What Was Left

By riocat1

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From the rubble of the Red Keep, Jaime is left alive with nothing but his love for Brienne and his regrets ov... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 26 & Epilogue

352 10 5
By riocat1


Following the pageantry of their lavish wedding, life on Tarth settled into a peaceful dream for Jaime and Brienne. Their days were spent happily spoiling their son, and awaiting the birth of their second child. Their nights were spent in each other's arms. It seemed almost too good to be true. However, every morning as he would awaken, his wife's sweet smile would remind Jaime that all of it was indeed very real, and it was all he ever truly wanted. He would thank the Gods, taste Brienne's luscious lips, and go about his day happier than any man who had ever drawn the soft rich Westerosi air into his lungs.

King Bran and the Small Council passed another moon as guests of The Evenstar before word was received from Kings Landing that the Red Keep had been fully repaired and fortified, and was ready once again to be the shining fortress of the Realm it had always been, home to the Three-Eyed Raven and his trusted advisors. Lord Tyrion returned to the North with Queen Sansa where they were married in the Godswood at Winterfell. The couple had desperately wished for Jaime and Brienne to stand with them when they took their vows as they had done at Evenfall. However, with Brienne's condition precluding her traveling such a long distance, the Lannisters of Tarth forbid Tyrion and Sansa from postponing their nuptials, and promised to visit when all were healthy and ready.

So Evenfall bid farewell to it's royal patrons, and turned its attentions to more familial matters. Brienne began her apprenticeship with Lord Selwyn, learning the daily matters and occupations which were the responsibility of the leader of House Tarth. Jaime's time was enjoyed eagerly watching over Brienne, ensuring her safety, and seeing to her every need. He felt he knew, almost instinctively, whatever she desired before the words even left her lips.

Brienne swore that Jaime had not removed his hand from her swelling waistline since they had discovered she carried their second child. The exaggeration brought a loving smile to her face, and she realized that his excessive attentions to her were Jaime's attempt to make up for the time he had missed when she had brought their first son into the world. Brienne understood keenly from where Jaime's conscientiousness toward her sprang. He had not been with her when Galladon was born, and she knew he would never forgive himself. Whatever amount of loving care he would shower upon her and their children would never be enough to ease Jaime's mind. Brienne tried to reassure him that she had no doubts as to his love for them, yet still he endeavored to repay a debt to her that she did not ask of him. He devotedly watch over Brienne, anxious to see to her needs, ready to vanquish anything that might cause her distress, and desperate to prove himself to The Evenstar. Attentive and protective, Jaime soon became Brienne's shadow.

Jaime had taken to following Brienne's every step, all day long. He would jump to attention whenever she moved a muscle, attempting to predict whatever necessity she needed. Several times Brienne thanked him warmly and accepted whatever item of comfort he presented, although it had not been at all what she was seeking. She made due, and tried to not let her corrections appear too obvious. As the weeks passed Jaime took to forming a living shield around Brienne and her expanding belly. He would walk only inches from her, scooting sideways if necessary, his arms a diligent cushion held only inches from her body, once nearly knocking her over in the process. After steadying his wife upon her feet, and taking pains to ensure she was unharmed, Jaime waited in dread for the wrath that would have been visited upon him in his previous miserable life for such a blunder. His shock was evident when it was not an open handed slap that was sent in his direction, but an adoring gaze and the soft caress of his cheek. Although mildly annoyed at Jaime's constant overbearing scrutiny, Brienne found his anxious nervousness so adorable and endearing she could not reprimand his heartfelt efforts. So she graced him with caring smiles, held his palm to her rounded belly when their child would kick, and rewarded him with sweet kisses. Her reaction encouraged him to double his watch over her.

As she grew large with the child whom King Bran had declared to them would someday be the ruler of Westeros, what shook Brienne the most was the apprehension that began to overwhelm her. It was early in Brienne's eighth moon of pregnancy that Jaime noticed her suddenly pensive and preoccupied mood. She had become quiet, almost sullen. At first he told himself it was her waning energy that tarnished her joy. However, as her sadness became increasingly more difficult to dismiss, he began to fear a more dreadful cause. It was on a rainy afternoon, when Jaime had reluctantly dragged himself from Brienne's side to fetch her a service of tea, that he returned to their chamber only to find her in tears. She sat forelornly beside Galladon's cradle, the long deep sighs of the child's slumber making her weeping seen even more painful.

Jaime's heart shattered, frantically he sloshed the tray of tea he carried down upon a table and he rushed to Brienne's aid. 'What is it, My Love?" He questioned, kneeling beside her. "The babe?" Jaime's eye darted in terror, his hand softly comforting the round slope of her abdomen.

Brienne could only shake her head sadly in response and try to look away. Jaime raised his hand to her chin and gently brought her eyes to look at him. "Please." He begged. "Tell me what is wrong." He said hopefully, unable to calm his fears.

Her eyes falling to what remained of her lap, Brienne could not control the sobs that shuddered from her throat. "You will think me a silly fool." She replied almost apologetically. "Letting my fears get the better of me." She tried to present her inner turmoil in a joking light, but Jaime knew better.

"Of what are you afraid, My Darling?" He asked, refusing to drop the matter as he clutched her hand firmly in his own grasp.

Brienne filled her lungs with a deep slow breathe, trying desperately to steady herself. Her eyes traveled to Galladon still sleeping in his tiny bed, not a care in the world. Vividly she recalled the night he was born. Although her heart fluttered with joy at the memory of his first cry, her mind was seized with panic at the ordeal which had been her first child's delivery. Remorsefully, she stared at her husband, embarrassed at the failing of her courage.

"I fear giving birth again." Brienne confessed, a single heavy tear tracing its way down her cheek and falling upon the flesh of Jaime's stumped arm.

He regarded her with empathy, his heart breaking not only at her pain but at the knowledge that he might have helped her through that time, had he been there. Jaime nodded sorrowfully, and brought his face to hers. He smoothed Brienne's hair, and held her tightly to him, trying to kiss away her weeping.

