𝗠𝗶𝘀𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗱 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲

By gxrleenk

1.5M 66K 4.9K

They Met At A Wedding And Once The Wedding Ended, They Parted Ways To Never Meet Again, Unknown To What The F... More

𝖼𝖺𝗌𝗍 𝗑 𝖺𝖾𝗌𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗍𝗂𝖼𝗌


19.8K 854 45
By gxrleenk

A couple of days had passed since Armaan and Nandini's marriage. And currently their life wasn't like a normal couple's at all. It was the opposite of what it should've been like.

They would ignore each other in the morning during family breakfasts. Nandini had successfully made the family eat all the meals together and they all couldn't have been happier, but Armaan would never join them and would usually go to work without eating breakfast.

Then Nandini would spend the whole day with the family while Armaan spent it at work, and only came back after everyone was asleep. Nandini waited for him every night, in case he wanted dinner, but he always ate at work and would  straight go to his room. Nandini would then follow him and quickly take the bed while he was in the bathroom, making Armaan sleep on the sofa.

That was how their day went for the past 3 days. Oh and, of course, they fought for every little thing they could fight over.

• • • • •

It was early in the morning and everyone had finished eating breakfast while Armaan had left to work without eating anything. Nandini was getting used to it and really didn't care anymore.

Nandini right now was fixing her clothes into the closet as she wasn't enjoying living out of her suitcase. So she had decided to place her clothes into the closet as everyone else was busy in their things.

And when Nandini had entered the closet, she was amazed at how neat it was. She didn't expect Armaan to have such a neat closet. Now when she thought about it, she saw how organized Armaan was. His room was always neat and his closet also was. But she knew he didn't do it and made the workers do it. But it wasn't like she was complaining. She also liked everything neat. If even one thing is unorganized, it would tend to make her go mad.

Half of the closet was full of Armaan's clothes. Mainly suits and polished shoes. Nandini rolled her eyes seeing them. "He always likes to look formal, doesn't he?" She had never seen him wearing casuals and always saw him in formals and twice in desi clothes, during their wedding functions.

The other half was empty and she knew it was their for her to hang her clothes up. She was thankful that she'd simply just have to fix her clothes into the closet and didn't have to move things around. And not wasting more time, Nandini started hanging her clothes up.

• • • • •

Nandini had finally finished and it took her only an hour. She had now come downstairs and was on a hunt to find the person who entertained her the most.

Knowing he was in the garden most likely, Nandini searched her way to the garden, guessing every turn she took, and thankfully she found it. This mansion was huge and Nandini still didn't know her way around it.

She saw him walking around the garden and looking at the flowers. "Dadu." Nandini called out. Vanraj turned towards her and smiled. But seeing what was in her hand, his smile turned into a frown.

"Nandini-" "Dadu, don't make up any excuses and eat your medicine." Nandini put on a strict expression which made Vanraj nod his head and swallow the pill. He was used to this as this was happening since the past few days and he knew that Nandini knew how to make someone agree to her words.

In these past few days, Nandini had figured out everyones routine and knew what everyone liked and what they didn't like, except for her husband's. All she knew about him was that he is a workaholic. But she didn't care. For now, she knew everything about Vanraj's, Sunita's, and Vikrant's routine. She had also found out about all their health problems and had even made a whole meal plan for them. She knew at what times they ate their medicine and at what time they slept. She had also became very strict with them for their health, just like she was with Aarush. But they all didn't mind. They enjoyed Nandini's care.

Except for Vanraj because now there were two devils who cared about his health too much. First it used to be only Armaan, who would tell all the maids to take care of Vanraj's health and give him medicine on time. And now Nandini had taken over the job.

"Good boy." Nandini and Vanraj burst into laughter at her words. "Ok, sit down now. If you walk to much your knees will cramp." Vanraj rolled his eyes and dramatically said, "My knees are fine! They work just like your's." Nandini just shook her head with a smile and helped him sit down on the bench.

"Nandini, do you like being strict with everyone or is it just me?" Grinning, Nandini said, "You can ask my papa. He will give you the answer to that. He is probably happy he finally gets to eat whatever he wants without me coming in between." Vanraj chuckled at that and said, "Well, I'm happy now I get this strict granddaughter. At least you're good company."

