By Somniphobie

26.5K 407 3.1K

[] [] [] Ships I've written so far: ˙ Drake (12) ˙ Drander (5) ˙ Drenry (2) ˙ Jiam ˙ Drelliot ˙ Jomies /p ˙... More

☀️ Welcome! 🌙
Drake 🐅
Drake 🐅 (2)
Drake 🗿
Jomies 🚼
Jiam🌲, Drenry 🐠
Drake 🍍
Drander 🐧
Drander 💣
Drake 🏹
Drake 🍄
Drake 🌾
Drake 🥀
Drander 🚬
Drake 🐱
Drake 📻
Drander 🐲
Drake 🎷
Droey ☕
Drander 🦐
Drenry 🌊

Drelliot 🐄

731 8 64
By Somniphobie

˙Main ship: Drew x Elliot

˙Title:    "So, you're sick?"


"Dude, I just found the best hobby ever! I call it... lettuce-seducing!", Henry yells next to me.

-"Why are you so obsessed with lettuce...", Liam laughs.

I roll my eyes, ignoring my two friends' strange yet usual behaviour. I grab my phone to text my boyfriend, who didn't come to greet me this morning.

I sigh and ask him where he is. Henry and Liam think we're just friends, but we actually started going out three weeks ago. I apologized to him a little while ago, since I realized I caught feelings for him, even though I persecuted him a lot... Fortunately, he forgave me... His name's Elliot. He's just so kind, and calm... So considerate, patient, caring, loving.. unlike a certain someone I used to date.

"Oh, hi Drew! I'm home, I'm sick. I'll probably come to school this afternoon or tomorrow.🐝", I read out loud silently to myself.

He's sick? Is it really bad..? I shove my phone in my pocket and leave him on read, immediately heading to his house.

"Where are you going, dude?", Liam asks, confused.

-"I gotta go home, my father said it was important.", I lie.

At least I'm not a bad liar like Jake is. Speaking of, he's approaching us right now. I leave the scene in a hurry, leaving the boy confused.




I know three times on the door before inviting myself in. His father must be at work right now. He wasn't too fond of me being one of Elliott's "friend", because of the bullying part and shit.

I close the blue front door behind me, slowly walking inside. The walls are painted a golden shade. The decorations on the shelves are all either blue or green, the couch is dark blue. Should I mention there's a lot, and I mean.. a lot of plants?

"Elliot?", I call out, looking around for him.

-"Drew..?", I hear a small confused voice say.

I turn around to see an exhausted Elliot, in his casual clothes, walking towards me. His hair's a mess and he has small bags under his eyes. He's not even wearing his glasses but holding them in his hands.

He slowly puts them on, still not understanding why I came over.

"What are you doing here.. Don't you have school?", he frowns.

-"Why didn't you tell me you weren't coming? I could've came here straight away.", I reply, annoyed.

I look at him once again, this time taking note of his pale body and fatigued movement. I sigh at that.

"Do you feel anything in particular?", I ask, removing my shoes.

-"You mean symptoms?", he questions.

-"Yes, do you have a fever?", I approach him and hold his arm, putting my other cold hand on his burning forehead.

That made him slightly flinch.

"Elliot!? You're burning alive!", I exclaim, surprised as I retreat my hand.

The boy doesn't respond, he only chuckles nervously. I huff and grab his hand, dragging him inside his bedroom.

"Get in the bed.", I push him on the bed and wrap covers around his body.

-"Drew, don't worry, I'm-"

-"Does your stomach hurt? Do you want to puke?", I cut him.

-"A little...", he answers looking away, frowning again.

-"Did you buy medicine?"

He remains silent. I stare into his eyes a minute. I can't believe this guy. He's sick as fuck yet didn't think of buying meds or whatever? I groan.

"I'll be back, don't move."


I watch Drew disappear in the hall, closing the door behind him. I can hear him run in the living room and slam the front door from here. I lay down on my bed, closing my eyes. What did I do to deserve him...?

I grab a book on my nightstand and start reading it, waiting for my lover to return.

Suddenly, the door opens. Drew's back, with a white bag in hand.

"That was quick... Are those meds?", I ask, surprised.

-"Yeah, the pharmacy's practically next door.", Drew responds, panting heavily, trying to catch his breath.

I smile at him.

"It's pretty windy today, why aren't you wearing anything warm?", I take a look at his clothes.