"I did not want to tell you because I knew you would blame yourself." Brienne said dejectedly. "Forgive me." She whispered. "I did not mean for you to find me like this." Her voice faltered, fighting the tears that threatened once more.

Jaime shook his head against hers. "There is nothing you cannot tell me." He replied painfully. "Nothing you ever need to hide from me." He assured her. "I should have been with you." He said, the self-reproach bitter in his tone. "There may not have been anything I could have done to make that time easier for you, but at least I could have comforted you." He lamented.

Lovingly, Brienne touched his face. "But it was not your fault that you could not be there." She soothed, having already forgiven him. "You saved us both." She affirmed.

Again Jaime nodded, a bittersweet acceptance in his countenance. "This time I am here." He declared. "And I will do whatever you ask of me." He kissed Brienne's temple, and tried to smile, bravely. She nodded sweetly at his promise.

"What if something happens, like the last time?" Brienne gave voice to her fear, knowing he had no answers to give. "What if it is far worse, and cannot be aided?" She questioned rhetorically. It had been Gilly who had helped her bring Galladon forth when she was nearly at the end of her endurance. She trusted the young woman who had become her friend. Now, the Grand Maester's wife would be miles away in Kings Landing. Lord Selwyn had commissioned the finest Maesters and Midwives from Evenfall to Winterfell to attended Brienne's delivery, many of whom had already arrived on the island and were seeing to her care daily. They were, however, most of them strangers. It would have calmed Brienne's nerves to have her dear friend with her once again, another mother who understood the depth of her struggle.

Her eyes drifted once more to her sleeping son, and her hand spread protectively over the babe growing in her womb. "I do not want to leave them." Brienne sobbed to Jaime, her thoughts mourning their own mothers who had both bravely lost their battles in childbirth. "I do not want to leave you." She swore, looking at him with such dire alarm that his resolve melted. With tears forming in his own eyes, he desperately tried to bolster the faith that was failing his precious wife.

The smile Jaime showed Brienne was bright and hopeful, yet he also feared the dreadful image she painted. "The King himself has seen a long and happy life for our dear babes." Jaime reminded her, trying to will belief into her heart. "And for us." Jaime assured her.

Brienne tried to give him a brave smile, but the effort seemed too draining to keep up for long. "I thank the Gods that our children's futures have been secured." She sighed at least with some relief.

"As has ours, I promise you." Jaime vowed to her.

"Promise me yet one more request." She begged.

"Anything." Jaime swore.

Brienne's eyes grew wet with heavy tears as she searched his gaze, with a fear he could not bear. "When the time comes, please don't let them make you leave me." She beseeched him. It was the custom that fathers be banned from their wives' bedsides during childbearing. They always faced every fight together. Brienne wanted this time to be no different. "I cannot do this alone." She began to cry once more.

Jaime squeezed Brienne's fingers tightly in his own and stared deep into her eyes. "Listen to me." He urged, his expression solemn. "Fire breathing fucking dragons could not drag me from your side." He shook with the intensity of his pledge. "I shall be with you through every moment of our child's birth." He swore, knowing he may be of no help at all yet trying to assuage her terror.

Brienne sniffed against her hopeless weeping with a renewed sense of strength. Together there had never been any force living or dead which could defeat them. She felt better just knowing that her beloved Jaime would be there this time to see their babe into the world. Brienne gave him the wide calmed smile he wished for. She brought her fingers to caress his jaw. "I am certain that will make all the difference." She asserted, finding once more the strength and courage to face whatever lay ahead.
As her time approached, Brienne found the walls of Evenfall beginning to close in upon her. Unlike the last few weeks that she carried Galladon, there were no duties to occupy her time, no troops to inspect, no Queen to guard. Jaime had determined that she should not venture too far from their living quarters, or expert herself unnecessarily. Brienne was happy to appease him, but soon realized that even her desire to comply with his wishes was not enough to deter the restlessness that threatened to overwhelm her. To her relief, the Maesters engaged to see to her care agreed that enjoying light walks in the fresh air and sunshine would be a perfect compromise for Brienne to stretch her aching muscles and keep her fit for the impending delivery. Brienne was eager to begin the new regimen. Although fearful that she might over extend her energies, Jaime soon discovered that the daily excursions with his beloved Brienne were among the most enjoyable times he had ever experienced.

Together, Brienne and Jaime would stroll meandering paths around the castle. They would venture out, hands entwined, lost in their own world and longing gazes. At times Galladon would accompany them and try out his unsteady legs amidst the trees and flowers, or along the shoreline, his determined little fists clenched tightly around his father's fingers. On other days, Jaime and Brienne enjoyed their solitude, the shaded paths of the gardens or the seclusion of the beach providing them privacy for romantic embraces and amorous kisses.

The day was lovely, the sun warmed the sand over which Jaime walked slowly, Brienne sheltered protectively in the drape of his arm. They had chosen to trace their familiar path along the surf shortly after taking a small midday meal on one of Evenfalls airy terraces. Galladon had protested so loudly at the prospect of accompanying his parents that Lord Selwyn nearly sprang from his chair offering to entertain the boy. Brienne and Jaime grinned slyly at each other wondering if that had been the plan between grandfather and his small charge all along.

They had ventured happily for the better part of the afternoon when Brienne was suddenly stopped in her tracks by a twisting spasm in her belly. An expression of slight alarm washed over her face as her hand moved to sooth her muscles. She exhaled in surprise, knowing the birth of her second child was eminent, yet still not quite ready for the ordeal. Brienne could only stand motionless and stare cautiously ahead.

Vigilant and on his guard for any changes in his wife, Jaime sprang to Brienne's side. "Are you alright, Deareast?" He questioned nervously, certain she would wave off his concern. "Is it the babe?" Jaime asked, alarm and worry in his voice. "We should return to Evenfall." He declared urgently.

