Zombies 2: Rewritten.

By _mistydreamer_

546 10 3

PG-13 (read description) - after Zed loses control and does something unexpected, the wolves are on higher al... More

stained blood.
boiling anger.
near death.
loose ends.

another mistake.

61 1 0
By _mistydreamer_

It was true, everyone had abandoned studying to go watch the big debate, working in the girls favour.
"Basically," Eliza withdraws a red marker, "Don't go here. Here. Here." She points to the places that contained large X's, "You'll trigger the alarms otherwise. But you can go.."
Eliza swipes the marker against the blueprints, creating a route that would be safe for the werewolves to take. Willa gazes at Eliza intently, focusing on her eyes. The zombie could feel her cheeks heat up, noticing Willa staring.
"Uhm.." Eliza quickly puts the lid back onto the marker, not wanting it to shrivel up in the next hour. She slides the blueprints across the table.
"Follow the path I drew. Surely you'll find your moonstone in that general direction."
Willa analyses the blueprints until she was satisfied, now understanding the layout.
"Thanks." The Alpha gives a genuine smile, grateful to earn help from a zombie.
Eliza chucks the marker into her bag, surprised to hear Willa thank her, unlike the last time.
"Always here." She smiles back at her, tucking a loose strand behind her ear.
Willa passes Eliza, strutting confidently out of the Library. She might've lost a few minutes of time however gained more information in the process. Information going towards finding the moonstone. Eliza attempts to avoid glancing at the wolf's ass respectfully every few seconds.  Willa gives her a little wave before disappearing around the corner. Eliza melts, knee's weak. Each time she comes into close contact with the Alpha, her heart seems to skip a beat. Palms sweaty and cheeks pink. Eliza manages to keep finding ways that makes Willa more attractive than she already was. When Eliza finds her way back down to earth, she checks her watch. 2:30pm. Zed must be halfway through the debate by now. If she ran fast enough then she might make it before it ends.

Bonzo's mixtape echoes throughout the gym, though it was rather hard to hear over the screams and cheers of Seabrook students who are clapping loudly as Bucky struts his way onto the stage. Impolitely, he snatches the microphone from Principal Lee. 
"As you all know, I'm here for tradition." Bucky stares out into the audience that admires him deeply, "And all about cheer. I'm a cheer rock star if you will." He does his classic jazz hands and cocky grin, "With me being elected for president, I'll make sure we continue winning the championships. Do you really think zombies can help us win?" He points at Zed.
"We won your football games." Zed takes the microphone, "Oh and aren't there zombies on your cheer team?" He has a smug look on his face, Bucky mumbling under his breath inaudibly.
"I embrace diversity and treat everyone as equal." A small white lie, Zed doesn't treat the wolves equally, he envy's them for being able to get whatever they wish. Everything was handed to them, whilst zombies had to earn there place at Seabrook, "We all need a president who looks out for the crowd. Someone that'll make you proud."
"Then I'm winning." Bucky interrupts, the crowd cheering wildly. Camera's flash and click, lighting up his face, "Plus, I look better in pictures." He gestures to the banners hanging above him, kindly designed by the Acey's.
Zed scoffs, rolling his eyes. What a self centered ass.
"Zed's a natural born leader and if you all think about it, Bucky is neither." Eliza insults, making the crowd ooo.
Bucky is taken a back, as if he's never been insulted before. It was a rare occurrence for him.
"You're all weird and strange!" He makes a weak insult back, "And you're monsters. You can't debate that."
Zed shakes his head, "You're unbelievable."
"Unbelievably talented." Bucky corrects him, his cocky smile returns.
Zed thinks of one last thing that could swing the vote, convince everyone to vote for him instead of Bucky.
"As an added perk, there'll be no homework!"
Addison and Eliza watches the audience whistle and jump around. Clearly having no homework was impactful for the students at Seabrook.
"Actually, Zed," Principal Lee chimes in, "We can't do that."
Zed ignores her, watching the school cheer for him. Bucky crosses his arms, pouting like a child.
"Zed for prez!" The zombie yells, scratching his shoulder. Something collided with his Z band, powering it off. He could feel the electricity throughout his body, the same feeling he felt that night. Zed's veins become apparent, purplish and bruised. He roars causing the students to scream and run out of the gym, fearing for their lives. Bucky wasn't terrified, surprisingly. Last year Zed zombied out from a Z band malfunction, the Acey's were to blame. Yet when he came into contact with the zombie, Zed didn't attack. This would be no different.
"Yes!" Bucky was pumped, now he'll surely win the presidential title.
Zed roars at Bucky, saliva coating his cheeks.
"I know you won't hurt me, big guy but they don't know that!"
Addison nears the stage, "Bucky, take my hand." She reaches out for her cousin, desperately hoping he'll listen, "Please."
"Don't be silly, Cuz." He shakes her off, not understanding the intensity of the situation.
"Bucky, you have too!" Eliza takes his hand.
"Ew zombie!" He pushes her, wiping his hands aggressively against his shirt.
Zed overreacts at the minor insult, shoving Bucky against the wall.
"Zed!" Addison panics, locking eyes with her boyfriend. Zed snaps for a split second, realizing the fear in Addy's eyes. He attempts to take back control, but it was torturous.
"It's the necklace!" Eliza points out, "It's screwing up your Z band."
Zed looks down at his wristband, ripping off the moonstone necklace. Relief waves over him, his veins becoming less prominent, feeling in control again. He loosens his grip on Bucky, overviewing what's left of their audience. All look petrified, clinging onto one another like a lifeline.
"Nice one, pal." Bucky gives Zed a hard slap on the back.
The now in control zombie looks at his hands, Z band glowing green. He avoids everyone's eyes and rushes out of the gym, unable to see the faces of all the zombies he let down. Addison gives her cousin a cross look, chasing after her boyfriend, Eliza right behind her.
They enter the hallway, no person insight. Disclosing the students in the gym, Everyone must've abandoned Seabrook High's premise, uncertain if Zed would attack.
"He's gone." Eliza says as Addison scans her surrounding's.
Her eyes settle on the human Zed poster taped to the wall in front of her. She sighs, disappointed in him. He was becoming less like himself each hour.
"Was that a moonstone necklace?" Eliza was confused how Zed got hold onto one, "It looked similar to the werewolves."
Addison shrugs, "Probably."
She honestly didn't care.