Nandini and Vanraj were talking about random things until they got disrupted. "What's up dadu!" Nandini turned around and saw Rishab jogging towards them, in formals. "Hey Nandu!" Rishab cheerfully greeted Nandini as he reached them. Hearing 'Nandu', Nandini's thoughts reverted back to her life before marriage. She hadn't been called 'Nandu' in a while. She did call Jai and Aarush but no one in person had called her that. And after hearing it from Rishab, she felt more at home.

"What happened? You don't like being called that? I'm sorry. It was a slip-" "Yes! I mean no. Nandu is actually the name everyone calls me and when I heard it after a while, it seemed very sweet." Nandini smiled at Rishab while he smiled back. "Great! Then I'll always call you 'Nandu'." Nandini nodded with a huge smile while Rishab sat down on the bench in front of their's, after taking Vanraj's blessings.

"What took you so long?" Vanraj asked. "Dadu yaar, there was to much traffic on the way here, which is why I'm late." Vanraj simply nodded at Rishab's words. "Okay, then why are you sitting now. Stop wasting time and go." Nandini, who was watching all of this, was confused. "As you say my lord. Let's go Nandini." Nandini just stared at him confused.

"And look at me. I forgot to tell you. I was just about to tell you but this idiot came. Well, I called Rishab and told him to come pick you up so he can take you to our company. I wanted you to see it since you're the daughter-in-law of the Oberois. Cut that. I meant daughter." Nandini, who now understood why Rishab had came over, didn't mind going but she didn't want to have everyone staring at her as she is now part of the Oberois. And she didn't like that Rishab had to leave his work because of her. But the main reason was, she didn't want to see Armaan there.

"What was the need? I could've went some other day and Rishab bhai had to also come, leaving his work." Nandini tried to explain. "Nandini, it's fine. I want you to see our family business as you are now part of the family. I also want everyone to know who is their boss's wife so they can give you the respect you deserve. And this idiot is always free. He never works so don't worry about him." Vanraj explained to Nandini. "And you called me bhai na? So, a bhai is always free for his sister." Nandini had no choice but to agree now as they both were putting in efforts and she didn't want to look rude.

"Ok, I'll go change. Just give me five minutes." She didn't wait for them to respond and dashed out of the garden. "Dadu, where did you find her!? I thought if Armaan ever married someone, it would be some rich brat but she is nothing like what I thought. She can fix Armaan, I am sure." Vanraj smiled as he knew Rishab was right and that was the reason why he had picked her for Armaan. "I know she will."

• • • • •

"Ok, I'm ready!" Nandini said, coming downstairs in a lavender anarkali with simple embroidery in it and a simple dupatta. She didn't do anything to her face and came downstairs, not wanting to make Rishab wait any longer.

After bidding bye to Sunita and Vanraj, Nandini left with Rishab to Oberoi Corporations. And the whole time she just kept praying that she doesn't see Armaan, but of coarse, luck is never on her side.

• • • • •

They soon reached a magnificent building which was Oberoi Corporations. Nandini was very shocked seeing the building and knew a lot of hard work was put for it.

"Come Nandini." Nandini nodded her head and silently followed Rishab inside. And when she entered inside, she saw how beautiful the interior was. She saw how everyone was busy in their job, to busy to even notice her and Rishab. But at Grover Inc everyone did work, but they did greet anyone who came. Nandini though, she just shrugged her shoulders and kept up with Rishab.

Rishab showed her around and she just listened to him like an obedient child. She had met Vikrant too and he was glad to see her here. And as they entered the second-to-last floor, they bumped into Sameer. "I was wondering where your annoying ass was." Sameer said to Rishab, who hadn't noticed Nandini, as she was standing behind Rishab, looking around. "I went to get Nandini as dadu had called me because he wanted me to show her the company. So that's what I was doing." Sameer then noticed Nandini behind him, who gave him her gorgeous smile.

"Hi, bhai!" "Bhai-?" It slipped out of Sameer's mouth. He never had anyone call him that before so it felt shocking at first, but Nandini felt as if she had made some mistake. "Oh, sorry. I shouldn't have said that without your permission. And I should've asked you also." Nandini told both of them. "I..can I call you guys bhai?" Nandini asked, hesitant. "Dumbass. You made her feel as if she made some mistake." Rishab said, rolling his eyes at Sameer.

