Till Our Souls Wilt (Age Gap)

By GeneralizedBond

583K 15.7K 5.4K

BOOK 2 The way his breath fanned my cheeks, how big his hand felt around my wrists, how easy it would be to l... More

Till Our Souls Wilt
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 34

14.4K 376 164
By GeneralizedBond

Chapter 34

~Book 3 is out. "Silk Skin and Smoke" I'm sure it's not a huge surprise but Tilly and Augustus are the main characters (Jake is also in it). I don't like calling it a sequel because it's more of a spin off. I set a warning because it's definitely the darkest of the 3 books. It's aesthetic and prologue are out, chapter one is coming soon🖤~

Althea's POV

I kept my eyes closed, my body was drenched in sweat, my hair matted to my skull. The only thing I could do was pray to the moon goddess whenever the heat would come searing up my throat. Everything hurt, breathing was something I had to actively remind myself to do.

I felt Brais move the wet hair from my face as I whimpered in agony. His touch would cool the skin underneath it. My wolf was delirious, she just wanted touched. I could hear her whine linking onto Brais. I couldn't control her needs. Not only was it shameful but it was wrong.

'He's not Arlo' I'd remind her. But it felt like she wasn't even able to hear me over her screeching cry. Brais went to pull his hand from my face, but I reached for him. Opening my eyes, I pulled his hand to my neck, taking advantage of the cool touch he provided.

"Thea." Cain warned me. I didn't pay him any mind. I only stared into Brais' yellow orbs and cherished the cold feel of his hand wrapped around my throat.

My eyes fluttered shut when he moved his fingers up, behind my ear and into my damp hair. The cool friction of his hand had my heat sinking deeper into my core. I was lost in myself. It wasn't until a moan crept up my throat that I realized what I was doing.

My eyes opened in a flash, seeing the tentative way he stared at my parted lips. I pulled his hand away.

"I'm sorry." I breathed. Brais' nostrils were flared, as it took a different kind of pain for him to distance himself from me.

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't be touching you." He shook his head, tearing his eyes from me.

"More restraint than I thought you had." Cain chirped toward him.

"I've had enough of your mouth." Brais sneered. There was a tug at Cain's lips as he scooted further back onto my bed, laying his back against the wall and lifting my legs to his lap. Cain's touch was also icy on my skin. I went to pull them away but he wrapped his fingers around my ankle, keeping my legs glued to him.

"Cain stop." I panted, fisting the blanket beneath me. I had already crossed a line, it was obvious I was no longer in charge of what man cooled my heat. Cain was the last person I wanted bringing me relief.

"Don't be prideful, my touch is helping." He ignored my plea. Another wave of hot lava coursed through my veins. I buried my face into the pillow, muffling my cry. Cain slid his hand up my calve, I froze under his touch. My cry morphed to a moan as his hand reached my thigh.

'Stop, please stop.' I begged my wolf to take the pleasure away. My toes curled, I felt my slick arousal leaking over my thighs. Being turned on by Cain was worse than the pain of my heat. I tugged the hem of my shirt between my thighs and groaned into the pillow as the unbearable urge to grind against my palm invaded my mind.

"Let me help Thea. Please." Cain whispered, he sounded caught up in the lust as his hand moved higher. I was stone against this bed, I didn't mistake my tears for sweat. I was crying, from the losing battle in my head, from the obvious betrayal in craving this tainted touch.

"Please stop." I murmured into the pillow. I wasn't only talking to Cain, but myself as well.

"Enough Cain!" Brais raised his voice. I could feel Cain's hand stop just short from feeling the mess he had caused me. I clutched my ice, finally pulling my face from the wet fabric. Brais wanted to rip Cain's hands off of me, but he was scared to come close. Scared he himself might very well finish what Cain started.

Cain took his sweet time removing my legs from his lap, he made sure I'd remember his lasting cold hands. I didn't have room to be angry with him. I was too angry with myself.

As soon as the deep seeded arousal rooted itself in me, it wasn't going away. I was still in pain but I craved the full feeling inside me. I wanted Arlo deep in my belly, I wanted his hands roaming every inch of my bare skin, I wanted to feel him cool me down from the inside out. And my wolf was so desperate she was ready to settle on any man in this room. I had to leave. I had to get up and go. She was moments from pouncing on them, begging both of them to fuck me.

