Dark And Dangerous Howls(Book...

By AlaynaGlover

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I ran deep into the forest, it once again swallowing me. Once I thought I was deep enough, I slowed to a walk... More

Chapter 1:New School and Old Enemies...
Chapter 2: Meeting You
Chapter 3: Bittersweet Memories
Chapter 4: Forgeting and Remembering...
Chapter 5:"...Hello Little Red."
Chapter 6:Burn It Down
Chapter 7:Heritage
Chapter 8:Jewls
Chapter 10: The Man Who Can't Be Moved
Chapter 11: Claimed
Chapter 12: Meeting In The Woods
Yes, another update!
Chapter 13

Chapter 9: Apologize

101 5 0
By AlaynaGlover


"What are you staring at?" she said threw clenched teeth. I could feel her trying to escape my grasp on her underneath me. I ignored her comment and simply asked,"Are you Jewls?" She instantly stopped struggling. "How do you know my name?" she gasped. "Because I know someone who cares for you deeply and is worried sick about you." She just stared at me, so I continued,"I'm Rose,Rose Tourquent." I introduced. I chuckled as she muttered sarcastically,"Well, you seem to know my name."

"Look," I began and continued when I knew she was listening,"Since you're on my land, I have to take you to my brother. He's our Alpha." She started to panic when I mentioned the word 'Alpha' and said,"Relax, I'll make sure he doesn't even touch you." I tried to comfort her. "Yeah? Why should I trust you?" she narrowed her eyes suspiciously at me. "Because I could have killed you, but I didn't." I rolled my eyes. She thought about it for a moment before sighing and slowly nodding.

I got up off of her and reached my hand out to help her up. She looked at it and reluctantly took it. I pulled her up and got a better look at what she was wearing. A black tank top, a leather jacket, a pair of blue jean shorts, and some black sneakers.

We both turned on our heels and stated walking towards my house,but I kept a very close eye on her in case she tried to run. As I walked next to this girl, I couldn't help but think what happened to Castiel? I decided I would ask him next time I saw him.


I slowed to a walk as I sat on the nearest bench and cried as I let my broken heart break even more. I pulled my exposed knees up to my chest and layed my head on my legs. I felt like I was dying on the inside. I couldn't believe what just happened. How did it turn to this?

~Six Hours Earlier~

"My two lovely, pain-in-the-butt brothers! Get your arses down here! You too,Austin!" I yelled as I followed Jewls threw the front door. She stopped suddenly as I said Austin's name. I came to face her unreadable face as she turned to face me. Her emotionless face sent shivers down my spine-and not the good kind. Her chocolate brown eyes bore into my emerald green ones as she asked with no emotion, "Austin,as in Autin Rail?" I nodded my head slowly and she turned back around to were I was facing her back.


I turned as Derek came from a door to my left. "We were in the kitchen,doofus." he said in a 'duh' way. I fake glared at him and he stuck his tongue out like a little child. I rolled my eyes and scoffed,"Real mature." He smiled proudly as he said,"Thank you." I rolled my eyes again at his childness. He then turned and looked at Jewls,as if just now realizing she was here. He lowly growled after sniffing the air, realizing she was a rouge.

Tyler came out and instantly growled at Jewls,he too recognizing her as a rouge. His stance quickly became one that was intemidating and threatning. "What is a rouge doing in our home?" he lowly growed, not looking away from her as he spoke.

Feeling the thick,threatning tension in the air, I quickly stepped protectivly in front of Jewls. She was taller than me by half a foot,so it was useless,but they still got my message-she was not to be harmed.

"God,what's with all the tension?" I heard Austin complain as he walked threw the kitchen door. "I can feel it all the way to the ki-" he continued,but stopped short and froze where he stood as he noticed Jewls. I saw the love in her eyes for a breif second,before she quickly covered it up. But the love was clear in Austin's eyes.

"Jewls?" he whispered,as if not believing she was there,right in front of him. She slowly nodded her head,making her chocolate brown hair bounce slightly. Austin started to walk towards her slowly and once he was in front of her, and in a swift motion, he scooped her up in his arms-hugging the life out of her.

"Austin,put me down." Jewls ordered a restrained tone. Austin slowly put Jewls down and look at her confused. "Jewls,what's wrong? Have I done something?" Austin asked, concern swimming in his voice.

Jewls looked up at him defeated, sadness clear in her eyes, as she said,"No, you haven't done anything wrong." "Then what is wrong? Aren't you happy to see me?" Austin said, obviously beginning to get a little irritated.

Jewls quickly put on her poker face and said,"No, I'm not happy to see you. Why do you think I left?" As soon as those words left her mouth, I saw Austin double over in pain. I quickly stood protectivly in front of him and glare at this beast I let into my home. "Look here, princess, this is my family you're messing with. This is my land and you're in my home. I suggest you watch yourself." I spat at her. She grinded her teeth in response.