"My bad. I didn't mean that. I was shocked being called bhai. No one has ever called me it. But I don't mind at all. I actually like it. I finally have a sister that I always wanted." Nandini's low smile turned into a big one. "Yea yea, whatever he said. And I finally get a sister too. I'm annoyed of him and Armaan now. But she called me bhai first so technically she likes me more." Sameer and Rishab started fighting over the silliest thing which made Nandini grin.

"Ok, we're done now. She likes me better, don't you Nandini?" Nandini just laughed at Rishab while Sameer rolled his eyes. "See, she is laughing and didn't even answer your question." "Well-" "Let's just go upstairs." Sameer said, stopping the fight. "Fine." "Actually, I need to use the bathroom. Could you tell me where it is?" "Oh, it's straight and then take a left. You'll see it." Sameer explained. "Do you want us to wait-" "No, it's fine. I'll meet you guys upstairs." They just nodded at her and left while Nandini went to the bathroom.

• • • • •

Nandini came out of the bathroom and was about to walk towards the elevator when she bumped into a hard chest. She stumbled a bit but managed not to fall. "I'm so-" Nandini's words were cut off when she was met with those dark eyes. She was shocked seeing him, but he was even more shocked seeing her. He had came out of the meeting room and didn't expect her here. He just stared at her with wide eyes.

Nandini's face heated up and she quickly took a few steps back, running back into the bathroom, not wanting to face him. He was left there alone and thought that maybe she was someone else and he was overthinking. Trying to get her face out of his mind, he turned the other way and left.

Nandini controlled her heartbeat and tried to calm herself down. "What is he doing here!?" 'What do you mean, 'what is he doing here'? It's his company. He can be here whenever he wants to be.' her subconscious retorted back. It was true though. How could she expect not seeing him when he owns the company. She had just wanted to not cross paths with him but luck was not in her favor today.

Knowing she can't hide in the bathroom forever, Nandini peeked outside, and when she saw no one, she quickly ran to the elevator and headed to the last floor.

Armaan, who was still confused, came inside his office and became annoyed when he saw his friends already there. He just ignored them and sat in his chair, still lost.

"What happened?" Rishab asked. "I felt like I just saw her here." Armaan answered. "Who?" Sameer questioned. "Nandi-" The door opened, cutting Armaan off. Armaan looked up and was shocked again. Nandini, who was sent here after asking the guy, who was Armaan's PA, asking where Rishab and Sameer were, had opened the door without reading the sign which says 'CEO; Armaan Oberoi'. She was dismayed seeing him again.

"I thought you were lost for a second." Sameer said, breaking their eye contact. Armaan couldn't help himself but ask, "What is she doing here?" Nandini, who had now composed herself, realized he didn't know she was coming. "Dadu told me to bring her here and show her around." Rishab explained for the millionth time. Armaan silently nodded and ignored her, looking at his laptop.

"Can we..go now?" Nandini asked, not wanting to be here anymore. "Sure Nandu." Both the men looked at Rishab as they heard the nickname. "Nandu?" Sameer asked what Armaan also wanted to know. "Yea, Nandu. It's her nickname and she lets met call her it because I'm her favorite." Sameer rolled his eyes at Rishab and said, "Well, I'll also call her Nandu then." Nandini just smiled at Sameer, appreciating it.

"Ok, let's go. We can stop in the cafe on the way back. Let me tell you, they have good coffee and food here. You know..." Rishab left the room, thinking Nandini was following him and listening to him but Nandini was stilled, but then she quickly said 'bye bhai' and looked at Armaan one last time, before running after Rishab.

"She was acting as if I wasn't here. She could've said 'bye' to me too." Armaan mentally whined. He had saw how she ignored him and left which is why he decided he'd annoy her as well tonight.

• • • • •

Everyone had went to their rooms and Nandini had just finished calling Jhanvi. She would usually call Jhanvi after everyone retired to their rooms as she could never fall asleep on time and she'd normally wait for Armaan to ask for dinner, because she didn't want Sunita to stay up late for him. But today she didn't want to as their meeting earlier today was kind of awkward.

Nandini decided to draw as drawing was one of her hobbies. She had only brought a drawing book and a few pencils with her but she really didn't need anything else. Nandini usually drew when she was bored or frustrated. She had many old drawing books at home which were full from the past few years, but she decided to bring a new one with her when she'd start her new life as a married women, and today she drew for the first time in her new drawing book.

