I am Sasuke's twin sister...

By LadyXenia843

34.8K 1.1K 205

The war ended. Hearts are broken. Feelings have changed. Will things go back to the same? Third Season of IAS... More

Before starting.


2K 68 13
By LadyXenia843

Narrator POV

Five years had passed. Everything was peaceful, and no war had come by. Saki had three kids. Her older kid Ken with eight years, middle kid Mieko with five years, and Hikaru with two years old.

"Kids! Are you guys ready? We have to get going!" Saki said from down stairs.

"Yes." Ken came walking down the stairs with his backpack.

"Yup!" Mieko said coming down after Ken, she was also holding Hikaru's hand.

"My babies have grown." Kakashi cried besides Saki.

Saki patted his back

"I don't want to see you when she comes home with her boyfriend..." Saki said to him.

"What?! No! Mieko is not going to date until she is 30 years old!" Kakashi cried.

"Yeah, yeah." Saki said to him.

They teleported to Konoha, and Ken and Mieko went to school.

"Good luck with school!" Kakashi and Saki said to their kids.

They waved to their parents and entered the school. As soon as they entered, all the kids began to whisper.

"Ken is so cute..." The girls began to fangirl.

"Mieko is so cute today." The boys whispered.

Ken and Mieko sighed tiredly. They weren't annoyed, but it got tiresome after a while.

"So, do I come pick you up for lunch?" Ken asked his little sister.

"I will go to your class." Mieko said back.

Ken went to his classroom and so did Mieko. The day ended, and they saw their mom in front of the school waiting for them. They still wondered how their dad got with their beautiful mom. He always covered half of his face, even when they were their kids, he wouldn't take it off.

"How was school? Hikaru missed you two." Their sweet mother asked them. "Dad had some stuff to do, but will catch up to us."

"It was good. We learned about the third shinobi war." Ken answered his mother.

"I learned about Chakra." Mieko said too.

"Then let's eat, shall we?" Their mother said with a bright smile.

They were sitting in a restaurant private table, and Mieko decided to ask the great question.

"Mom, why did you marry dad?"

"Well, because I love him." Saki answered with a soft smile.

"But... you are so pretty and the best." Ken said to her.

Saki laughed briefly.

"Thank you for thinking about me like that, but I think dad is the best." Saki answered them.

Ken and Mieko were confused. They only saw their father cry and simp over their mother.

"Is that so...?"

"Dad is strong and very cool, I love every part of him. You guys will understand when you fall in love."

They finished eating, and their dad had already ate when he came to them. Their parents were talking about some adult stuff, and looked serious.

"Alright, tell Naruto I will go after leaving the kids with Hinata." Their mother said to their father.

Saki then turn to her kids and smiled.

"Mommy will leave for a bit, okay? You guys will be good and stay with Aunty Hinata, right?"

The three of them nodded.

"But can we not help too, mom?" Ken asked his mother.

Saki smiled.

"Don't worry, I will come back quickly. You guys just play with Boruto and Himawari, okay?"

They arrived to Hinata's house and Saki explained briefly what was happening, and then left.

"You guys can go to the playroom with Boruto, I will get you some snacks, okay?" Hinata said to the kids.

"Aunty, can go play in the playground?" Ken asked with puppy eyes.

"Okay, but come back after two hours." Hinata said with a smile.


They all went to the playground, and then Ken decided to go.

"Where are you going, nii-san?" Mieko caught her brother trying to sneak out.

"I am not going anywhere." He said with a smile.

Mieko stared at him, and after some time. Ken answered her.

"... I actually wanted to help mom too..."

"You are still too young." Ken said back.

"Nii-san is just 8 years old..." Mieko said back.

"But... what about them?"

"Boruto! Ken and me will go buy some candies, look over Hikaru and Himawari, okay?" Mieko lied to Boruto.

"Okay!" Boruto said back.

Ken and Mieko ran to where they heard their mother was going, and then from a afar they saw their mother run fast towards outside the village. They lost her, and then saw their father running the opposite direction, so they followed him. The two of them saw how their father beat a bad guy.

"Wow..." The two kids exclaimed as they saw their father being cool.

"Does that answer your question?" They heard their mom's voice behind them.

Mieko and Ken tensed and turned back.

"Are we in trouble?" They both asked.

"Very much so." Their father appeared in front of them, and they looked for the bad guy, but he was no where to be seen.

"Where's the candy?" Boruto asked Mieko with a sad tone.

Mieko laughed nervously as she felt her mother and father looking at her for answers.

"Don't worry, Boruto. Here's some money to buy candy." Saki said to Boruto handing some money.