Catching her breath, Brienne recovered her composure and tried to calm his worry even as hers was growing. "Oh no." She denied. "Surely, it is just a little twinge." She told him, hoping she would believe it herself.

"Please." Jaime begged. "Let me help you back to our chambers." He attempted once more.

Shaking her head and laying her hand upon Jaime's chest in a effort to comfort him, Brienne tried to force her body to comply with her words. "I think we can walk a little further." She proclaimed, practically dragging him along their path. "Even if it is beginning, it took me two days with Galladon." Brienne gave Jaime a sweet smile. "We will have plenty of time." She assured her nervous husband.

They had not stepped two more paces when Brienne was doubled over by the sharp pain that gripped her body. She cried out with the force of it, and reached frantically for Jaime's hand. He held tightly to her and tried to help her stand. Brienne gasped, trying to fill her lungs, but could only squeeze her eyes shut against the first grip of her beginning labor.

After what seemed an eternity to an extremely worried Jaime, Brienne rose and choked down a deep breath. Gone was the carefree confident smile that had graced her face only moments before. Her eyes were wide with trepidation. She tried her best to hide her fear from Jaime, but he could feel it welling up within her, the same it is was in him.

Brienne clutched Jaime's arm like a lifeline. He could feel her trembling. "Perhaps we should be getting back." She acknowledged, with a quivering voice. Jaime nodded, and wrapped her in his arms as he began the long slow march back to what he hoped was the security of their home. He prayed she could not sense his terror.

By the time they had reached the gates of Evenfall Hall, the pains through which Brienne was suffering were becoming worse, growing stronger and lasting longer with each step it seemed. So strong were the spasms that she could barely straighten. Instead Brienne slumped against Jaime, who desperately tried to bolster her spirit and keep her focused, though he was barely managing to hold onto the thread of courage which was keeping him moving.

As the grasp of her current spasm subsided, Brienne searched Jaime's eyes. He watched as the blue depths of her own became more turbulent. The color drained from her face as she lowered her gaze. Jaime followed Brienne's anxious stare to where a pool of liquid was collecting at her feet. Her body was preparing to bring forth their babe. "This is happening much faster than when I birthed Galladon." She informed him apprehensively, unable to hide her distress.

Without hesitation, and near mad from worry, Jaime scooped Brienne up into his arms. Barking orders as he went, the fearful husband and father nearly ran to their chambers. "Fetch the Maesters." He yelled at two young pages in the courtyard. "Bring the midwives." Jaime shouted to a group of chambermaids as he hurried through the Great Hall, Brienne groaning against his shoulders in her pain. "Inform Lord Selwyn!" Jaime bid to Evenfall's Septon whom they passed in the corridor not far from their quarters, as Brienne sagged against his neck.

At last safe within the familiar confines of their apartments, Jaime lowered Brienne gently onto their bed. Her breath was coming in heavy shallow surges. She struggled valiantly against the wails that threatened to erupt from her throat. Almost as soon as her body touched the mattress, her back arched as her abdomen was seized by another long angry pain. Brienne clutched hard to Jaime's hand. She threw back her head upon the pillows and clenched her teeth trying to fight the shrieking she wanted to unleash.

Jaime knelt beside her, providing the strong fist Brienne needed to ride the wave of her agony. He stroked back her hair and kissed her temple. "Don't try to be brave." He told her, his own voice shaking with panic to see his cherished wife in such torment. "Scream of you need to." He said, trembling with the will he was trying to give her.

Brienne shook her head. "I'll be fine." She gasped. "We will be fine." She vowed as if speaking the declaration made it so. "Just stay with me." Brienne begged him, as her muscles began to relax and she could once more catch her breath.

With his stumped arm, Jaime lifted Brienne's head to his lips. He pressed a pledging kiss to her forehead, and stared into her eyes as if vowing to the Seven themselves. "I am not going anywhere." He affirmed. Graced with a weak smile from his precious wife, he did not relax his grip from her needful fingers.

At that moment, a sharp signaling knock sounded upon the door of their chamber, which then burst open as a small hoard of Maesters and Midwives poured into the room. The learned old men wasted no time taking charge and asserting their dominance, each declaring which age old method of childbirth they prescribed. Their arrogance was soon being argued by the half dozen midwife's who milled about setting out piles of linens, laying buckets of water in the hearth to boil, and discussing whether Brienne should be up walking, straddled in the birthing chair that had been set in the corner of the chamber, or left where she was in bed. A plump red faced woman who looked to be older than Lord Selwyn himself, and who seemed to be a proponent of the birthing chair began eyeing Jaime with an austere glare, as if she would at any moment throw him sternly out of the proceedings. Under the old matron's supervision, and almost before Jaime realized it, Brienne had been set up in the bed, her gown removed, and a fresh chemise draped over her in its place.

Evenfall's own Maester was first to reach Brienne's bedside, as Jaime laid her once again on the mattress. The man was elderly, but had kind eyes and quiet voice. Jaime noticed his presence seemed to calm Brienne. He held out his palm for her free hand, and squeezed her fingers reassuringly. "Not to worry, My Dear." The old man smiled warmly. "I brought you into this world." He sighed. "We shall see your babe safely born as well." The Maester promised. Brienne nodded, and nestled comfortably into the pillow. She smiled at the old healer, and then at Jaime. Her reaction allowed Jaime to relax as well.

Suddenly a young midwife pushed her way through the crowd. Upon her arrival at Evenfall, the girl had been introduced to Brienne and Jaime as Molly. She was soft spoken, and sure of herself. She seemed to have a knowledge far beyond her years. Molly was well liked among the group, and was eager to make Brienne feel comfortable during the examinations to which she had been subjected as her pregnancy had advanced. She reminded the expectant parents very much of Gilly, and Jaime was glad it was she who had stepped forward. Molly nodded to the old Maester as if they had spoken, and turned her attentions to Brienne.

