Secrets of the Wolves

By SKatInk

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After an irreversible encounter when she was young, Sigrid has had to keep her true self a secret. She's a we... More

Chapter 2: Cinnamon Spice
Chapter 3: Dreaded Dine
Chapter 4: We're All Dogs Here
Chapter 5: Wild Goose Chase
Chapter 6: Just a Picnic
Chapter 7: Show Some Grace
Chapter 8: Under Pressure
Chapter 9: Bad News All Around
Chapter 10: And Run
Chapter 11: Trouble in Paradise
Chapter 12: Ready Fire Aim
Chapter 13: Arming for War
Chapter 14: A Midnight Affair
Chapter 15: The Kiss of Frostbite {end}

Chapter 1: Merriweather High School

208 8 0
By SKatInk

A/N: Chapter One! Sooo I wrote the prolouge and this while I was trying to find and design a cover, so I haven't started on chapter 2 yet, but I am going to soon! Promise! Thanks for reading!! -SKatInk


I sighed and heaved another box out of my dad's truck and into the house. What city were we in? I think it's something like Merriweather, but I'm not sure. It never matters anymore. It could've been Atlanta for all I cared. I tromped up the stairs to my new room. As I walked in, I took a quick survey. Pale, faded blue walls, a large window with a tree outside it--perfect for sneaking out, I noted--and a walk-in closet. Not too shabby. Too bad it wouldn't last.

My mom followed me and sighed as she dropped a box on my bed. "Here are your clothes, honey."

I flashed her a quick smile. "Thanks, mom."

She peered around and put her hands on her hips. She nodded. "Nice room."

I gestured around. "Yeah. I like it." This time I grinned genuinely, but her face fell.

"I'm really sorry about moving all the time," she said and she took the box from my arms, labeled 'Sigrid's Delicates'.

I shrugged, not looking her in the eyes. "It's not a big deal. Really." I'd grown so accustomed to not having friends that it wasn't a problem anymore. My younger sister had provided perfect friendship once Marcus had gone off to college three years ago. He would graduate next year from Brown University. Can you say smartypants?.

She looked sympathetic. "If there was anything I could do . . ." she started. "If there's anything I can do . . ."

"Mom," I interjected, rubbing her weathered hands. "I'm just glad you aren't killing any wolves."

A smile briefly complimented her face. "Me too, Sigrid. Me too." She turned to my delicates' box and opened it. She pulled out a picture frame. I was sitting on the sand, half in the water, with my sand castle washing away. I looked completely horrified in the picture. I was five.

"I love this picture," she said softly. She set it on the bed and pulled out another. This one was of the six of us--my parents, my uncle, and both of my siblings--at Yosemite. Cassidy had been four and never could remember most of it. She was a pain for everyone then, though. My mom smiled and set it next to the other frame. The third held a picture of an eight-year old me in an angel dress for Halloween. She grinned at me. "You were the cutest little thing."

Gloom settled on my heart. Too bad you don't know your daughter is a werewolf. I couldn't imagine how devastated she would be if she ever found out.

She kept going through them--me first day of school, me and a brief friend I'd had that I'd long forgotten the name of, me in an orchestra I'd joined for three months before we had to move again. Me going to my freshman homecoming dance because my mom would have a conniption if I didn't. I was wearing a long blue dress that brought out my dark indigo eyes and looked very shy in our front yard. I couldn't even remember where that had been. I could remember being scarred, seeing the biggest throng of grinding I'd ever seen in my life. I had spent the remainder of the evening wandering the halls of the school--the ones that weren't locked up--hoping not to stumble across tongue-thirsty couples. Unfortunately, there had been a few.

Cassidy came in with her freckles and glasses, dark blonde hair and blue eyes, and held up a box labeled 'Books'. Even though we move all the time and they're quite heavy, I collect books. I can't stand reading digitally, unless it's online. I have to feel the book in my hands, see the page number I'm on and not a percentage. I don't know; I'm weird.

"Where do you want these?" she asked.

I pointed to the bed. "The bed's fine."