She decided to draw herself during her wedding day. She drew herself in her bridal joda and put in all the little details. Nandini was very talented in art. She was that talented that her papa had once told her that she should join an art school. Nandini didn't go as she instead wanted to take care of the orphanage after getting her degree literature.

Nandini finished the drawing and added the date plus her signature. Nandini then hid the drawing book in the closet, under her clothes, as she didn't want anyone to find it.

As she came out of the closet, Armaan also entered the room. They stared at each other for a second and then looked away, heading in different directions. Armaan went into the closet and brought out his clothes, going into the bathroom. Nandini though, she went outside in the balcony and relaxed herself by looking at the night sky, which she was always fascinated of.

She was feeling the wind hit her body when she heard the door opening. Knowing who it is, Nandini quickly ran back inside and was so close to the bed but was stopped in her tracks by Armaan. "Don't even think about it today!" "Couldn't you have ran a little bit faster Nandini!"

Nandini turned towards him and said, "I've already thought about it. Good night!" Hearing her, Armaan became even more annoyed. "It is my damn room and my fucking bed, but you have been making me sleep on the sofa for the past few days. It is not going to work out like this. You're sleeping on the sofa today." Armaan always woke up sore on the sofa and it was to small for his frame, he couldn't take it anymore.

Nandini ignored him and turned back around. "First one to touch it wins!" Nandini sprinted towards the bed and as she was about to touch it, Armaan pulled her back by her hair. "Ow!" Armaan quickly sat on the bed as Nandini held her head. "Cheater! You are a devil! You pulled my hair! How dare you touch my hair?" Nandini loved her hair and it was too precious for her, she never allowed anyone to touch it. "Never said that you couldn't cheat." Armaan simply shrugged his shoulders, making Nandini even more pissed.

"You are a devil! An arrogant cocky devil who thinks way to high of himself." Nandini snapped, pointing her finger at him. Armaan stood up from the bed and walked a few steps closer to her, surprised she had the audacity to say all that to him. "Hold it rapunzal." Nandini's jaw dropped hearing him call her that. "Rapunzal? From where did rapunzal come from!? And in which angle do I look like rapunzal?" "Your long ass hair. If I can't call you rapunzal, then what should I call you. Angry cat?"

"My hair isn't that long." Nandini explained but it came out more as a whine. 'Are you sure? You can sweep the floors with it.' her subconscious said. "Shut up. Are you on his team or mine!?" she said back to it. Armaan snorted at her words, making her angry. "And angry cat!? I am not an angry cat! If I am an angry cat then you're a..a monster. A devil monster!" At this point Nandini didn't know what she was saying but went with it.

"Then you also are an angry cat!" "And you are a devil!" "Angry cat!" "Devil!" They pointed their finger at each other and were only a few inches away from each other. They just stared at each other with anger.

Nandini's brain then thought of something and she mentally patted her back, thinking she is so smart. "Good night devil!" Not waiting for his reaction, Nandini quickly jumped onto the bed and covered herself with the duvet.

Armaan realized he had been played and groaned. "You...god! Rapunzal!" Nandini just giggled hearing him. "Turn off the lights Mr. Devil. I'm trying to sleep over here." Armaan's brain also cooked up something as he heard her. He knew it was the right time to annoy her even more for this afternoon and for calling him a devil and stealing his bed.

He didn't listen to her and grabbed his laptop, and sat down on the sofa. He started typing aggressively on the keyboard, loud enough for her sleep to be ruined.

Nandini peaked out of the duvet as she heard this and she looked at him with anger. "I told you that I am sleeping, right? So turn off your stupid laptop or go somewhere else and turn off the lights so I can sleep!" Nandini huffed, sitting up. Armaan looked at her with a smirk and said, "You can turn off the lights yourself if they're bothering you so much." Nandini knew this was all his plan to get the bed, so she gave him an annoyed look and lied back down, covering herself back up.

"Stupid devil." Nandini muttered. "Have a good nights sleep rapunzal." Nandini ignored his words as she didn't know what she'd do if she got more annoyed. And that's how she spent the rest of the night until she managed to sleep.

This was just the start though. They both knew that they would make each other's life hell.


Namaste guys!
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A cute little fight!
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Thank you for reading!

- Gurleen

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