The fear gave me enough energy to sit up, not only sit up but stand. I felt my arousal dripping down my thighs, never have I been so wet with need. I have to go. I need to go. Both boys watched me with wide eyes as I wobbled on my unsteady legs.

"Y-You need to leave." I stammered. Cain stood from the bed, ready to reach for me. I quickly stepped away, my back hitting the door.

"Both of you. P-Please leave. Please." I begged them. Not once daring to look them in the eyes.

"Thea." Cain tried calming me down. He grabbed my ice, making his way to me. I turned my head and pressed myself to the hard wood of the door.

"Don't." I whimpered. He didn't listen. I felt his hand at my cheek, pulling me to look at him. A sob escaped my throat as I felt the warm liquid running down my thighs.

"Cain. She's losing control. You're not helping." Brais whispered.

"Let me help you." Cain breathed, I could feel his body heat radiating onto me. No! No! No!

I took the last of my strength to place my hands on Cain's chest, shoving him away from me. As he stumbled I took my chance, opening the cabin door, running out into the cold night air. I caught a glimpse of the trainers on guard, I even locked eyes with Ben but kept running. My bare feet dug into the cold dirt as I picked up speed.

"Thea!" I heard Ben shout after me. I was stupid. I was a crazed idiot for running. But I couldn't stop. If I stayed any longer I would have let Cain have me, I would have enjoyed Cain having me. The shame and guilt would have killed me. I'd rather someone take me by force.

I sprinted past familiar trees, they were a blur but I recognized my track. The cliffs. I could run to the cliffs and jump into that icy sea. It wouldn't be a far jump, and the hypothermic temperature of the water might just make me feel normal again.

Arlo would find me wherever I was. As soon as he landed his wolf could easily track my scent. As of now I just needed out of that cabin, I needed to cool down. My brain was mush, I wasn't absolutely positive the water would rid me of my heat completely, and if it didn't I'd be too weak to swim that strong current. I shook those doubts from my mind.

The speed I kept up was remarkable in my condition. I glanced up to the full blaring moon and cursed it with my thoughts. 

Never again would I look at the full moon the same.

I slowed when I made it to the cliff clearing. Walking a steady pace, I was ready to jump. I went to leap but an arm laced around my waist, throwing me to the grassy ground. I kicked and cried when I saw Brais hovering over me, pinning my arms to the earth.

"Don't be stupid Thea! You'll die down there!" He raged in my face. I silenced in the midst of his anger. Breathing heavily as his wolf snarled down at me.

"I can't go back there Brais." I whispered as the tears slipped from my eyes. His grip softened. He took a deep breath and nodded.

"Okay." He breathed. I stopped fighting him. Now noticing his weight laid over me. I tensed and shut my eyes as the blaze inside me grew.


"I know." He spoke in a soothing tone, but didn't make any move to release me. My hands clenched in tight fists as my insides pulsed. I opened my eyes but I didn't see an ounce of Brais present. His glowering wolf gazed down at me. The anger in his eyes turned dark as they resided on my lips.

"I'm sorry." His wolf whispered. It wasn't an apology for what he was doing, it was an apology for what he was about to do.

"No. Brais no. Stop!" I squirmed underneath him, the action only deepened the lust within him. He leaned into me, I turned when I felt his hot tongue on my neck. I whimpered as he kissed and nipped at my skin. I couldn't stop him even if I wanted to. It was too late for my sense. He made himself the cold sea as his hand released my wrist, wandering his palm down my torso, grabbing at the hem of my shirt and tugging it up.

"Brais." My plea was weak. My insides boiled in pain but my skin was cold as ice beneath him.

"I'm sorry." He breathed into the nape of my neck, kissing my skin as he palmed my bare breast. Even his wolf tried gracing me with his apology as he lost control to his urges.

I pushed against his chest but the ache in my bones had my muscles weak. My chest heaved as I fought off my cry.

"Please." I begged. This wasn't him. This is exactly what he warned me about. Brais could protect me from everyone but himself.

He pulled his face from my neck, I turned my head. I didn't want to see him like this.

'Thea.' A desperate whisper pulled my link, my heart raced. Euphoria tickled my insides with frost. Arlo.


