"Real Ambition to be a Shinob...

De Legacylyric33

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Naruto Uzumaki, many would argue that he is one of the strongest Shinobi to ever live! Is he really though? W... Mais

Chapter 1: My Eyes Are Now Open!
Chapter 2: Time to Train!
Chapter 4: Preparing for Graduation and the Genin Exam!
Chapter 5: Traitor, Team 7 Test, and Missions!
Chapter 6: The Land of Waves Mission!
Chapter 7: Uzushiogakure and Gato, end of the Mission!
Chapter 8: Preparing for The Chunin Exams!
Chapter 9: The Chunin Exams Begin!
Chapter 10: To Save Kirigakure and the Conclusion of the Chunin Exams!
Chapter 11: Hiruzen's Last Fight and a New Hokage!
Chapter 12: The Fifth Hokage and Preparing for the Future!
Chapter 13: The Future is Looking Bright!
Chapter 14: Where the Travels Take Me... and a Reunion or Two!

Chapter 3: Time to Keep to my Word!

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De Legacylyric33

It's the day after my conversation with gramps. I open my door to my apartment and see a box, with it a letter from gramps. It basically tells me that in the boxes are a bunch or more useful Jutsu like we talked about. I bring it all inside and open it to check it out. The information ranges, the from everything Konoha has on wood style, on lord 1st and 2nd, and lastly the scroll of sealing! I am left completely shocked; I then quickly grab a decent size scroll and seal everything into that one. Soon, after I get some stuff packet up, I head to my family home. From there I create myself a plan for the next four years. Of course, only doing this after looking through the scroll of sealing. 

(The Plan)

1.. Master the Shadow Clone Technique

2. Test my affinity on chakra paper, even though I think I know what mine are.

3. Get better Chakra control by running along a raging wave and running up waterfalls

4. Use Chakra on my sword, image training!

5. Once done 1-3, Split the clone into teams to work on Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, and Taijutsu. 

6. While the clones are working on that. I will personally be organizing and remembering all the Jutsu I wanna learn and practicing them until perfection.

7. When I am not working with Justu, I will improve my seal drawing speed, as well as the level in which I am at. Reach level 9 by all cost!

8. Practice Kenjutsu the same as Fuinjutsu. Reach level 9 by all cost, chakra enhanced blade mastered as well. If done correctly, it should make using elements to it.

9. When reaching level 6 of seals, create a form of gravity/ weight seals. Figure it out!

10. Be stronger than whoever my sensei will be!"

(2 Years later)

Naruto: 'Hey Kurama, do you think I should get my ramen with extra everything or just pork?"

Kurama: "Everything, you should eat enough to make you full!"

Naruto: 'You're right, that training really made me tired, your training is really fucking hard.'

Kurama: "Language kit. You should not curse so much, you're only 10! If training with my chakra was easy, everyone could be a Jinchuriki. Plus, you said you wanted to be stronger than everyone else. If you keep at the rate, you're at, you should be able to use my chakra as your own, we'll be one in a sense. None of this bubbling red cloak, but a real transformation! true power, enough to handle any Jonin that Konoha has."

Naruto: 'Yea I know and I'm thankful, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't leave me sore!' *Steps into Ichiraku and order a bowl of his special ramen*

I sit down and enjoy a couple bowls of my free, delicious ramen!

I thank the old man and start to make my way back to my home. Suddenly, I see a Shinobi run past me. I see that he's carrying someone with him, I instantly feel that the Chakra signature is someone I know. 'It's Hinata from class!'

I then use shadow clone Jutsu and tell my clone what to do. We both body flicker away towards the enemy Shinobi.

Naruto (Clone): *sitting on the tree waiting for the enemy... sees him and throws kunai at his feet* 

Kumo: "Get out of here brat! This doesn't concern you, now leave before I kill you!"

Naruto (Clone): "It does concern me, that's my classmate and friend you have there!" *Charges him with a kunai, at a decent speed*

Kumo Ninja: *surprised and throws Hinata to the ground and block the Kunai to the side just to directly kick Naruto away* " Hah, not so tough ki- *seems him poof*".

