Hyuga Love

By EmiliaUchiha-Sama

19K 275 92

Naruto starts having recurring dreams during a mission about a certain lovely Hyuga; and it's not the one he'... More

S-Rank Mission
Should have listened
Dream ?
So Real!
Last Night
Sweet Sister-in-Law

Dream or Not ?

1.6K 31 3
By EmiliaUchiha-Sama

Welcome back guys!!

Lets go into the story ;)


The Third Night

"That's great honey! Did you take a picture? Can you send it to me? Perfect! Looks like I got a new wallpaper? What? Oh, she's fine. Yeah no, there hasn't been any sort of attempt against her life. Okay I'll tell her you say hi. Listen, I have to hang up; the hotel only allows the first 10 minutes of out of village calls be free, and I don't want your family to get another bill because of me. Can't wait to see you again. Love you too Hinata. Bye," with a final kiss he hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" Naruto turned to see Hanabi walking out of the bathroom in her pajamas.

"Hinata. She says hi by the way."

She scowled, "are you making long distance calls on the Hyuga clan's funds?"

"I asked the receptionist and she told me that every room gets ten minutes free per day when making long distance calls," he assured her.

"And what if I needed to make a call home now?" she crossed her arms and glared at him.

He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, "I...I didn't think of that..."

"You're right, you didn't," she flicked his forehead, "fortunately, I don't have to."

"Then why did you—?!"

"Because this is still a mission and you are still my employee. I know I said it wasn't as dangerous as the briefing said, but you still decided to take the job anyway. So I expect you to be professional and not have your personal life get in the way."

"Geez it was just a phone call. I'm sorry I wanted to check on my wife and kids to see how they were doing," he replied bitterly.

Hanabi was about to respond—most likely with something snide—but stopped herself. Taking a deep breath, she looked at Naruto, "I'm sorry."


"I snapped at you, again, and I shouldn't have done that. I'm the head of the Hyuga clan, and I should act like it instead of acting like a spoiled brat."

"I mean, yeah, it was uncalled for. Though I guess I can kind of understand why you are in such a bad mood; these meetings can be a drag, and if it were me I would also—"

"No it's not that. Trust me, I'm more than used to long drawn out meetings by now, we have like two every week by home. No, the reason I got mad was because...because you were talking to my sister...and I got jealous."

"...what do you mean?" Naruto asked carefully, though he could hear alarms blaring in his head.

Hanabi sighed, walking to her bed and taking a seat. After a moment of silence she said, "Konohamaru and I are...going through a rough patch."

"Oh..." he blinked, unsure of what to respond.

"Gods, this is so stupid," she grabbed a pillow and buried her face in it before letting out a muffled groan, "here I am trying to broker a new treaty with the Hidden Cloud village, and I'm letting a stupid relationship get in my head like some teenager still in the academy."

"I see...well..." Naruto stumbled, trying to think of what to say. He had heard that Hanabi and Konohamaru had become an item about a year ago, but he never looked into the details of their relationship. Mostly because he was too busy with his own things and he was never one to be into gossip.

"That's why when I heard you and my sister talking on the phone, hearing you be all lovey dovey, I just...I just got jealous of what she had," she said poking her fingers together embarrassed, "and I took it all out on you. I shouldn't have done that. I just...I want something like that with a guy that I like."

Oh thank god, that's what she meant, "look, maybe you're being a bit too hard on yourself. I mean, it's not like you two have broken up, right? I'm sure you can make it work if you just look and try to figure out what's wrong."

"I know exactly what's wrong," she blew a strand of hair from her face annoyed, "I'm an ice cold, overbearing shrew and guys like him just aren't into that."

"That seems a bit harsh..." thought not inaccurate...

Hanabi sighed, grabbing the small vial from her nightstand and pouring a few drops into her machine, "let's be honest, he's not entirely wrong. Being brought up as a Hyuga AND as the heir to the entire clan means being prim and proper at all times, not even letting a single hair to be our of place. If I had known this would be the result, I would have just slacked off and let my sister take over again."

Naruto didn't say anything.

"Just forget I said anything, okay? Let's just go to bed," she muttered before switching on the machine and dropping back onto the bed once it begam to whir and hum.