"If I may, My Lady." She began, taking Brienne's legs and shifting her knees upward. "Let us see how close your babe is." She smiled, yet her eyes held a degree of inquiry, letting Brienne know the choice was hers. Brienne tried to show more courage than she felt as she returned the girls friendly greeting with an apprehensive one of her own, and nodded for her to continue.

With her knees pointed to the ceiling, Brienne watched as Molly began to slide the chemise she wore upward toward her hips, exposing her bare legs for all to see. Before the sleeping gown was pulled back fully, Brienne felt yet another pain taking its hold of her. She tensed, her face grimacing as her belly tightened even harder around her babe. A low moan rose from her throat, and she closed her eyes against the pain. Jaime held Brienne's hand as if his own life depended on it.

"Don't fight it." Molly reminded her softly. "Let your body do its work." She said kindly. The girl then ran her fingers up and down Brienne's thighs, kneeding the knots from her sore muscles, and relaxing her as the spasm continued.

Soon, a long relieved sigh from Briene told them the pain had subsided. Molly returned to her previous investigation. She reached beneath Brienne's chemise and removed the wet small cloth she still wore. With a concerned regard, the girl moved her hand between Brienne's legs. The laboring mother gasped a little as she felt herself be subjected to probing fingers. Brienne gulped at the discomfort, which put Jaime on the alert. Molly, however, simply rolled her eyes to the ceiling as if envisioning what her fingers were telling her.

The examination took only a few moments, and Molly returned the skirt of the garment Brienne wore to a more modest position around her legs. "Well." The girl smiled. "You are close to bringing your babe forth." She informed the anxious mother. "But, you still have a little ways to go." She told Brienne with comforting smile.

Brienne turned a brave face to Jaime, who appeared to be holding his own somewhere between celebrating and passing out. "He's coming." Brienne told Jaime proudly.

Jaime regarded Brienne in awe. "You are the bravest person I have ever known." He praised, his gaze holding her upon a pedestal of his heart's making, before he placed a tender kiss upon her lips. Brienne melted against him, savoring his kiss, knowing it may be the last one time would allow for awhile. She also knew the night ahead would require much more courage from both of them.
As evening trudged into night Brienne's laboring deepened. Her pains worsened until it became difficult to discern where one stopped and the next began. The low guttural moans that had risen from her throat at the start of her struggle were soon replaced by loud pain-filled wails, most of which were shouted into Jaime's chest as he held her close, trying hopelessly to ease her torment. Although Brienne assured him that his presence was helpful and soothing, he felt utterly useless as he watched his beloved wife anguishing to bring their child into the world. Jaime tried his best to remain calm for her, yet he felt as though he was barely holding onto his sanity by a thread. Throughout the endless hours, he worked tirelessly to ensure Brienne's comfort as best he could. He fluffed her pillows, raised the quilts when she grew chilled, and lowered the linens when the heat of her exertion caused the sweat to run down her neck. He held Brienne's hand through her spasms, rubbed the soreness from her muscles, bathed her face with cool water, and whispered loving words of encouragement to her. Jaime saw to her every need, and never left her side.

Early in the darkness of the morning Brienne began the pushing that would move their child from her body. Jaime marveled at her bravery as he praised her, cheered her, reminded her to breath, and gave her the focus she needed through her pain. With his stumped arm he would lift Brienne's head as she curled herself around their babe, aiding her body's forceful efforts. Then he would lay her back onto the pillows for a moment of rest.

"I'm so glad you're here." Brienne smiled weakly at him through her exhausted haze. Jaime kissed her forehead, and tried to hide his own tears as he gave her a brave smile.,

Around them, the Maesters and Midwives murmured, debated, and proclaimed their own self-supposed remedies to speed the birth along. Each attempted to force their own treatments upon Brienne, eager to poke and prod. The distractions caused by the crowd were so infuriating to Jaime, that he could not hold his ire at bay. He determined to be the one who would decide what was best for his wife and child. He asserted his wishes emphatically as Brienne's courageous battle seemed close to overwhelming her.

Gasping with exhaustion, Brienne lay helpless on the sheets, clinging to Jaime. "I am so thirsty." She murmured. "Please could I have some water?" She beseeched anyone nearby, her closed eyes pained by even the dim light of the candles and the hearth.

"No!" One of the Maesters spoke up, shaking his head at the notion. "It will sicken her stomach and she will vomit." She decreed.

Jaime's face reddened with anger. He nearly shook with wrath. "That is enough!" He shouted on Brienne's behalf. "This woman is fighting to bring forth a child." He lectured. "If she wants water, bring her water. If she wants wine, bring her wine." He howled venom at the learned men and nurses alike. "All of you, out!" He waved at the door.

The Masters stared in arrogant contempt that anyone would have the nerve to speak to them in such a manner. The midwives gasped that a man would take such charge of a lady's delivery. Jaime was undeterred. Reluctantly he rose from Brienne's side and grabbed for Widows Wail still hanging in its scabbard at the foot of bed. "If you are not out that door by the time I unsheath my weapon, so help me, all the knowledge and skill in Westeros will not repair the damage I inflict." He swore furiously. Not wishing to bargain their necks against the anger of the Lion of Lannister, the throng ran from the room before the Valyrian steel blade even glinted in the firelight.

"You!" Jaime pointed at Evenfall's own Maester. "And You!" He gestured toward Molly. "You will both stay and help her." He demanded, rushing to a nearby cupboard upon which sat a pitcher of water. Jaime grabbed the carafe and sloshed its contents into an adjacent cup. Fretfully he rushed back to Brienne's side, just as she cried out for him.

"I'm here." He answered her tenderly. "I'm here, My Love" He reassured Brienne as he helped her to sit, and gently brought the water to her lips. He seated himself behind her on the bed, his knee folded against her back. She seemed to relax at the pressure he provided her tight muscles. Brienne drank greedily, panting over the pain in her belly as she swallowed the sweet cool water. She sighed in relief when she had drained the cup and leaned against Jaime's supportive chest.