We started growling at eachother, and before we could start World War III, Tyler jumped in the middle of us and looked at each of us sternly. "Back.Down." he growled, warning us. I growled back at him and his head snapped in my direction. "That's an order!" He boomed,using his full alpha command. I hesitantly backed down and Jewls soon followed.

The tension in the room was begining to get to my head. I began to walk towards the front door, when Derek jumped in front of me, preventing me from escaping. I looked up at my older brother and began to glare daggers at him. He loked down at me and calmly stated,"We need to talk." I glared at him for another moment before sighing in frustration. "Fine.Let's go." I sighed as I raised my hands in defeat.

Derek slung his arm lazily around my shoulder and began to lead my towards the back door. He opened the door with one swift motion and joked,"Ladies first." I was still a little agitated with him, but managed to laugh,"Then why don't you go first?" I smirked as he fake glared at me. I gracefully turned on my heels and walked out the door;Derek followed closely behind.

~Two Hours Later~

We walked until a familiar clearing peaked threw the thick evergreen trees. I slowly began to creep towards the center of the clearing. I slowed to a stop and looked around me. "I felt so at peace here. This is where it began-where everything changed." I thought out loud. "Where what began,Rose?" Derek asked softly as he put a comforting hand on my shoulder. I slowly turned to face his hazel eyes that could always see right threw me. I realized right there how much he has been there for me, he deserves to know everything.

"Sit down and you can tell me." Derek sighed. I sat down and felt the comforting ground underneath me. I tucked both of my legs underneath me and told Derek everything-except the journal. I'm not going to break granny's dying wish.

~One Hour Later~

"Hey,lil sis?" Derek asked as we walked towards the front door of our home. "Yeah?" I asked as I furrowed my brow in curiosity. "There's this party tonight at a friends house,-you know, to celebrate school being over with in just a couple months, and I was wondering if you wanted to come and just relax?" I thought for a moment before slowly nodding. "Yeah, I'll go. Seems like fun." I smiled and looked over at my brother. I began to wonder if he'll ever find his mate, and who ever she is, she better count her lucky stars that she got my brother.

I opened the door and began tohead towards the stairs when I felt like I was being watched. I curiously looked around the room and found nothing. I just shrugged it off and procceded to go upstairs. I walked down my hallway until I finally reached my door. I turned the golden knob and opened my door.

I turned the lights on and closed the door behind me silently. I suddenly had the eurge to look up and that's just what I did,but found nothing. I ,once again, just shrugged it off. I turned towards my dresser and turned on one of my favorite songs. I began to sway my hips to the beat as I undressed. I changed into some sweats and a big band tee that belonged to Derek.

I top and froze in fear as I heard a deep chuckle that echoed all around the room. I shiver ran up my spine as I heard a deep,husky voice say, "Wow, I didn't know that when I snuck in here I was going to get a show." I slowly turned around and glared at a smirking Castiel,who was sprawled out all over my black and red bed.

"What are you even doing in here?" I hissed. "I'm here," he said as began to get off the bed and stalk towards me,as if I was his prey,"for you." he growled possesivly as he snaked an arm around me and pulled me close to him. He buried his face in the crook my neck and just held me close. Him being so close sent pleasureable tingles threw my whole body.

"C-Castiel...", I stuttered as I put my hands on his built chest and tried to push him off. "Castiel, l-let me go." I pushed him a little bit harder this time, but he just growled and pulled me even closer. Now, you couln't even put a peice of paper between us.

"Castiel." I whispered as I began to slowly pull his face out of my neck. I rested my elbows on his shoulders as I held his beautiful face in my small hands. We just stood there for a minute, just looking at one another. His gaze soon fell on my lips and he slowly began to lean closer. I hesitantlt turned my head and said just above a whisper, "I have to go get ready. I'm going to this party in just a little bit." He growled, but hesitantly obeyed. As soon as I was out of his grasp, I walked over to my dresser. I was flustered and I still feel the tingles all over my body as I pulled out a blood red,skin tight, mini dress from my bottom drawer and a black off-the-shoulder crop top from my top drawer. As I held my wad of clothes in my hand, I walked over to my closet and pulled out my black knee high heels.

I turned and came face to face with Castiel. He once again smirked at me and just I glared at him. "Move." I demanded as I lightly pushed him away, and I must admit, I was shocked when he stepped aside and let me walk past him.

I walked to my bathroom and turned my black knob and walked in. I closed the door behind me and made sure to lock it tightly before beginning to undress.

I slipped the beautiful red silk like dress on and smiled proudly as it showed off all of my curves. I then pulled the midnight black off-the-shoulder crop top over my head and let it lay perfectly on top of the dress. And finally, I slip on my black knee high heels, showing off my long,tan legs. I quickly did a smoky eye effect on my eyes,added mascara, and glossed my pink, full lips. I added a few silver bracelets and a beautifull blood red necklace of a wolf. For my hair, I just brushed it out and let it lay and long beautiful waves.