"Sure," he said awkwardly before grabbing his sheet setting himself down on the couch, "goodnight Hanabi."



Here we go again...

Naruto found himself once more in the haze filled room, with a very familiar weight pressing down on top of him. He felt her nipping at his neck playfully, followed by her moving down to his collarbone and then his chest.

Not this time, he thought firmly. He may be stuck in this recurring dream, but he was not going to let it play around with him anymore. His mind wasn't muddled anymore (for now) so he made sure to focus entirely on his wife that was waiting for him in the real world.

I love my wife, I love my wife, I love my wife, he chanted internally like a mantra.

Hanabi pulled herself up, glaring at the man under her. Naruto simply looked away, not even bothering to meet her gaze.


"Ow!" he spun his head around as his chest stung in pain, "what the fuck!?"


The heiress puller her hand back after hitting the exact same spot.

"Hey quit it!" he said angrily.

He raised her hand again, preparing to strike once more. Focusing all of his strength onto his right hand, the blonde ninja manage to shoot it forward and grab her by the wrist, intercepting it before she could land the blow.

"Ha!" he sneered in triumph, enjoying the shocked look on her face; however, it soon changed into a mischievous smirk, causing his heart to beat faster.

"W-What are you—?"

She slid her wrist down until her hand was holding his, slowly caressing his palm with her delicate fingers. He tried to pull away, but that last burst of energy apparently took all he had, and soon he found himself held by her grip and not vice versa. She raised his hand to her face and planted a kiss on his knuckles, causing him to blush.


He squirmed as she suddenly stuck his finger in her mouth, slowly beginning to suck and roll her tongue around it. She looked deep into his eyes, bearing deep within him while dragging her tongue against his finger in such a sultry manner.

I...love...my w-wife... Naruto struggled to focus, unable to look away from her eyes; smooth, perfect pearls with just a tinge of lavender looking at him with such lustful desire that he had never experienced before.

Eventually—though slowly—Hanabi pulled his finger out of her mouth. Smiling wickedly, she then moved it up to the strings holding up her top, guiding his hand until the strings where all tangled between his fingers.

He realized what she was about to do, "W-Wait..."

She jerked his hand back, causing it to pull on the strings and then unravel, the garment quickly sliding off before dropping on him completely. His eyes went wide as the heir of the Hyuga clan was currently topless, her breast hanging in front of him in all their glory.


She lowered his hand to her chest and pressed it against one of her breast, his palm pushing against her hardening nipple. Out of instinct—at least that what he told himself—he felt his fingers squeeze the supple mound, causing her to gasp softly yet show no other sign displeasure from it.

It was completely different from Hinata. Sure, she wasn't as big as his wife—no one other than Tsunade was—but they felt rounder, softer even. They weren't as pale either, meaning that they didn't have those blue veins that were sometimes visible under Hinata's almost translucent skin in the right light. Not only that, but even though they were wonderfully soft to the touch, Hanabi breast felt firm enough to hold up even without any support. She was topless and leaning forward, yet her breast only hung over ever so slightly, something that Hinata could definitely not pull off; even before she had breast fed their two children her breasts had always sagged a bit whenever she didn't have any support—

No! What am I thinking!? I don't care if this is just a dream, I am NOT comparing Hinata to Hanabi and her soft—

She dropped his hand and began fondling her breasts herself.


Smiling at him, she began to lean in closer and closer.


She loomed over him, her breast hanging so close to his face that they were almost touching him.

He couldn't help lick his lips, his eyes glued to the mounds in front of him, "H-Hanabimmmph."

She pressed her tits against his face, enveloping him completely in a loving embrace. They were soft—god they were soft—and warm, and smelled faintly of vanilla. He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply, completely enthralled by the softness surrounding him. Giggling softly, she began groping and pressing her tits with his head still between them, the supple flesh sinking against his face with every squeeze.

This...this is the best... Naruto blissfully thought to himself, while rubbing his face against her chest, I've always wanted to do this. I could never get Hinata do agree to this, so I might as well enjoy it while I can. It's just a dream after all, right? In that case...

