Nothing but trouble

Raven0822 द्वारा

26K 955 521

*Very mature content*Altered timeline* Three people seen as nothing but trouble until they join the Avengers... अधिक

You want a hug?
May I help you?
It's a twin thing
Unexpected flirting
Show and tell
I'm a little tired now
For mother's sake
Girls night
This isn't over
Tell me what you would do
Do you share, Sergeant?
Two birds one stone
We need to talk
Darling, we can explain
Do you trust me?
Horrible timing
I feel...
It doesn't hurt anymore
I pinky promise
I told you!
A new arrangement
-New Story update-
Bind runes
Bagels and coffee
Being open minded

Tell me Kitten...

1.3K 51 12
Raven0822 द्वारा

For the past hour Loki had felt surges of Katherine's magic as he paced the length of his room. He didn't know what exactly she was doing, but it had a sexual tint to whatever magic she was working. With every surge he became more and more aroused and that much more frustrated. Tensely clenching his hands and releasing them he tried to take slow breaths to calm his mind and body.

For a moment everything seemed to go back to normal and then a shock wave of magic and sex bowled him completely over. Left gasping on his knees Loki sat there stunned.

If this was just a taste of what being a magical spectator to having sex with Katherine was like he most definitely wanted the real thing. The only issue was how to convince her he meant neither her or her brother anymore harm. Any time he'd attempted to talk to her over the past week she'd either avoid him completely, bolt the other way or like earlier this evening, shut him out without a backwards glance.

Still sitting in a daze Loki was about to drag himself to his bed when he felt her magic moving. Getting up off of the floor he left his room and followed her. If anything it was to tell her to stop dripping sex everywhere because while he was strong enough to resist her magic's pull there were others who weren't. As he went to step out into the hall he bumped into someone who was rushing in the direction he felt Katherine go. Reaching out to hold them steady he apologized.

"I beg your pardon, I should have looked for someone coming before exiting my room." Looking down he was surprised to see the girl. "Wanda, are you alright?"

"I need to find her." She was frantic as she tried to get around him. Keeping his hold on her upper arms it clicked in his head as he understood what was going on.

"Ah, I can take you to her, but first we must go somewhere important." Eagerly nodding, Wanda grasped onto his offered hand ready to go anywhere as long as it led to Katherine.

Steering them down the hall towards her brother's room he swiftly knocks on the door. It takes but half a second and then the younger man was standing there with a confused expression on his face as to why his sister was holding hands with Loki and at his door looking extremely anxious.

"Your sister is in the grip of a strong magical thrall." Shoving the girl into her brother's arms he gently pushes them inside the room. Directing Pietro to take Wanda into the bathroom and then to step back. He closed the door before tightly sealing it with his own magic. Turning to the younger man he tells him, "We must keep her here until I can get Katherine to calm herself."

Realizing he lied, Wanda began to angrily pound on the door calling out them to let her go, but there was no getting out until he let down his barrier spell. Calling out to Stark's AI Loki turned around and quickly headed back the way he came.

"FRIDAY, where is Katherine. It's imperative for Wanda's sake that I find her." He imparts that it's not just for himself in the hopes that the stubborn artificial woman would want to help the girl rather than keep him from Katherine.

"If you step into the elevator I will take you to the floor she is on." Thanking her he does just that. Briskly walking down the hall to the elevator he impatiently waited for the slow lift to get him to the woman he sought.

As soon as the doors opened he was striding out and down the stairs of a large room full of couches and a long bar along the left far wall. It had an amazing view that looked out onto the city. Seated on a high backless stool at the bar was Katherine drinking directly from a large bottle of amber colored liquor.

"Whatever it is you've been doing you need to reign it in." At the sound of his voice her back tensed making his stomach clench in disappointment at her reaction.

Shoving his feelings down he strode over to her and took the bottle from her hand. If she refused to answer him she wouldn't get what she wanted. Spinning around on her seat Katherine made to grab it back from him, but he held it high above his head. "Hey, I was drinking that!"