"That's right." Molly said, taking charge as she moved to aid Brienne. "Keep her sitting, Ser." She bid Jaime. "It will help her pushing." Molly raised the quilt away from Brienne's aching body and peered intently between her leg.

"It won't be long now." Molly smiled up at Brienne. "A few more and you'll be holding your wee babe in your arms, My Lady." She grinned excitedly and gave a knowing glance to the Maester, who was standing over the bed supervising matters. The old man returned a pleasant and calm smile with a nod. Brienne gazed hopefully at Jaime, who kissed her hair, wove his right arm under hers, and held his wife closer.

Molly's news seemed to energize Brienne. She took a moment to catch her breath, latched one hand firmly onto Jaime's, and grabbed the muscle of his stump with her other fist. Tensing with the needful force she felt once more building within her, Brienne cast a questioning look toward Molly. The girl tilted her head excitedly and with an encouraging glimmer in her eye, gestured for Brienne to take the lead.

"You know what to do." Molly told her.

The apex of her contraction reaching its unbearable summit, Brienne closed her eyes, and drew in a deep gulp of air. She bent her chin to her chest, and bore down with all her might. Gritting her teeth, she groaned loudly over the pain that ravaged her body. The feeling of her babe moving down in her hips inspired her to persist. Without hesitation, as her lungs failed her, Brienne swallowed in another desperate breath and continued, straining with every ounce of strength she had left.

Proudly, Jaime braced Brienne against him. "Push! Push!" He cried, trying to will resolve and strength into her.

"Yes! That's it!" Molly hailed. "Keep going, My Lady, Push!" She commanded.

Her own body leaving her no choice, Brienne complied. Over and over she forced her muscles to push her babe toward life, halting only to catch her breath and begin anew. So focused she was that she did not hear her own shrieks of pain echoing within the chamber. All she was aware of was Jaime's voice, her beacon, coaxing her through the tempest she fought.

A strange sense of calm settled over Jaime in the midst of the chaos through which Brienne struggled. The notion baffled him, until he realized how familiar it felt to him. It was the same peaceful certainty he had felt as he stood so far from her, being pummeled and broken by falling bricks, and had welcomed it knowing she would be safe. The exact sense of serenity which had taken him over when he had faced down a bear and an entire army of the dead, for her. She needed him and he would not fail her. It was as if he was always to be Brienne's anchor, her rock, as she was his.

So strong was his determination to comfort and help his wife, that it shocked Jaime like a lightending bolt when the last urgent notes of Brienne's scream turned to the angry wailing squall of their babe's first cry.

"It's a boy!" Molly laughed with glee as she held up the wiggling crying infant to his parents.

Instantly, the fears of his mother and father faded, replaced by joyful beaming smiles. Brienne's cries of pain gave way to happy sobs, her trial already a memory as her newborn was laid into her arms. She nestled contentedly back into Jaime's embrace, and cradled their babe close to her heart. Jaime showered kisses upon Brienne's face, over her neck, and into her hair until he too lost his tenuous grip on self control and wept happily over the birth of his second son. Tenderly, his fingers brushed the babe's soft wet head. He beheld with wonder, the child which like Galladon was the living embodiment of the love they shared.

"He is perfect!" The proud father declared.

Brienne's gaze shined up at Jaime. "Yes, he is!" She heartily agreed.

His heart at once breaking and melting with adoration, Jaime tenderly caressed Brienne's cheek. "I love you." He swore, and kissed her with softest devoted passion.

Brienne relaxed into his affection. "I love you." She replied joyously when their lips parted. Surely, never before had two people been so happy.

Almost unnoticed, Molly tied the babe's umbilical cord with a clean string, and with the quick perfect cut of a small blade freed the newborn from his reliance on his mother's womb. She then worked at the foot of the bed to help Brienne finish her delivery. Reluctantly, the Maester cleared his throat drawing attention to himself. He stood but a few paces away watching the tender scene with a warm expression. "My Lady." He said softly, respectfully. "I should examine the child." He requested, holding his arms downward, silently requesting that Brienne hand him her infant.

Brienne eyes washed over the babe, melancholy at the thought of giving him up even for a moment. She knew the old man was right, and only asked her to do so out of care. She raised her eyes to Jaime as if to convince him that their child would be fine. Slowly, she gave up the squirming bundle in her arms to ensure that all was well. Jaime held her even more securely, trying to fill the void he was certain she felt. The Maester's elderly hands were surprisingly sure as he lifted the newborn from his mother, and began his examination. The child's parents looked on anxiously. Alert to any need in their child, Brienne and Jaime soon relaxed when they saw the diligent and careful manner in which the healer handled the boy.

When he finished, The Maester, smiled proudly. "This is the healthiest babe I have ever seen into the world." He announced, approvingly. "You have done well, Lady Brienne." He congratulated.

Brienne titled her head against Jaime's shoulder and raised her eyebrow at the Maester who had tended her own mother the night she was born. "But, you saw me to life." She found the energy to force a teasing smile.

"Yes, My Lady." The man bowed his head. "Even you were not as robust as this son you have born." He recalled. "You were quite small." He described.

Brienne felt Jaime shake against her back with amusement. "I do not believe Brienne of Tarth, my glorious wife, was ever small." He protested with a chuckle.

The Maester confirmed his previous words with a raised chin signaling his sincerity. "I promise you, Ser, she was." He affirmed. "She was also quite fussy." He stated stoically.

Jaime laughed heartily at the revelation. "Now that I believe." He replied, and buried a playful kiss in Brienne's hair as she jokingly and unconvincingly tried to swat him away.

The Maester handed the babe to Molly who had just completed disposing of the remnants of the birth. "I will bathe him, and return him to you shortly." She promised, smiling understandingly. Brienne nodded at the necessity of the girl's duty.

