Chapter 4

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Arienne opens her eyes to be met with those of her brother. Where am I? ''Are you awake Arienne?'' Arhen asks and Arienne sits up quickly. ''Arhen! What happened yester- Huh?'' She asks looking around the marvelous room. ''Where are we? And Arhen you look exhausted? Did you even sleep?'' Arienne asks worried. ''I couldn't sleep.'' He says. ''Why?'' She asks. ''Because I didn't know what the Emperor would do to us.'' He responds. ''What about Lucia?'' Arienne asks worried. ''She's in the castle somewhere. Apparently the Van Guerin's were a highly respected Noble family before someone killed them all nearly ten years ago.'' Arhen explains then Arienne remembers. ''Wait are we...'' The door open before she can finish and a group of maids enter and they stand in perfect unison. What's happening? ''Good morning your highnesses, I am the head maid of Siviola Castle. My name is Isina, From this day forth we will be serving you. We are at your disposal.'' The twins look confused. ''Did she say 'serving'?'' Arienne asks ''She did say 'serving'.'' Arhen says. 

''You heard that too right.''

''Yes I did.''

''Princess you lost consciousness yesterday therefore we weren't able to bathe and change your clothes. Please forgive us.'' Isina says. What's going on? But why? We're just some lowly illegitimate children. ''We will get you washed up before breakfast. We have prepared water, clean towels and new clothes for you.'' Isina says as two maids lift the twins and place them near the baths. ''Then we will assist you with your bath. Just as Isina said that Lucia opened the doors and everyone turned to her as one maid lifted up Arienne's sleeve gasping. Arienne retracted her arm as herself and Arhen ran to Lucia and the girl bent down to hug them. ''Lucia.'' Arienne whimpered and Lucia held them closely. ''It's alright children.'' The scars that Rurahelle left upon our bodies couldn't be healed even with our healing abilities. The other maids begin whispering about the scars.

 ''Such insolence! Mind what you say.'' Isina states loudly. ''Y-yes madam Isina.'' The say alarmed. The twins stay silent as Lucia stands. Her new dress, a beautiful baby blue, and looked to Isina who nodded. ''We didn't think you would have scars on your body. But please do not worry. I will make sure they don't say a word about this. However, your highness must remain silent regarding this matter as well. If it becomes known that you have flaws, your worth as royalty will decrease.'' Isina states. What? Worth as royalty? ''From now on, you shall receive education fit for royals, your teachers are the best in the empire and have educated the other princes as well. Everything is thanks to the mercy that his majesty as bestowed upon you, by choosing to raise you as proper royals. Therefore you have to familiarise yourselves with the imperial customs as soon as possible, and repay the kindness that his majesty has shown you in as his children.'' Isina finishes. 

Repay his kindness? Who should we be grateful to? Lucia is definetly one but the Emperor who has never once reached out to is in five years? To the princes who have never shown their faces in five years? Now? To these people who just do as they please!?! A knock is heard and Lucia bends down to their heights. ''I know this is going to be hard for the both of you but just remember that I'll always be there for you even to go against his majesty.'' Lucia whispers to them and the twins smile and hug her. ''Thank you.'' They both whisper back. ''I have a message for the prince and princess.'' A butler says and Isina goes to talk to him. ''Prepare better clothes for them after breakfast.'' Isina orders. ''Yes Madam Isina.'' Isina turns to the twins to see them gripping to Lucia's skirt. ''His majesty has invited you to dinner.'' Iisna says to the twins while giving a glance to Lucia. DINNER WITH THE EMPEROR????

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