She lumbered over and grunted as she dropped it. "Mom, have you found me a karate studio yet? I almost got my purple belt last time." She was fourteen and obsessed with self-defense. That was my uncle's doing. He hadn't taught her the hexes, but driven her crazy with ideas of self-defense. It was a good idea, I admit, but often questioned why he didn't teach her the hexes.

My mom sighed. "Not yet, Cassidy. Let's finish unpacking first."

I saw Cassidy roll her eyes, invisible to my mother. "Okay." She hopped out of the room. See, their deal was that Cassidy wouldn't complain about moving as long as our mom found her a karate studio. For two years, she has said very little about being itinerant.

"I've got to go help your dad unload things for our room," she said and she straightened from leaning over my bed.

"That's fine," I responded, waving her off.

She exited and left me to my own devices. A few minutes later, a couple buff movers came in and set my bureau on the opposite wall of my bed. Then they returned with my mattress, bedside table and lamp.

I pulled out my speakers from my backpack and plugged my iPod into it. I turned up the volume to Air Traffic Controller--yes, a band--and began unloading my belongings, forlornly knowing I'd have to repack everything very soon.


A little while later when everything was in the house and the movers left us, my dad decided to lighten the mood by serving us Thai food. Next to pomegranates and cheese puffs--though no one knows about my cheese puff obsession--Thai food was my favorite. Everyone in my family loved it and we had it once every week.

My dad's no super-excellent chef, so throw some chicken in here, some veggies, some spicy Thai sauce, some more veggies--resulting in a bit more of everything--and voilà! Delicious dinner at the ready.

So there we were, munching on our make-do Thai food, gulping down milk to null the spice, when my mother addressed me.

"Sigrid, your high school papers are on the counter."

I looked up at her and she jerked with her thumb to the counter by the sink, covered in boxes of utensils, bowls, cups, and everything else that belonged in a kitchen.

I nodded through my mouthful of food. "I'll look at them after dinner." Tomorrow was my first day of school. I was used to quickly picking up on my schedules and things, because I didn't have a lot of time to adjust. Now it was normal.

"Be sure to wake up early tomorrow," she said over my dad asking Cassidy how her karate was going.

"I know," I responded. Every time, it was the same. It was so redundant I could've done with it my hands tied behind my back and my eyes shut. My scent of smell and hearing were that fine-tuned to handling myself in new situations, to navigating around people and to know who's a werewolf and who's not. In fact, individuals being werewolves didn't matter. They had a different energy, a different smell they gave off and I would be able to sense it miles away.

After dinner, I grabbed the stack of papers. I was missing a map, but this school couldn't be that hard to get around. I had my medical forms and such, along with my schedule.

7:40-7:45: Announcements

7:50-8:40: French 3

8:45-9:35: Pre-Calculus

9:40-10:30: Chemistry

10:35-11:25: Study Hall

11:30-12:20: Honors English

12:25-12:50: Lunch

12:55-1:45: Government

1:50-2:35: Choir

My subjects had been so scrambled up so many times before, I ignored it. Last time, in Rogan, Mississippi, I'd had Honors English first and then Choir, but it didn't matter anymore. All those faces . . . Rogan wasn't important anymore. It never was.

I sighed and gathered my things for my shower. I'd unpack tomorrow. I had done some research on the way here and figured out that there was a humane shelter near the high school and I planned to volunteer. Even as a werewolf, I loved animals. Dogs were always pugnacious and yappy when they hadn't smelled me, but when they did, their attitude towards me always lightened.

After I had scrubbed my skin with scalding water, I quickly made my bed. Time for the first day of school, I thought as I turned on my alarm clock and climbed into bed. I was not nervous. In some three months or so, Merriweather would fade into the recesses of my mind, like every other place had.


To be quite honest, with this small town, I was expecting some banal, puny high school with a rotting sign and an almost non-functional football stadium. But when I pulled into the parking lot, I found myself to be horribly misled.