-"I didn't check the weather...", he looks away an instant before approaching me with the bag.

He puts it down next to my nightstand and sits on the bed next to me. I sit up to face him correctly.

"Did you eat?", he grabs one of my hands and holds it gently.

-"I didn't feel like eating this morning...", I reply, honest.

-"Your stomach hurts, right? Are you hungry?", he caresses my cheek with his other hand.

-"Not really..", I say.

-"You still have to eat something, though. How about something not too heavy... Uh.. Chips? Potato chips?"

I nod my head hesitantly. He gives me a soft, tender kiss on the cheek before standing up, heading to the kitchen.

"The chips are in the drawer on the left!", I yell.

-"Got it!", I hear him shout.

A few minutes later, he comes back with ice cream, two spoons and a bag of chips. He puts the stuff on my desk, next to the door. He grabs the white bag again and gets the medicine. He opens the small bottle and picks up a spoon, filling it with an orange liquid. He sits back on the bed.

"Can't believe you wanted to stay home all day without telling me. You didn't even buy meds for yourself!", he groans.

-"Sorry, Drew..."

-"Whatever. Just take the spoon in your mouth.", he shoves the latter inside my mouth.

I swallow the medicine fully, grimacing a few seconds later, making my boyfriend chuckle discreetly.

He grabs the ice cream and other spoon on the desk. He sits down on the left side of the bed, next to me, not under the blanket. He takes his phone out and starts watching YouTube videos. He starts eating his ice cream. I stay next to him, bring myself closer to him. I wrap my arms around his waist, my forehead touching it subtly, and close my eyes.

"Are you tired, Elliot?", he asks, worry in his tone.

-"A little.", I say, not opening my eyes.

I hear him put his phone and ice cream down. He runs his free hand through my hair, eating his food with the other. I look at him and smile tiredly, making him blush slightly. He kisses my forehead in a gentle way. He's so cute when he isn't angry. He's actually very cuddly, he tries to hide it. He can also be needy, he'll never admit it though because he's too proud.

He adjusts his position to lay down, his face is now a few inches away from mine. I can feel his faint breath on my lips. He tenderly kisses mine making my face heat up.

"Are you okay?", he cups my face with his not too small hands.

-"Uhm.. I- I'm fine!", I stutter.

Drew pecks my lips, wrapping his arms around my neck.

"Drew, you're gonna get sick.", I say, my hands still on his waist.

-"I don't give a fuck.", he replies, closing his eyes.

He brings me closer to him, not listening to me at all. He's so stubborn... I sigh and start cuddling him. I eventually start dozing off.




I slowly wake up. Looking around to see my boyfriend's gone, I stand up, struggling to use my feet at first. I rub my eyes and leave the room to look for Drew. A good smell is coming from the kitchen.

"Oh, you're awake.", Drew puts down the plate he was holding.

-"What are you making?", I ask, curious, approaching Drew to lazily hug him, still half-sleeping.

-"Pancakes. I'm not the best cook, though, so don't complain.", he says, hugging me back, nuzzling against me, "You're adorable when you're sleepy.", he blurts out.

-"A-Am I..?", I reply shyly.

-"Mhm..", he lets out, parting away.

He grabs my hand to make me sit down at the table. He picks up the plate he was previously holding to put it down in front of me. There's two pancakes in the plate.

"Here, try it.", he says, handing me the maple syrup.

I bite in the food, immediately enjoying it.

"Drew, this is amazing! I had no idea you could cook like this!", I exclaim, eating more.

-"Pfft, that's because I don't cook often.", he sits down in front of me, across the table.

I continue eating the food he prepared.

"Do you feel any better?", he gets his phone out.

-"Yeah, I don't want to puke anymore.", I smile at him.

He smiles back at me warmly. It's a rare sight.

"Hey, I have to go now.", Drew announces.

—"Alright!", I stand up to hug him once again.

He wraps his arms around my neck and kisses my cheek.

"I love you, Drewy.", I say, still hugging him.

—"I love you more..~", he declares his eyes closed.

We slowly part away and I watch him leave my house, yelling "Take care of yourself. Take the meds tonight!".

He often hides it but... he's so caring and sweet, I don't get why he must hide this side of him and pretend to be tough... Well, anyway, I should water the plants now.


Word count: 1582

Ayo this ship underrated tho????

But ofc Jake and Drew >>>>>>

Anyway take this lazy drawing I made of Drelliot

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