A Marauder Time Travels

By Athenodora_Sulpicia

164 3 4

Back when the Marauders were at school, in their third year at Hogwarts, they pulled a certain prank that sen... More

Chasing down Corridors
A Marauder's Meeting
Off to our Common Rooms
Early Get Up
Dumbledore's Office
Arriving at Hogwarts

The Train

15 0 0
By Athenodora_Sulpicia

All I could see was darkness, my head hurt like hell and every part of me ached so much. I didn't know if I had passed out or not but when I tried to get up it almost made me feel even weaker as if my limbs were like jelly.

"God Bella, did you really have to lose your grip like that?" I asked well more like yelled at Bella as I wiped my eyes and opened them. I heard no response, not even the sound that Bella would make when she was lost for words.

I opened my eyes and the first thing I noticed was that I most certainly was no longer in Professor Dumbledore's office. As I got up to my feet I looked around my surroundings, this looked more like the Hogwarts Express than anything else.

This was definitely the Hogwarts Express that was for sure, I slowly walked over to one of the windows on the train and peered out. It looked like it did when me and the guys would be on our way to school after the summer break.

As I continued to look out of the window and tried to think of what could have possibly happened, I mean one minute Bella was holding me up to grab a book and the next I woke up on the train, this was just plain weird.

As I continued to think something started to feel cold, suddenly the temperature had dropped and when I looked at the window once again, it seemed to be freezing over. Right what the hell's going on, now I started to panic something had definitely gone wrong because this was not normal.

As my panic grew, out of the corner of my I saw something shimmering on the floor, I swiftly turned around and bent down to see what was on the floor. When I bent down I saw two pieces of metal and a chain of gold.

Something like sand seemed to be pouring out of one of the halves of the gold metal, wait, what? A chain like a necklace chain and sand pouring out of the pendant centre, could mean only one thing, it was a time turner.

God, now everything makes sense that must have been how I got onto the train, I must have knocked it off the shelf when I fell from Bella's grip. For some reason, this revelation of information didn't make me relieved, quite the opposite actually.

My stomach sank as reality hit me all too hard, I had time travelled, but how much time had I gone back in, perhaps I'd only fallen three weeks back in time to when me, Bella, James, Remus, Sirius and Peter had been coming back to Hogwarts from April holidays.

Now relief kind of washed over me because I had determined that I hadn't actually done too much damage. I started getting back up off the floor to try and look for everyone so I could tell them what happened and try and get back to my own time.

I got up and turned round to go and find them but then, the train started to feel even colder almost like the Forbidden Forest during winter.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and suddenly I felt as if all the happiness was leaving me and my body started to feel stiff and cold almost bleak.

I was in pain and I slowly started to feel as if everything was as bleak and dark as an empty night sky. I felt like I was going to die a painful and sorrowful death but then instead of seeing only darkness a light blinded my almost non-existent eyesight.

I felt a pang to my side as I was dropped to the floor, I felt so faint and almost as if I were going to throw up. I laid there for a moment or two before I felt something, like a hand nudging at my shoulder and as my hearing slowly started to recover I heard a voice.

"Are you alright?" The voice was male that much I could identify, it sounded almost rough but also soft at the same time almost familiar but I couldn't place where I had heard it before. I used my arms and hands to try and lift my body off the floor, and the man who had asked me the question seemed to be helping me.

I was almost on my feet again by the time I responded to his question, "Y...Ye... Yes, I...I think so, what was that?" All I could do to try and get words out was stutter my voice sounded strained and small compared to how it usually did until I asked my Question.

I placed my hand to my head as I tried once again to regain my vision, whilst my head throbbed the man seemed to be keeping me standing. If he hadn't I probably would have fallen back to the floor.

"It was a Dementor but I'm glad to hear you're okay, you were lucky," he seemed to take a moment's break from what he was saying and finally now I was able to open my eyes, even though the first couple of tries were kind of painful.

"Here come with me," He finished what he had started saying and at this moment I was still feeling a bit too weak to argue. The man started to lead the way down the train and as he helped me along, I caught a couple of looks at his face.

There was something so familiar about him but once again just like his voice I just couldn't place it, perhaps he was a new Professor who'd just started and I hadn't yet attended his class, that was definitely likely.

After maybe two minutes of slow walking the man whose name he had not yet told me, stopped at one of the compartments that seemed to have some people in it.