"And I was talking to you. You need to call back your magic because it's affecting the girl. As it is I've had to seal her in her brother's bathroom until she is released from your spell." She blinked up at him in confusion. He noticed her eyes were back to the beautiful whitish-blue that he'd seen earlier today when she healed Rogers.

Frowning up at him she hugged her arms around her stomach. "What are you talking about? I'm not doing anything." Loki could see she really didn't know what it was she had been doing to those around her.

Softening his tone he placed the bottle back on the bar, but out of her reach. "Not knowingly, but whatever it was you have been doing for the last hour has affected those of us with magical abilities."

He was shocked to see a faint blush spread across her pale skin making him both amused by her reaction and jealous of whoever she'd been with. As far as he knew Barnes wasn't back yet and Katherine hadn't expressed an interest in anyone else that he knew of. Maybe she had brought someone home. The thought made him angry. That she would seek out some stranger to let out her desires on instead of someone more fitting had him seeing red.

Blanching, she glanced down at the floor towards their living quarters and stammered out, "I didn't realize, it's just-" Again she blushed, tinting her cheeks a soft rose color. "When I heal a person it gives me a surge of pure energy. Normally this would be fine since I was doing something to expel it, but.." She trails off.

"You did not realize the extent of your energy and even though you thought to sexually release it, it wasn't enough. Yes, I can feel that. The only issue is you're still exuding magic and it's still affecting those of us who are magically inclined." He says, shifting his stance hoping she didn't notice his still present arousal. If she didn't want to talk to him then he very much doubted she would be open to his willingness to assist her in this matter.

Katherine turned fully to face him as she slowly raked her gaze down his body. Heart pounding at the desire he saw in her eyes he stayed still and attempted to look indifferent as she bit her bottom lip and shifted her thighs together. It was most likely the overwhelming onslaught of her magic and besides, he wouldn't push himself on someone who was under the influence. Taking a step to her left he sat on the stool next to her. Katherine followed his every move with hungry eyes.

Clearing his throat he grasped the bottle she'd been drinking from and leaned over the bar for two glasses. Pouring them each a healthy helping of the amber liquid. He slid her one of the glasses and picked up the other. "If you've already done what you normally need to expell your energy then why are you.." He gestured vaguely in the air with his free hand.

"Because I exhausted my partner to the point that she passed out before I could receive my own pleasure." Now that did surprise him. Not her sleeping with a woman nor the fact that she was powerful enough to have let out that much magic and still have more to give, but her willingness to actually talk to him.

"So you still need release, both magically and sexually, that would be frustrating." Tossing back the entirety of his glass he gave the whiskey an appreciative glance. It wouldn't get him remotely drunk, but it was smooth and tasted good. Standing up he wished Katherine luck. "I hope you can get a handle on it soon otherwise you're going to have a little witch breaking down your door."

"Perhaps I should send Wanda to Vision. If your magic continues to overwhelm her he would be more inclined to help her with that particular problem." He says distractedly more to himself than to her. Katherine suddenly grasping at his shirt had Loki stilling immediately.

"This is not a good idea. You already dislike me and I would not add to your hate of me when you wake in the morning magically sober." He tells her, prying her hand from his shirt.

"If anything I'm buzzed and I know that you want me. I can feel your desire pressing against me all of the time. Also, your thoughts and dreams are extremely loud." Loki stiffened at her words. She was more powerful than he thought if even though he kept his mind locked tight she was still getting in, or rather she was picking up his thoughts somehow.

"Can you show me your Jotun form?" Reaching up to cup his shocked face, she traced her fingers softly over his brow in a swirling pattern that he recognized with disgust.

"My thoughts and dreams are private." He bit out angrily grasping her wrist tightly and pulled her hand away from his face. Keeping her wrist in his grip he sneered down at her. "If you are as powerful as you are, why haven't you shut me out of your head?"

"I don't keep you out in case you plan on betraying us." Loki grasped her other wrist in his left hand when she tried to touch him again. "You look so pretty in your dreams and I want to see if your skin really is cerulean."

