oh, shit // bnha

By elisimone_

159K 7.1K 3.2K

imagine how embarrassing it would be to fall into a classroom full of 16 year-olds in your pajamas ? eli is j... More



4.4K 238 92
By elisimone_




Eli didn't know why Bakugo exploded, but what she did know was that his explosion ruined the intimidation attempt from the rest of the school. 

Even Hitoshi, who was standing in front of them all was stunned to silence as they watched the scene unfold before them. 

"OPEN THE GOD DAMN WINDOW!" Sero shouted, coughing as he fanned the flames from his face. 

Ojiro and Hagakure rushed to open the windows, coughing and sputtering the fanned the smoke out. 

"Ohmygodohmygod," Eli chanted as her hands began shaking rapidly. 

The girl stumbled to get up, rushing to go over to the fire extinguisher, which was next to where Hitoshi stood in the door of the classroom, watching as Eli panicked and ripped the fire extinguisher off the wall and rushed back. 

"ELI-SENPAI, MINETA'S ON FIRE!" Uraraka shouted, pointed at clearly freaking out Mineta whose balls were indeed on fire. 

"Shit, shit, shit," she muttered, spraying the exhaust on the boy, dosing him of the fire, leaving him to fall to his knees on the floor. 

Eli huffed as she looked at all of them, seeing they were are pretty much fine, while Bakugo seemed pretty surprised with himself. And suddenly, the girl could not help herself from speaking her mind. 

"Are you out of your fucking mind or something?!" she said. 

The room was pretty much fine, give or take some ash, and the only person who appeared to be hurt was Mineta who was directly in front of Bakugo at the time. 

Bakugo immediately went on the defensive. 

"Oi, oi, that wasn't my fault!" Bakugo said immediately. 

"Uhm, hello? Are you fucking delusional or something, you're the only person here with an explosion Quirk," Eli said angrily, gesturing to her surroundings, where you could still see the smoke in the air.

"What are you fucking mental? Your eyes did that thing from last time, I don't know if you noticed but your feathers puffed too! Your Quirk was messing with mine!" he shouted back. 

"That doesn't even make any sense! What do you mean mine was messing with yours?! I don't know if you noticed but my Quirk is a temperamental demon at best while you actually ARE ONE!" she shouted, quickly getting angry. 

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?!" he shouted, and a ruffle of her feathers sent her looking around curiously. 

"He may be right miss," said the adult voices of the wind behind her neck. 

Her eyes widened, and she looked back at Bakugo her chest heaving up and down as she stared at him angrily, having to bury the weird urge she felt to bare her teeth at him. 

So, with a couple of heavy breaths, she glared at the floor a bit as her mind races, only finding one conclusion that was probable enough. 

So, she picked her bag up and threw it over her shoulder before lurching forward to grab Bakugo's wrist. 

"Hey what the hell?! Let me go!" he said but she could only pull him with her, grabbing Hitoshi on her way. 

"Don't talk to her like that!" Hitoshi hissed, making the red glare turn to him. 

"Don't tell me what to do, tch, eyebags," Bakugo grumbled. 

Hitoshi glared harshly at the boy, snatching his wrist from Eli's hand to stare him down. 

"Could you two stop fighting for a second and come with me?!" Eli said frantically, grabbing Hitoshi again before she continued her trek. 

She was currently making the decision of who to go to. 

Hizashi, Shouta, or Nezu. 

"You know when you mentioned us possible being a trio, I'd take that Mezo guy over this any day," Hitoshi said with a side-eye glare at Bakugo as he allowed himself to be dragged. 

Eli could only roll her eyes before she impulsively decided to Nezu, figuring he probably had the best theories. 

Not to mention the fact that she realized she didn't get to ask any of her questions this morning. 

"What you think I'm no good enough for your shit group now?!" Bakugo yelled at Hitoshi, who only stared at him blankly. 

"That's exactly what I'm saying," Hitoshi shot back. 

Bakugo growled, yanking his hand away from Eli, Hitoshi not hesitating to do the same. Angry purple eyes stared down Bakugo, who could only hold his ground as his pride wouldn't allow anything else. 

"You're about to be one sorry ass extra if you don't shut your mouth," Bakugo threatened, pointing a threatening finger at Hitoshi, who only smirked. 

"Oh I'm sorry what?" he said quickly. 

"I said-" Bakugo tried, only to find himself in a blank trance, falling for his brainwashing technique. 

"That's what I thought," Hitoshi said with a glare, turning to look at a completely, done Eli who shook her head and sigh. 

"Hito!" Eli said. 

"What, he's annoying," Hitoshi said with a shrug as he folded his arms. 

"Look, I'm going to explain this to you, very slowly, and we're going to see if we can connect the dots," Eli began pulling a notebook and pen out of her bag, flipping to a random empty page and turning it horizontally. 

"Fine," Hitoshi replied with a huff. 

"I have a Quirk that requires me to not lose my temper," Eli started, drawing a weird stick figure with a circle around it to represent herself. Hitoshi quirked an eyebrow up at the demonstration but followed along with a nod. 

"I just found out that this motherfucker, is my nephew," Eli continued, drawing a random arrow towards a still frozen Bakugo. 

"Okay?" Hitoshi followed around, not really understanding what she was getting at. 

"This particular individual has a terrible temper, and to make matters worse, an explosion Quirk," Eli went on. 

"Eli, can you just get to the fucking point already?" Hitoshi said exasperated. 

Eli huffed, glaring softly, her nails growing a bit unintentionally, but she couldn't pay attention to that right now 

"What's I'm saying is that we are supposed to be blood-related right? He has anger issues, my Quirk gives me anger issues, he claims that my Quirk, that gives me anger issues, messed with his, my Quirk that came out of fucking nowhere when I popped out the ceiling 200 years in the future in a classroom full of kids with superpowers!" Eli said waving her hands in the air.