I opened the door once more and walked out into my room. I walked to my mirror in the right corner of my room, completly ingroring Castiel, who was checking me out as he sat on the edge of my bed.

I felt sparks flow threw me as he looked me up and down. I began to feel my face heat up as his eyes stopped just below my chin. "You have a tattoo?" he asked in wonder as he stared at the paw print that will forever be inprinted just above my heart.

I instinctively put my hand on the mark that represented what I was as I thought. I looked at him through the mirror and softly said just above a whisper,"There's a lot of things you don't know about me."

We locked gazes for a moment before I took in a deep breath and looked away, breaking the moment we just shared. I walked to my bedroom door, my heel's sounds being muffled by my red rug. I grabbed the knob and was ready to walk through the door, but stopped shortly as I felt his intense gaze on me. I took another deep breath as a turn to face Castiel.

"You know,if you want to come-to you know, let loose and have fun,you can." I suggested lightly as I began to get lost in his stormy grey eyes that always seem to pull me into a trance,while secretly hoping he would come.

He just looked at me for a moment before shrugging. "Yeah.I might come." He sounded like he didn't really care,but I knew that that was a yes. I smiled from ear to ear and turned on my four inch heels and walked out the door, feeling all giddy inside. I came down the stairs to see Derek wearing a blue, navy t-shirt, some nice blue jeans, and his favorite black boots. He looked at me and smiled as he walked over towards me. "Ready, lil' 'sis?" "Ready as I'll ever be." I smiled at my brother as we started walking towards the door.

~One Hour Later~

"I'm going to go dance." I yelled at Derek,who nodded at my statement, over the pounding music that pulsed through my veins. I turned on my heels and began to walk towards the crowded dance floor. I pushed past the people around me and made my way towards the middle. Once I was there, I rose my hands above my head and placed them on my head and slowly began to move my hips to the beat.

I could feel a few people stare at me as I danced,but there was one in particular that sent fiery sparks threw my whole body. I quickly opened my eyes and scanned the surprisingly big living-room and smiled sweetly as soon as I spotted a mess of fiery red hair.

I started to weave my way through the crowd of people and towards Castiel, who was leaning against the doorway, smirking as his eyes raked over my body once more.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer." I teased as I looked Castiel up and down. He was wearing a tight red shirt with a skull with with wings on it that showed off his defined chest, blue jeans, his combat boots, and his leather jacket.

"Why would I need a picture," he stepped closer towards me, causing my breathing to hitch, "when I can have the real thing." he huskily whispered in my ear, sending pleasureable tingles through my whole body.

"I- I'm going to g- go get a d- drink." I stuttered. Castiel being this close to me was starting to make my wolf howl in need. I began to get control of my actions as I walked into the kitchen. I stopped in front of the round punch bowl that was on the marble-like counter. I began to get this strong feeling that something wasn't right. So, with a cup of punch that tasted very peculiar, I turned on my heels and headed for the over-crowded living room.

I smiled happily as I looked around for Castiel. I froze in place and felt the world come crashing down on me when I finally spotted Castiel, lip-locking with a beautiful, skinny blonde I recognized as Amber. I tried with all my might to stop the tears that wanted to escape my eyes and cover my face.

I slowly walked over towards them,my heartbeat in sync with every step I took. I slowed to a walk and stopped once I was standing right in front of them, my face now covered in raw, hot tears. I tapped his shoulder,sending sparks through my fingers. He abruptly stopped to look at me, his face now covered in shock. "Rose-" he began as he reached out to grab me, but I pulled back out of reach. "Don't." I managed to chocked out as I looked into his eyes. I shook my head, trying to get the image of him and Amber kissing out of my head.

I felt like the walls were closing in on me, and I couldn't breath. I couldn't take it anymore, so I did what I thought was best, though it was very hard to process anything right now, I ran out the front door and didn't look back.

I didn't know where I was going, but as long as it was away from here, I didn't care. I don't know how long I ran, but my legs were aching by the time a park came into view.

I slowed to a walk as I sat on the nearest bench and cried as I let my broken heart break even more. I pulled my exposed knees up to my chest and layed my head on my legs. I felt like I was dying on the inside. I couldn't believe what just happened. How did it turn to this? Oh yeah, Castiel.

My heart clenched at the thought of him. How could he do this to me? I was so caught up in my own self pity, that I didn't even hear the footsteps approaching me. I felt a small tap on my shoulder and looked up to see a guy about my age with familiar blonde hair and golden like eyes. "Nathaniel?" I sniffled. "Hey, Rose. What's wrong?" I asked quietly as he sat next to me on the cold, hard bench. He looked at me and pulled me into his arms. I sobed and told him the whole story, after all, he is a werewolf. I found out he was the peacekeeper in his pack, but the same rouge pack wiped out all of his pack, but he made it out. He had three long scars on his back to prove it when I didn't believe him.

I don't know when, but I soon feel into a deep sleep on Nate's chest. I couldn't help but feel like I was somehow betraying Castiel as I did this...

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