I only love you

wannasuckmydick tarafından

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Third part to "loving you" and "learning to love you again" Daha Fazla

Main charecters


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wannasuckmydick tarafından

Onika pov:

The ref blew the last whistle of the game and I smiled seeing my baby made the team win.

But my smile soon turned to a frown when I realized beyonce still isn't back.

"Where's beyonce ?" I asked rick. "She still not back ??" he said looking around.

Before I could say something else he stood up. "Come on" he said nodding his head.

"Where we going ?" I asked "On a tressure hunt, where the hell you think we going ? To find beyonce slow ass" 

"You ain't gotta be smart bitch" I said standing up.

"Anastasia get blue and go with nana to meet poppa ok" I said "Ok mommy, where's mommy ?" she asked.

"We're going to look for her, now do what I said and do not let poppa go with him"  I said pointing to freddy.

"Ok mommy" she said nodded "Ok baby i'll be back" I said kissing her head before walking away with rick.

"So what you thi-" I cut myself off seeing rick cock a gun. "what the hell rick ?!" I whispered yelled.

This nigga just got this gun out in public.

"I had a gut feeling, i knew some shit was off" rick said sounding like he was talking more to himself.

"What do you mean ?" I asked. "I had a feeling" he said.

We looked around the whole area and we didn't find beyonce making me sick to my stomach.

"where is my baby ?" I whispered to myself.

Beyonce pov:

I opened my eyes looking around.

I was in a random bed, it was comfortable but it didn't feel safe.

I lifted up looking around and jumped seeing tina in the corner. "Calm down baby" she said smiling.

I didn't say nothing I just looked away. I noticed I was cuffed to the bed and my lip started to quiver.

I'm so tired of this.

"Oh no don't cry, i'll get you out of this" she said walking up to me.

"i wanna go home, please let me go home" I said lowly.

"You don't sound well honey. Are you sick ?" she said feeling my head and neck.

"You're burning up" she said scrunching her face. "i'm sick" I said sounding like hermit and putting my head in my hand for my headache.

"Aww well how about we get you some medicine" she said smiling and reaching her hand out.

I looked at it in slight fear then looked back up at her "i-i just wanna go to sl-" she cut me off slapping me and I whimpered.

I told myself I wouldn't let this happen again and I would fight back next time.. But I honestly don't have the energy.

I feel like shit. 

"You listen to everything I say and be obedient . Do you understand ?" she said sternly.

I huffed laying back down getting under the cover.

It was silent for a while then I was yanked down and fell on the floor hitting my head making my headache stronger.

"I said let's get some medicine now get up" she gritted kicking me in my side 

I sighed heavily getting up and looked at her tiredly.

"I hate you"

Onika pov:

"How the fuck is she gone ?!" I exclaimed.

"She left for snacks ! Fucking snacks ! Everything was going good it was a normal fucking day and now she's fucking gone !" I said pacing in the parking lot.

"I'm so tired of playing this damn game with tina" I said darkly.

"Onika just stop for a second" angela said and I took a deep breath looking over at her.

"I can't just stop for a second because my wife has been took by her crazy ass mother !" I nearly yelled.

"Yea and my grandaughter who calls me mommy and I treat like my own child has been took by the women that killed my son and my other grandaughter" she said walking up on me.

"do you see me screaming in the fucking parking lot and losing my mind ? no. because i know it won't do shit now you pull it together and let's go find beyonce" she scolded me lowly.

I nodded looking away from her "i lost my wife again" I whispered lowly.

"stop nicki" I heard rick say.

He turned me to him and looked me in my face "stop panicking because now is not the time" he said lowly.

"I'm not pani-"Yes you are. You're panicking in your own way and you need to stop, calm down and let's find beyonce" he said making me sigh.

"I-I can't got through this again. I don't want her to go through this again it's always a big bloody fight over MY wife. She's mine and everybody wanna fucking take her just to hurt her" I said tearing up.

"On-"No ! You don't know how this shit goes. I do !" I cut him off.

"If we don't hurry up tina is going to break her again. And-and it's so hard to build her back up it's hard to make her even ok... one time she was messed up so bad she didn't even want to kiss me. Saying I love you to her made her cry and she-.. I just don't want my baby to get broken again" 

He looked at me for a while then pulled me into a hug. "i don't want her to go through this either which is why we need to find her ok" he said and I nodded.