Frowning down at her sudden change in behavior towards him, Loki didn't know what to say to that. No one had ever said anything positive about his Jotun form. Hel, he couldn't stand to look at himself when he was in that form. It caused him great shame and anger to see the blood red eyes and blue skin of a people he hated reflected back at him. 

"Please, it's one of my favorite colors." She begged, looking up at him with sultry eyes. At his continued hesitance she grinned up at him. "I'll show you mine if you show me yours."

"What do you-" Before he could finish his sentence she transformed before his eyes. Her chestnut colored hair and eyebrows bled to a silvery white with shimmering blue highlights that matched her eyes. Her already milky white skin took on a pearlescent cast that had him thinking that she was absolutely stunning.

"Your turn, Princeling." She teased with a smile that sent a flutter to his stomach. Glancing around the empty room he let go of Katherine's hands and after along moment he took a step back as he called out to the hidden part of himself.

She watched him with wide fascinated eyes as his skin bled from his Aesir form to his Jotun one. Keeping his eyes on hers so that he wouldn't have to see himself Loki stood there silently as she stared up at him. He warily watched as she stepped closer. Flinching back he warned her not to touch him when she reached out a hand. "Don't. In this form one touch of my skin and you'll be injured from how cold I am."

"I'll be fine. I can heal myself, remember." She tells him as she reaches out to trace a fingertip over one of the lines on his chin. Surprise flits across both of their faces when nothing happens to her. Emboldened by this Katherine cups his face with both hands. Closing his eyes he briefly leans into her touch. "You're so beautiful." She whispers in awe.

"I am not. Not like this." He says, avoiding her gaze. She clicks her tongue at him as she brushes her thumb over his cheek. Without words Katherine continued to touch him showing him how much she liked his true form.

Unbuttoning his black dress shirt until she only stopped where it was tucked into his pants and then she spread it open exposing his chest and stomach. Loki shuddered at the feeling of her warm hands caressing his bare skin. Her fingertips tickled as they continued to trace over the pattern that ran down the entirety of his body. The longer her hands were on him the harder it became to resist wanting to take her and ravish her the way they both wanted on the closest surface.

Stepping away he began to shift back to his Aesir form, but she stopped him by leaning forward and pressing her lips to his chest. Standing stock still Loki didn't move a muscle. A shuddering sigh escaped him at the feeling of her tongue licking over one of the rigid patterns that crossed over his pounding heart. "Katherine, what are you doing?" 

"Tasting you. I thought that was obvious." Chuckling she went to place her mouth back on him, but he stepped back and away. "If you're wondering if I'll still disklike you in the morning I can set your mind at ease and say yup, but that doesn't mean I don't find you attractive."

Walking over to him with an extra sway to her hips Katherine grabs the bottom of her t-shirt, lifts it up and off revealing her bare breasts. The dim light of the room shifts over her shimmering skin in a light rainbow of colors that has him completely entranced. Pushing his open shirt off of his shoulders Katherine tugs the bottom of it out of his pants and discards it on the floor at their feet. Swallowing roughly Loki watches as she begins to undo his belt. The clinking of the buckle was loud in the silent room.

"Wait, Katherine, this isn't the place for this." He says, stilling her hands when she went to unzip his pants. Hoping that if he reminded her of where she was and with whom she would come back to herself enough to snap out of it, Loki shifted back to his Aesir form.

Grinning up at him she says, "Not a problem, Princeling." He felt himself squeezed in a tight hug of her magic and then felt a tug behind his belly button as they went from the bar to standing in what he assumed was her bedroom. Feeling slightly off kilter at the sudden teleportation Loki shook his head and staggered over to sit on the bed.

Coming to stand in front of him Katherine ran her fingers through his hair to tilt his face up. This was all happening much too quickly for him to catch up with her fast pace. "Katherine, as much as I would enjoy sleeping with you, I still don't think it's a good idea. Not like this."

Her disappointment lasted only for a moment before she leaned down and kissed him. Directing him by her hold on his hair she tilted her head to the right to better fit their lips together. Groaning at the feel of her mouth on his Loki clutched at her bare waist. Letting his hands wander over her naked back he pulled her closer to stand between his legs. Opening his mouth he allows her to deepen the kiss when she nips at his bottom lip.