"I shall fetch maids to dress you, and change the bed." The Maester bowed before leaving the weary parents to themselves.

In no time Jaime was unceremoniously shoved out of way by a group of chattering chambermaids, all doting and squealing over Brienne and the new babe. He might have told them that he was plenty capable of ensuring his own wife was cleansed and comforted after giving birth to their child. He was certain that with just his one hand he could have soaped and sponged her, draped a fresh sheath over her body, and replaced the bloody sheets on the bed, all without disturbing where she lay. As it were, so as not to cause any further commotion, Jaime simply stood quietly to the side. He watched as they washed Brienne, discarded her sweat soaked and soiled garment, and dressed her in a clean white sleeping gown. When at last she was laid back against the fresh immaculate pillows, he swore he had never seen a brighter happier smile upon her face. Her joy grew even more animated when Molly returned their cooing swaddled infant to Brienne's waiting arms.

The young woman settled the babe against his mother, saw that Brienne was comfortable, and stepped away. "We will give you all time alone." She bowed her head. "Someone will be right outside if you should need anything." Molly assured them, and motioned for the maids to follow her from the room.

As Brienne nestled their babe in her arms, Jaime wrapped them in his. He could feel Brienne bravely losing her fight against the soreness and fatigue that were beginning to weigh heavy upon her. Jaime laid his cheek against her head, and gazed euphorically at their plump and very alert new son. He sighed with the contentment of a soft and happy heart.

"Is this what Galladon was like when he was first born?" Jaime asked, regret in his voice.

Brienne, attempted to ease his troubled mind, pained at the knowledge that Jaime had not been with her to see their first child into the world. She sighed with the beautiful memory, as she stared mesmerized into the boys wide blue eyes. "Galladon wailed the moment I pushed him from me, and then fell sound asleep." She smiled. This child was wide awake and ready to meet the world. "He was a bit smaller, as well." Brienne exhaled with relief. "I could tell that difference even before I forced this little dear from my womb." She laughed, laying her head back against Jaime's neck. He chuckled, understanding her meaning, and pressed his lips to her temple once more.

Jaime was quiet for a moment, enjoying the nearness of them. Then choking back happy tears, he was overcome by pride and love. ""I am in awe of you, My Wife." He sighed, beholding Brienne with admiration.

This time, Brienne laughed at the notion. "I have done nothing that millions of women have not done since the beginning of time." She replied humbly.

Jaime scoffed. "Perhaps not." He agreed half-heartedly. "However, They were not my wife, they didn't not bear my child." he praised. "As far as I am concerned, your accomplishments put all other women to shame." He touted.

With an almost bashful snicker, Brienne turned her face to him. She swallowed any further argument and accepted his accolades. The truth was, she did not want to even imagine how she would have made it through her laboring without him there. He had been her strength. He had been her lifeline. As she stared into his eyes she saw only sublime adoration. There was no remorse for the memories of dead children and their dead mother. She knew that to him now, there were no others, only her and the babes she bore him.

"Gods, I do love you." Brienne whispered, her eyes glistening in the candlelight with soft earnest tears.

"I adore you, My Love." Jaime swore, tracing her cheek with the tips of his fingers. "I love you." He told her passionately. "I love our children." He smiled. "I love our life, for mine did not begin until I knew you." Jaime declared to her, sealing his assertion with a gentle but passionate kiss.

Before they had sufficiently tasted the sweet assurance of each others' lips, Brienne and Jaime's expression of devotion was interrupted by the squirming babe in her arms. Brienne's gaze washed sweetly over their child. Jaime caressed the soft fringe atop their newborn's head. An action which only heightened the babe's protest.

"What is wrong?" Jaime questioned protectively, his eyes wide with alarm.

Brienne smiled knowingly, trying to alleviate his worry. "Not a thing." She answered with a grin. "I know exactly what he needs." She nodded.

Instinctively, Brienne slipped herself from the confines of her fresh chemise and nestled the babe to her breast. Without hesitation, the infant, latched to her and nursed greedily. Mother and father regarded their child proudly watching him greet life with an eager spirit. They sat in a comfortable silence while Brienne nourished their child. When the babe had finished, she drew the neck of her garment around her and looked wistfully at Jaime, exhaustion draining her joy.

"You should rest, My Love." He told her, concern in his gaze.

Brienne lowered her eyes, accepting his suggestion and her own failing energy. "Yes. I think a little sleep would do me good." She replied, remembering the welcome relief of slumber after she birthed Galladon.

Jaime rose from their bed, and effortlessly lifted the babe from Brienne's grasp. He settled their newborn into the crook of his right arm. With his other hand he expertly lifted the quilts around Brienne, tucking them around her so she would not catch a chill. He bent, and kissed her tenderly. "Sleep well, My Darling." He bid, enjoying the calm in the deep pools of her eyes.

Brienne smiled warmly, returning his affection, as she settled into the nest he had created for her. With a contented sigh, she reached and caught his wrist before he moved from her. "Thank you." She said, her earnest gratitude recalling not only his resolute strength that had seen her through the night, but everything he had done for her, always.

Although, he stared adoringly at her, Jaime's eyes were distant remembering all the moments he had spent with his dear Brienne, and his heart was full imagining all of those yet before them. "Oh my dear sweet wife," he stammered, the trembling of his voice nearly overwhelming his words. "Thank you." He declared, resting his lips to her fingers, and then tucking her hand beneath the covers as well.

Silently, Jaime turned, the babe tucked securely next to his chest. With his strong left arm, he lifted a chair from the hearth. Making not a sound, Jaime returned to Brienne's bedside. He found her already sound asleep, the soft cadence of her breathing sounded like music in his ears. Jaime smiled and rested upon the chair, pulling himself beside the bed. His thoughts swirled at such a pace that he could barely glean sense from them. Never could he have thought the happiness in which he lived would be visited upon one such as him. For so long he lived in darkness, a monster in the shadows. His Brienne had saved him. Jaime had felt himself crumble inside on that terrible night he had left her at Winterfell. He had wanted to die then, rather than spend an existence without her. Once he had found himself again among the living, he realized that he had always been as a dead man, before she came into his world. Brienne was his beacon, the light that cast out all darkness. Once, he had eagerly sacrificed his own life to protect her. Now, their lives were joined together, forever, and his perfect joy knew no bounds.