"ok" I said pulling back then sighed. 

"Ok, let's find my wife" I sniffed wiping my eyes then walked away.

"You're leaving you're kids !" I heard angela call out.

"that's right i'm a mother" I mumbled to myself turning back around and walking over to them.

"Hello my children" I smiled looking down at them.

"Hi mommy" anastasia said smiling and xion just looked at me along with blue.

"Well.. Let's go find your mommy" I said walking away again with them following.

Beyonce pov:

"Do you feel better sweetie ?" tina asked smiling at me.

"no" I mumbled "Speak up" she gritted.

"No" I said then rolled my eyes. Once again she slapped me this time harder then the other ones and my eyes watered.

"Stop hitting me" I said rubbing my cheek. 

"You need to get some respect" she said harshly. "You need to let me go" I gritted.

"You belong here. You are my daughter and you belong here with your family" she said.

I scoffed rolling my eyes "You're not my fucking family onika is my family you're just a crazy bitch that won't leave me alone"

"I am your mother. I carried you for nine months, I threw up every morning, I went through twenty four hours of labor with you beyonce. Twenty four ! One day of pain to have yo long neck ass" she said making me scrunch my face.

"And you act like i'm the worst person ever" she said.

"You made me want to kill myself. You pushed me to trying to kill myself" I said.

"I-"While I was pregnant !" I cut her off. "And heartbroken and confused and lost you took advantage of that and made me, your daughter that you went through a day of labor for try to take her life away like that day meant nothing to you" 

She looked at me for a while then looked away "Well that's in the past. And this is your present, now come" she said before walking away.

"Now beyonce !" I heard her say making me huff.

I followed her walking into a room full of men. My eyes went wide and I looked over at tina with begging eyes.

"tina" I whispered making her look over at me.

"Yes ?" she questioned.

"p-please d-on't let them touch m-e" I stuttered starting to shake a little.

"Relax baby" she said touching me and I flinched. "Beyonce.. what's wrong ?" she asked.

I looked over at her with teary eyes "i don't f-eel comfortable being in here" I whispered with a quivering lip.

"They're just fans baby" she said rubbing my arm.

"Fans ?" I asked sniffing. "Yes.. they're fans" she said and I sighed in relief.

"ok" I whispered. "Now go over there and introduce yourself" she said pushing me a little.

I chewed on my lip out of nervousness. "ok" I whispered to myself.

"Ok.. Ok" I said then nodded walking over there.

They all looked over and smiled "Heyy beyonce, we're big fans" they said licking their lips.

I looked over and tina was going around getting something from some of the men. "Umm, yea y-you're fans right ?" I asked.

"Yea, yea fans" another one said walking up to me.

"Ok.. Umm, you guys want a autograph or something ?"  I asked and he chuckled.

"Or something"

Onika pov:

"I don't have a good feeling. I wanna throw up" I said and anastasia looked over at me.

"What's wrong mommy ?" she asked.

"Mommy doesn't feel good because your other mommy is in trouble"  I said sighing.

"What's wrong with mommy ?"  xion asked sitting up.

"Somebody took her and now we have to find her and we need to be quick before she turns into baby mommy" I said.

"How are we going to find her ?" anastasia asked.

"I don't know how about you ask your friend she's she one that took her" I said looking over at her the back at the road.

I could feel her pouting making me sigh "I'm sorry fatmama i'm just really stressed out" I said.

"it's ok mommy" I heard her whisper.

I took a deep breath and tried to clear my head and think of places beyonce could be.

But I couldn't get over the fact that i'm doing this shit again.

I thought this was in the past. I thought all the shit was over.

She thought all this shit was over.

We finally got over all the trauma.. Well we didn't get over the trauma.

But we moved on and though. And we really thought it was over. 

We finally put our guard down and this is what's happens.

"i don't even know where to look" I sighed putting my face in my hand. "i don't know where to go" I mumbled.

I sighed heavily and wiped the tears forming in my eyes.

"Mommy are you ok ?" I heard xion ask.

"Huh ?" I said looking back. He had a deep frown and I sighed looking away from him.

"I'm fine poppa, I just umm I just miss your mommy" I said sighing.

"Where did mommy go ?" xion asked "We don't know xion ! That's what we're trying to figure out" I snapped.

