Them and Her

By Mira5876h

5.5M 172K 27.7K

Starting her second year of college as a literature major student, Nevaeh Violet was all alone, no friends or... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 24

81.8K 2.5K 80
By Mira5876h

It's the end of the day and Nevaeh just entered her dorm, she threw herself on the bed and sighed, she so badly wanted to sleep but she had homework to do and then she had to go to work.

After lying for five minutes she got up and freshened up in the bathroom. She sat down on her desk and started working on her studies.

Two hours later she finished half before she had to get ready for work, she organized her stuff and put everything away and then left her dorm for work.

She made sure to get extra money so she can get some groceries and necessities.

While walking she couldn't help but remember the strange man who called her by her name yet she doesn't know who he is, it's still confusing to her.

She racked her brain to remember if she met him somewhere but she came up with nothing. She already felt a headache forming so she decided to let it go for now.

After finally reaching the bakery she got in through the back door and was immediately hugged by her new coworkers.

"Hey! How are you?" Abby asked with a big smile. 

Nevaeh couldn't help but smile back, "I'm good, you?"

"I'm great! You won't believe what happened!" Abby excitedly said and started talking about how her boyfriend surprised her.

Nevaeh didn't mind tho, she liked Abby and she's good to keep her company.

Later Abby had to leave for front and that left Nevaeh to slightly relax and turn up her soft music while she worked on baking and frosting.

She had to bake more tonight since it's always busy on Monday, and since the holidays are approaching. She kinda doesn't like it tho, she never celebrated with anyone, not like anyone wanted to spend time with her.

She was always left out and alone, she hopes this year is different with the men. She smiled just thinking about them.

They make her so happy and cared for, nothing like she's ever felt before, her heart beats like crazy every time they look at her with this specific soft look in their eyes, she's never been cared for, but these men are making up for it.

At the orphanage every holiday or celebration she was left out or ignored, she never got adopted, the foster parents saying they don't want a freak in their house, she was in tears almost everyday.

But as she got older she realized that if her own parents, her own flesh and blood didn't want her, why would strangers do?

She worked hard, studied hard and eventually earned herself a scholarship. She left the orphanage the day she turned eighteen and has been alone since, but that was before the men came along.

Now she feels like she matters when she's with them, and they compliment her every time they see her, because In their eyes she's the most perfect woman ever, the most beautiful.

Now she's been in a few foster homes, but luck wasn't on her side, part of why Nevaeh's sometimes scared is because she was abused as a kid.

The only reason she was put in a home was because of the money that came with her.

Every house she was put into she was hurt, thrown around like a doll, used like a tissue, but she never opened her mouth, never complained, because she knew no one will help her, and no one cares.

This went on for a few years until she couldn't take it anymore, especially after that night.

Every time its time for adoption she would make sure to leave secretly and be back late, it's not like anyone noticed she was missing, and she liked it, it means no one will see her and try to hurt her.

Her fear of people is slowly diminishing, but that doesn't mean that it's not always gonna be there, it's kind of a part of her, which will never fade away.

At the moment, Nevaeh was frosting the last cupcake when Jerry entered the kitchen.

She put the sweet down and moved forward and he immediately embraced her in a fatherly hug.

"How's it going?" He asked and ruffled her hair.

With a huff she patted down her hair and flashed him a smile.

"It's going good, you?"

They talked for a while before he had to leave, Jerry has always acted like a father to her, he was the only patently figure in her life. He gave her a job when she didn't have a penny and she's been working for him since.

After finishing everything her shift ended and she bid Abby, Cole and Jerry a goodnight and started heading to her dorm.

Once she reached she threw herself on her bed and closed her tired eyes, she rolled on her back and cracked her neck, she sighed feeling the tension leave.

She thought about sleeping but then she remembered she had homework so with a tired sigh she got up and sat down on her desk, she worked on her homework for three hours straight and when she finally finished and put her stuff away her phone rang.

She glanced at the screen and immediately picked up.

"Hi." She spoke with a smile.

"Liebes." His gruff voice sounded.

"How are you?" She asked as she took a seat on her bed.

"I'm well, how about you?" Eliot answered, running his hand through his hair.

"I'm good." She answered.

"Hmm, so you had fun today?" He asked with smirk, the others matching his expression.

Nevaeh was silent for a while, confusion clouded her head, what is he talking about?

"What?" She asked, confusion clear as day in her voice.

"You know, Theodore and you?" Eliot asked, faking confusion.

Nevaeh's face turned red, she coughed and felt her cheeks, they were warm.

"I-I don't know-" she tried to answer but her words weren't forming.

"You did well baby." He spoke softly, making her heart skip a beat.

"Thank you." She muttered back through the phone.

After that she took turns talking with the others, after that they bid her a Goodnight and the call ended.

She put her phone to charge and got up to get ready for bed. She did her night routine and she literally jumped on her bed, she couldn't wait to sleep.

Just as she was about to drift off she remembered, 'I forgot to get the groceries.'

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