Naruto: *From behind him* "RASENGAN!" *Hits the Kumo ninja in the back, causing severe damage to him and sending him flying into a tree*

Hyūga Member: Lady Hinata?!" *Running towards the direction* 

Naruto: "Hey Anbu, you can take that guy now. Tell old man 3rd that I'll come by his office needing to talk!" *Body flickers to the unconscious Hinata and picks her up bridal style*

Hyūga Member: "Lad-*sees Hinata in Naruto's arms* Oh thank the lord! Young boy, what happened to her, one second, she was on a bench, the next she was gone?! Lord Hiashi will be angry that his daughter is hurt!"

Naruto: "I'll help you with him, don't worry! She was being kidnapped by a Kumo ninja, but I stopped the Ninja. Now, let's not keep Lord Hiashi waiting." *Begins to walk towards the Hyūga compound*

Hyuga Member: "I- okay. I hope he's in a good mood today."

Soon enough we arrive, and I knock on the door. A tall scary looking gentleman answers it, and he can only be who I assume in Hinata's father.

Hiashi: "Why is my daughter with the likes of you?"

Naruto: *hands her over to the member* "You should watch how you speak; you wouldn't want old man third to know about this distaste for me. Besides, I thought you might want to meet the person who save your daughter from being taken by a Kumo Shinobi for her eyes!"

Hiashi: *eyes widen* "Hmmm, okay boy, are you looking for something?"

Naruto: "Yes I am. I want a signed favor from you, the head of the Hyūga clan! Whereas in the future, if I do something that has anything to do with the Hyūga clan then I have proof that I have permission from the head."

Hiashi: *a bit pissed off* "Why would I grant someone like you that honor, plus you'll probably use it to marry my daughter and use her for your own selfish desires!"

Naruto: "One, I have no intention of marrying anyone. If I were to, I would like it to be with another Uzumaki. That way I can rebuild my clan. Two, I am worth giving that honor to. Do you wanna know my full name?"

Hiashi: "...' What is this boy going on about?' Go on."

Naruto: "My full name is *whispering* Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki, son of Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze, born on the night of the Nine Tails attack. You should know how intelligent my father was, I am just as great if not more so."

Hiashi: *eyes widen and looks at him again* 'Holy shit, give Minato Kushina's features, and they'd be twins, down to the hair and eye color!'

(Closest to what Naruto actually looks like)

"I'll agree to your terms, come inside and have some tea. I was just helping Neji train."

We sit down and start to eat some food and drink some tea. We begin to talk about the past, my parents, future goals. Finally, I get up to leave as a clan member comes in.

Hyūga Clan Member: "Here is the document you asked me to retrieve for you, my lord." *Hands him a scroll*

Hiashi: "Thank you, you may go now." *Opens it and signs it, then slides it over to Naruto* "I truly believe you will do no ill will upon the Hyūga clan with this. So, I do look forward to seeing what you do decide to use it on."

Naruto: *bows and thanks him, then begins to walk out* "Oh, before I go. You should definitely try to train and spend more time with your daughter. I know you owe it to your brother, and you see too much of your late wife in Hinata. But all your doing is filling her with doubt, and sense of being unloved and worthless. You'll grow to regret it if she dies, or if you continue this, the only thing you'll accomplish is pushing her farther away. Do let her know how much you care, before it's too late." *Smiles a bit and leaves*

(The Next Day at School)

I get into class and sit down, waiting for all the others to show up. Hinata comes in and thanks me for saving her. I notice all of her stuttering and the redness on her face. I tell her that it was what any friend and ninja would do. I of course notice that this means that she likes me, at least a little. Soon enough everyone else arrives. Iruka sensei appears in a puff of smoke and takes roll call. 

Iruka: "Naruto, you've been called to the Lord Third's office. Please hurry and don't keep him waiting!" 

Sasuke/Kiba/Sakura: *Whispered or mumbled* "What you do Dobe? / Hah, the idiot probably did something stupid in the village again! / God he's such an idiot!"

Naruto: "Okay Iruka Sensei, I'll be back shortly!" *Runs out of there and then Body Flickers to the door of the Hokage's office*

Hiruzen: "Come in my boy!" 

