Chapter 1

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Bold - Arienne thoughts
Italics - flashbacks
Underlined - twin telepathy

"It's already our fifth birthday." Arienne mumbled while gazing out the window. Arhen rolled from under the covers of their bed. "What does it matter?" Arhen asked his sister seriously. "Arhen." Arienne said startled. "Nobody cares about us." Arhen told her as a young girl barrelled through the door. "That's not true. I care about you guys." The girl with bright blue eyes and long brown hair tied back in a braid told them. "No one except you Lucia." Arhen rephrased. "Hmmm your right." Arienne sighed after thinking. I'm Arienne Beatrice Yuriana. I am this empires one and only princess. "It's our fifth birthday, but your just going to sleep more, Arhen?" Arienne asked her sleepy brother. "Mm-Hmm."He grumbled. Arhen Isilen Yuriana. He is the this Empires fourth prince and my twin brother. "Come on Arhen get up." Lucia said while pulling his duvet. Lucia Van Guerin. She was abandoned as a child and taken in by Rurahelle to take care of us when she was 10.

            Despite how it seems Arhen and I are actually the son and daughter of the emperor. "To be exact it's our 23rd birthday, isn't it?" Arienne asked. "Creepy shit." Lucia mumbled knowing about the twins past life. "Aren't you suppose to subtract our past lives?" Arhen asked still in bed. "What are you talking about? our mental age is 23." Arienne said while holding up two fingers on one hand and three on the other. Arhen was shaking his head while mumbling 'nope' over again, so was Lucia. "Hmm okay let's count this as our fifth birthday." Arienne decided. "Alright." The other two agreed.

That's right. Inside our five year old bodies, Arhen and I have the minds of 23 year olds. We used to be ordinary 18 year olds attending high school in Korea but we died for some reason. When we opened our eyes, we had been born again as the emperors children - 'what is this, plot of a fantasy novel?' Flashback Arienne asked. 'The daughter of the emperor, that's lucky' - or so I thought but I was gravely mistaken. Arhen yawned. "I'm sleepy, we'll celebrate like last year right? Let's go out after lunch...'' Arienne cut him off. "Ah Rurahelle went out today so we probably won't get lunch." Arhen jolted up form his slit on the bed ad Lucia rubbed her empty stomach. "We had to skip last nights dinner and todays breakfast too." Arhen said sadly as Lucia patted his back. She left last night and hasn't returned. The maids inly feed us if Rurahelle is present. Lucia tried to sneak us food once but she was caught and had to face the consequences. "What can we do?" Arienne thought aloud. "Ahh I want to eat chocolate cake." She smiled flopping onto the bed beside Lucia. "And e... eclairs." Arhen mumbled. "What? Are we playing the food chain game? Then I-"
Arienne was cut off by loud foot steps approaching. "Quick into the picture." Lucia said quietly and picked them up and placed them inside the picture before getting in as well and hugged them close to her. Lucia sat their in silence while the twins takes with telepathy. "Looks like we'll get lunch today." Arienne said through her mind to Arhen. "You're right." He replied. There are a few abilities we gained when we were reborn and one of them is telepathy. As long as we are in each others sight, we can communicate through your minds. Thanks to that we've been able to run away or hide from HER.

                 "Where are you two?" A purples haired women with a red dress yelled after slamming the doors opened. The maids behind her could smell the alcohol from her. "Lady Rurahelle, nobody is here. Now please come this way!" A mid exclaimed and got her out of the room with a few others and shut the door behind them. "She's back early." Arhen commented getting out of the paining after Arienne. "Yeah I thought she'd be gone for a week like last time." Lucia said making Arienne not in agreement. "Haa~I'm exhausted." Arienne sighed and flipped into the the bed on top of Arhen's blanket. "Ahh! That's my blanket." Arhen complained while glaring at his sister making Lucia chuckle slightly. If we didn't have each other and if we had the minds of children we wouldn't have been able to stand this dire situation. Lucia however I know she is on the brink of breaking. Even though she is older then us Rurahelle treats her worse then she treats us. 'My blanket.' Arhen groaned in his head. I'm glad Arhen and Lucia re with me. No doubt about it. "But when we grow older we won't be able to fit in there." Arienne said as Lucia wrapped her arms around her to try and soothe her. "I'm older and I barely fit in there." Lucia said to try and ease the tension which worked because she got a chuckle out of the twins. "Won't we be able to stand up for ourselves once we get a bit older?" Arhen asked. "You think?" Arienne perked up. "Probably." Arhen smiled tightly. Arienne leaned back into Lucia. I can't believe we have to deal with this on our birthday.
               The doors flew opened. "I knew it." Rurahelle smiled. "You were here all along." The three got of the bed and stood in front of it. Her smile sent chills down the children's backs. "My babies. Mommy has been looking for you~." She cooed and stalked towards them. "There she goes again." One of the maids said. "Close the door already." The older maid demanded and the doors shut. Rurahelle stared at the three kids in front of her. How on earth can they turn their backs on children getting abused dispute having witnessed it? Rurahelle grabbed a vase from a nearby coffee table. She raided it above her head before throwing it near Lucia's leg causing it shatter and her leg to bleed. "That vase was a horrible colour. Mommy will replace it with another one." Rurahelle said with an evil smile before grabbing Arhen's shoulder dispite Lucia's protests which just earned her a slap to the face causing a cut to appear on her cheek. "My child, why won't you answer me?" Rurahelle asked to his face but he remained quiet. "Why? even you two, his majesty abandoned means now even you." Rurahelle mumbled. Lucia nudged the kids to start retreating and they did ever so slowly. Rurahelle is not in her right mind. "Me." She mumbled. There's no way a person who drinks day in and day out and resorts to abusing her children is sane. The twins begin to retreat as Lucia tries to sit up.

                   Rurahelle snaps her head towards them. "Where are you two running off to?" She yells and raises her hand, connecting it with Ariennes cheek. "No." Lucia shouts. At least her nails are shorter than usual and she isn't wearing a ring. Rurahelle turned and slammed the door on her way out. Lucia finally sat up to get a better look and the twins. Ah. I'm bleeding but still I'm glad she only slapped me once. Though I can't believe I'm glad about that on my birthday. "Are you alright? You're bleeding." Arhen asks. "Yeah I'm okay." Arienne says as the cut on her face heals. "This is nothing we can heal from this kind of thing right away." Speedy recovery was one of the royal abilities we gained when we came into this world. Thanks to Thai ability even if Rurahelle hurts us it doesn't leave any serious wounds. I can't say the same for Lucia though. She's had the worst of it. "See? The cuts already gone." Arienne said with a strained smile that Lucia knew all too well. "Arienne I'm asking if you're really okay." Athena spoke and glanced at Lucia as she pulled a piece of vase from her leg before looking back at the twins. Arienne's eyes glossed. "No I'm not okay." She cried and Argen hugged her then Lucia hugged the both of them on her lap. "Yeah." Argen said. "Us either." Lucia finished.
These beatings have become so routine that we've gradually become numb to them. Even though it hurts, it doesn't seem like a big deal. Perhaps, that's why we brush it off even if we're injured.
                    Despite our recovery abilities and royal blood we carry this pain with us along with Lucia. Is there anyone who understands that?

                We don't even dream of becoming like the other royals living in the castle. The three sat on the branch of a tree looking out at the village and the castle in all its magnificence. "Someday do you think we will be able to escape from here?" Arhen asked but neither girl answered. I couldn't answer. Because I didn't have any hole left. At the time I ever imagined that a totally different life would be awaiting us. A figure stood in a tree nearby watching the three kids watch the castle in the distance keeping an eye on them.

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