Hitoshi's eyes widened with everything she said, his hand finding his mouth as he processed the information (that was kind of everywhere). He nodded a bit, grabbing her hand. 

"Okay, you're on to something."

With that, she grabbed Bakugo's wrist and dragged his 'out of it' body towards the Principal's office, shaking him out of his trance-like state rather quickly. 

"What the hell?" Bakugo said gruffly, stumbling over his feet as they made their way to the office. 

"No time nephew," Eli said. 




Bakugo sat with his head in his hands. 

Eli could only sigh, watching as her nails shrunk and shrunk. Her leg was tucked underneath her butt, her wings kind of covering her body. 

They'd explained everything to the boy, they meaning Nezu since Eli didn't want to tell him anything wrong. Not to mention, she was too busy tapping the side of her thigh and counting silently to herself. 

Hitoshi watched Bakugo closely, watching his reaction to it all. The boy hadn't moved much from the spot in the chair he was in since Nezu got to the part where he had to explain that Eli was his aunt. 

Suddenly, red eyes sprang up, meeting the slits of Eli's. 

"You mean to tell me... that YOU are my aunt?" Bakugo said in an unnaturally calm voice. 

Eli tensed a bit at that, biting her lip before she nodded. 

"Yeah, apparently," she replied. 

"You want to explain to me why you're still here then?" Bakugo rasped out, leaning over to rest his elbows on his knees while wearing an accusing stare on Eli. 

She shifted uncomfortably under the stare. 

"W-what do you mean?" she asked. Bakugo rolled his eyes, prompting a glare from Eli when she caught it. 

"Why are you still here? Any normal person would try to get back to the past, so if that's where you're from, why are you hanging around here?" Bakugo said with a glare on his face, staring pointedly at Eli, whose feathers bristled at the question. 

She rubbed her neck, and looked away from him, sighing as the other hand dropped to her side, with her resisting every urge she had to curl her hand into a fist. 

"There's not much for me to go back to," Eli replied, shrugging her shoulder in the end before looking back at Bakugo. 

Hitoshi's stare broke from Bakugo, looking at Eli with soft eyes, only to see her take a long blink before she brushed off the emotions off her face. 

Bakugo stared at her a little taking in the weird expressions on her face, trying to see if there was anything about her that meant she was lying to him. But he didn't see any.  

She adjusted her glasses, turning away from him with a sigh to look at Nezu with a worried expression. 

"Okay, well why tell me?" Bakugo asked again. 

"...My Quirk lets me speak to the winds," Eli started, and at her words a small breeze blew around the room. Bakugo's eyes widened at the sudden breeze before he looked back at Eli for further elaboration. 

"And they said that you were right, right about my Quirk messing with yours. I don't know what they meant by it, but look I was already going to force you to be my friend, but I can't do that if you're going to explode everytime you're around me!" Eli said already frustrated. 

Hitoshi's eyes widened as he saw her wings puff up and her horns begin to curl a bit as they grew. Apparently Nezu and Bakugo noticed the same. 

"Eli-san, have you struggled with your anger before?" Nezu asked, Eli snapping out it, going back to her normal state as she looked at him curiously. 

"No, not really," Eli said, and that was the truth. 

Her anger wasn't always something she had to think twice about since her go to was just to avoid the situation as a whole. Sure she had some pretty angry thoughts, but they were never too bad?

She wasn't sure why she was acting like this now, but it had to be something to do with this Quirk right?


"Hm, well, I believe this further expands my theory about your arrival here if Bakugo-san's Quirk malfunctioned when he was around you. Originally I had thought what brought you here had something to do with your ancestry, and it seems as though that is the case. I will get in contact with the last known witness to your Dark Fae Quirk, until then, I advise both of you to work on your tempers," Nezu said with a cheery smile. 

"Now, Eli, do you believe this will affect your ability to put together the-" Nezu tried but Eli cut him off quickly. 

"No, no!" she said shaking her head. 

"I mean, no, it um-- Nah, I got it," Eli said with a nervous laugh. 

Nezu looked at her with analyzing eyes before huffing and turning to Bakugo. 

"This is sensitive information Bakugo, I hope you understand what I mean by that," Nezu said.

Bakugo let out a 'tch' sound, rolling his eyes as he stood up, lugging his school bag over his shoulder as he did. 

"Yeah, yeah," Bakugo grunted. 

"Eli, I suggest you all get going. Break is almost up," Nezu told her. 

She nodded stiffly, taking a breath before nodding to herself softly.

They left soon after but didn't actually go, leaving the 3 teenagers to stand awkwardly in front of the Principal's office before Bakugo spoke up. 

"You," he said, pointing at Eli making her quirk an eyebrow and point to herself in confusion. 

"Yes you, meet me by the gym after school," Bakugo said, leaving no room for arguing before he adjusted his shoulder bag once more and stalked off. 

Hitoshi sighed and rubbed his forehead as the both of them looked at the blonde retreating figure with wide eyes. 

Tapping his hand on her shoulder he spoke. 

"It had to be that one didn't it," he said. 

"Well, honestly I feel like this could be a lot worse," Eli said trying to put on a convincing smile. 

"Could it?" he asked, Eli just huffing. 

"No, I don't think it could," she said blandly. 

Hitoshi laughed loudly as he pats her back one more time before sighing. 

"C'mon, apparently Papa made us lunch too, they're both in the teacher's lounge," he told her. 

She sighed, moving her feet forward to go with Hitoshi. 

"At least he didn't explode again," Eli said. 

"For some reason, I feel like that's the least of our problems," 

2150 words. 

okay but real shit, how the fuck are you guys doing this, it's like you're wizards of something 

love ya frr <33333

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