Naruto: *Walks in and places his hand on the wall* "Privacy Seal! Okay gramps let's talk. I assume that it was about yesterday?"

Hiruzen: "Yes, it is, what happened fully?"

Naruto: "I was heading back home from eating ramen this week, and I saw a non-leaf Shinobi run past me. I then felt the chakra of Hinata Hyūga from the body he was carrying. I then created a plan with my clone and used a Rasengan to defeat him. It was actually quite easy. Then I took her back home and talked with her father about some things. Other than that, nothing else happened."

Hiruzen: "Good, that matches up with the Anbu, Hyūga clan member, and the enemy we talked to. You did a lot of damage to that Shinobi Naruto, he is still in the ICU. Try to hold back a bit. The Rasengan while having great force, has a rotation which destroys cells. And even if a medical Shinobi were to heal them instantly, they still feel the effects on their body from the damage. But good job, I just don't want you to kill someone before you ever have to. By the way, I'll be stopping by for dinner tonight."

Naruto: "Oh, good, it's been quite a while. I'll try to be more careful as well with the amount of power I put into attacks. Oh, speaking about clones. For the God of Shinobi, you're not as intelligent as I thought gramps!"

Hiruzen: "What do you mean?!"

Naruto: "I just thought about how you haven't figured out the secret to paperwork yet, when the solution is so simple."

Hiruzen: *shocked* "What do you mean, I've tried everything, nothing works!"

Naruto: "If I give you the answer to it, you call back Jiraiya when I say so. It'll be important for my progression." 

Hiruzen: "Deal! Tell me Naruto boy!"

Naruto: "Two words.... Shadow Clones... Well I'll make us some BBQ and steamed vegetables for later. I should probably get back to class now. *Starts to head out* Bye gramps, see you tonight!" *Body Flickers away*

Hiruzen: *alone in his office, slams his head to the table* "AHHHHH, HOW COULD I BE SO STUPID. I'M AN IDIOT, SENSEI!"

(1 Week Later)

I find myself sitting outside in the park, just staring up at the sky. I hear noise next to me and see that it is Sasuke. He glances at me and then stares up. I turn my head towards him and ask him something.

Naruto: "So Sasuke, why are you here?"

Sasuke: "I just like this tree, nice shade and a good spot to look at the sky from."

Naruto: "I'm sorry about what happened with your clan, I can see that it eats away at you. Is it what drives you to get stronger?"

Sasuke: "Tch... Yea so what, I have my goal, and I will reach it no matter what!" *Hate in his eyes*

Naruto: "That hate that you're holding onto, in the end it won't help you. I hope you know that. Out of the three known Dojustsu. You possess the Sharingan, and the other are the Byakugan and Rinnegan. The Rinnegan is the Kekkei Genkai of the soul! The Byakugan is the Kekkei Genkai of the mind. Last but not least, the Sharingan is the Kekkei Genkai of the heart. It why your eyes evolve with the hatred/pain in your heart, meant to symbolize the belief of the Uchiha curse. I think it's a bunch of bullshit, all it takes is strong emotion for your eyes to evolve. Uchiha usually choose to use hate and anger. But why not devotion or love. Sure, hate is simple, but in the long run less effective, it'll cloud your mind. A person's true strength comes from their heart, your stronger when fighting for something to protect than you are when fighting to gain something."

Sasuke: "Why shouldn't I use hate; it will help me get strong. It keeps me going when I hit a wall. I need to be ready to have my revenge!" 

Naruto: "You're still too blinded by hatred to look at the situation clearly." *Goes to get up*

Sasuke: *grabs his wrist* "Tch, then explain how you see it!" 

Naruto: "Okay... Sasuke, do you really think Itachi killed your clan to prove how strong he is?"

Sasuke: "That's what he said"

Naruto: "Think carefully, why would someone who was a prodigy. Someone who was in the Anbu Black ops at age 11, said to be the strongest Uchiha alive. Many even saying he would one day be as strong as Madara Uchiha, and everyone praising his strength all the time. Why would he find it within him to believe killing kids, women and close family in the middle of night, would be any test of strength? It's okay to be angry with what happened, but don't let hatred blind your brilliant shinobi mind. I'll tell you this, I have a pretty solid idea of what happened that night and why he did it, but he's the only one who can confirm it. Plus, I'll try to get more information, just promise me. Once we become Chunins, we'll go after him together. By then I'll have everything I need to help you and him talk and have you both see the truth of what happened that night."