He turned his head slightly and kissed one of her breast softly, feeling her shudder against him when he did. Amused at her response, he continued to kiss and nip at her soft, sensitive skin the same way she had done before to him. Letting go of her tits, she wrapped her arms around his head and pulled him even deeper into her embrace, his head being guided in between her bountiful mounds (which his was more than happy to comply with). She moved his head from side to side, and he could feel her tits bouncing and jiggling in response.

He never wanted it to end.

Just a little longer, he sighed, looking up at Hanabi's loving gave from her tits.

"Just...a little..." he mumbled as his eyes began to feel heavy and slowly begin to close until he was surrounded by darkness again.


"I believe that is enough for today," the delegate from the Hidden Cloud said while his assistant gathered their papers.

"Indeed,"Hanabi nodded while putter her own papers in her folder, "so then, I'll take your draft and suggestions and look over them tonight. We agree that everything in Clauses 1-6 are acceptable for both parties, yes?"

"Yes ma'am. We will pass them on to the Raikage later today and then proceed to look at clauses 7-8. With any luck we should have a final draft of the treaty in two to three days."

"Excellent. We shall resume tomorrow at 10 then; let's go Naruto," she got up and walked out of the conference room with her blonde bodyguard.

"Oh my goooood, why won't this just end already?" she groaned once they were outside. Handing her folder to him she rubbed her temples tiredly, "lord knows how many changes that old goat is going to want to make to the next few paragraphs. It's going to take us hours just to agree in the introductory sentences, I just know it."

"Y-Yeah that sucks..." Naruto mumbled while making sure that his eyes were glued to the folder she had handed to him; he didn't dare to lift his eyes up, least they wander towards Hanabi and his thoughts turned back to those that had pestered him all throughout the morning.

Have they always been that big?

The images from his dream the night before were still fresh in his head, as if Hanabi's breasts had ingrained in his mind. At first he had simply chalked it up to the fact that it had just been a dream and thus they had been "exaggerated" to make them look perfect. Yet, out of curiosity, he couldn't help himself to discretely look to make sure from the corner of his eye; and once he did, he couldn't help but notice a few things.

Did her chest always stick out like that?

Are her clothes form fitting or just small?

Did they always bounce like that when she walked?

It only got worse and worse, to the point where he had to slap himself hard in the face before he entered the conference room. Once in there, he made sure to look anywhere except at Hanabi and focused as hard as he could on the most mundane and boring things possible. The last thing he needed was to have a massive hard on while in the middle of such an important conference; fortunately, the heiress and the Hidden Cloud representatives where so engrossed with the treaty that they didn't even notice.

Just gotta get to the hotel room and call Hinata. Just gotta get to the hotel—



Naruto looked down at the glaring Hyuga that he had bumped into, her back pressed up against him.

"Watch where you are going!" she snapped at him.

"Sorry! Sorry!" he apologized, jumping a good foot away from her.

She rolled her eyes and shook her head before continuing.

Damm it man, calm down! If you keep it up, she's definitely going to know something is wrong! Just watch where you are going and don't...think...about... his thoughts trailed off once she lifted his gaze and caught sight of Hanabi walking in front of him; or more accurate, the way her hips were swaying while she walked.

He rubbed his eyes to make sure that he was seeing things right. Sure enough, it seemed that with every step her behind—which he suddenly noticed was barely confided by the tight skirt she was wearing—seemed to jiggle and bounce in a sultry, inviting manner.

"Uhh...Uhhhh," he stammered.

"Hmmm?" she turned her head without slowing her pace, "didn't you say something?"

"No!" he shook his head quickly, "just coughing! Got something in my throat!"

"Jeez, you're weird," she rolled her eyes and turned her head back. Naruto, meanwhile, felt like his head was running a mile a minute with questions, all while his eyes never left Hanabi's backside.

Did she always walk like that?!

No..no I would have remembered that! Right?

Has it always been...that nice?

No, what am I thinking?!

Wait...is she doing this un purpose? Is this because I bumped into her?

Is this a trap?

Is she...flirting with me?

No wait, that can't be it!

But she was walking like that in the dreams too...

Was it really a dream!?




And that's it for this chapter.

Hope you all loved it.

Next chapter will be posted tomorrow :0


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