𝗠𝗶𝘀𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗱 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲

By gxrleenk

1.5M 65.4K 4.9K

They Met At A Wedding And Once The Wedding Ended, They Parted Ways To Never Meet Again, Unknown To What The F... More

𝖼𝖺𝗌𝗍 𝗑 𝖺𝖾𝗌𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗍𝗂𝖼𝗌


19.6K 854 39
By gxrleenk

It was a new day and Nandini had just woken up. She had gotten ready in a yellow churidar and had came back to her room after making breakfast, as she had woken up early and no one was ready yet. Only then she found out her husband was still asleep. Nandini had thought he had probably left by now but then again, she was the one who had woken up early.

Nandini being Nandini, had a sweet idea to wake her beloved husband up. She knew she'd probably get into trouble for doing so but right now, she didn't care at all.

Looking around, Nandini found a jug of water on the table and quietly picked it up. She then stood right by the sofa, which Armaan was sleeping on. "Now I'll see how you call me rapunzal or angry cat again!" With a huge grin, Nandini dumped the whole jug of cold water on his face.

Once the water touched Armaan's face, he woke up with a jerk. "WHAT THE FUCK!" Armaan looked very confused and angry at the same time.

He looked up and found Nandini standing there, laughing her head off. He saw that he was wet and so was the sofa, plus pillow. When he saw the jug in Nandini's hand and how she was laughing, he knew who had done it.

"Are you fucking mad!?" Nandini couldn't respond and just kept laughing. "You...look so..funny!" Nandini said in-between her laughs. "Oh, you just wait!" As she saw Armaan getting up angrily, Nandini knew she was now gone. "Bhago Nandini!" She knew the best thing to do then was to run. And that's what she did.

Nandini ran out the room, giggling, before Armaan could catch her. She saw he was about to come out of the room, so she quickly yelled, "Dadu!" Nandini ran off before she would get into even more trouble while Armaan angrily walked back inside the room.

What a great start to his morning. "I will get her back!" Armaan was determined to get her back and surely will, but right now he was getting late and needed to go workout and get ready.

•   •   •   •   •

Nandini was eating breakfast with the whole family when Armaan decided to grace them with his presence. Seeing his irritated and angry face, Nandini stifled her laugh and felt proud. "Ab aaya na maza!"

Armaan, like always, took Vanraj's blessings but the whole time, he eyed Nandini with anger. Nandini just sarcastically smiled at him, which made him even more angry.

"I'm going now." Armaan told Vanraj. "Ek minute." Armaan turned back around towards Vanraj. "Take Nandini along with you." Armaan just stared at Vanraj with confused eyes. "I'm going to work. What is she going to do there?" Armaan said. "I mean, take her with you and drop her off to her orphanage on the way there. She hasn't been there in a while." Armaan nor Nandini wanted to go in the same car. "Don't we have drivers? She can go with a driver. And I'm also going with a driver. I'm getting late so I need to leave." But Vanraj was also stubborn and wouldn't agree this easily.

"There are drivers but I want you to drop her off. Then a driver can pick her up when she is ready." Nandini, who was silently observing this, decided to interfere as she didn't want to go with Armaan either. "It's fine. I'll go with a driver." "I'm telling you guys na? So-" "Ok fine. Hurry up and come outside. I'm waiting in the car." Armaan had no other choice but to agree as he knew Vanraj wouldn't give up until he'd agree, so he didn't want to waste more time and just agreed.

Nandini internally groaned but nodded, as she had no choice either. Armaan left the dining room while Nandini got up and quickly went to get her things.

•   •   •   •   •

Nandini reached outside with her purse and saw Armaan's car standing there. "Good luck Nandini!" she thought to herself. Nandini took her sweet time to reach the car, just to make Armaan even more irritated.

"Finally! I don't have all day for you to show up. I was about to drive off if you were one minute late." Armaan said with an irritated look. "Then you should have. You're acting like I was the one who was dying to go in the same car as you. Don't forget that you're only taking me because of dadu and I'm also only going with you just because of him." Nandini retorted back with the same amount of irritation.

"Now aren't you getting more late? Will you start driving?" Nandini huffed, sitting back in her seat, annoyed. "I would if you put on your damn seatbelt." Nandini looked down and groaned. "Really Nandini!? Again!?" This was the second time she was in the same car with him and the second time she forgot to put on her seatbelt.

Quickly grabbing the seatbelt, Nandini tried to put it on. But again, luck is never on her side. The seatbelt didn't want to click in, but she didn't give up and kept trying. "You always have to get stuck only when I'm with him!?" Nandini didn't want to embarrass herself and kept trying.

Armaan was now losing his patience and could burst any minute now. He finally gave up and decided to help her so they could leave. Armaan held the seatbelt and immediately Nandini withdrew her hands, already knowing it was him. In a second, Armaan clicked the seatbelt into its place and went back to his seat, leaving Nandini all flushed due to their close proximity.