Sasuke: "....'why is he so persistent' "But what about my training, and all my hard work. I still want to destroy him."

Naruto: "Well look for a new means to motivate yourself. I use the thought of my family to do so, I want them to be proud of me. I also made a promise that I'd be the greatest shinobi ever. But the most important one I use to keep pushing. Is the drive and desire to protect the ones I care about and care about me. Like Old man third, Old Man Ichiraku, our classmates, Shikamaru and Choji, and You! You're all important to me and I'll do everything in my power to make sure that you're never taken from me!"

(Like this, but a kid still/ age 10)

Sasuke: 'Me???...I guess I can protect you and Konoha Naruto, you're the only one who gets me. I see how they all stare at you. Even Iruka sensei in the beginning of the academy. I don't really know why, but I see the hate they have. You have every right to hate them as much, if not even more. But you don't, I guess you're stronger for it. You're a true friend, even though we only talk ever so often. I knew you were gonna be my rival, and now I got to be strong to make sure you don't die. That no one else I care about later on will die. I'll fight for our village as well.' "... Fine, you got until after we're Chunins to learn and plan out everything. I give, I'll steer away from this hate and revenge to the best of my ability, but if in the end you're wrong and he just did it for the soul purpose of what he said. Then I'll have to kill him!"

Naruto: 'That took him a while to think out, glad he made the right choice!' "Thank you, Sasuke. It's fine, if I fail and you truly still believe his reasoning, then you can do whatever you see fit."

Sasuke: "So Dobe, what are you doing right now, besides enjoying the sky?" 

Naruto: "I was thinking about future plans, Jutsu, goals. Stuff like that."

Sasuke: "For someone who swears to train and his brain being always on that type of wavelength, why are you barely making it to the middle of our class. You sound so wise when giving personal and training advice. But make stupid decisions or say stupid things in class. What is going on?"

Naruto: "I'll tell you one day, maybe if we end up on the same Genin Team. Pretty sure Shikamaru has figured it out, but I'll let you know then. See you at school tomorrow, Sasuke, got a game of Shogi to play." *Waves bye and heads off to the family compounds*

I approach the Nara compound and see someone at the Shogi board.

I quietly make my way to them and watch their game. 'Hmmm. Shikamaru will lose at this rate'. I continue to watch it play out until it's the last move. I see Shikaku about to move his piece but pauses to ask Shikamaru a question.

Shikaku: "Son, do you know who the king is?"

Shikamaru: *looks up with a bored face, but is intensely thinking* "You mean in relation to the Konoha, right?"

Shikaku: *nods his head*

Shikamaru: "Um... maybe the Fire Daimyo, or the Hokage. They both make sense, I guess."

Shikaku: "Would you bet your life on that answer?"

Shikamaru: "...Now not so much. Damn, shogi gives me a headache!"

Naruto: "Yea it can sometimes."

Both: "AHHHH, where'd you come from?" 

Naruto: *sits down* "I've been here since the middle of your shogi match. It was obvious who was gonna win though. Shikamaru, you play too safe, and don't possess the right understanding of the pieces yet."

Shikaku: "Would you like to test your luck Naruto?"

Naruto: *smirks* "Of course, let's find out if playing against myself and old man 3rd has taught me anything. Let's set a byoyomi of 10-seconds. Shikamaru can be the judge for each 10 second limit for every move. I trust him, sounds good?"

Shikaku: 'brat actually plays with a byoyomi of 10 seconds. I haven't played that in years. Shikamaru only plays at a thirty second one, but that's because I've tricked him into making his moves as fast as me. I wonder what your hiding Naruto, not many people play shogi.' "Sure, let's test your knowledge of the game Naruto."

