Chapter 9: Bad News All Around

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A/N: Hey everyone! Another update! You get a new POV at the end :) Hopefully some things are explained in this chapter. Things really heat up from here on out. Prepare yourselves. ;)

Much love, SKatInk



My blood boiled as I watched my mate run away and swerve to the back of the school. She just didn’t understand! The concept wasn’t that complicated and I didn’t see why she couldn’t compromise.

Realistically, if my head had properly been screwed onto my head, I could’ve avoided the glass, but she was so abrupt and I was so focused on catching her and getting a why she wouldn’t tell me out of her that when the glass rained down, I was right beneath it. Not shattering a glass door right beside the one she’d destroyed and continuing the chase, but foolishly stopped dead in a pool of sharp glass.

The first thing you’re taught as a wolf: if anything cuts you and gets stuck in you, you have to remove it and fast. We heal super fast, and if the skin heals and closes over an object, it’s much more painful to extract it. Which is why I had to huff and puff and change back into a human in the front doors of the school. I wasn’t worried about anyone seeing me--we’d been here for an hour or so, and most people went home. I could hear everyone in the school--the janitor was upstairs, the librarian--who was also a werewolf--was in the teacher’s lounge, Mr. Broudy was starting his car to leave, and the principal and absorbed in his work and his music that he didn’t hear the glass.

However, crouching in a puddle of miniature knives didn’t appease my wolf. He wanted to chase my mate down and a) beg her for forgiveness and then b) claim her and then c) blackmail her into telling me. Granted, I wanted to do all of those things--but blackmailing had already been done on my account so I’d have to approach her from another angle--but first, it was imperative I remove these blasted pieces of glass from my skin.

I launched myself over the shards on the tile over to the rug and inhaled deeply through my nose. My skin was stinging on my feet, my palms, and my back, but I couldn’t go parading around the school with my manhood hanging loose. I might scar a teacher. Or Sasha might come after me. Both of which were completely detestable fates.

So I jumped into the nearest open classroom and hunched over my feet. I stretched out my claws--very good at grabbing things only a tweezer could get--and began picking the glass shards out of my feet. I was done rather quickly, seeing as my back feet hadn’t leapt into the glass in the first place, and then began treating my hands.

Tobias. I beckoned through the mind link.


I need you to grab my clothes from the woodshop room and come to Mr. Broudy’s room. I’m covered in glass.

Dude, I’m in the woodshop room. And your clothes are a pile of poor man’s rags. What happened?

I swore. Should’ve seen that coming. I have glass in my back and I can’t reach it. Send someone to help.


Not even a moment later, Tobias came into the room, pulling on his shirt and tugging the hem over his belt.

“Lucky bastard,” I muttered.

He guffawed and I swear I saw his eyes tearing up. “Theo, you’ve really, really got a problematic mate!”

“Yeah. I’m aware.”

He put his hands up, defensively, yet he was still chortling. “I have some pants in my locker if you want ‘em.”

Secrets of the WolvesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora