You make my world wild- A Nik...

By Girlwithoutname9719

20.3K 574 1.3K

At the age of 20, Evangeline Martin aka "Evie" still lives with her mother who is a strong religious person a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 51

144 6 9
By Girlwithoutname9719

After 2 months...

Heather thought of paying a visit to Evie today. Her friend is home alone. The children are at school and Nikki is at Tommy's house where the other members are.

She and Evie are in the living room and talking. Evie's tummy has grown so much in the last two months. Now she puts her hands on it, feeling the baby kicks with a lot of energy.

"Is something wrong?" Heather asks her uncertainly.

"No," she smiles at her tummy. "The baby just kicked. But lately he's been moving a lot."

"Maybe it's a sign that he's ready to come?" Heather smiles at the baby bump. "When is the due date?"

"It was yesterday," Evie smiles but a little worry is on her face. "But he seems to want to wait."

"I think Asher and Raelynn can't wait to meet their brother."

"Yes, that's right," Evie's smile grows. "But Raelynn doesn't keep quiet about saying she wants a sister after this baby is born."

"Are you going to have another baby in the future?" Heather asks with interest and chuckles slightly.

"I don't know. I don't think so... I think 3 kids are enough."

"Fortunately, you also have some very good and well behaved children."

"Yes. That's right. Let's hope this little one is the same. But tell me about your wedding. How are you doing?"

"Oh, everything's fine. We are in no hurry because we have enough time. Another seven months until the event."

"I didn't ask you... How is Laura and Megan about the wedding? Do they like Richie?"

"Oh, Laura still doesn't like him that much. But everything will be fine. I told her that Richie would never take her father's place. But he will be a part of my life. And Megan... She's still very young. She doesn't understand. Everything will be fine," Heather forces a smile.

"Let's hope so," Evie smiles empathetically.

The doorbell rings and Evie wonders who it might be. Soon, one of the employees coming to them and says:

"Mrs. Sixx, your parents and your brother came to visit."

"Oh, I wasn't expecting them," Evie is really amazed. "Bring them here immediately."

Evie's father, Jack, his stepmother, Li Mei, and her brother Anthony soon appear in the room. Her brother is 11 years old now and is almost as tall as Evie, gaining height in a very short time.

Evie goes and hugs them one by one and then says:

"We're not waiting for you... What a surprise..."

"We were nearby, and we thought we'd pay you a surprise visit," says Jack.

"Unfortunately the children are at school and Nikki... Ah!" Evie stops talking, her eyes widening and puts a hand on her baby bump.

Her family looks at her in fright and Heather gets up from the couch and walks over to Evie with a worried look.

"Evie?" She asks and puts a hand on her shoulder. "Are you ok?"

"My water... broke... The baby is coming!" Evie says with a pained expression and now with both her hands on her baby bump.

"I don't think we've picked the right time to come," says Anthony, looking concerned at his sister.

"Let's take you to the hospital," her father tells her, and he grabs her and takes her by the hand.

"There's no one... to take the kids from school," Evie complains.

"I'll call Nikki's mother to pick them up," Heather tells her. "And then I'll call Tommy to tell Nikki to come to the hospital. Ok?"

Evie nods and she and her father, stepmother and brother leave the house. Heather goes to the phone and calls her ex-husband to let Nikki know that Evie is in labor.

After an hour...

Footsteps are heard in the hospital lobby. Nikki gasps at how much he ran. His mind has been at his wife since he was at Tommy's house and he tells her that Heather called him and told her to move his ass to the hospital because Evie got into labor. He hopes it's not too late. He would not want to miss the birth of his third child.

It doesn't take long and he sees Heather in the hallway with Evie's family. They see him too, and look at him worriedly.

"You're finally here," Heather tells him. "Evie is here," she points to the door next to her. "Go to her. It seems that the labor is fast. Your son is coming soon."

"But Asher... Raelynn," says Nikki breathless.

"Don't worry. Your mother goes to pick them up from school. Now go to Evie!"

Nikki also looks at Evie's family who are smiling at him and he leaves, opens the door of the room and sees his wife on the birth bed, sweating and moaning in pain. At her feet is the doctor, which checks her dilatation.

"Babe..." He says and approaches her and takes her hand and kisses it. "Babe... I am here."

"You came..." she says, breathing heavily. "It happened... so fast! Ah!"

"I know, honey, but I'm here now. I won't miss this birth as I did not miss the first two."

"You arrived on time," says the doctor. "She has to start pushing. I can see the baby's head."

Evie pushes, does exactly as she is told, her face sweating even more. He squeezes Nikki's hand so hard that Nikki thinks she's going to break it, but he doesn't say anything. He is too focused on his wife.

After only a few minutes of pushing, Evie feels a strong pressure on her pelvis. She is very familiar with this feeling. Because she felt it twice before, a few years ago. She feels the baby's head come out and then, with the help of the doctor, the rest of his body comes out and a loud cry is heard in the room.

Nikki and Evie look at their son from the doctor's hands. Evie smiles and tears well up in her eyes, Nikki kisses her wet face and then proudly looking at his son who is putting on his wife's chest.

"Isn't he wonderful?" Evie asks, looking at her son.

"Of course he's wonderful, honey," Nikki says, unable to take his eyes off the newborn. "I think... I think he looks like you."

"Do you really think?" Evie asks, smiling broadly at her husband, then at her son. "It was the case that at least one of the children looked like me," she jokes.

"He's so perfect," Nikki says, placing a hand on the newborn's dark-haired head. "I can't wait for Asher and Raelynn see him."

Evie looks at her son once more and says in a tender voice:

"Welcome Bryce Carlton. We've been waiting for you so long."


Hello everyone! I hope you are all well. I wish I could update a chapter more faster, but I can only post one chapter every few days. I hope this is ok. Besides... I don't know when I will finish this story. I think it will have about 70 chapters... I'm not sure yet. Lol. I still have many ideas for it. And get ready for a little more drama for Nikki and Evie. After a while something will intervene and their relationship will be in danger again. But it will take some time until you get there. Let's hope that both of them will be able to overcome the next obstacle and will be happy forever! Thank you so much for all your support! ♥️♥️♥️

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