Riding With the Wind

By California6

14.1K 318 79

Have you ever run away from someone because they caused you too much pain? In Jessica May's situation, that w... More

Who's There?
Check the Premisis
On the Run From My BFF
Dirty Little Secret
Officially Mine
Whatever. -You Too.
Drama Happens
Fighting the Instinct
Run Away Home
Taking Chances
Truth Be Told...
This is Me- Plain and Simple (Maybe)
Letting Go
Say What?!
Watch Out
Unknowingly There
Poor Kid
He Did What?!
Waking Up

Because of You

485 14 1
By California6

***Jess's P.O.V.***

   "Why do I feel soooo tired?" I ask, making sure to elongate the 'so' part. After they explained to me how I was in a coma for the past week, which I don't remember at all.

   I remember the fight with Chance and how he attacked me and then broke my leg or something, and a little bit about Cody carrying me somewhere, but everything else is pretty blurry. I don't even want to start to sort out what happened anyway.

   "Because your body has been resting for the past week, and isn't used to working like usual." Cody replies softly, and I look at him. His eyes capture my attention right away, and I know that I will never be able to be happy without him by my side. If he wants to stay after he learns about who I am and the past I have, that is.

   "Oh. How long will it be until I'm back to normal?" I better not be this tired for too long or I might just go insane.

   "The doctor said it should only be about a week or two." He replies, and I'm happy at what I hear. I guess I can put up with one week if I really must.

   "Thank God. I want my life back." I mumble, and then look at my hands which are currently occupying themselves with each other. I don't want to see Cody's reaction to the nex thing I'm about to ask. "Have you talked to Chance at all or seen him?" I ask as quietly as I can, but I know he hears me, even if he didn't growl.

   "Why do you even want to know about that fucking bastard?" Cody snarls, and I take a step back from fear of him shifting.

   "I just wanted to know if you caught him so he wasn't out in the world where he could do this to someone else." I say quietly, and I'm not even sure if he heard me over the growls coming from his chest.

   "I don't care where he is as long as he isn't here near you." He says, a little calmer this time.

   I walk up to him and wrap my arms around his waist, knowing it is pretty much the only way to calm him down. I softly kiss his neck and he sighs. It's a great feeling, knowing that I have an effect on him this way. I can't help but feel happy.

   "Just relax Cody. I need to find him so I can either end what he has started and will likely continue if I do not do something to end it, or get everything out in the open so I can focus on us and not have to waste any more of my life thinking about him" I finish my little rant, and sigh loudly. Why does life have to be so confusing?

   "You're right, and I'm sorry. It's just... I don't want you to be anywhere within one hundred miles of that jackass, but I guess you do know how to keep yourself safe, for the most part. And I will be there and ready to protect you this time, if need be." I feel tears coming on, so I quickly grab Cody and give him a tight hug. He willingly hugs me back for all he is worth; God bless him.

   "Do you have any idea where he could be?" I ask, not wanting to make him any angrier.

   "No, but why don't we go ask his parents, they have to know something, right?"

   "I didn't think of that, but they should know something about his whereabouts, or at least they could use their alpha power to force him back. If we get close enough to him, I could always force him to come back with us too."

   "No. It's bad enough I'm letting you confront him, but I do not want you to make him do anything that could make him feel cornered." Cody almost snaps, and his outburst has me on edge.

   "What is your problem?! And I want the truth this time!" I snap, this bullshit has been going on for far to long.

  "Ummm... I kinda... umm..." Cody trails off and looks at the ground. I clear my throat, and he gives me his attention again. I gesture for him to continue. "I may have found him and talked to him while you were in a coma..." He trails off, and I can't even speak.

   I can feel the hot tears on my cheeks before I realize that I'm crying, but once I do, I get as far away from that ass wipe as I can. I sprint out of the back door which was being opened by Erin, just my luck. Before I have time to hear what she says about my hasty escape, I am already shifting into my alpha wolf and darting through the trees, desperate to do two different thing. One, escape from my mate for a little while until I know that I can absolutely trust him, and two, find Chance.

   I can hear him behind me, and that makes my wolf pick it up another gear, and also has me quickly masking my scent and going into my predator mode where I don't make a single sound, no matter what.

   I know when he reaches the spot where I masked my scent because I first hear him growl loudly, then hear the long heart-wrenching howl that his wolf unleashes. It is so sad that even humans would be able to know that the wolf was in some kind of pain, and humans aren't always that smart.

   My wolf gives going back a second thought, but that doesn't last long until I remind her that we are on a mission, and that is only because our mate didn't tell us where the wolf that hurt us was staying. She retaliates quickly, but I know that she understands what must happen before we can go back to our mate and settle things, again.

   We continue through the woods, but it doesn't take more than twenty minutes after all of my addrenaline is used up to get tired. Stupid coma induced by a stupid masocistic jack hole. Ugh, I hate that bastard so much, and my wolf and I can't wait 'til we find him.