"Here you can sit in here until we get to Hogwarts," The kind man told me as he opened the compartment door, to reveal that I was indeed correct as three other people sat within it. On a second glance at the people already sat they didn't seem to be that much younger or maybe older than me.

"Hope she's alright sitting with you three until we get to school?" He spoke in a way that didn't really leave much room for debate but his voice never leaned towards rude or demanding.

"Of course," I heard one of the boys say and "Not a problem," the girl said. The final of the three remained silent as if contemplating something and after hearing the responses the man who had saved and helped me left me to go and check "on the other students."

So I very gracefully not got myself on the couch-like seat across from the boy who had spoken before. I took a good look for a minute and then it hit me, "James?" Thank God I hadn't gone that far back then at all.

"Oh no that's Harry," A girl with bushy brown hair said and immediately my heart sank, he wasn't James, but how? He looks so much like him, I suppose I could have been hallucinating, especially after what had happened but it just didn't feel like I was.

"And I'm Hermione and this is Ron," that's odd I had never heard anyone in my year called any of those names perhaps they may be from the year above me or even new students, but the casual way they all sat and talked didn't make it likely that, that was true.

"I...I'm sorry, you just look an awful lot like someone I know," I felt so foolish that I had mistaken a complete stranger for James, I could feel my cheeks going hot from embarrassment. Yet the bot called Harry didn't seem to be offended at all, instead, he smiled at me, it was definitely a stupid smile but it was sweet.

"It's fine you wouldn't the first to mistake me for my father," he started to laugh and the other two chuckled along, but I didn't laugh instead I sat there more confused than I was before. His father was called James and looked like him, that's not possible James was still a goofy idiot that I loved dearly and we were all only in our third year.

My mouth went un-expectantly dry and all words seemed to escape my mind as the impossible seemed to dawn on me. No, it couldn't be, there was no way it could be true, I couldn't have travelled to the future.

"You alright?" The ginger boy sat next to me and asked, and his voice was what took me out of my thoughts, I wanted to run, I wanted to cry and most of all I wanted to panic but I knew I couldn't do that. I couldn't let them know I was from so far back in the past, I just had to keep my mouth shut and keep going.

"Yes, I'm alright, just lost in thought," on that note I did laugh it was more a nervous laugh than anything though. I had come up with a plan though, in the short time that I had to think, I would get to Hogwarts sneak into Dumbledore's office once again and steal a time-turner to get back home.

"So what's your name?" Hermione asked me and for a moment I didn't know what to say, should I tell them my real name or not? Oh stuff it, it's not like anyone's going to know who I am but then again, perhaps I should shorten my name instead.

"Alia, Alia Damar," I told them all I knew I would have to go undercover to get into the school and to Dumbledore's office but I was utterly rubbish at coming up with fake names, so something close to my real one would have to do.

"Nice to meet you, Alia," Harry outstretched his hand to me and I took it and gently shook it. It would be good to have some "friends" to help get me the password to the office and also catch me up on what year it was and all those sorts of things.

"Nice to meet you all, so what year are you all?" I asked curiously as to whether they were in my year or not.

"We're going into the third year now, you?" Ah so they were slightly younger than me but how should I answer, really I was closer to my fourth year but then I wouldn't know anyone and I still had to finish my third, not that I planned on staying long at all. Just one week should be enough time to get what I need to get and get back to my own time.

"Same, but I'm new, I'm a transfer from Beauxbatons," I informed them hoping and crossing my fingers that they would believe me.

"That's nice you don't sound French though," The ginger Ron stated.

"That's because I'm English through and through my parents had business out in France for the past two years but we're home now," that was definitely a far cry from the truth but it would have to do. In reality, my parents were purebloods and great friends with Bella and Sirius' family the Blacks, I'd known Bella and Sirius when I had come to Hogwarts but my parents had known her since she was born.

"Makes sense, so have you got everything for the year?" Oh shoot a monkey with a flipping shovel I didn't have any of my school books with me. Actually, wait a minute, It then hit me I had my backpack on my back, I must have completely forgotten about it because I couldn't feel the weight of it until I suddenly remembered it.

"Sure have," I said and pulled my backpack off my back and placed it on my lap, God that was lucky. No wonder Bella struggled to keep a hold of me, she could have just said I had my bag with me but then again that was just classic Bellatrix.
Hey everyone, sorry for the super late update but it's out now and I hope you all enjoyed reading it. As always make sure to vote and comment. Until next time fellow readers.

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