We begin to play moving our pieces within seconds, and as we move more and more pieces, the more seconds it takes for us to move another piece. I continue to play defensively, with multiple traps set, while Shikaku has taken the offensive with reinforcements. I bait him into taking a piece, or to leaving a hole in his line. He knows he has to take the trap, so he does, I take his piece and then it all starts. Piece after piece, but I slowly start to confuse him, by switching out my defense and going full offensive with traps. In which, with him losing, he falls for. I set up the last move to win. 239 moves later, I have finally won.

Naruto: *Breathes in and out loudly* "Holy god, that was so stressful, I'm gonna stick to playing against myself or gramps. You play very well, no wonder you're Konoha's strategist, you're even better than gramps. I've yet to play against Asuma but one day I will."

Shikaku: "I can't believe I lost. How often do you play?"

Naruto: "Every day for 2 hours, since I was 6."

Shikaku and Shikamaru: "Do you know who the king is?" *Shikaku looks at Shikamaru* 

Naruto: "Sorry Shikamaru, no easy answers. Can't go giving you all the answers like that first day of class. Honestly, the King can be a simple answer, or even one of complexity. When you reach Genin and are about to take the Chunin exam, maybe you'll know. I have a feeling your sensei will help guide you to the answer. Of course, I know, but it's not always that simple. What we view as the king here in Konoha, in other lands and villages different from our will not have the same view on whom the king is. That is the biggest hint I could possibly give you. *Gets up and walks away* "See you tomorrow in school Shika!"

Shikamaru: "See ya Naruto."

Shikaku: *once Naruto is out of sight* "You didn't tell me Naruto was that smart, his IQ has to be higher than most!"

Shikamaru: "Well that's what's strange, he is smart and wise, yet he is just under halfway grade mark wise in our class. It makes no sense, and the only solution I've come up with is that he is hiding his true strength and skill. But, why?"

Shikaku: "Hmmm....Okay. What was that thing he mentioned about the first day?" 

Shikamaru: "Oh, Iruka sensei asked all of us if anyone knew the Fourth Hokage's name and what Jutsu he was known for."

Shikaku: "So, did you answer?" 

Shikamaru: "Of course I did, I answer with everything I knew. That his name was Minato Namikaze, and the Jutsu he is best known for is the Rasengan and A-rank Jutsu which took him 3 years to complete."

Shikaku: "I don't see anything wrong with that."

Shikamaru: "Neither did I or Iruka sensei. But Naruto did, he said that everything was right, except the Rasengan is meant to be a Legendary S-Rank Jutsu, but isn't because it was never completed. He said that the Fourth Hokage meant to add an element to the Jutsu to make it even more skillful and deadly."

Shikaku: "Hmmm..... It sounds like something Minato would do."

Shikamaru: "You know what I find weird, I've looked at the Hokage monument for an hour the other day. And when I look up there at the Fourth Hokage. I can see a resemblance to Naruto, especially after finding a photo of Lord Fourth in the library. Blond hair and blue eyes."

Shikaku: "You said Naruto's last name is Uzumaki, right?"

Shikamaru: "Yea, why?"

Shikaku: "A little over 11 years ago, I'm pretty sure Minato and Kushina were a thing. It seemed that way back then in the academy too. *laughs* I wonder if he is their son, it kind of make sense."

Shikamaru: "Are you saying that Naruto is the son of the Fourth Hokage?!"

Shikaku: "I don't know, but I'll find out. Tell no one, I'll let you know when I do. If news got out of the village or even to those that hate him in it. It would bring unwanted danger and attention to Naruto. You wouldn't want that for him, right?"

Shikamaru: "Yes of course I wouldn't want that. How are you planning to find out?"

Shikaku: "I'm just gonna ask Lord Third tomorrow."

(The Next Day/ With Shikaku)

Shikaku: *knocking on the Hokage's door* " Lord Third, It is me Shikaku. I must speak with you!"

Hiruzen: "Come in Shikaku!"

Shikaku: *walks in and sits down* "Are we alone Lord Third?" 

Hiruzen: *waves his hand, then places a seal on the table* " Now we are, what is this urgent conversation we needed to have?"

Shikaku: "... I'm just gonna come out and say it, Yesterday Naruto beat me in a game of 10 second of Byoyomi shogi. Then my son points out something, along with some other facts that I just can't deny. So, out of curiosity, responsibility, guilt and importance, I must ask you this question. I also request a truthful answer as well."