**Chance's P.O.V.**

   I have been on the run ever since I committed that horrible crime. I don't even know what came over me, but I don't want that to ever happen again because I doubt Jess will let me live if it does, plus I don't want to be that kind of man.

   And I cannot believe that she sent her mate out to collect me. Is she really that scared of me? I never meant for that to happen. I just don't want to go back and see the dissapointment in my parents eyes because they have definitely heard about what I have done by now. But it has been almost a week since I have last seen anyone, so I guess they have all given up on finding me out here in the middle of nowhere.

   I have never been this pissy before, and I'm a little worried. What has gotten into me? It just seems like lately I have been hating the world and there is nothing that really changes that outlook except when I was with Jess. But I can't think that way because she has a mate who will never hurt her, while I did the worst thing possible, injured her with my own 'paws'. I don't know if I can live with this guilt.

    I hear a rustle off to my right, and that snaps me out of my meditation. It's not that I'm not used to ruffles in the trees, it's the fact that I can't smell any animals nearby that has me edgy and ready to attack. I sniff unconsiously and still come up empty handed.

   Slowly raising to all four of my paws, I survey the surrounding woods, trying to find the cause of the noise, but there is nothing. Huh, that's really unusual. In the next second, I hear the noise again, only this time on the other side of the small clearing where I have set up camp for today and tomorrow. It seems that whoever is out there is just playing with me now.

   I growl to warn them that I know that they are here, but I get no response. This is really sketchy and I'm pretty worried I could just die out here. Great, and I didn't even get to appologize to my parents or Jess.

   I hear the sound again, only this time it is directly behind me, and I can tell that it is closer than it was for the other two. I spin around as fast as I can and have to do a double take at what i see standing there in all of her beautiful, white, alpha glory. Jess.

   I whimper for two reasons. One, to let her know that i am submissive, and two, to let her know that I know who she is. She just keeps gazing on at me like she can see through my soul, and it is kind of freaky, but i don't dare try and cross her now. Not with all of the shit I just put her through, and the fact that she is an allmighty alpha female.

   She takes a seat at the far edge of the clearing and continues to watch me. I lay down and watch her too, but I do not make eye contact. I have no doubt that she will take that as an attack, and I don't think I will make it out of the next one alive.

   The only way I survived through the first fight with her was because she and her wolf were to preocupied with protecting her mate that they never saw my stupid cheap shot coming. But it seems that she is here to settle the score, and i don't blame her.

   She growls at me, and I know what she is demanding.


   I walk off to the side where I have my clothing stored that I managed to get before running away. I grab some shorts and walk a short distance into the woods. When I come back out, I see her also in human form, only she is facing the trees and looks to be concentrating on something. I decide not to inrude and sit down to start another fire.

   "You're a very hard man to find Chance." She states, still not turning to look at me.

   "Running was the only thing that seemed possible with what happened and all..." I trail off, I know she is capable of piecing everything together.

   "It might have seemed that way, but that was actually the stupidest thing you could have done. You have caused a lot of pain for many people, two of them being your own parents." She sighs, but continues to look into the trees. What out there is so damn important that she can't look at me?!

   "Look, I didn't mean to hurt anyone, and I'm sorry for what I did for you, you have no idea. But I need to be alone now, and you need to go home." I finish, and look at her to see if she will turn to acknowledge me now that I have given her a direct command.

   She doesn't, but continues talking. "I'm not going back quite yet, I need a little vacation. And who better to spend it with? Huh?" What is she getting at with these confusing sentences and shit.

   "What? Trouble in paradise?" I ask in a mocking tone. There has to be something I can say that will get her to turn around and look at me.

   "You could say that, but I'm not sure if this past week could be called paradise." Again with the calm soothing voice.

   "And why is that sweetheart?" I ask, trying to push her buttons.

   "I wasn't awake, so I can't remember what happened all last week." She states this glumly, then finally turns to look at me. I can see sadness in her eyes, along with something I'm not sure of.

   "Why? What happened after I left?" I ask quietly, not wanting to push it, but wanting to know if her mate did something to her.

   "I was put into a coma. Because my wolf went into shock." What?!

   "How?! How did that happen?!" I demand, getting up off of the ground so I can look her in the eyes.

   "Because of you."

   "No. No. No, no, no, no, no, noooo!!" I scream it to the heavens, I scream it to the trees, I scream to anyone who is willing to listen. How could I have caused this?


ok, so here ya go folks. I am sooo sorry it took soooo long, but things have been sooo busy in my life lately, and life doesnt like to take a break so that I can write for all of you, so i worked with what i got, and here is chpt 20!!!!! yay!!!! enjoy!!! :D

Idk when i am updating next, so please be patient!!!! :)




~Cali <3

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