Criminal Minds ~ DNF

By Lunartics_

9K 336 73

"Why do you stay? After everything I've done, all the people I've killed to get to you, why?" "Because you're... More

Final A/N
sup fuckers, lets have a word


250 10 8
By Lunartics_

"This is Heather Brown, she's the head of forensics, that's Reginald Simmers, and that's Nora Darlington," Puffy introduced to a wide-eyed George Davidson. She'd been doing it all morning and pretty much none of it had gone in.

"Nice to meet you," they told each other before shaking hands and moving on. George's hand was beginning to ache from the almost constant hold of other people's.

"Minx!" Captain Puffy called suddenly. A girl with mousey brown hair snapped her head up, looking around before letting her eyes rest on Puffy. Immediately, a wide smile appeared on her face. Her spread fingers went to her chin and she bit her lip, half-closing her eyes and raising her eyebrows as she walked over. To George's surprise, Puffy was doing the same thing! Minx pulled the Captain into a hug, breaking away when she saw George.

"You're new," she said accusingly. The Brit immediately took a step back. The resting-bitch face matched with the strong Irish accent was terrifying.

"You're the curb-stomper," George blurted out. What else was he meant to say? A smile broke out onto Minx's face.

"Too fuckin' right, I am," she said, sticking a hand out for the Brit to shake. He did, a little dazed. "I'm Rebecca, but my friends call me Minx. Dunno why."

"Take a wild guess," Puffy winked.

"I'm George, but my friends call me Gogy," George smiled. Minx's eyes lit up as he noticed his mistake. This was gonna end badly, he could tell.

"Minx, we're on borrowed time here!" Someone from the other side of the room called. George had been introduced to him, he just couldn't remember his name.

"Gotta go, babygirl, don't fuck him up too bad. Bye, Gogy!" Minx smirked, wiggling her fingers at George and Puffy as she turned to the man who'd asked for her. The brunette rolled his eyes as Puffy dragged him into the next room.


Twenty minutes passed and George was acquainted with pretty much all of his department. Puffy was extremely proud of herself and her little prodigy, smiling broadly as she walked down the hall. George watched her leave, fighting the urge to turn on his heels and run right out of the building.

"You look like you're going to faint. Pull yourself together," Minx appeared behind him, slapping him upside the head. George flinched, rolling his eyes at the woman.

"I'm not," he defended, turning away from Minx and wandering over to the bulletin board dedicated to finding Dream. With his index finger, he traced the red string from Florida to Virginia. Puffy had been right. Was he there to complete unfinished business, since the bullet hadn't done its job? Was he simply passing through? Heading up to Ohio, or Pennsylvania? George could only hope. Either way, it didn't matter. He was on the other side of the fucking country, he was safe.

Wasn't he?


For the next four weeks, George was constantly questioned. When some of his memories were lost in translation, he was prodded and provoked until he could recall them. Multiple panic attacks and a couple of trauma-induced fainting spells later, he could confidently tell the agents of a killer coven leader named William who lived in Eswatini. Was it William? It was Wil-something. Either way, the agents were satisfied with what they had been given and had praised George to no end. Now with a few extra FBI titles to his name, he could get the fact that Dream was coming for him out of his head.

Within the month he'd been in Washington, there had been four new bodies. One in Virginia, which scared the shit out of him, two in Indiana and one in Illinois. That had George breathing a sigh of relief. He was simply just coming through Virginia to get somewhere else. (Unless, of course, Dream had gone looking for our brunette and upon realizing that he was not there, he'd killed someone in anger and crossed state lines...)

With each state, the deaths got more gruesome. In Virginia, a woman around 25 (identified as Alyssa McDowell) with her hairline soaked in blood. Her eyes were missing and her mouth hung open in shock. There was a stab wound in her chest and a laminated note left on her bloodied blouse.

In Indiana, twin boys identified as Ran and Boo Beloved sat back to back with a long, silver sword-like knife connecting them. It went through the first boy's chest and peeked out of the second boy's. A note was pierced on the tip of the blade, perfectly preserved.

The body in Illinois, well. Senate of state Anton Frosted (more commonly known as Antfrost) lay in his bed, covered only by his blood-soaked bedsheets. It was the first time Dream had gone for someone so important in society. His entire digestive system had been pulled out of his body, limply hanging off the mattress. There was a note taped to his forehead, the placement disrespectfully mocking the dead figure below it.


Each of the bodies came an... interesting death note. With Alyssa's body;

OH, GEORGE!!! You're so fucked, baby. You're not in Virginia anymore!!! Do you really think I didn't know that you'd leave? I'm not stupid. You've been in England, specifically London, with your family. I knew about your sister Katherine and her husband, didn't I? I'm sure you remember. Don't worry, I'll find you. I'll find you and I'll come to get you. No big deal, eh? George Not Found, but not for long! :)

With Ran and Boo;

I'm having less and less fun with these people. They're not you. How much more interesting it would be for me to drive a fucking katana into your heart. To kill you instead. All you have to do is come forward and these innocent lives will be spared! Be wise with your decisions, George Not Found. :)

And with Antfrost;

Think that bullet felt good inside you? Try my dick, little whore. When I find you, I'm going to fuck you so hard that you can't remember your own name. Be warned, George Not Found. :)

Was Dream bipolar? The nature of the notes differed drastically between bodies and it was freaky. First, he was going to find and kill George, then he was going to... fuck him? It was frustrating and frightening. George let his finger leave the map he'd been pointing at, trying to determine which state he was going to go to next. What with it being totally flush to Illinois, George's best guess was Wisconsin. 

He just had to hope that he was right 


Word count: 1116

Luna xx

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