The grip of his hands tightened as her tongue swept in to twine with his. Breaking away a minute later Katherine firmly grips his jaw as she tells him. "I am not magically drunk or high. I am horny and I want you. So either get with the program or get the fuck out."

Loki hesitates to gauge that fact for himself. Looking into her eyes he sees that she really truly was present in her mind and that her desperation for release had her shoving aside her dislike for him to give into their mutual desire.

Giving into his need to have her, Loki picked her up to straddle his lap. "Tell me Kitten... do you want me to spread you out on the bed? Take you on all fours? Bend you over the couch? Or do you want to throw me down on the bed and ride me into oblivion?"

Katherine's breath hitched at his questions, her body reacting to his deepened tone had her clenching her thighs around his hips. The black of her pupils were swallowing up the bright light of her irises as a needy whimper left her mouth. "I want all of that, please."

Twisting his body so that he had her pinned beneath him for a second he shifted back onto his knees. Loki finished stripping her of what was left of her clothing. Standing up he kicked off his loafers and unzipped his pants before hooking his thumbs into the waistband of his underwear to pull them and his pants down on one go. Completely naked he stalked back towards her and crawled up the bed kissing his way up her legs until he got to her knees. Keeping true to his word he spread her thighs and took in the sight of her glistening folds.

"Already so wet for me, Kitten." He whispered, leaning down to place a chaste kiss to her soaked core. Licking his lips he moaned at her taste when she cried out.

"Loki, no teasing please. I can't- I can't wait anymore I need you!" Propping herself up on her elbows she begged him to take her and he would, but first he wanted another taste.

"Lie back, darling and I will take care of you." He promised her as he settled between her thighs wrapping his arms under her legs to hook them over his shoulders while he gripped onto her hips. Doing as he asked Katherine settled back on the charcoal grey bedspread.

Lowering his head down Loki languidly licked through her folds to her entrance and dipped his tongue inside. Closing his eyes he groaned deep in his chest at the whine his small act pulled from Katherine. Shifting to swirl his tongue over and around her clit, Loki slid two fingers inside to pump them in and out in time with his mouth. Wound so tightly from her earlier denial of release Katherine's inner muscles were already clenching around his fingers.

Her gasping moans and tugging hands on his hair spurred him to work her faster. Humming against her sensitive bundle of nerves had her back arching off of the bed with a beautiful cry of his name on her lips. "Fuck, Loki!"

Doubling his efforts Loki had Katherine begging him for more. "Oh god, yes! I'm so close, please. Please, please, please.."

He could feel her magic building with every second of her rising orgasm until she came screaming. Her release was twofold. Using his own magic to contain hers to just this room Loki shuddered at the feeling of her power. As she rode his face to extract every ounce of pleasure her hips jerked and bucked until she was too sensitive to touch. Sitting up he sucked her essence off of his fingers while he staring down into Katherine's blissed out eyes had her smirking up at him in satisfaction.

Grasping her hips he had her flipped over and pulled up onto her hands and knees before him. With one hand on her ass to hold her steady Loki reached down to pump his cock twice in preparation then guided himself to her entrance. Being mindful that she was going to be tight from her orgasm he took his time to push the head of his cock inside. Shallowly thrusting forward he wanted to be as gentle with her as he could. Katherine on the other hand had other plans.

Bracing herself she shoved her hips back onto his shaft until she was fully impaled causing them both to cry out at the feeling. Using his considerable strength to hold her still when she tried to take control Loki told her to stop. Reminding her he hadn't been intimate with anyone for several years now. "Be still darling, I need a moment. It has been some time since I've done this."

Amused that he was already overcome she laughs which had her already tight inner muscles squeezing around his shaft in a way that had him nearly coming undone. Gasping he gripped her hips harder surely leaving bruises under his hold. "By the Norns, I said be still!"