Arlo's POV

"Wait for the steps!" Malcom hollered. I ignored him, prying open the door and taking the long leap to the tarmac. My mind was on one track. I had to sit on that plane as the sky darkened, as Theas heat grew more and more intense.

"Arlo the car!" He tried yelling after me. I didn't give a shit about the car. Once I hit the forest I'd be faster in form. I sprinted off the tarmac, through the parking lot straight for the tree line. I needed to shift now!

I felt everything Thea felt. Her heat, her pain, her lust, her fear. She was a mess, and she needed me. Once I shifted I was barreling at immense speed through the dense trees. I could feel her presence getting stronger. My link to her scent grew tight. I followed it toward the sea, picking up other wolves and their musky lust as well. My mate wasn't at camp. She was in these woods.

"Thea!" I tried screaming through our link. There was no answer. I was still too far away. Her wolf was too young to link this far. My paws barley touched the ground as I raced to her.

My wolf raged at the thought of her stuck here, vulnerable to her heat, in a camp full of young uncontrollable wolves. I shook the thought, it only distracted me from her scent. God she was so close, I could taste her on my tongue.

She wasn't alone. The scent of a male. A male perked in the heat of his lust. I pushed harder, ran faster, until I was met to an edged clearing.

There was no rational thought in my mind as I saw Thea pinned to the earth, her body just about bare against him. I shifted in an instant, pulling the man up by his throat. He was so utterly lost to his animal instincts as I blazed my scorched eyes into his.

"She. Is. Mine." I roared, clenching my fist around his neck, waiting for the satisfying crack of his trachea. He struggled against my hold, dangling like a pathetic child.

"Stop!" Theas voice rounded the edges of my anger. I turned to her as she stumbled to her feet, tugging her shirt down.

"Arlo." She looked pained to see me. It took me a moment to realize it wasn't the sight of me, it was the burning fire of her heat.

"Thea." I breathed, dropping the boy to his knees as I released his neck. I needed to soothe her pain. It was the first thing I should have done.

I raced to her unsteady form and took the weight off her bare feet, lifting my little mate from the earth. She bared the strength to wrap her small legs around my toro as she latched those tired arms around my neck, tangling them in my hair, ensuring she never let go.

It was her that brought her mouth down on mine, molding our bodies together like perfect pieces to a puzzle.

"My sweet girl." I exhaled all my love against her trembling lips. She was crying as she pulled me tight. But I didn't sense an ounce of sorrow in her.

"Don't cry." I whispered through our link, not once pulling my lips from her whimpering mouth. I knelt my knees to the cold earth as I tugged at the back of her neck, prying her mouth open with my own. I was lost to our surroundings as I tugged at the awful scented shirt she had on. It reeked of that boy. My rage came plowing back to my head. I pulled my tongue from hers and honed in on the unfamiliar wolf. I'm going to fucking kill him.

"No." Thea spoke up. I turned to her with my wolfs narrowed eyes. No?

"He's my friend." She breathed. The rage only deepened as I watched the boy catch his breath, waiting for his throat to heal.

"He is no friend sweetheart." I tried telling her softly, it came out more of a growl.

"I lost control. I'm sorry. I'd never hurt her. I'm sorry." He looked torn as he finally set his sight on Thea. As if he actually hated himself for what he almost did. It took an immense amount of strength to peel Thea from my arms. She whimpered at my loss of touch as I stood.

"Kill me Beta Henson. I deserve it." He avoided my eye contact as I made my way to him. Kill him? Why was he so willing to pay for his actions? The closer I got the more his features looked familiar. I knew what pack he was from, where his morals were. An act like this would have ruined his reputation with his pack for good.

"You're the Alvarez heir." I stated, noticing Mateos dark features in him. I've never met his father, the true Alpha of his pack. But he was an ally in the war, a supporter to peace.

"Get up." I told him. He didn't hesitate standing. I grabbed his shirt, pulling him close. He stumbled as his heart raced. He truly thought I'd kill him. I should have.

"Lay a hand on her again, I'll tear out your organs just to force them down your throat. Now go." I shoved him. He stumbled before throwing Thea a glance.