Jaime looked dotingly down at the new son Brienne had given him. A child, a perfect living testament to the love they shared, as their first son was. He smiled in wonder at their new little miracle. The babe peered up at him, with a fascination that equaled his own. Softly, he laid a kiss upon the boy's tiny head, and marveled at the life he and Brienne had created. He glanced at his wife, sleeping deeply beside them. It had always been Brienne, all along. With his heart bursting from the happy love that he had found, Jaime sat next to Brienne's bedside, their babe in his arms, and wept.
Soft warm light broke the edges of her awareness. It was filtered as if it streamed through a cascade of lace. Her lungs drew breath so sweet and deep that she could almost taste it. Brienne could not remember the last time she had slept so soundly, so peacefully. For a moment, she wished to lay motionless there forever, not a care in her mind. She floated upon a cloud somewhere, or at least that was the only way she could think to describe the sensation which seemed to wash over her, carrying her on a tide of contentment. Her mind was slow to come to awareness as it played amidst all the wonderful moments of her life. It was when her heart soared with the love she felt for Jaime that she realized she did not feel the familiar weight of his body next to hers. In a flash of realization, the soreness of the previous night spent giving birth to her babe woke her with a searching worry. Jaime, Galladon, her newborn, she needed to find them. Hastily, Brienne's eyes fluttered open, only to be greeted by the sweetest sight she could have imagined.

Jaime sat not an arm's length from her bedside smiling, their infant nestled in his arms. He welcomed her back to consciousness with a loving gaze and weary eyes. He had not slept a moment. Their babe wriggled in his grip, hungry and searching for his mother. Brienne sighed with fulfillment at her husband and child. She studied them with a happy smile.

"Have you held him, the entire time I have slept?" Brienne asked Jaime in astonishment.

"Of course I did." Jaime replied proudly as he rose and stepped to her. Gently he helped Brienne to sit against the mound of pillows upon which she had laid. "I saw no other logical course." He admitted as he deposited his tiny charge in her arms.

Brienne could not help the playful grin that appeared on her lips as she studied her husband and soothed her child. "You are going to spoil him." She chided, taking the babe to her breast.

"Should not a man see to the needs of his child?" Jaime simpered in reply as he sat upon the edge of the bed next to her. "I am simply trying to be a good father." He assured his beloved wife, as she regarded him with adoration.

Softly, Brienne raised her hand to his jaw. "You are a good father." She told Jaime sincerely. "You are a good man." She proclaimed, resting her forehead against his.

Jaime pressed her fingers to his face holding them close for a long moment. His eyes misted with happy tears as he watched her, holding their child. "It is all because of you, My Love." He confessed joyfully.

Together, mother and father sat engrossed in their babe and lost in each other. Jaime thanked the Gods they had seen both his wife and child through their ordeal. Brienne said a silent prayer of gratitude that this time, Jaime had been with her. Both were certain no family had ever been as happy or as fulfilled.

At once, thoughts of her other dear child broke through Brienne's peaceful contemplation. "I want to see Galladon." Brienne said emphatically, her voice cracking with emotion. "I want him near me." Her eyes begged Jaime.

Jaime held Brienne in a loving gaze. "Whatever you wish, My Dear." He sighed, and then leaned to kiss her lips.

He rose from their bed, and gave Brienne a beaming grin . "I imagine we should introduce The Evenstar to his new grandson as well." He said, proudly.

"I am sure he is quite anxious." Brienne's eyes sparkled with amusement.

Jaime bowed his head dutifully. "I shall fetch them both for you." He promised, and moved quickly to the door, each moment from her side a torture. Brienne watched him go, comforted only by the knowledge that he would not be long away.

Brienne held her infant close and kissed his tiny head. "Are they going to be happy to see you, at last!" She smiled at the beautiful little face that peered back at her.

Uncertain, how long it had taken for Jaime to return to their chambers, Brienne looked up almost surprise as the door opened and he rushed in as if he been gone for years. On his heels, Lord Selwyn followed. The old lord had obviously spent a sleepless night worried about his daughter and her babe. The Evenstar's eyes were heavy and pitted in dark circles. However, his smile was bright and happy. In Jaime's arms sat Galladon, trying his best to garner all attention for himself as he declared his childish thoughts at the top of his lungs, in the broken words of his newly acquired speech.

A gasp of motherly joy echoed across the quarters as Brienne at last beheld her first child. The happiness of the birth of her second, had made her feel Galladon's absence keenly. Their bond still as strong as ever, the boy stretched his arms wide and leaned from his father's grasp in an effort to join his mother in her comfortable nest.

"Mama!" The youngster shouted, his eyes shining and his smile bright.

"Hello, my sweet boy." Brienne gushed as Jaime set their first born into her free arm. She kissed Galldon's cheek and regarded him proudly. She nestled her eldest into the quilts at her side. At last, she held both of her darling children.

"He has missed you." Lord Selwyn proclaimed kindly.

"I have missed him too, Father." Brienne answered, unconsciously checking every inch of her firstborn, although she knew there was no need. She watched in fascination as Galladon's fingers reached for the new babe's hand, his eyes wide with wonder. He held his little brother's fist tightly as if already pledging his protection to the boy who would someday be his King.

"I am quite certain our eldest son had not even a moment to lament the lack of our attentions." Jaime laughed, certain the Evenstar had entertained Galladon well. He smiled at Brienne's happy laughing agreement as he stood like a sentry at her side.