Taking a deep breath he let it out and then began to withdraw from her tight wet heat before slowly sliding his hips forward. Ever so slightly he picked up his pace much to her happiness and if the sounds Katherine was making was any indication he'd found her sweet spot. Grinning Loki pressed a hand between her shoulders to push her upper body down into the bed and then pounded his body into hers over and over that spot until she came with a low moan.

Sliding out of her he intended to pick her up to do as he said he would. Bend her over the small couch in her sitting area, but before he could she had him down on his back and settled herself on his cock in two shockingly fast moves. Smirking down at him Katherine ungulated her hips in slow circles. "I distinctly remember you saying something about me riding you into oblivion."

Smoothing his hands up her waist to cup her breasts he nodded as he tugged at her nipples. "Have at it, Kitten. I'm all yours."

"For tonight, yes, you are." She moaned with a hard look on her face as if to say this was all he would get from her. Determined to have many a night like this he smirked up at her. "We'll see about that, darling."

"Stop talking!" At her command he felt her magic prickle along his skin and then he was silenced by a length of silk bound around his mouth. "There we go. Better yet…" With a smirk of her own and another prickle of magic his arms were bound by silk cords and her magic to the bed.

Testing the give let him know that until she let him go he wasn't going anywhere. Raising an impressed eyebrow at her had her grinning down at him before she lightly raked her nails down his tense stomach muscles. "I want you to be who you truly are when you come for me."

Understanding dawned in his confused eyes when she trailed her fingers across his chest where she had licked him earlier. Loki adamantly shook his head no. Having her see him like that was one thing, but to be that monster here with her so intimately.. he couldn't do it.

"Am I a monster looking like this?" The teasing movement of her fingertips on his body still at her solemn question when she gestures at herself. He tried to speak through his binding, but his words came out too muffled so he shook his head no.

Shifting to rise up onto her knees before slowly sinking down she asked, "Then how is it any different than me asking you to be fully yourself when I am being fully myself, knowing how hard I hide from everyone? If only for tonight, let go."

She was right, but even so he had a hard time doing as she asked at first. Giving him time to think it over Katherine picked up her hips' pace and rode him harder. Growing impatient with him she leaned down to kiss along his chest before coming up to bite and suck at his neck. Hovering her plump lips above his covered ones, she whispered, "Let go for me, Loki." With a moan he closed his eyes and let go.

At her soft gasp he opened his eyes to see Katherine raidantly smiling down at him. Taking away the binding around his head Katherine crashed her lips onto his as she propped herself up on his chest. He attacked her mouth with lips and tongue as best he could being held down like this. Sitting back up with a gasp Katherine quickened her pace as she ground down on his pelvis with every downward thrust to gain the extra friction needed to aid her pleasure.

Unable to do anything but lay back and enjoy Loki lost himself in the feel of her body and her magic. He pushed all thought of tomorrow when she would close herself back off from not only him, but her own self away to the back of his mind. Keeping his eyes on her he memorized how she looked completely and solely free in all of her shining glory.

Loki could tell she was getting close by the pulsing heartbeat in her core that was squeezing his shaft so deliciously. The sensations brought his building orgasm to the front of his mind as well as the tightening of his bollocks. He was teetering on the edge, but he refused to come until she did. Growling through his teeth he demanded she let go. "Katherine, come for me, now!"

All it took was a few more hard thrusts and she came with a strangled cry. Her pulsing orgasm broke her concentration releasing him from her binds. Finally free he flipped her onto her back and pounded his hips into hers. Deciding she could take it he reached down to rub furiously at her bundle of nerves. Connecting his lips to hers he ate her screams of pleasure until he made her come again.

With a hard shudder he followed after her, coming deep inside of her as she clawed at his back with her fourth and final release. Collapsing onto the bed beside her Loki lay back gasping for breath. He'd just had fantastic sex with a woman who if you had asked her even a couple hours ago if this would ever happen she would have punched you in the face. Chuckling at the thought he sluggishly turned his head to see Katherine staring back at him panting with a sleepy sated smile on her tired face.

"We really must do this again, Kitten." Was all he could manage to get out before he passed out from exhaustion.

🖤 Author's note 🖤

Things are definitely heating up pretty quickly for Katherine and she's only just begun..

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