Hiruzen: "Go on Shikaku."

Shikaku: "Is Naruto really Minato and Kushina's child?!"

Hiruzen: *smoking his pipe and blows out smoke with a sigh* "... Tell no one, but yes, it is true. He is their child; they sealed the nine-tails on the same night Naruto was born. For all of her pregnancy no one knew about it besides Mikoto Uchiha, and even then, she thought Naruto died with Kushina during the attack." 

Shikaku: "I see... that is very saddening, especially seeing how the villagers treat him. They would wreak havoc if they knew what was going on. I can't really blame you; Naruto tells me you see him all the time and teach him things like shogi. Though there is blame within the council, and the villagers themselves. I mean if Naruto had an ounce of hate, it could easily cause activation for the Nine-Tails to take over."

Hiruzen: "I won't get into much detail, but Naruto has assured me that the Nine- Tails is no longer a threat to Konoha. As for Naruto, don't tell anyone about his birth parents."

Shikaku: "I won't I promise, but did you know that he has to have an IQ of at least 180 to be able to do what he does?"

Hiruzen: "I know that. He keeps proving just how strong and skilled he is. But it not just his brains, you should see what he can really do. It would make you question your own ability. His Chakra flow and amount is insane, even for an Uzumaki."

Shikaku: "I wonder just how strong he really is?!"

Hiruzen: "I think he's already around a high Genin or low Chunin, though I can't say how I know this."

Shikaku: "Of course. I guess I'll just be surprised like everyone else. I should probably get going now, it is almost time to pick up Shikamaru from school. Since after this year, it'd be lame to have your parent pick you up. I need to get my bonding time in now. *leaves*

Hiruzen: "Maybe I can pick up Naruto and take him to get some ramen. That sounds like a good idea." *Gets up and Body Flickers to the academy*

I get out of school and see everyone head out with their parents. Sometimes I feel a little envious of them. As I turn to walk home, I hear a voice.

Hiruzen: "Naruto! You ready to go home, maybe stop and get some ramen on the way?"

 Naruto: *swings his head over and show a teary smile and runs over to him to hug him*

I get done eating ramen with gramps and then he walks me home. Once I get there I sit down and pull out the Uzumaki Sealing Book. I get to level 8 since I just finished level 7, the day before. I soon bring out paper and begin to draw out what I want the seal to look like and write in the parameter for it to slightly increase whenever my body adjust to it. I make 5 of them, one for each limb and one for my chest. I then write the middle symbol to make the seal work. "重力"

(But with the Kanji for gravity, like above. Of course, it's Naruto holding it, not Kakashi.)

I then place my hand on the paper and one by one transfer the seal onto my body. Once I get it all done, all it takes is a bit of Chakra spread across my body to activate it. Let's start with 1.5 times gravity. The gravity increases on me, and I fall to a knee.

Naruto: "Holy shit it worked, honestly didn't have much faith. Well, guess I'll have to get use to this. I wonder what gravity I'll be at when becoming a Genin? Eh, I'll worry about that then. Now time to make a real change." *Closes his eyes and enters his mindscape, and sees Kurama*

Naruto: "Ahhhhh, so scary! *sarcasm* Come on buddy, when are you gonna learn that you just can't scare me, especially when I know you're a big softie!"

Kurama: "I am not soft!"

Naruto: "I beg to differ. *Hops through the bars and lays with him* So, I think it's time for a little redecoration. Close your eyes, Kurama!" *He sees Kurama do so, and he focus his Chakra, and creates a new plain for them to be at, no bars, no darkness except for at night, and no restriction*

Naruto: "Open your eyes buddy!" 

Kurama: "No way, how were you able to do this?!"

Naruto: "Hey, I'm on level 8 of the Uzumaki Seal Book, plus all I did was change the previous seal. I changed the space, setting, and layout. But the strength and principle are there still until I master your chakra and remove it fully with your say so. I hope you like it; I think I'm gonna fa- *fades out of his mindscape and into a deep sleep*

Kurama: "I love it kit, you have no idea. You were right father; he is truly something else. He is my first real friend outside of our family. I'm happy to be trapped in a human, heh."

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