He turned and nodded in submission. A respectful gesture for an Alpha. I watched as he took off into the woods. I felt the presence of others. Listening from the distance.

"That goes for everyone." I whispered. Knowing the wind would carry my threat to them. I had made a name for myself as Deacon's Beta, and this was the first time I reveled in the fear it brought upon all those baby Alphas. I took a deep breath before turning to Thea. I didn't want my wolf in control tonight. She needed love, gentle love.

Her smile set my body aflame, I made sure I was slow as I laid her down in the grass. I wanted her now. She pulled the shirt from her body, leaving her bare to me. Her skin was glowing under the moons light, shimmering where her sweat had gathered.

"You have to cum inside." She breathed. I nodded and parted her thighs. Jake informed me of the conditions when he caught wind of Thea's surprise heat. I leaned down to her hot body, laying every inch of my skin on hers. She released a beautiful harmonious moan as her body cooled.

I kissed her lips softly, pulling away enough to watch her as I slid a hand between her thighs, wasting no time as I grabbed the length of my erection, lining it in place with her soaked silky folds. I watched her steadily as I pushed myself inside her. God she was so fucking warm. Her insides wrapped me like a hot blanket.

"Yes." She breathed to herself, never once letting her golden gaze stray from mine. Her mouth was open as she bent her knees, subtly begging me to push deeper. I obliged, sinking my length into her heated center.

"I love you." She panted, wrapping her thighs around me, locking my hips in place. I pulled out despite her locked thighs and thrusted gently back into her. Her slippery insides tightened.

"I love you too sweet girl." I whispered to her, watching her face morph into lust filled beauty as I repeated my gentle movements, bottoming out in her warm womb. She unlocked her thighs, trusting I wouldn't leave her intimate space. She spread like a flower, throwing her hands above her head to fist the grass as she panted wildly. I sat up on my knees, watching her pretty little pussy take my large size.

I held the crevice of her hip with one hand while the other slid down her stomach, keeping her still in the soft grass, ensuring she felt every inch of me inside her while I picked up my rhythmic pace.

She propped herself on her elbows, looking down at our joined bodies. I felt her tighten at the sight of us. Her core clenched me as her chest caved in her moans. She was cumming. Christ I could feel every part of her cumming on my cock.

Her heat had simmered with every thrust. I picked her up, forcing her onto my lap without ever pulling myself out of her.

"Oh god." She moaned, straddling my cock to the hilt. She didn't miss a beat as she rolled her hips, she had trouble finding her special spot herself. I adjusted my hips, helping her, knowing exactly where my little mate liked me. A smile tugged my lips as I watched her body glisten, her breasts were swollen, her dark nipples perky against the night chill.

I couldn't help myself, taking her nipple into my mouth while she fucked herself. I nipped and sucked at her sensitive breasts, feeling my hands down her back, to her ass, helping her tired body move on top of me. She had tugged an orgasm out of me without even knowing. I quickly grabbed her hips, forcing her down on me. I wanted to be as deep as possible.

She was caught by surprise at my sudden action, confused as to why I stopped her. It wasn't until she felt my warm cum shooting deep inside her little womb that she tilted her head back, moaning and panting at the feel of me filling her to the brim with my release.

She came purely from the feeling of my hot liquid settling inside her. I shivered as I felt her cervix contract, drawing my cum deeper. Fucking hell she felt so good. I didn't care if she had taken that tea. A part of me craved the idea of a piece of me growing inside her. Maybe it was selfish, but there was a moment that I hoped it was the case.

She sobered from her climax, bringing her face back to mine. A hazy smile graced her lips.

"I want to do that everyday for the rest of our lives." She breathed in the midst of her lethargic euphoria. I nodded and pulled her in for a kiss.

"I'll make that a promise." I whispered against her lips. She licked over the seam of my mouth,  I could feel her lust was building again, we weren't leaving this cliff till morning, I was going to cum in her over and over until she begged me for rest.

"You swear?" She asked as I opened my mouth for her. I nodded.

"Till our souls wilt."


Althea's POV

I woke to the feeling of him. Every piece of his naked form pressed into me. Events from last night assaulted my memory. Good and bad. It all felt like a fever dream.