"Thank you!"

"Don't thank me, thank Mieko because that is her allowance for one month." Saki said with a smile.

Mieko cried in the inside as she knew this was her punishment. The time passed, and Ken was 15 years old and became a Chunnin. Today, kids weren't put to school to be quickly a ninja. They focused on other stuff and that why the Chunnin exam were taken when they are 15. Mieko was in the same grade as Boruto and the other kids. She was 12 and was very mischievous, her innocent face could trick many people. Hikaru was ten years old and was the angel of the family. He was a sweet kid that loves to help people. They were all a happy family, and their days continued to be peaceful.

"Hi, mom." Mieko greeted her mom with a bright smile.

Saki didn't smile back.

"Please sit down, Saki." Shino told Saki.

Saki sat down without taking her eyes from Mieko.

"Like you know, this is not the first time that you are here." Shino began to explain.

Saki sighed.

"What did Mieko did this time?"

"I didn't do anything!" Mieko tried to defend herself.

"She fought with four girls..."

"I told you that they said that they wanted to be with nii-san, and told me to introduce them!"

"And then what happened?" Saki said to Mieko.

"... I said no, cause nii-san told me that he wasn't interested in that's stufff... and then they began to trash talk me saying I was just being rude! So I decided to be rude and punch them!" Mieko exclaimed crossing her hands to her chest.

"I am so sorry, Shino." Saki apologized.

"It's fine, but the parents of the other kids are saying that they want to report this." Shino said to Saki.

The mother of the other four kids came, and so did the girls.

"Mommy! She hit me!"

"I wasn't doing anything!"

The girls began to cry.

"See! What she did to my baby?!?! I want to report this to the Hokage!" The mother exclaimed.

"I am very sorry for my daughter's attitude, and will pay for any medical bills." Saki tried to work with the mothers.

"No! How can you just make this work with some money??? I at least want one million for each child!"

"Ma'am, please. That's-"

"You be quiet. How can a teacher let this happen?!"

"Ma'am's. I didn't wanted to get involve, but if you aren't going to accept the goodwill I was giving... I will be clear. I heard that your daughters were trying to get with MY son, Ken. My son had multiple times said he doesn't want to get involved with that type of stuff multiple times, but your daughters didn't cared." Saki said with a cold tone. "Mieko, give it."

Mieko gave her mom her phone and Saki showed the mothers a video of what had happened.

"Now, if you don't want to pay ME for insulting my daughter. You better drop the act and leave this alone," Saki warned them.

They all quickly left, and then Saki turn to Mieko.

"You are a sweet kid that cares about her family, but you should also think about the consequences of all these." Saki said with a worried tone.

"I am sorry..." Mieko apologized.

"Again, I am sorry you have to pass through this, Shino." Saki apologized again.

"It's fine, it's always good to see what kids can do. I also am at fault for not being able to find her before the girls insulted her." Shino said back.

They left the school, and Ken was waiting for them.

"Thanks for standing up to me." Ken said to his sister while messing her hair.

"Hmph. You owe me one!" Mieko said back.

They went back home, and Saki started to cook. Kakashi went to the kitchen and hugged Saki from behind.

"It smells delicious."

"It's curry." Saki said back.

"I heard what had happened."

"I really wonder who she takes after..." Saki said with a small smile.

"Let's not forget that time you threaten some girls that where fangirls of Sasuke." Kakashi said to her.

Saki laughed.

"Yeah, I guess she really takes after me."

"Don't worry, she will be fine."

*** Everyone was happy. Because of the Hokage help, Naruto didn't had to arrive late home, and they became a closer and happy family. Sasuke didn't had the urge to travel outside, and had a second child with Sakura. Sasuke does travel sometimes for missions, but not too much. Their second child is a boy with pink hair and black eyes. Itachi remained single as he felt like he couldn't be with someone after all he did. Saki and Sasuke had told him that it didn't matter, but Itachi just couldn't forget it. Asuma and Kurenai had another child too. Everyone in the village was happy, and everything was peaceful. Their happy ending was here, and no one had any thing else to say. They continued to live their happy lives, and did not regret anything.


This it how I imagen the babies to look like





1712 words

(A/n- So... yeah... it's done. I am not going to the kids story as I don't want to watch Boruto. 🧍‍♀️I want to thank everyone for sticking around until the end🥰🥰🥰. I invited you to read my other two stories. You can find them by looking for me and they should pop up in my bio. Again, thank you, and I really couldn't end it beautifully, they just having a normal life and loving each other. So yeah...🧍‍♀️)


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