The Twins' New Life plus thei...

LoneAssassinWolf tarafından

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Lucia Van Guerin grew up on the streets. She met a man who helped her many years back but he disappeared when... Daha Fazla

Character Info
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 2

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LoneAssassinWolf tarafından

6 years ago

Rurahelle approached the Emperor in order to gain status and ended up giving birth to us. She is a commoner who had been adopted by the house of a viscount. She was beautiful and clever enough to approach the Emperor but the Emperor didn't pay any attention to her after the one night they spent together. If we, the newborns, weren't born with blond hair, he definitely would have killed us himself. ''Your names will be Arienne and Arhen.''  The Emperor decides. The only thing that I remember is that the Emperor named us.

The scene changes and the twins and Lucia are sitting in a tree. What does this matter? Ever since that day, he left us in an abandoned us in a castle and neglected us, he's the reason we have to live like this. The Emperor was completely uninterested in us and Rurahelle soon spent all the money sent to us by the palace on luxuries. As things worsened, the maids realised we had been abandoned and they began to ignore and bully us.  ''We ended up here because of these babies?'' a maid asked. ''I thought things would get better when the Emperor ordered us to work here.'' Another maid announces. When Rurahelle then brought Lucia in because the maids didn't like us. When she came to us she was covered in dirt, her hair was matted and her clothes torn. Lucia never wore uniform like the other maids because she was never given one by Rurahelle or the other maids so we just washed and stitched her old ones. We love Lucia. She was nearly like a mum or a big sister to us. 

           Although we are also royals, we are completely different from the other princes living in the castle. Arhen heard a noise and became alarmed. Arhen quickly grabbed Arienne's hand and Lucia also stood alarmed and grabbed the twins' shoulders. ''A-Arhen?'' Arienne asked startled. ''Someone's here.'' Arhen said through their telepathy. ''Huh?'' Arienne responded. ''Who are you?'' The man asks. Lucia tightens her grip on the twins' shoulders but remained quiet. ''If you don't answer, you'll have to pay the price.'' He threatened, his eyes glowing in pink in the moonlight. The three flinched. He's so intimidating, his voice gives me the chills. The moon started to come out from behind the clouds. Rurahelle doesn't even compare. This is the voice of a man with authority. Everyone was silent as the twins used their telepathy unknown to the man in front of them but Lucia knew having seen them do it numerous times. ''His clothes are high-quality.'' Arhen says. ''He's definitely not a commoner.'' Arienne adds. ''We have to act scared five-year-olds kids.'' Arhen says and they look back at the man. The moonlight shone illuminating their blond hair. ''Ah'' The man says. ''Oh my this is unexpected.'' He stares at them but mainly the twins. ''What's he doing?'' Both thought at the same time. It's dangerous to stand over there, so come here.'' The three were surprised and though the twins were acting Lucia certainly wasn't. She was terrified of this man. What the? Why did his attitude suddenly change? The man reached forward. ''It's dangerous over-'' Arhen flinched away from him, stumbling further back into Lucia. The man looked quite stunned. The flinches were real and so was the fear and memories clinging to them. We can't help it. We've been mistreated by Rurahelle, so we tense up instinctively. Was it too obvious?

The man's eyes softened. ''There's no need to be so wary of me. I promise I won't do anything bad to you.'' He said and looked up at Lucia slightly. ''Why you climb such a high tree?'' The man asks. Why is he speaking so kindly? What can we do to escape this situation? As abandoned royals, it's not good for us to noticed by other nobles. Try to act like ordinary five-year-old kids. ''We.....we were just looking at the royal palace because it was really pretty.'' Arienne said shyly. ''Pretty?'' the man asks confused. ''Uh yeah really pretty.'' Lucia said shyly also. ''You want to go there?'' He asks and Lucia shakes her head quickly. ''Stop talking to us!!! Just go on your way.'' ''No we wouldn't dare.'' Arienne says quickly. The man frowns making them all flinch. 

What? Why does his expression keep changing like that? He's so hard to predict. ''May I ask your names?'' He asks. Lucia looked at him unsure. ''Do we tell him?'' Arienne asks Arhen. ''Or just say nothing?'' Arhen asks her. ''But he doesn't seem like a bad person.'' ''I'm Arhen.'' Arhen says. ''And I'm Arienne.'' Lucia stays quiet watching the man. ''And you Miss?'' He asks politely. ''Lucia.'' She says quietly still watching him carefully incase he tries anything. The man smiles and slips off his jacket before placing it over Lucia's shoulders as it draps the twins. She quickly takes it off and wraps the twins in it. 

The twins look at the man confused. ''It's cold out here, so wrap yourselves in that.'' He says kindly as Lucia wraps it tighter around the twins. ''We don't deserve this. These clothes are too nice.'' Arienne tells him and the twins look down ashamed. Lucia strokes Arienne's hair to try and calm her down and hugs Arhen. ''Children don't need to say those things. Wear that so you don't catch a cold. To think you've been dressed in such thin clothing. Even in this weather.'' The man says fuming. The twins look at him confused but Lucia was starting to catch onto who he was.

Who is this person? Why is he suddenly concerned about us? He was really cold to us at first. Do we seem weird or something? Like our way of speaking. Arhen says to Arienne. But we don't know this world's language we never studied it properly. Do we have to imitate how they talk in historical movies or something? Arienne asks. ''ARHEN, ARIENNE.'' Someone shouts from the distance. ''I must take my leave now.'' He says and the twins think 'Finally.' He taps the tree with his foot and starts to float. The twins are shocked and Lucia is amazed. ''Then see you next time.'' And he drops to the ground making the three of them look down panicked to see him walking away.

''Do you think you'll be able to to do that when you're older?'' Arienne asked. ''What about you?'' Arhen asks back. ''I don't think so.'' Arienne says. ''Me neither.'' Lucia send them back to the house and follows the man. ''Hey wait.'' She shouts and the man turns around surprised. ''Yes?'' He asks confused as to why she followed him. ''Thank you for giving the twins your coat it means a lot really.'' She smiles and bows to him. ''It was no problem at all just trying to help.'' He says and Lucia smiles again. ''Your majesty you'll be a great brother for them.'' Lucia says and turns around to head back. ''How do you know who I am?'' He asks surprised. Lucia turns back and there's a slight blue glow. ''I know a lot of things Prince Alexander.'' And runs back towards the twins. 

When back at the castle she hears yelling outside and goes to check and finds the twins standing on the porch steps as Rurahelle is holding a broken bottle. ''You two!'' She says pointing at the twins with a broken bottle. ''If it weren't for you two I..'' She trails off. ''Lady Rurahelle please calm down.'' one of the maids say. ''Don't come any closer or I'll - '' She gets cut off when she slips and falls into a tree. Don't look Arhen! Arienne says as Lucia runs towards them but misses Arienne as they both witness Rurahelle being stabbed by the tree branch. Lady Rurahelle, She dead! What will happen to us now?

Okumaya devam et

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