Merriweather High School was two stories--that I had been expecting--but I could see two gyms and a bubble of a greenhouse on a landing near the enclosed courtyard. It was only seven in the morning, but the parking lot was already full. By the front doors, underneath an overhang, there were multiple blue benches. People gathered around them, clad in summer clothes. I could see inside the glass doors a school commons area, about one hundred feet long. From there, I saw doors leading the front office. On the left side of the commons there were doors that seemed to lead to one of the gyms and on the right were doors that led to bathrooms and hallways that branched out into the school. Gray rubber tables sported school-goers chatting merrily. That didn't compute for two reasons. One, it was Monday and two, it was seven in the morning.

I pulled open the front doors--two sets of them--and headed for the office. The atmosphere of the school was magnanimous and the day hadn't even begun. Just as my hand landed on the handle, my werewolf senses kicked in. My wolf is super lazy in the morning and doesn't seem to perk up until lunch time. Or until I've had sugar. But this time, she shot up and started pacing anxiously. And in the next moment, I knew why.


I knew I was on pack territory--we usually were for convenience for my uncle--but the scent of werewolves was so strong I nearly staggered back. There must've been close to one hundred. The last time I'd been near a pack this big was in California and there had been nearly three hundred wolves. And that was alone at the high school. I couldn't imagine how many adults and children werewolves there had been.

My uncle usually killed members of smaller packs, so I was surprised every time when we settled on pack territory that inhabited more than fifty wolves. Merriweather was no exception. This meant that my uncle had a big killing spree to accomplish, either on nearby territories or on this one, and just the thought made me queasy.

I took a deep breath, clogged with werewolf, and went inside the office. There were three desks, so I was thankful when I saw a nametag that said: Secretary--Mrs. Wood. I walked over to her desk. Mrs. Wood had dyed sunshine hair and brown eyes. Age lines littered in face, flattering her benevolent-looking nature.

"Good morning," she said, looking up at me. "What can I do for you?"

"Uh, I'm the new student. Sigrid Patterson." I shifted uncomfortably. As used to this as I was, I never failed at being nervous. I hated being around people I didn't know. Especially werewolves. I could never tell if they were going to be cantankerous or friendly.

"Oh!" she exclaimed and she brightened immediately, shuffling through her papers. I saw a pink sticky-note with my name on it. "Here you go, Sigh-grid."

I mentally groaned at the mispronunciation. "Thanks. And it's See-grid."

"I'm sorry," she said, sending me an embarrassed smile. She was clearly human.

"That's alright," I said and I looked down at the papers.

She pointed to the one on top. "In two weeks or so, some clubs are going to start, so I made a list of them for you. The second page is a map--I'm sorry we didn't send that through the mail--and the third page is a copy of your schedule."

"Thanks," I said and I lugged off my medical papers. I tugged them out of the first pocket. "Here are my contact and medical papers."

"Thanks," Mrs. Wood replied as she took them. I zipped my book-bag back up and swung it over my shoulder. "I hope you have a great first day," she added.

I smiled shyly at her. "Thanks."

"Oh," she said and she pointed towards an office just to the right. "Your counselor, Mr. Wright, wants to see you as soon as possible."

I nodded. "Okay."

She smiled at me. "Have a good day."

I waved at her as I departed from the office. "Bye." First encounter, check. She was very nice as far as secretaries went. In Maine I'd had one that literally looked like a vulture and acted super uptight. That had been very uncomfortable. She'd even dressed the part with her high buns, spectacles, and eighteenth-century long skirts.

I stepped into the hallway, speckled with people here and there. I was grateful it wasn't too busy. I pulled out the map and looked at it. I smiled. Mrs. Wood had taken a pink pen and circled the hallway right in front of me. She had written 'Junior lockers'. So I followed her instructions and walked down the hallway to my locker, H1205. I put my combination in the spinner and opened my small, thin locker. I dumped my lunch box inside, not wanting to carry that around all day. I unloaded my backpack until I had my pencil case, old binders, and my book inside. I supposed the teachers would pass out textbooks.