"God Nandini! Not again!" This was now the third time she couldn't get her seatbelt on and Armaan had to help her. She couldn't be any more embarrassed. But she was thankful Armaan didn't look at her and started driving.

•   •   •   •   •

The silent car ride finally came to an end and they had reached the orphanage. Nandini was the only one who spoke and she only spoke to give Armaan the directions.

When the car stopped in front of Varsha's Home of Life, Nandini's face automatically lit up with a smile. She didn't look at Armaan and quickly jumped out of the car, after muttering a quick 'thank you'. And the moment she did, the car quickly drove off. "Stupid arrogant devil!" But Nandini didn't want to ruin her mood so she quickly went inside.

As she stepped inside, all the kids huddled around her and hugged her tightly. "Where were you di?" "You know we missed you soooo much!" She just smiled at them and said, "I was busy, but don't worry now. I'm here na?" They all cheered and dragged Nandini to play with them, with a huge smile.

•   •   •   •   •

Nandini walked out of the temple with a huge smile. After the orphanage, Nandini had decided to come to the temple on her own. She didn't call a driver because she not want to trouble someone when she could take an auto. She had taken an auto to the temple and was about to head back now.

As Nandini walked down the stairs, she saw a little boy who was around 3-4 years old, walking across the road himself while a car was coming his way. No one was with the kid and the kid was to lost in his own little world with his toy. Nandini's eyes widened and she quickly ran towards the boy and bent down, hugging him and covering him with her body, while her back faced the car.

Before the car could hit her, the driver pressed its breaks harshly. After not feeling any pain, Nandini turned around and looked back at the car to only find it stopped. Nandini looked at the child and saw how scared he looked and how eh was holding onto her tightly. "Are you okay?" Before he could say anything, a woman came running towards them. "Laksh!" The woman tightly hugged him and seeing the worry on her face, Nandini could tell she was his mother.

"Thank you so much! He had walked away himself and I was looking for him. That's when I saw the car coming towards him but thank you for saving him." Nandini gave her a genuine smile and shook her head. "It was nothing. Just keep him with you next time." The woman nodded with a smile and said, "May god bless you with beautiful children." Nandini smiled at the lady as she left with her son.

Nandini then quickly turned towards the car, which was still there, and angrily marched towards it. She knocked on the drivers window and the driver rolled down his window. He was wearing some shades and by looking at the car, she could tell he was some sort of rich guy.

"Are you blind or something!? Didn't you see the kid walking alone on the road?" The guy came out of the car and now Nandini was sure he was a businessman or something, after looking at his clothing. "Ma'am, I'm sorry. My br-" "What do you want me to do with your sorry? What if you drove over the kid!? Then what? Would you have just said sorry then too?" Nandini was always the one who cared about others, even if she didn't know them. And after what happened today, she wasn't going to let this guy leave before giving him ear full of taunts.

The guy was shocked to see such a feisty girl. He had never expected someone to yell this much for someone who she didn't even know. He was quite fascinated with her.

The guy was trying to explain himself but Nandini didn't let him talk and continued arguing with him. Due to this, the cars behind his started honking and were getting annoyed. And one of those cars belonged to a certain someone.

Armaan, who was coming back from a meeting, was also stuck in this traffic. He was getting frustrated but then he saw her. Her face was all red with anger, especially her nose, making her look cute. He then saw she was yelling at some guy, who he couldn't see, and wasn't caring about her surroundings. He was confused on why she was so mad at him and what did he do. He was even more confused why she was at the temple when he had dropped her off at the orphanage.

But he didn't care about that when he saw a few guys eyeing her with a disgusting look. They were standing a few meters away from her and were eyeing her while talking and Armaan understood it very clearly. He looked around, trying to find the driver she probably came with but didn't find any car that belonged to them. He didn't care anymore though. He saw the men walking towards her and only could see red in front of him now. He honked his car loudly and stuck his head out the window.

Nandini, who was still arguing with the guy, was now getting annoyed by the car honks. She finally decided to look over and saw Armaan sticking his head out of the car. And she could tell he looked frustrated and mad. "What is he doing here!?"

Armaan took off his shades and gestured for her to get in the car, through his eyes. Knowing she might get into even deeper trouble if she didn't obey him, Nandini gave one last look to the guy and quickly walked towards Armaan's car. Armaan sat back in his seat when Nandini walked towards the car.

Nandini opened the car door and quietly sat inside. Armaan didn't say anything and nor did she. "Seatbelt." Nandini quickly put her seatbelt on and thankfully it corresponded with her. Soon the cars started moving and Nandini could feel the tension in the air.