I looked up in the mirror seeing him frowning and I sighed "I'm sorry, i'm really stressed out and I can't think right xion... Mommy's scared, ok ?"

"ok" he whispered.

"It's gonna be ok guys.. we-we're gonna  find mommy and she's gonna be ok.... they're not gonna break my baby again" I whispered the last part.

Beyonce pov:

"Come here" a man said grabbing me.

"no" I said yanking away. I walked away going back to the room tina had me in taking deep breaths along the way so I don't cry.

When I got in I took a deep breath closing the door.

"Hello" I heard making me jump looking over.

I seen a dark buff man on the bed with nothing but a towel on and my eyes widened. 

I looked around for a little then noticed I was in the wrong room.

I took a deep breath through my nose and gave him a fake smile "i'm sorry, i-i umm... t-this is the wrong room" I said quickly turning around running into the door.

"Wait hold on, why you in such a rush" I heard him say and looked over to see him getting up.

"I-I don't th-ink i'm s-supposed to b-be in h-ere" I said opening the door but he came up behind me closing it.

"so you tina daughter, huh ?" he asked lowly in my ear.

I shivered in disgust and tried to keep my tears in my eyes "n-no" i stuttered shaking my head.

"well you look just like her" he said then smelled me.

"I'm not supposed to be in here" I said moving away from him. 

"You said that already sweetness" he said smiling at me. "Is it ok if I call you that ?" he asked.

"No I-I don't like that name" I said shaking my head.

"Aww.. well that's too bad" he said walking up to me. I swallowed spit stepping back and he smiled.

"You seem nervous h-"I am nervous and i'm not s-supposed to be in here so i'm gonna go" I cut him off trying to walk out but he grabbed me.

"I don't like the way you talked to me" he said tightening his grip on my arms.

"T-That hurts" I whimpered with my lip starting to quiver.

He smirked taking me over to the bed "No p-please" I begged shaking my head.

He chuckled starting to forcefully take off my clothes "No ! S-Stop please !!" 

"MOVE !" I screamed pushing him. "shut up" he gritted not stopping.

I started crying kicking him then the door burst open "What are you doing jason !" I heard tina say and he jumped up.

I sighed in relief feeling my heart beat slow down but not much since I was still in this situation.

"Baby it's not what it looks like, she was all over me and I-"NO HE'S LYING ! HE WAS ABOUT TO RAPE ME" I screamed.

"I see that's a thing all my men like to do" tina said glaring at me.

I felt a sting in my heart and my eyes pooled with tears. "W-Well it's not like I w-ant i-it" I sobbed out.

"Oh please" she said walking up to me.

"Why was you in here in the first place ?" she asked walking up to me.

"I-I didn't want to be around th-the men in there and I tried to c-ome to the room b-but it was the wrong o-ne" I struggled out.

She chuckled darkly walking up to me and yanked me out the bed making me hit the floor hard. 

"stupid bitch" I heard her grit then she punched me in my mouth so hard it started to bleed.

"Owww" I cried holding my mouth.

I felt tired and knew my medicine was wearing off but I tried to fight it "Get up" she gritted yanking me up.

"i-i n-eed my medicine" I said looking at tina with a bleeding mouth.

She flared her nose throwing me to the floor then kicked me in the face making my nose bleed.

I cried out holding it "i-i didn't do n-nothing" I sobbed out right before I blacked out.

Baby bey pov:

My cries got louder and the mean lady picked me up. "I-I w-an bubba" I whimpered.

"I got a new bubba for you" she said taking me out the room.

I kept crying looking around for search for mommy or bubba. when I didn't see them I cried louder.

"shut up" the mean lady gritted slapping me.

I whimpered sucking on my hand for comfort then stopped quickly finding out that was painful.

I whimpered again looking around then I seen us walking up to tall men "dada" I whispered hoping one of them was him.

When they turned around I seen none of them was him making my eyes water "Aww don't cry" one of them said walking up to me.

"I can be your dada" another one said.

"Get back" the mean lady said said "You know the price I want for her, pay it or go home" she said.

One man handed her something then she tried to give me him.

"No" I whimpered trying to stay with her. "Let me go" she said dropping me and I hit the floor hard making me cry.

"It's ok little baby" a man said picking me up and he smiled at me "We're gonna take good care of you" he said rubbing my cheek and I flinched since it was sore.

"She's all yours"


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