"This bed is terrible." Arlo groaned. His low raspy morning voice brought butterfly's to my tummy. He was correct, this twin bed was terrible on its own, even worse when sharing it with an oversized man. I wrapped my arms around him, laying my head to his bare chest. I was just glad he was here.

"I missed you." I whispered. He held me tight but brought my face up to meet his. He made sure to gift me with a good morning kiss.

"I missed you much more my little Thea." His crystal blue eyes sparkled. I laid there, chin on his chest, staring at him, waiting to wake from this marvelous dream. He was finally here, and I never wanted him to leave.

He broke my stargaze to glance over to Brais' empty bed. I felt his body stiffen.

"So Alvarez is your bunk mate." He stated. I nodded and sat up, sensing the distaste in my shared room.

"He's been good to me Arlo. Very respectful." I assured him. I could see how difficult it was for him not to roll his eyes, especially after catching Brais doing what he was doing last night.

"I'm going to talk with Mateo today. See that you get a cabin to yourself." He finally tore his eyes from Brais' things. I shook my head.

"No you will not. I'm trying to fit in, prove to the others that I don't need special treatment. I can rough it." I explained. He sighed as his eyes ran down my naked body. I was so comfortable around him, I had almost forgotten how exposed I was. He traced his fingers over my thigh.

"You don't need to prove anything. You're a perfect princess that deserves her own space." His sultry tone brought a smile to my face. He had switched to playful Arlo so quickly.

"I'm no princess."

Arlo raised a brow, letting his mischievous hand wander between my thighs. I bit my tongue as I felt his fingers graze over my slit. I held myself together well and I leaned over him, putting my face close to his.

"I'm a queen." I whispered. He quickly tangled his hand into my hair, fisting my locks before sliding two of his very large fingers into my core. Both movements had my mouth open in lust filled surprise, his mouth mirrored my own but there was a twinge of amusement in his eye.

"But in the bedroom, you're my little princess." He growled seductively. He slid his fingers in deeper, my eyes shut tight as I fought the urge to spread my legs wider for him.

"Tell me I'm right Thea." He breathed, hooking those two fingers into the roof of my core. I gasped and lurched forward, nodding in agreement.

"Yes." I panted. He smiled, slowly pulling his fingers out of me. I whimpered at the loss of his touch. His fist tightened in my hair as he forced me to watch while he sucked my arousal from his fingers.

"I'm hungry." He whispered, finally releasing me, standing from the bed. My heart ached watching him so easily distance himself from me.

"They serve breakfast at eight." I spoke before turning. He was standing over me, eyeing my naked form.

"No princess. I'm hungry." He corrected softly. My eyes widened as he slowly dropped to his knees, tugging me to the edge of the bed by my ankles. He spread my thighs, laying me open like I was his meal.

Out of reflex I grabbed his shoulder as he quickly dipped his head low. Taking me into his warm wet mouth.

"Oh fuck." I moaned, digging my nails into his skin. His eyes became dark as he kissed my private place like he would my mouth. He was tasting me for his pleasure, not mine. I laid to my back, gripping my soft blanket in an attempt to keep quiet.

"Come on princess, I want the whole camp to here you." He spoke against me. I groaned but kept my lips sealed. This earned a growl out of him as he flipped me over, forcing me on my knees. He licked the seam of my core from behind, I shook and let my hair fall over my face as I laid my head to the bed, giving him access to all of me.

"Arlo." I breathed into the bedding as he lapped me up slowly. I was a wet mess, the feeling of finally having him here had my arousal dripping down my thighs. His growl vibrated my skin as he licked my thighs. I was still for him, I knew if I moved his wolf would want to punish me. His wolf loved hearing me cry from pleasure.

"Such a good girl Thea." He praised in a whisper. My tummy warmed at the comment. I spread my legs wider for him, no longer embarrassed of my excess arousal. It was for him, and only him.

I opened my eyes when I felt his loss of touch. He stood, bringing his groin to my exposed core. He laced a large hand in the crevice of my hip, ensuring I stayed put. I bucked slightly when he ran the bulb of his erection through my silky folds. Instead of pushing forward, he tugged me back onto his stiff manhood. Spreading my insides apart. That was when I screamed for him. I could hear the smile on his face through his own heavy breathing.