"What were you doing in the middle of the road?" Armaan said, breaking the silence. "I was dancing. Didn't you see?" Nandini sarcastically replied back with. "Stop playing with me." "Do you think I want to play with you?" Nandini said back. "You are so annoying. Tell me why were you fighting with that guy in the middle of the road, without caring where you even were?" Armaan finally spoke up. "Why do you care?" Nandini said, annoyed. "Stop changing the damn subject and tell me." Armaan said, looking at her with anger.

"That guy was about to hit a kid, but thankfully I came in between and he stopped the car on time. What did you want me to do? Uski aarti lagate? I just argued with him so he opens his eyes next time and watches the road." Nandini explained. She didn't care what Armaan thought but she was proud of herself.

Hearing her, Armaan was amused. What type of girl is she and where the hell did she come from? She is probably the first girl he saw and will ever see that likes to argue and stands up for everyone.

"And where is your driver?" Armaan asked as he was curious. Nandini bit her lip and mentally slapped her head. "Um...I never called one." Armaan just stared at her with utter disbelief. "Then how the hell did you get to the temple?" "Superman came and flew me there." Again with her sarcasm. "I went there on an auto. And if you wouldn't have made me get in the car, I would've taken one back home." Armaan couldn't believe she'd go out on an auto. He was worried because he knew how unsafe they were and if something happened to her, he'd be the one to blame. And he wouldn't add it but he also cared about her. Only a bit. But he did.

"Don't you ever leave the house without a driver. If anyone finds out, they'll be tense and dadu will kill me." "Maybe I should then." Nandini thought, controlling herself from laughing. "Got that?" Nandini was about to object but saw Armaan glaring at her. Knowing his point was right, Nandini huffed and sat back in her seat.

The rest of the car ride went in silence. And when they reached Oberoi Mansion, Nandini got out of the car and ran inside without turning towards him. Armaan also didn't wait and drove off.

"You're back? Who did you come with?" Sunita asked, confused seeing Nandini back already because she never called a driver. "Woh...Armaan had to go to a meeting so he dropped me off too." Sunita just nodded with a smile, happy to see her children happy. "Ok, go freshen up and then we can eat lunch." Nandini nodded and ran up the stairs quickly.

•   •   •   •   •

It was past midnight, and like every other day, Armaan came from work and went inside the room. He thought Nandini would probably be awake but he was surprised when he found the lights off and her asleep. He ignored her and went to change and freshen up.

He came out of the bathroom and picked up his laptop to work, heading towards the sofa. Just as he was about to sit down, he remembered this morning's incidents. He saw the sofa was now dry but he couldn't forget how Nandini ruined his morning. Seeing her peacefully asleep, he couldn't help himself.

He turned on the lights and picked up a jug full of water. He headed towards her and when he saw her, he was blown away. He couldn't believe she looked so beautiful and peaceful in her sleep. His hand itched to remove the disturbing piece of hair on her face. But he controlled himself and realized what he was going to do. He didn't want to anymore after seeing her so peaceful, but he knew he couldn't have these feelings for her. So he controlled himself and dumped the water on Nandini.

"Ahhhhh, tsunami!!!" Nandini yelled, getting up in a second, after the water met with her face. Nandini looked around with big eyes and saw everything was dry, including Armaan, except for her. She then noticed Armaan's evil smirk and immediately knew who did all of this.

"You devil! You ruined my sleep!" Nandini angrily said, getting off of the wet bed. "I'm so sorry. You can sleep now." Armaan innocently said, pointing towards the wet pillow. "You are so annoying! Ugh!" "Excuse me. You did the same thing this morning. So it's fair now." Armaan said, rolling his eyes. "But I helped you wake up this morning so you won't be late, but you woke me up for no reason! I was having such a good dream." Nandini said, irritated.

"I don't care. I got you back and I'm happy. Now you may go to sleep on your wet bed while I sleep on the dry sofa." Nandini angrily looked at Armaan and said, "I'll get you back again!" "And then I'll get you back again!" he said with smirk. Nandini gave him one last look and went inside the closet to change out of the wet clothes.

When she came back, she saw Armaan sitting on the sofa and working with the lights on. Nandini silently walked towards the light switch to turn off the lights, but was stopped by Armaan. "Leave them on. Can't you see I'm working?" Nandini was mad at him so she wanted to annoy him.

Ignoring his words, Nandini turned off the lights and lied down on the other side of the bed. It wasn't as comfortable as the other side but it was better then nothing. Armaan looked at her figure, annoyed. He could've turned the lights back on, just to annoy her, but decided to just work in the dark as he was to tired to fight with her again.

It had only been a few days since their marriage and they were already driving each other insane. Imagine what will happen in the future.


Namaste guys!
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A feisty Nandini vs an arrogant Armaan.
Who'll win?
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Thank you for reading!

- Gurleen

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