liam. He’s my best friend, of course we’re gonna be stuck together. But what I don’t get is that if he likes me, why does he like me?” I mumble turning to face the TV to the break is on.

“Let’s see, you’re smart, funny, likable, cute- in a sister way to me obviously- talented and you’re amazing and guys think that you’re attractive. I’m sure he has plenty of reasons to like you.” Liam lists smirking at me as if he’s got one over on me.

“I didn’t even mean it like that. I meant, he doesn’t like girls. He’s just in it for one night stands so why would he even like me? And if he does he’s hardly going to act on it because he doesn’t know how to act on it because he never has.” I explain looking at my brother who sits there with his face thoughtful and taking on a wisdom sort of look and then he runs his hand though his hair, deep in thought.

“It’s clear that he likes you, I just don’t know he knows yet but I still don’t think he’s the guy for you. Louis seems ok though.” He smiles in what looks like is meant to be a reassuring way but really isn’t.

“It’s harder than you think though. I don’t want to choose between them.”

“Well then don’t. It’s not like you like Dean, do you?”

“Uh…” I drift off looking up at my brothers concerned face, I don’t want to admit it because then it’s real. “I think I do. When I think of Louis I think of how jealous Dean will be. When I think of Louis I think of Dean. When I think of anything, it’s always back to Dean somehow. I don’t know how I got into this…”

“Well, one thing is clear, you need a night out and tonight you can sort you’re head out, got it?” he looks at me with a ferocity and for the first time in my life I feel as though I have to nod my head because of his harsh, accusing eyes and so I do because I know I can’t push him too far, he’ll end up snapping if we talk about Dean for longer than we need to and that’s something I want to avoid.

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