He tugged me up from under my arms, pulling my back to his chest with his cock nuzzled deep inside me. I shivered a whimper at the full size pushing against my belly. He groaned, closing his big arms around me, kissing my neck and holding me while he began to fuck me. I wiggled in his strong arms, stuck in place while I felt him fill me over and over again.

"Arlo." I cried from pure radiating pleasure. If it weren't for his hold, my knees wouldn't be able to hold me up. My orgasm was seconds from tumbling out of me.

"I promised you, everyday." He whispered into my ear. He squeezed me to him, burying himself as deep as he could. I braved myself for his hot seed. Still utterly shocked when his heated release filled every crevice within me. He coated my insides thoroughly, sending me into my own spiraling orgasm. He turned my face, capturing my moans with his mouth. I couldn't focus on my kiss while I climaxed around him. He slid a hand between my thighs, circling my sensitive clit. I trembled uncontrollably, making him smile into our kiss.

"I think I want children." He breathed, gliding a hand over my stomach. Normally the comment would have frightened me. But the feeling of his cum inside me set off some primal part of us. I only chuckled at his serious comment.

"How many?" I entertained him with a question. He slowly let me go, removing himself from me. His cum immediately ran down my legs. I tried pressing my thighs together to keep the mess inside me.

"Three." He finally responded, walking to the bathroom to start the shower. He came out to see my wide eyes.

"Three?" I repeated him. He leaned his naked body against the frame of the door.

"Two boys and a girl." He smiled. I finally relaxed my face when I saw he was being serious.

"Three uncomfortable pregnancies, three painful births..." I whispered to myself. He chuckled.

"Three little ones. Made of us." He finished. I breathed a sigh, it didn't sound as terrible when put that way.

"Kids are far off. I need my title before we even think about them." I reminded him. He nodded, tugging me into the bathroom.

"I know." He whispered, helping me into the shower. "The thought got me excited." He spoke genuinely. I smiled even though the thought of children invoked stress. I was happy he was sharing his thoughts and emotions.

"There's something I need to tell you before breakfast." I changed the subject. He soaped his hands, sliding them over my shoulders and down my waist, waiting for me to continue. My heart raced. But I had to tell him. I wanted our relationship pure, and full of trust.

So I informed him of my heat, I told him about my shameful thoughts, my urges, and how the memory brought bile to my throat. I spoke every truth I could, probably over sharing when I didn't need to. Although Cain helped me, he wanted my heat for himself. He used his kind gestures of control to get close, and it worked. At one point I wanted him inside me, I craved his face between my legs.

I'll live with that memory forever. But I refused to carry it as guilt, so I told Arlo everything, I even apologized when rage steamed from his ears. He was understanding when it came to me, more so than I thought. Then again I was in heat, I'm not sure what more I could have done...


"Please don't make a scene." I whispered as I held his hand. We were mere feet from the dining hall and I could still sense the rage on him. I sighed when he didn't respond.

The dining hall was full of bustling Alphas and trainers. But the room silenced tremendously when Arlo and I walked in together. Ben rose from his seat, making his way to us.

"Alpha Vidar, Beta Henson." He greeted cordially. Arlo stepped forward.

"You may be a trainer, but Thea is your top priority. I intend you start acting as such." I flinched at Arlos pinched tone. Ben nodded respectfully, looking a little ashamed. I didn't like Arlo's tone, but he wasn't wrong. I've almost completely forgot Ben was here, he has treated this summer like his personal vacation. And I was okay with that. But it would have been nice if Ben brought me ice instead of Cain last night...

Mateo greeted us, shaking Arlo's hand professionally. He seemed more relaxed around Arlo than he has around anyone here. I scanned the hall, looking for Brais. I knew he'd be beating himself to bits today. I didn't see him, but I saw someone else. As soon as I caught his gaze, Arlo halted his conversation with Mateo, side stepping him to make his way to Cain. Shit.

"Arlo stop." I linked him. He didn't listen. Cain set his food down, clearly aware of Arlo's directed rage. I wanted to close my eyes as all attention was on them.

"Good to see you Beta Henson." Cain smiled and quickly dodged Arlo's barreling fist.

"Fucking hell." Mateo muttered from beside me. I glanced back to see Cain try dodging Arlo a second time, but lacked the swift feet. Arlo had his throat in his hands. There was no high and mighty statement, instead be decked him square in the face, drawing blood immediately.