"Well." Lord Selwyn nodded. "We did keep each other very busy." He smiled slyly, before he bent to ponder the tiny being in his daughter's arm. "Who do we have here?" The old man's gaze was soft and loving, and his voice faltered with emotion.

Brienne held up her infant for his Grandfather's review. The babe yawned, and stretched, and showed little concern for the interest of the old man who instantly adored him. "This is your second grandson, Father." Brienne announced with motherly pride.

The Evenstar reached down, and nuzzled the babe's chin with the backs of his fingers. He laid his wrinkled hand upon the boy's heart, and studied the face that reminded him so much of Brienne when she had first been presented to him. "Well." Selwyn Tarth choked back a sob. "Does this young man have a name?" He asked formally.

Brienne smiled lovingly up at Jaime, remembering all that the Three-Eyed Raven had promised would become of their yet small babe. They had not imparted either the name chosen for their son, nor King Bran's prediction of his future to a soul. Jaime cleared throat, feeling such an announcement should be made with clarity and grandeur. He wondered if The Evenstar would find their choice unusual, or if he might understand the reasons behind it bestowing.

"We have promised The King that his name will be Eddard, after his own father." Jaime proclaimed, lifting the boy from Brienne and laying him in his grandfather's caring grasp? Selwyn smiled and nodded his appreciation as he sat with the infant upon the chair Jaime had left by Brienne's bedside.

"Eddard Selwyn Lannister of Tarth.' Brienne added, giving Jaime a sweet glance. Her husband bowed his head in approval of her additions.

The Evenstar looked the babe over, pondering the meaning of his name and what it might foretell of the years to come. After a moment, almost as if he realized the boy would someday be a man of renown, Selwyn shrugged his satisfied approval. "A perfect way to honor an honorable man." He agreed. Jaime and Brienne breathed a relieved sigh, envisioning the happy life King Bran had professed for them all.

Selwyn raised the babe to study him closer. "Well, young Eddard Selwyn Lannister of Tarth." He began. "I believe there shall be great things in your future.' He smiled warmly. Jaime and Brienne joined the Evenstar in his joyful anticipation of the future.

In the years that followed Brienne blessed Jaime with another son, and two daughter. Their first girl, born a few years after Eddard, they named Joanna for Jaime's mother. Another daughter followed soon after. Her name was chosen to honor Brienne's own mother, Alycia. Jaime and Brienne had been wed for nearly a decade when their youngest child entered the world, a boy who was christened Tyrion after his uncle.

The happy family grew and flourished on Tarth. The bright marble corridors of Evenfall Hall rang with the quick footsteps and happy laughter of children. Mother and Father did their best to impart to their sons and daughters the best qualities of both their houses. Brienne and Jaime determined that all of their children would be trained in the arts and skills of the blade. Soon, both the boys and the girls were as formidable warriors as their parents. The Lannisters of Tarth were a close and strong family, their love and pride displayed as majestically as the heralding lion which guarded the heavens on their Sigil.

Lord Selwyn lived to see one-hundred namedays. His golden years were spent in the joyous company of his grandchildren. Where once he had thought himself the last Lord of Evenfall, his only child sworn to the service of others, he had faced the end of his life knowing his heirs would endure far into the future. The Evenstar passed his title proudly to his daughter when the time came, and lived long enough to know his own grandson would one day be King. It was expounded throughout the realm that never had a happier or prouder Lord ever existed upon the shores of Westeros.

Galladon and Eddard were closer than brothers, closer even than their father and Uncle Tyrion had been as children. Joined by their siblings, they grew like weeds tall and strong in the fresh air and sunshine of the beaches and meadows of Tarth. The two fiercely watched over their little sisters, and brother. They honored their father and mother, their house, and their name. They stood beside each other as both married the ladies who won their hearts, Galladon to the eldest daughter of Lord Bronn of Highgarden, and Eddard to the only female offspring of Lord Gendry and Lady Arya of Storms End. Both men fathered a total of half a dozen of their parents grandchildren. Always his brother's protector, Galladon was the first to bend the knee to his brother and swear fealty when King Eddard Lannister, First of His Name, ascended to the throne.

In the North, Queen Sansa bore her husband Tyrion thee children. Neither their two daughters, nor their son were born in the same stature as their father. All grew to be as tall, red haired, and blue eyes as their mother. They were their father's joy, the apples of his eye. The eldest, Catelyn, succeeded her mother and was crowned Queen in the North. Their youngest, a daughter they named Lyanna for her grandfather's beloved sister, was named Hand of The King when her cousin took the throne. Their only son, Robb Lannister became lord of Casterly Rock. Just like Jaime and Brienne, Tyrion and Sansa found their later years happily filled with a bevy of grandchildren.

Brienne and Jaime spent the many years of their marriage as deeply in love as the day they said their vows. Jaime's greatest joy was found in protecting his beloved wife and their precious children. Brienne's was in watching the happiness on the face of the man she once thought dead and lost to her. The word Kingslayer was never heard spoken again. The legend of Jaime's honor was lauded as his devotion to Brienne and their family were woven in story and song. Brienne was called 'beauty' only in truthful description of the loveliness of her smile when she regarded her beloved husband and children. Cersei's name was forgotten to history, and was seldom ever mentioned throughout The Realm. The memory of his dead sister, who had caused so much pain and blood in his life, never haunted Jaime's thoughts. He had found joy and adoration with his true love, Brienne, the other half of his soul.

Never did Jaime or Brienne take their love for granted. Each morning, the light of their smiles rose to brighten a world that was a sweet adventure to them both. Every night was ended in each other's arms. Through the years as generations past, even long after Ser Jaime and Ser Brienne were called to the Heavens to live in love for eternity, the pledge of their hearts continued. Oathkeeper and Widows Wail remained crossed, inseparable, above the grand hearth in the Great Hall at Evenfall, blessing and protecting their descendants. Their life had been a testament to the enduring love they shared. What was left, was a legacy.

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