The wolves were lounging around outside, resting on the grass nearby their Alpha, who was explaining a well thought out plan. Willa understood that her pack couldn't comprehend a word she was saying by looking at their confused faces.
She sighs, rolling up the blueprints, "Just follow my tail."
Loud screams made the wolves ears prick up as Seabrook students burst through the entrance doors, away from the school.
Willa watches as students file outside, screaming and panicking. Wyatt was one of those, except he wasn't screaming nor panicking, instead he walked out casually.
"What's up with them?" She gestures to all the students as he nears.
"Apparently a rogue zombie on the loose." Wyatt shrugs, settling down on the bench next to his sister.
Willa peeks over her shoulder, viewing a female zombie smash her face into a pole. The Alpha's pack laugh, pointing at the fear in the students eyes.
"Half of Seabrook is zombies." Willa makes the obvious statement then spirals around, resting her chin in her palm.
Wyatt shifts his position, feeling uneasy. Here it goes.
"Sooo.." He starts, already regretting speaking, "I have some news."
Willa gives her brother full attention, knowing that it has to be about the moonstone.
"I've given the moonstone necklace," He pauses, hesitant, "to Zed." Wyatt winces after revealing his name.
The Alpha stares at him, Wyatt thought he saw her eye twitch.
"Wolves, leave." She commands, her pack glancing around, confused at the sudden mood change.
"Now." Willa says more firmly, causing her pack to scurry away as they process how serious she was. They disappear into the crowd of students who were still on campus.
Willa stands up, leaving the bench with her arms crossed.
"Sis, I can explain"
Willa puts up her hand just as Wyatt was about to get up, "There's no need to."
She whirls around, anger boiling inside her, "I'm so ticked off with you! Do you even understand what you did wrong?"
"Let me-" Wyatt hardly got to start his sentence when Willa barged in.
"That zombie killed Wynter. KILLED. Ended her life and you just-" The female begins pacing, gathering her thoughts.
Tree's sway around them, leaves gracefully floating towards the ground. Grey clouds loomed over the two, hinting it was going to rain in the next few hours.
Wyatt joins his sister, resting a hand on Willa's shoulder, causing her to halt, "She's not coming back."
"No shit." Willa replies harshly, though her heart sank from the realisation.
"Zed said he'd give it to Addison." Wyatt attempts to reassure Willa, not wanting this situation to get out of hand.
"And you believed him?" She shrugs off his gesture, "He's a zombie. We shouldn't of trusted them."
Wyatt nips the blueprints from Willa's pocket, "You trust Eliza, don't you?" He turns the prints towards his sister. She remembered Eliza missing the stupid debate just to help her out. Now that Willa thought about it, she was grateful that at least one zombie was genuinely willing to waste their time for the werewolves cause.
"That's different. She's helping us find our moonstone." Willa snatches the blueprints back, scowling at him. "What I don't understand is how you could be so reckless. I mean seriously!" She knocks her temple, hand bawled in a fist, "Use your brain or did the zombies eat it away?"
"Ouch." Wyatt playfully replies, though it did hurt his feelings a bit.
The Alpha now stands silently, whisked away by her thoughts. She couldn't fully blame Wyatt for his stupidity, she should've been the one to deliver the moonstone necklace. Making sure that Addison was the Great Alpha. Her brother seemed too eager to figure out whether it was her. Maybe because he clearly had a thing for her, which Willa despises. Her packs health is on the line, there's no need to mess around with some human girl who's already taken. In all honesty Willa was debating which outcome she'd prefer. If Addison was the Great Alpha then Willa wouldn't be needed anymore, she'd be classified as a beta, more lower class than the superior title she was used to. If Addison wasn't, then Wynter's death would've meant nothing. Bringing Addison to their wolf den was risky enough, but the fact that a life could've been lost on wasted effort.
Speckles of light rain coat Willa's hair, reminding her that a bigger storm was on it's way.
"We need to get it back at some point." Willa declares, "But first let's find the moonstone. They detonate Seabrook Power at five tonight."
Wyatt looks at his wrist, scanning his flesh, "That's in about, half an hour." He comments incorrectly, water droplets running down his arm.
Willa rolls her eyes, pointing towards the High School. Wyatt follows her finger, gazing at the large clock above the entrance.
"Ohhhhhh. An hour and a half." Wyatt nods, "I was close enough."
Use your brain.

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