As I was standing at my locker, my wolf--who had calmed down--shot upright as the most intoxicating smell wafted into my nose. It was hot cinnamon, like Red Hots, and though it burned my nose, it overwhelmed me so much I had to close my eyes and take a deep breath through my mouth.

My wolf paced faster now, whining loudly. Goosebumps rolled out on my arms. This was so bizarre. I'd lived on other territories all my life, yet I had never experienced such a rush as this. This hot smell made my heart kick in my chest and made my cheeks burn bright red. I felt breathless.

Stop it, I commanded and I smothered my wolf's alien behavior. She whined at me pitifully and the headiness of the aroma made my head swivel. I clutched my locker door and breathed deeply. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. I ordered her to calm down and after a few anxious paces, she sat down, ears erect.

The smell hit me again and my wolf's head jerked up. My heart pounded in my chest and a giddiness I had never known settled on my chest. After another minute, it passed, and I hung my backpack over my shoulder and shut my locker. This was zany. Obviously someone near me had passed some serious gas.

I sighed and looked down at the papers in my hands. French was upstairs on the opposite end of the school. With a final shake of my head, I headed that way.



Kyler had me in a headlock and I was doubled over.

"Uncle!" he demanded.

I choked a laugh and barreled him into a silver table in the commons of Merriweather High School. He laughed and let go of me. I stood up straight. "Aunt."

He scoffed at me while I smirked. Tobias rolled his eyes, though I knew he wanted to wrestle the bejumpins out of both of us for fun. His arm was draped around the ebony-skinned Raylor, who was giggling quietly.

"You guys are children," he noted.

"I am oldest," Kyler said, puffing out of his chest.

"And weren't you the one saying you could hackey-sack the longest? Is that really an adult's game?" I added.

Tobias grumbled. "It is when you kick everyone else's butt."

Raylor chirped out a laugh. Kyler and I looked at each other simultaneously and leapt forward to tilt his chair far back enough that he'd fall back. Knowing him though, he wouldn't fall. And just as the chair began to collapse, he rolled to the right and landed in a pounce, giving Kyler and I evil glares.

"You're dead meat, boys," Raylor said smoothly, smugly.

Kyler and I dodged around our soon-to-be-Alpha and laughed hysterically as he failed to knock our skulls together. But just as I thought we were doing well, my world spun as my head thunked against Kyler's. He and I started moaning, clutching our heads as we crumpled in blue chairs.

"Why, Tobias, why?" Kyler griped, leaning his head back. He had chronic nosebleeds and Tobias knew that. Red was dotted underneath his nose and he stood up to go to the bathroom. I chuckle when he swayed back and forth as he walked.

"Incoming," Tobias coughed and I flicked my eyes to the front entrance. My mood plummeted.

Sasha sauntered towards us, trying to wiggle her hips in a saucy fashion. It was so obvious it hurt. Her white-blonde Scandinavian hair glittered even though the lighting was as normal as ever could be. She was dressed in a cream blouse, a dark blue skirt and netty black tights.

I turned away from her, sighing. But I hadn't turned soon enough. She approached me and sat in Kyler's vacant seat beside me. She scooted it closer.

"What did the big, bad wolf do to you this time?" she cooed and I swallowed my disgust.

Already the pain was fading and I could see Tobias smirking. I jerked my head down, though black spots popped up here and there. "Nothing," I said. First day of school and she was already leeching on to me. Great.

Her thigh pressed against mine and a scent weaved itself into my nose. My eyes locked onto the front doors again and I narrowed them when I saw Niccy walking in with some human. I didn't think so.

"Be right back," I muttered and I shook Sasha off while walking towards my little sister. A freshman, already hooking up? Not in my book.

I saw her stiffen when her nostrils flared, smelling me, but I didn't stop. I would have a word with this boy and tell him who he has to answer to. When I was in front of them, the human looked up at me with brown eyes. Niccy glared at me.

"What, Theo?" she snapped. The boy didn't seem fazed.

I plastered on a fake smile. "I was just wondering who the future son-in-law is."

Her cheeks burned bright red. "Theo!"

The human choked back a laugh. So he could joke around. Point . . . one half. "Hello," he said and he stuck out a hand. I shook it after hesitating. "I'm Andrew."

"I'm Theo."

He chortled again. "Niccy's told me a lot about you."

Niccy's face couldn't get any redder. He could make her loosen up. Score . . . one. "Interesting."

He nodded and looked at Niccy, then back at me. "Did you need to talk to her?"

Another half point. This kid was doing . . . well on my checklist, but I hated to admit it. "Yeah."

He moved away from Niccy and I noted that their hands untangled. Holding hands already? Niccy lost a lot of points right there. "Okay. Niccy, I'll be in the Spanish room."

"Okay," she squeaked, but when he walked away, she fired poison daggers into my eyes. "What is your problem?"

"My problem? My fourteen-year-old sister is making kissy faces with some human!" I retorted, making sure to keep our voices down.

"Don't tell me you didn't swap spit with Sasha when you were my age," she shot back.

"At least she's a werewolf."

"I don't know any decent werewolf guys my age! And I've known Andrew since forever." She crossed her arms.

"Why haven't I heard about him before?"

She rolled her eyes and gestured to me. "Because you'd react like this, you doofus. He was just my friend until two months ago."

Two months! Oh, no. "Do mom and dad know?"

"What do you think, genius? Do they know about your sexapades with Sasha?"

"Hey--we did not go that far. You really think I find her attractive?"

"You seemed to when I walked in on you guys four months ago."

"Four. Months. Ago."

"Who knows when the next scandal will be?" she sang.

I growled lowly in my throat.

"Ooooo, scary," she said and she twirled her fingers in front of my face. "I've got to go find Aaannndrewwww."

She walked away, but I reached out and grabbed her upper arm.


I cleared my throat and looked up at her. "I . . . I like him," I said.

She brightened at my approval. "Me too!"

"Just . . . don't let him hurt you," I added awkwardly. My little sister! Dating! And she and Andrew were a whole lot more serious than I ever had been.

"He won't," she reassured me, but I wasn't convinced. It was probably my older brother instinct kicking in though.

I nodded gruffly and let her go. She hurried away and I looked back at the table where my pack gathered. Tobias was looking at me and talking to a returning Kyler. Kyler shot me a glance. Feeling on edge, I decided to go prowl the halls to intimidate freshmen. It was easier with the rest of the pack, but an individual was good enough, too.

I went straight past the office and turned into the hallway with juniors' lockers. I'd put all my stuff away at six fifty, when I had gotten here with the pack, but I figured I might as well take it to my first class. Save time.

But as soon as I walked into the hallway, the fresh, clean smell of mint slammed into me. It was entwined with a fruit I had never smelled before and my jaw dropped open, trying to inhale more of the scent. My wolf leapt to his feet, his nose flared. A human knocked into me and I snarled at him. He dashed on his way.

It was completely intoxicating and I walked down the hallway, trying to find the source. It became more overwhelming the farther down the hall I went, and I ignored the fact I had skipped over my locker. My heart was racing--a fact I would let no one know--and my brain was foggy. My wolf was going nuts over this aroma and I couldn't get rid of it.

My feet guided me down the hall and my superhuman reflexes allowed me to side-step oncoming freshmeat and sophties. It was a good thing, too, because my eyes were stripping that hallway apart, trying to find the source. My wolf was antsy, pacing around in my head nervously.

Finally, when it seemed I would never find the origin of the scent, my eyes landed on a girl with reddish-auburn hair that fella little lower than her shoulder blades. She was wearing a maroon cardigan and dark blue flare jeans that complimented her curves quite nicely. From her hand poised on the door of her locker, I could see her skin was a pale tone of fair and it looked really silky.

She's new, I thought. My wolf rolled his eyes.

No, really, dipwad. Make an intelligent comment.

I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I wanted to see her face so badly, but Claire, a sophomore werewolf, called out to me, asking where the Spanish room was, and I grudgingly led her. But as I walked away from the beautiful newcomer, all I could think was one thing.


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