"You like touching what isn't yours?" Arlo seethed. There were hushed whispers, and glances thrown my way. My cheeks heated as I looked on.

"She's soft. I can't help it." Cain grinned, showing his bloody teeth. Arlo growled, this time directing a hit for his gut. The wind was knocked from his lungs. I couldn't help the small smile on my face. Cain did the same to me just weeks ago. I was a big girl, but at the moment I didn't mind watching Arlo fight my battle. It was... Sexy.

"That's enough Beta Henson." Mateo spoke up. Arlo ignored him, throwing Cain onto a table. The boys scrambled to their feet, not once looking away from the show. I sensed their intrigued demeanor. This was Arlo Henson, Deacon Vidar's right hand man, stating his dominance over one of their trainers. A story I'm sure they'll tell their families when they return home come fall.

"Resign as trainer." Arlo spat, his hand wrapped Cain's throat.

"Fuck you." Cain choked a reply. Mateo sighed as if it were just another day. He walked a slow pace to them, watching as Arlo slowly drained the color from Cain's face.

"I'm sending you home Caruso." Mateo finally spoke up. Arlo looked content with his statement, releasing Cain. The room was still dead silent.

"Go pack your things." Mateo told him. Cain looked utterly shocked as he glanced between the two men. There wasn't another word shared as he stormed out of the hall, his wolf surfacing through his anger.

"That is the first and last favor I'll give you." Mateo spoke toward Arlo. He nodded in agreement. Looks like I wasn't getting my own cabin.

Arlo held out his hand for me, beckoning me to come get a plate of breakfast. I avoided the harsh gazes as I moved my heavy feet. I was glad Cain was gone, but I could sense the privileged envy in the room. I was the spoiled little she wolf, the center of attention, the most hated object in the room.

"Stop." Arlo linked me, interrupting my self hate. I didn't look up at him as we filled our plates.

"I'm sorry." Arlo finally spoke up when most everyone was gone. I picked around my eggs, nibbling my toast.

"Don't be sorry. He deserved it. I just hate that I have to continue my isolation here. I'm sure Brais won't come near me again, and you'll be leaving soon..." I admitted. Arlo pulled the dismembered bread from my hands, setting it to my plate and shoving it away to get my full attention.

"You have 68 more days. I will come back for a weekend with your mother when that number is down to 44. And when that number hits zero,  I will be waiting impatiently for you at the airport." His tone was low and comforting.

He was right, they were just numbered days. It was good I built my independence, I needed to harden my heart when it came to what these wolves thought of me. That's not what mattered, my training mattered.

I spent the rest of the day under the sun, savoring every ray with Arlo. It was a clear day, the first of none. I liked to think it was my gift from the moon goddess. Or maybe my father. Either way my last day with my mate was filled with warmth.

"Day 44?" I asked as we stood on the tarmac. He nodded, tugging me close. His scent was solidified to my soul. I was addicted to this man. And no doubt come fall we would live together, start a life full with love. I craved to argue with him over dinner, just to make up with sex on the dining table.

"I'm counting the days." He whispered. I stood on my toes, waiting patiently while he ducked low to press a kiss to my lips. It wasn't long enough, it could never be long enough.

He held my hand for as long as he could while backing away. The burning lump
In my throat kept the tears at bay. I hated goodbyes.

"I love you!" He shouted over the roaring sound of the jet. I chuckled when I saw his boyish grin.

"I love you!" I shouted back. He turned several times before boarding, smiling at me and keeping his link tied with mine. I stayed glued to the dark pavement as the plane took off. Finally letting a tear slide down my cheek when I felt his link loosen. I exhaled heavily and wiped my tears. Day 44 and he'd be back.

"Vidar!" A familiar voice hollered. I turned to see Brais. He smiled softly.

"Thought you might want company on your run back."

I was glad he wasn't gone for good. And I was especially glad yesterday didn't ruin our friendship completely. I nodded and took off for the tree line, his devilish smile was yards away as I shifted. Summer will be tolerable with Brais as my friend. I'd soon be back with Arlo.

Until then I'd continue to count the days.

Thank you for reading!

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